Leicestershire Child Abuse 1 – Frank Beck -working document

[This post will not now be updated, as since it was written Janner has been charged.]

The Crown Prosecution Service decided not to prosecute Greville Janner on 16 April 2016. [129] With so many people looking for information,  I have taken the decision to release this working document in its imperfect state so that the information I and others have compiled so far, can be utilised.

Occasionally I still tidy up this document up to make a stand alone post but largely events have moved on. The decision to publish early was justified by the use the information received. As such events have overtaken my original intention to do the posts listed below, though many of them still need attention by someone.

I was previously going to release a series of articles along the lines of the following 1. Profile of a Paedophile – Frank JBeck, 1a. Profile of Paedophile – Ingram 2. Frank Beck Court Case 3, Frank Beck Court case Jenner 4. Newell Report 5. Warner Inquiry and Report 6. Kirkwood Inquiry and Report 7. Kirkwood – Leicestershire Council Response 8. Foster Report and Police 9 Overarching conclusions 10 Leicestershire child abuse -other paedophiles .

The machinations of all the parts of the Beck case are lengthy and difficult to understand at first. This information therefore should be useful to the other many researchers who wish to know more about the Beck case and child abuse in Leicestershire.

Please bear in mind it was/is a work in progress, some sections finished, some in progress, some not started and read it and use it on that basis. I have not been able to update this article as much as I want or is needed, but the timeline is most advanced, as the text follows from the timeline, and the timeline has had the Kirkwood Report and Mark D’Arcy and Paul Goslings book added. Much of the recent revelations will not be added unless they refer to facts on historical happenings.  The Father Ingram paedophile profile will follow soon as I was developing that separately anyway.

Probably the biggest point to take away is that Frank Beck was far from the lone paedophile he was made out to be, especially by the Kirkwood Report. Child abuse was rife in childrens homes in Leicestershire .

[How Janner fits into this obviously needs to be researched or told by the abused.][Is anyone experienced in Open Source/wiki investigations? Please email me at cathyfox@bigfoot.com or leave link in comments and explain how they work. Someone has said they are setting one up on Trello if anyone is interested]

Thanks to those who have already appreciated the posting of a work in progress and also those who have added more information to the article, linking abuse  to North Wales, Suffolk and other places.

Key Sources 

Mention must be made at this stage of the essential, but hard to get book from 1998 Abuse of trust by Mark D’Arcy and Paul Gosling [16]. It is unsung heroes like these that lead to a better understanding of what actually happened. Much of this article is from that book, though at this stage I have no doubt missed out many references due to them. Hopefully an e book should be available soon.

The Kirkwood Report [4] of some 360 pages was first published 8th Feb 1993 and was digitally released last year, thanks to Leicester County Council. It can be downloaded on the link above or via my post on the Kirkwood Report [5] where there is also a useful digest written by Robert Shaw from Childwebmag. Daedulus who works and updates the amazingly useful searchable Brain for Operation Greenlight [114] has also set up a searchable Kirkwood Report [113] To search just download and then use “find” option.

Barrie Newell Reports.  Barrie Newell was commissioned in Spring 1991 to carry out an internal report. This was recently published [52]  along with second Newell Report

Ian Pace blog and Spotlight on Abuse blog  Press Reports – There is an invaluable archive of the text of  many, many Press articles from Frank Becks trial on Ian Paces Blog under a search term frank+beck+trial and especially the post from July 2014 July, The Frank Beck Trial [57] . There are also a fair number of actual Press cuttings on Muruns Spotlight on Abuse site [112] .

Operation Greenlight and the Brain Operation Greenlight  available here [121] lists many childrens homes and newspaper articles by area. Operation Greenlight Brain creates links between people, places reports, newspaper articles on Greenlight and Spotlight on Abuse, for example Frank Beck link  [122] Hopefully that link should take you straight on to it, but you may have to start at the page [121].

The Frank Beck Case

Frank Beck, a social worker for Leicestershire County Council is perhaps the most notorious of Leicestershires paedophiles. However he was admired by many at Leicestershire County Council for producing good results with the most difficult children.

He had developed his developed his own composite method of dealing with children based on regression therapy which he had encountered in his training, reading books such as Love is not Enough by Bruno Bettelheim and from watching a Canadian film from the late 1950s, early 60s called Warrendale [9.16][9.17].

Beck used a distorted form of regression therapy, deliberately provoking children to get them to lose control and release their feelings. Then they were held down and restrained until they gave in. Children were literally battered into submission. A towel tightened round their neck until the breathing was cut off. Regression “therapy” was an ideal cover – it used overwhelming force to torture and rape children, whilst being said to produce good results with children.

Watching this 5 min extract from the film Warrendale gives some idea what the regime may have been  like and how Beck could adapt it to sexually abuse.

[updated 2022 Dec 24 degoogled]


Odysee Inside Warrendale clip  [101c] Review and clip [102]

It was used as a training aid in Leicestershire and regularly shown by Beck and showed, fly on the wall style documentary of 7 weeks in small residential care home, showing how they dealt with troubled youngsters.

Barbara Docker Drysdale was one of the leading exponents of therapeutic care and regression and reading the Chapters on Regression, and Management of Violence, in her book Therapy and Consultation in Care [111], it is easy to see how these ideas, in the wrong hands could be, even unintentionally at first, and then deliberately be twisted to abuse the children whilst maintaining a superficial veneer of theory to baffle the even less qualified and experienced.

Frank Beck’s trial in 1991 for child sexual abuse offences in Leicestershire children’s homes was a breakthrough in national consciousness – when the public and the authorities, for one of the first times had to suspend their disbelief about whether sexual abuse even happened at all.

Child Sexual Abuse did happen, the evidence was ample, in this case the main perpetrator was Frank Beck and he had links to a serving MP which ensured the national newspapers interest over the 11 weeks of the trial. Beck was sentenced to five life terms for sexual assaults against more than 100 children.

There had been sexual abuse cases in the public domain before – 1987 Cleveland, 1991 Orkney but both were presented in the media as controversial. Staffordshire Pindown was seen as physical and emotional abuse. Perhaps the Beck case stuck in the publics mind  because of the lengthy 11 week trial, the high profile link to an MP, or the prolific offending – over 200 victims suspected. Perhaps it was the subsequent Kirkwood Inquiry and Kirkwood Report, the separate Warner Report, the Foster report on Police conduct, and then years of civil cases against Leicestershire County Council playing the puppet to the insurance company, ending in the High Court in 1996.

In 2001, ten years after the trial, the Independent pointed out that before the conviction of Beck,  few police officers even believed that such widespread and systematic abuse was possible [26]. The appalling abuse committed by Frank Beck, was what alerted police officers to the possibility that a national scandal had gone undetected.

Surveying the Police, the Independent identified 67 separate investigations at 32 of the 44 forces in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, where inquiries were either continuing or had recently been completed. Most of these  investigations were into abuse that happened at children’s homes or schools – places that were meant to be for the care and protection of the children.

Much of the publicity about sexual abuse in Leicester Children’s Homes was about Frank Beck.  Beck was convicted of 17 charges of sexual and physical abuse including rape, buggery, indecent assault and assault and he received 5 life sentences.

There was systematic sexual abuse and terrifying violence – all accompanied by an almost unbelievable catalogue of negligence and failure by some managers and officers [16]. Beck used a distorted form of regression therapy and deliberately provoking children to get them to lose control and release their feelings. Then they were held down and restrained until they gave in. Children were literally battered into submission. A towel tightened round their neck until the breathing was cut off. Regression “therapy” was an ideal cover – it used overwhelming force to torture and even rape of children, whilst being said to produce good results with children.

The true story of child abuse in Leicestershire was far bigger than Frank Beck. Frank Beck was one of the ringleaders – but who else was in the network?

Beck was suspended and then resigned from Leicestershire County Council on Mar 5 1986, due to allegations from two junior social workers of sexual assault on them by Beck. However, despite the widespread nature of his offending, the police inquiry that led to his arrest and trial did not start until 3 years later, in 1989. That ultimately led to his trial two years later in September 1991  some 5 years after his suspension and resignation.

By then he had worked for at least 2 other local authorities as a social worker, despite not having the DHSS [equiv] listing

Newell Reports

Commissioned by the Leics Social Services Department as internal reports to find out what had happened. There are two reports one dated Sept 1990 and one dated Dec 1990 – both released last year in response to FOI request [52]

Barrie Newell was Director of Social Services at next door Nottinghamshire (where historically it is now known there was child abuse in every home.)

Their Terms of Reference were:-

Newell Report 1 To investigate and produce a report on

a) The actions taken by the social services Department in relation to the conduct of Mr Frank Beck as an employee – in the light of information available to the Department at that time

b) The management processes in place at that time and since and whether they can be improves

Newell Report 2 “To investigate the work of Leicestershire Social Services Department between 1973 and 1986 in respect of F. Beck and other members of staff who are alleged to have committed offences concerning children in care. To produce a report with recommendations as to how the Departments work can be improved to avoid the possibility of similar difficulties arising in the future”

According to Dan Martin for the local paper [53] after the documents recent release, Mr Newell’s reports criticise senior officers for not suspending Beck, a Liberal Blaby District councillor, when he was charged with assault in 1982. He also also condemned the council for approving Beck as a foster parent despite what he called the “aggregation of complaints” against him. Newell also found it was “quite unacceptable” that after Beck quit the council in 1986 following a sexual assault allegation, officers subsequently provided references to help him get social care work. The reports say there were 12 recorded ‘incidents’ at The Beeches home in Leicester Forest East, which Beck ran, between January 1982 and December 1985. Mr Newell found the incidents were pursued “promptly and in detail”, but he said it was extraordinary that nothing actually happened, other than Beck being written to occasionally. He wrote: “It was possible that those in immediate line management ‘sat on’ what they knew. “It is possible that they passed on information and concerns and the inactivity was a conscious decision by their senior managers.” He added: “Whatever was the situation between 1982 and 1985, the evidence was overwhelming for ‘something to be done’.” He said incidents such as those persuaded the director that Beck had “friends in high places”.

At the time the content of these reports was not public knowledge, as far as I know.

[Informed summaries are needed of these reports set in context with contemporary events and a copy of contemporary press report – Mail on Sunday Sept 9 1991 Newell report.]

Social Services Inspectorate

On Becks arrest, government inspectors conducted an inquiry in all Leicestershires childrens homes to establish the extent of further abuse by care workers.  Two were accused of alleged sexual abuse, one left on accusation and one was sacked in 1989. His references were not in order and he had been accused at his previous place of work.

[Reference and copy of report needed]

Police Complaints, Inquiries and Frank Beck

1976 Complaint to Police [12.29]

1977 [13.3]

1977 The police having completed their investigation, the papers were sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions and a decision was made not to prosecute Mr Beck or Mr Jaynes. [13.11]

[more] List 1986, 1989?

1990 May Beck, Jeynes, Fiddaman and Lincoln arrested  [1.7]

Daily Mail [138] Lord Janner was still director of his firm THREE WEEKS ago, it emerges as damning dossier alleges police chief allowed peer to molest young boys [138]

The Beck Trial 

Becks trial started on 16th September 1991. There is an invaluable archive of the text of  many, many Press articles from the trial on Ian Paces Blog under a search term frank+beck+trial and especially the post from July 2014 July, The Frank Beck Trial [57] . There are also a fair number of  actual Press cuttings on Spotlight on Abuse  site [112], some of which appear through this article.

The trial lasted 11 weeks. Jowitt was trial judge, need solicitors names, charges, etc

[Need meat of trial from understanding of all Ian Pace and Spotlight press cuttings]

tried to tell

Beck  boasted of his being asked to join MI6.

Beck MI6swt241091

Immediately following the end of the trial of Frank Beck and Peter Jaynes in Nov 1991 the Secretary of State for Health, William Waldegrave announced the establishment of two Inquiries – the Warner Inquiry which examined national selection and appointment of staff in children’s homes and the Kirkwood Inquiry into Frank Beck and child sexual abuse in some of Leicestershire Children’s Home.

Janner in Beck Trial

Frank Beck also had claimed that MP Greville Janner had abused a 15 year old boy which had been covered up by Police.

Jay Rayner was then a young reporter for the Independent on Sunday, and his recent article about the trial and establishment closing ranks is well worth a read  [120]

Here are some articles from the time, more available from Spotlight on Abuse newspaper archive on this link [112] 

beck jenner g051191A victim also testified to that effect in court stating that he had been buggered during a  2 years relationship with Janner when he was age 13 to 15.

SWT141191It would appear that another victim wanted to name a VIP but was not allowed

SWT101091There was evidence produced that Janner wrote to the boy.




Beck got 5 life sentences [1.8] one for each life sentence and one for rape. Was this in line with sentencing guidelines?


MPs reception of Janner in House of Commons after Trial

After Beck’s trial had finished, Janner returned to the House of Commons to declare his innocence and received a standing ovation from MPs.

And what proof did Janner have to convince other MPs of his innocence? Well, apparently he had received a letter from a convicted criminal, a cellmate of Frank Beck, which  said Beck intended to ‘frame’ Janner.

The letter was never produced as evidence by Janner, his word alone was good enough for MPs to believe the allegations against him were false. And none of them seemed to think it strange that a prisoner would grass on a cellmate to protect the reputation of an MP. [139]

The Hansard personal statement by Janner when he speaks to Parliament after the Beck trial [141]  temporary link  chk [127]

Andrew Faulds Archive of literature handed round in Leicester about Janner has not been used in this article yet, but it is valuable, again via Ian Pace  [117]

This Private Eye article was about the archive. Though Private Eye, perhaps through intelligence contacts thought it controversial, anti semitic and fascist. However it was trying to tell about Janner what most people thought too fantastical. An MP a paedophile -never!


Warner Inquiry

The Warner Inquiry was a National Inquiry and the subsequent report was first published in December 1992 entitled “Choosing with Care” is more commonly known as the Warner Report. It was a pivotal report in childcare that changed childcare yet one which is still not freely digitally available even despite a FOI request to the Department of Health [6] and a FOI request to the Department of Education [7]. Shame on them. All reports should be released digitally free of charge if the Government is serious about preventing child abuse.

This is a link to a brief summary and compliance with Warner Report by Cumbria download [142]

The Kirkwood Inquiry 

This Inquiry was set up using powers in S81 of Children Act 1989, S 250 of Local Government Act 1972 and was a local inquiry to inquire and report on:-

1. The management response to complaints or other prima facie evidence of abuse, malpractice or other related matters in Leicestershires’ children’s homes between 1973 and 1986

2. Any other relevant management and personnel management matters during that period or subsequently.

Andrew Kirkwood was chosen chair [need bio]

Anna Pauffley (presumably of recent Hampstead ritual abuse case fame) was counsel to the Kirkwood inquiry [1.56]

Brian Dodds Solicitor for complainants

The Inquiry opened on 22nd  January 1992, although began to take evidence on 12th February. It was decided to hold the bulk of the evidence in private but to produce a report that could be fully published.

SWT160592[needs link to enlarge]

Inquiry hints at abuse ring, though Kirkwood was at pains to point out during the inquiry that this was not his opinion!


The Kirkwood Report [4] of some 360 pages was first published 8th Feb 1993 and was digitally released last year, thanks to Leicester County Council. It can be downloaded on the link above or via my post on the Kirkwood Report [5] where there is also a useful digest written by Children Web Mag [15]. Daedulus who works and updates the amazingly useful searchable Brain for Operation Greenlight [114] has also set up a searchable Kirkwood Report [113] To search just download and then use “find” option.

The Kirkwood Inquiry cost at least a million pounds but it ducked out of any proper public explanation. The terms of reference were narrow. The timescale was limited to Becks time with the Council even though the abuse was not limited to Beck.

There was stinging criticism of Brian Rice, Director who was judged grossly negligent. Dorothy Edwards had unwarranted faith in his methods, John Noblett a poor and unenthusiastic investigator of Beck; Peter Naylor had poor leadership; John Cobb was out of his depth.

There was little effort to investigate any links between paedophiles nor links between Beck and the Police or Freemasons, even though the Inquiry heard the following quotes [pg167]

“He would regularly boast that he had influence at high levels and could control staffs jobs”

“No one is going to get me, I have the police in my pocket.”

“He used to go Hendon College to actually train the Police cadets on dealing with children..”

“I have got lots of people high up in my pocket, I have got things on them”

“All staff were intimidated by Mr Beck: Senior staff were ineffectual against him”


Freemasonry had been suspected by individuals and the Labour party to be an influence in the Conservative party and the Council. These thoughts were aired openly in the 1989 election.  Whilst the report addresses Freemasonry briefly [3.2], Kirkwood maintains that this is only of conceivable relevance to the inquiry if  “Beck and the Management Officers responsible for him were themselves Freemasons”.

Mr Rice, Director of the Social Services who was castigated by the report, became freemason in 1978 Gloucester, Leicester 1984 – March 1989 , joined Cheltenham. Mr. Nelson Senior Assistant Director had also been a freemason.

It is not known whether Mr Kirkwood was a Freemason but his assertion about the only circumstances where Masonry could be relevant to the Inquiry are naive, unintentionally incorrect or deliberately false.

There are many other circumstances where Freemasonry could be relevant. One or more Freemasons could have been involved in paedophilia to Becks knowledge. Beck could have been blackmailing Freemasons, Police, Judiciary or high Council Officials involved in paedophilia. Beck could have had photographic or video evidence of child abuse perpetrated by others. Beck could have been known by the secret services to be a paedophile but was an informant.

Why did Mr Kirkwood seemingly generously minimise Freemason involvement?

Beck and Paedophile Network according to Kirkwood

Similarly the existence of a paedophile ring was given short shrift by Kirkwoods Report on page 295 with the conclusion “that the evidence does not tend to support a paedophile ring theory”. Yet he does not provide any evidence to back this up statement.

Despite this, Mr Kirkwood said he was on the alert for evidence of association however loose or informal for the purpose of introducing children to each other and noted there was an alarmingly high number of child sexual abusers in Leicestershire’s children homes.

However he stated that the only links were

1) Mr. Beck and Mr Jaynes worked together at Ratcliffe Rd,

2) Mr Beck was one of 3 people who interviewed Mr. Scott, but that he applied for the post via an advert and subsequent contact between them was minimal and Mr Davies

3) Mr Bloxham and Mr Hunt all worked at Woodlands at some time but Mr Bloxhams offences were carried out later at Camden Rd.

Mr Kirkwood appears to concern himself only with contacts at work, perhaps with the Councils responsibility for the contacts, as they were his paymaster.

It is widely known now how devious paedophiles are at long term grooming, and it is very doubtful if the council had found all the paedophiles in their organisation, and even more doubtful whether they had no contacts with other paedophiles.

In fact even the Kirkwood report mentions many other paedophiles who had links to the Council and many with links to Beck. See later section on Becks Paedophile Network

Kirkwoods  own evidence of paedophiles in the Council that he ignored

Whilst Beck tended to get all the publicity, Beck was not the only man on trial. His younger Deputy Peter Jaynes was also tried and jailed for 3 years for indecent assault and 3 other assaults. Colin Fiddaman who was later revealed as a serial child abuser and committed suicide in Amsterdam in 1991 before the trial [4][16]. George Lincoln, was also tried, but found not guilty of 1 serious sexual offence and received a conditional discharge for assault against a child.

The sexual assaults at Leicestershire Children’s Homes in the 1970s and 1980s however were not just confined to this trial. The following people had already committed offences whilst working for Leicester Council.

Mr Davies. Residential Care Officer at Woodlands Observation and Assessment Centre. In 1980 after an allegation of sexual interference with a child he was arrested and resigned. He confessed to 5 offences, all with with boys at Woodlands, aged 13, 14 , 15, three of the offences were at Woodlands and two offences at his home. He received 12 month imprisonment but afterwards was re-employed by the council looking after the elderly .

Mr Bloxham. Deputy Officer in charge of Camden Rd Childrens home. Arrested in April 1981 and admitted offences against 5 girls, took his own life. No investigation.

Mr Scott. 1985/6 July Arrested, charged with sexual offences at Rosehill. Confessed to buggery and indecency with 2 boys, masturbation with 3rd. Also video 28th Feb 1986 [pg281] 37.18. 28th feb 1986 Mr Scott sentenced to 8 years, 1 March 1986 in press , 5th and 6th March Leic mercury showed suspension and ?

Mr Dixon. Ratcliffe Road. Found by children, masturbating to a video in the Childrens Home, redeployed to different childrens home [46.1]

Mr Hunt, a part time voluntary worker at Woodlands Remand Centre. 3 offences of indecent assault of teenage boys.

Unnamed Deputy Officer, Sileby Childrens Homes was put on probation by the Court for indecency against 13 year old boy, not in care and outside of work. Officer resigned

Why did Mr Kirkwood make clear so early on in the Inquiry (April) that he thought there was no Paedophile network? Is this what he was there to do? Why did he ignore all the evidence of paedophiles in the Council  that he KNEW about to come to the conclusion on no evidence that there was not a paedophile network?

Kirkwood on Council Actions

The County Councils Solicitors advice went missing en route to Nelson  [16 p116], therefore Nelson who was to implement the policy thought council could not interview children or invite police whereas the advice was that there did appear to be a prima facie case and that paperwork should be handed over and police offered social workers to assist with interviewing the children in care.

What actually happened was that Nelson thought that Beck had been got rid of because of the adults complaining and that if the children did not back up the adults then Beck might be allowed back. So Nelson actually did not tell the police about the children, just the adults – the opposite of the legal advice.

The police were not interested in prosecuting if there were going to be evidential problems. Barrie Newell was commissioned in Spring 1991 to carry out a report. This was recently published [52] [53] along with second Newell Report

Police had to rely on a pocket money book to even tell who was at the home, the council records were so poor, or been disposed of!

A number of teachers employed by Leicestershire County Council were convicted during this period of sexual abuse of children, which included several music teachers, one of which had boasted of his connections and close friendship with Beck. D’Arcy reports in his book that some local teachers alleged abusers made a conscious effort to be trained and employed as music teachers due to the after hours contact opportunities it gave them. Ian Pace blog is the foremost authority I know of, on music teachers and sexual abuse [57]

In 1988 a survey of children in Leicester County Council  schools found that sexual abuse of girls was prevalent in schools and teenage girls were pressured into sex with male teachers. No attempt was made by LCC either before Beck case or after to link all the cases of care workers to see whether it was just a coincidence that so many people often with social links had turned up in Leicestershire committing so many similar offences in a short period of time. [p189] Kirkwood only skimmed the surface and that inquiry was hampered by so many files disapppeared from County Hall and childrens homes.  More information was available via the NSPCC help lines, which were never passed to the Council or the police, due to confidentiality.  One example is that former children in care said that they had been taken to Becks home and been introduced to other abusers who took them away for evenings and even to Leicester hotels for overnight stays.

D’Acry and gosling criticised many aspects of the Report. Kirkwoods sheer weight of detail, may blind its readers to its overall lack of perspective [p217] [p218] Kirkwood criticised that the remit was too narrow and about damage limitation for the Council [p218] The Kirkwood concentrated on Beck to the exclusion of other serious abusers like Fiddaman. Kirkwood was gentle over the role of visiting psychiatrists at Becks homes who might have been expected to take a greater interest in supposed psychotherapy treatments used there.  He failed to examine the links between numerous abusers. Pressure from insurers led to many reports being kept confidential. Bill Upall solicitor for many complainants called for  a Royal Commission to overhaul entire child care and child protection system [218]

Dr Lewis the psyschiatrist whose actions partly led to Becks abuse ending


In Clwyd victims were found to be 19 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population. []

At least 200 children were abused by Beck and Fiddaman.  4 went on to commit murders. One went to Ashworth special hospital, another committed exactly the same abuse on his victim that was committed on him. Others went on to become rapists and serial arsonists, one inflicted a razor attack on a Birmingham nurse. One ran away from the Beeches to become a prostituted child and was a rent boy in the West End. []

Darren Bradshaw ran away from the Beeches, stole a car and died when it crashed.

Dale Elkington died of an AIDS related disease.

Andy Biggins died whilst sniffing glue on Braunstone Park.

Simon O’Donnells 13 year old body was found hanging from a light fitting at a GEC sports club, Whetstone on 4th October 1977. He had been admitted to Ratcliffe Rd as no place could be found in a psychiatric unit. Beck gave evidence at his inquest about the regression therapy he was forced to undergo. A 5,000 word report was presented to Councillors by Dorothy Edwards three weeks after his death, defending regression therapy. Some people in care with him believe the method of death with a towel round his neck was similar to one of Becks restraining and provocation attacks, gone wrong. Mike Lindsay childrens rights officer for Leicestershire, some years later, believed the O’Donnell case should be re-opened. Peter Bastin said he saw Beck and Fiddaman taking out something in a blanket. He did not believe Simon who was afraid of the dark would break into a building at night to commit suicide. [Perhaps this death should be reexamined now with a view to murder not suicide]

Peter Bastin and his sister were sexually abused by their stepfather Fred Quin. His mother was a prostitute. He was placed in Council care at Westcotes Leicestershire. Aged 14 he indecently assaulted a 1o year old boy, and was referred to Beck at the Poplars in Market Harborough. Bastin spoke at High Court in 1998 of his abuse by particularly by Fiddaman as well as  Beck. He told of the methods of restraint of belts and towels round his, which he eventually found sexually exciting.

When just 18,  he himself murdered 10 year old Aslam Ibrahim. Bastin fastened a towel round the boys neck whilst he raped him. This was a direct echo of the techniques used previously on himself. Thinking the boy was already dead Bastin put him in a suitcase which asphyxiated him. Detective Sergeant Alan Wilson was one of the investigating officers. Bastin was sentenced to life for the murder in March 1979. Bastin put forward no explanation or mitigation,would not properly brief his solicitor  and for years he would only speak to Beck. It later came out that he believed he should have pleaded guilty to manslaughter on grounds of diminished responsibility.

Barry Samuels became a big man in the criminal world of Leicesters hardest inner city area Highfields [p202] . Samuels had been abused by Beck in care at Ratcliffe Rd. He went on to beat up his wife and then hit his baby son, who later died. He was charged with the murder of his son, disclosed to police about his own abuse but refused to make a formal statement to police, as it would have humiliated him. He hanged himself in prison before trial.


Misc – delete or insert

Market Harborough – centre for paedophiles [lost ref]

Levy believes Warner report should be implemented [p214]

One of the repeated problems pointed to by Utting in his 1997 Report – People Like Us was that recommendations of previous reports and legislation designed to put right previously recognised problems were often not implemented. He also found that the criminal justice system persistently let down victims of abuse such as children and disabled people.[]

Beck was at the centre of a paedophile ring which involved pornography and snuff films [55] by Webster notorious for his debunk at all cost eg Bryn Estyn Secret . Intelligence services ?

Becks name was not entered into the DHSS consultancy list and then Beck was given a reference as no charges had been brought.

Becks other supporter was Bernard Greaves, a Liberal on the National Executive for a while. He was an active gay right supporter and it was him who warned Cyril Smith, the then Liberal Chief Whip of Jeremy Thorpes private life and the risk to the Party. Greaves worked to keep the parties name out of the papers. (pg 155)

The masonic Brian Rice, Director was roundly criticised by the Kirkwood report not only for his giving of  references that made no mention of the real reasons for Becks resignation, but also in the lack of action taken by Rice in complaints directly to himself and in the management of his department leadership was poor

Rice did not include Beck on uni persons DHSS list or investigated further  Culpable

reference grossly negligent, inexcusable

Brian Rice was appointed in 1980 as Director


Five other heads or deputies had been charged or convicted of sexual abuse back to 1976, yet the Kirkwood report dismissed any possible network. From what we know today, this conclusion would have to be considered dubious.

The childrens homes involved with Beck were Ratcliffe Road, Leicester; The Poplars, Market Harborough; The Beeches, Leicester Forest East;

Other homes at the time were Rosehill, Market Harborough  Polebrook House, The Woodlands, The Holt, Netherall Road, Dunblane Avenue, Westcotes Drive, Glen Parva

Linda Jackson, Mervyn Tunbridge and Grania Langdon-Down, ‘COMBINATION OF BLUNDERS ALLOWED SEX ABUSER’S REIGN OF TERROR’

Leicestershire County Council chief executive David Prince said: “We owe it to the children now in our care, to future generations of children and to the public at large to ensure that every possible action is taken to prevent a repetition of these events. “The county council has already been pursuing a number of initiatives and any further action necessary will be taken.” [125] Press Association
February 8th, 1993

Leicestershire Councils other Sexual Abusers and Becks Network

In addition to the large list of paedophiles the council knew about there were more-

Council network of ChildAbusers- Kirkwood ignored the evidence that Beck knew many.

John Moseling, convicted in 2001 of offences against minors committed in 1976 at the Ivydale children’s home. It looks from the Kirkwood Report as if Moseling transferred to the Ivydale in 1973 from the Poplars in Leicester, where he was Frank Beck’s predecessor. He had been appointed by Leicester CC in 1972. Kirkwood states that Moseling’s experience prior to Leicester had been in an ILEA “maladjusted” school. [Anyone with info in what that previous school was and who his contacts there were, please contact  cathyfox@bigfoot.com and I will pass the information on.]

Rod Ryall Director of Social Services at Calderdale Social Services was convicted of sexual abuse of boys in 1989. In Becks letters were copies of 2 letters to Ryall commiserating with the level of his sentence. Not mentioned by Kirkwood, in [16 p 177].

Colin Fiddaman was already friend of Becks [16 p178], they had met in Northampton. His abuse of children in Leicestershires care was second only to Beck and Beck personally recruited him as a 22 year old to the Ratcliffe Rd home in 1973. Fiddaman had a long standing gay relationship with Beck, as well as being married with chidlren and having relationships with boys. (He was more sophisticated than Jeynes and Lincoln) He was sadistic. Fiddaman was given bail in May 1990, before police realised the seriousness of his crimes. He absconded and went across Europe but eventually committed suicide on Jan 6 1991 in Amsterdam. After leaving Leicestershire he was in Nottingham for a while, also a hotbed of child abuse in this period. He also worked as child protection officer for the NSPCC, as a social worker for Warwickshire, Northamptonshire at Highfields Childrens Centre (which had also employed Beck), and Lincolnshire. Lincolnshire say they carried out an inquiry into Fiddaman that found no wrongdoing.[!]

Ken Scott was employed as permanent officer in charge at Rosehill, Market Harborough  [16 p186] . Beck was on the recruitment panel. For 7 years Scott had abused boys in his care from aged 8 up, and given them money for videoing them. Scott was found out when a boy from Holts Childrens home burgled Scotts home to get the photographs and videos.  After Scotts conviction, Leicestershire County Council closed the Rosehill home, carried out a secret inquiry into why Scott was employed and the results were secretly reported a year later to the Social Services Committee and have never been revealed. [!]Kirkwood Inquiry did not refer to them. The lessons of the inquiry not learned and the inquiry appeared to be a PR exercise. Kirkwood found that as in the Beck case Scott should have been detected earlier. Brian Rice had not passed concerns on to Social Services Inspectorate.
Kenneth Andrew Scott [116] was also mentioned in the North Wales Waterhouse report 2000,  as there were “complaints of sexual abuse from six former boy residents of the only voluntary home that we investigated, namely, Tanllwyfan. They were directed against a former care assistant at the home, Kenneth Scott, who was there from 1974 to 1976 and who was sentenced in February 1986 to eight years’ imprisonment for buggery and other offences against boys committed in Leicestershire between 1982 and 1985. We have no reason to doubt the accuracy of the two complainants who gave evidence of indecent assaults on them by Scott during his period at Tanllwyfan. There is one charge against Richard Francis Groome in respect of his period as Officer-in-Charge of Tanllwyfan.” [115]  [via Daedulus]

Kenneth Andrew Scott changed his name to Alan Stancliffe and was convicted of further offences [118] at Kesgrove and died whilst on bail for more [118]  [via @snowfaked]. AKA Kenneth Wheatley? killed himself [119] [check ,add to timeline]

Ron Bloxham, the deputy officer in charge of Camden Rd, Childrens Home in Braunstone, near to the Beeches, apparently committed suicide in April 1981 whilst on police bail for committing sexual offences against girls in care.  Colin Hawley officer in charge at the time, had had suspicions for some time, but had no actual proof, he told the Kirkwood Inquiry. His colleague Miss Tyrell said that a complaint had been forwarded to the County Council, according to Hawley. Before working at Camden Rd, Bloxham had worked at a remand centre in Leicestershire. [16 p187]

Brian Davis worked at Woodlands Observation and Assessment Centre for 5 years.  In July 1980 was convicted of gross indecency  and indecent assault of boys between 13 and 15,at Woodlands and on a camping holiday, and jailed for 1 year. The boys were of very low intelligence. [16 p188]

Peter Blastock was a residential care worker for Leicestershire County Council and a Scout leader, was convicted of an act of gross indecency with a boy of 13. He had approached boys in Abbey Park, Leicester, shown them pornographic pictures and asked them to spank him. He stripped to his underpants and was hit with a cane. He was placed on probation for 2 years, asked to undergo psychiatric treatment and left the councils employ. [16 p188]

Other childrens homes staff were disciplined during the 1980s for sexual and violent offences, but not as severe as Beck, Fiddaman, Jaynes and Lincoln.  Several other staff were prosecuted for alleged sexual offences in care but were acquitted. Robert Dent was convicted in 1981 of repeatedly sexually abusing boys in care after breaking into a childrens home.

[Two things that hit me most on studying  Kirkwood after previously skimming report

1. That Beck got married!  and it was when he was at the most critical part of his life- when he had been suspended from his job for sexual offences. and was trying to get back into social work again. He got married to the woman who was in charge of overseeing his references for that new job! Classic psychopath. Kirkwood btw says marriage was unhappy or similar – Dont know how he knew?

2. 1975 Apr Complaints about abuse anonymously against Beck to Councillor Henry Dunphy [12.2] Dunphy met Beck and disapproved of the Warrendale “therapy” [12.8] . Dunphy went to Father Ingram who he knew as a Priest, child psychologist and worked with the Leicester Family Service Unit. [12.9] Ingram said most people would not be harmed by this technique, but some would be destroyed, and it was a totally discredited technique. BUT later as everyone now knows Father Ingram himself was a paedophile ++!!]

“Betrayal” 1991 Central during 13 years 20 died in care [need link/copy – anyone know of one?]

Social Services Inspectorate inspection 199o leicestershire commission, report Safe from Abuse published after the trial- conclusion safe but recommendations for improvement [need copy]

Leicestershire commission progress report child care strategy sub ctte 22nd June 1992 , final report late sometime Sept 1992

77 grassecroft early in


1993 Jan BBC East Midlands on Frank Beck /Kirkwood Report

Council Response to Kirkwood

2014 Jan 28 FOI to Leic about Council Response to Kirkwood [1c]

Leicestershire County Council Publication Scheme Response to Kirkwood Report link [1a]

Council Response to Kirkwood Report pdf download [1b] 

[Needs read and summarise 39 pages]

Linda Jackson and Mervyn Tunbridge, ‘WE’LL LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED, SAYS SOCIAL SERVICES CHIEF’ Press Association

February 8th, 1993

Integrate /delete following

[find and Insert council response foi]

No stone will be left unturned to investigate allegations against members of care staff, a social services chief pledged today. The promise came from Leicestershire County Council social services director Brian Waller shortly after the publication of the hard-hitting report of a Government inquiry into the Frank Beck affair. Mr Waller said: “No stone will be left unturned in looking at past conduct. “We will continue this process and we intend to ens

As the internal Newell Report had been leaked the same insurers refused to let Clwyd release any info later.

Brian Waller , Director of Leicester Social Services when Beck? case came to light believes that the warning systems he put in place – childrens rights officer, more rigorous inspection regime, a series of independent routes for complaints should prevent systematic abuse. Do they still have a childrens rights officer?[]

Foster Inquiry and Report 1993

Deputy Chief Constable Tony Butler was unhappy at what the investigation threw up in terms of previous police failures. He convened a press conference after the trial to offer a mea culpa and apologise publicly to victims.Half an hour before it began the county solicitor advised him not to say anything which might compromise the police defence to any potential claims from victims or cause their insurers to withdraw cover. The press conference was embarrassing and he was criticised for not saying anything worthwhile but he did commission an inquiry.[p147 D’Arcy]

D. Foster Inquiry into the investigations of complaints of child and sexual abuse in Leicestershire Childrens Homes. London . Police Complaints Authority 1993 [17]

Not yet published via FOI

Early in January 1992 the Chief Constable of Leicestershire announced that an inquiry had been set up under the auspices of the Police Complaints Authority to look into matters relating to Police arising from the events antecedent to the trial and to assist the two Inquiries ordered by the Secretary of State. The Police inquiry has been undertaken by Chief Superintendent Foster of the West Mercia Police. Mr Foster and I have
kept in touch with each other. Matters that came to the notice of the Inquiry that looked as though they may warrant Police consideration have been passed on to Mr Foster. [1.27]

In a parallel report commissioned by the Police Complaints Authority, West Mercia Police Chief Superintendent David Foster found the Leicestershire police were also negligent in failing to act on complaints of abuse which they were receiving as early as 1973 [125]

The police report, by West Mercia Police Chief Superintendent David Foster under the supervision of the Police Complaints Authority, said: Mistakes occured “through a combination of incompetence, negligence and prejudice compounded by a lack of understanding about child abuse” and through an inadequate system.

It was more than possible that Beck’s activities would have been exposed at an earlier date, particularly through the investigations in 1977, 1985 and 1986 – “The substance of these complaints was greater than that of the complaint in 1989 which led to Beck’s ultimate conviction.” In almost every case, contact with police came because a child absconded from a children’s home – but officers failed to establish why the children ran away, and the force policy on missing persons failed to identify running away as a potential indicator of abuse.

Officers openly disbelieved youngsters’ complaints, with some being openly hostile and looking on them as young criminals. In almost every case, police returned children to the home where the abuse took place – and in every case, the social worker alleged to have carried out the abuse was allowed to remain at work throughout the investigation.

Police interviewed the children either at the home where they were abused, often in front of the abuser, or in a police station, but failed to record or investigate complaints and did not question vital witnesses. One officer allowed the abusers to control and manipulate his inquiries so he failed to obtain crucial evidence. The circumstances meant that children who complained of abuse “and other child witnesses” were intimadated and manipulated, in some cases leading to further abuse [124]

The police report was requested by former Leicestershire Chief Constable Michael Hirst, who retired at the end of January, and its findings were endorsed by the PCA. PCA member William McCall praised Leicestershire police for commissioning the inquiry but said that while much was done to put mistakes right, there were still lessons for all police forces. “All forces should test their procedures for handling abuse cases in the light of these recommendations,” he said. The police report’s recommendations include:

Training officers to interview abused children and recording all allegations as crimes, irrespective of the youngsters’ character or background.

Ensuring that no child was returned to the home or made to repeat his or her comments to a social worker at the home.

Improving relationships between police and social services. [124]

Possible link with police corruption was Ian Henning a former Met police officer retired on ill health due to corruption, who was working for law firm Greene D’Sa, but banned from all Leicestershire Police stations after officers accused him of attempting to pervert the cause of justice.

Frank Becks Death

More intrigue is added that Frank Beck died suddenly in jail. Did he know too much?

1994 May 31 Frank Beck died, aged 52, apparently as a result of a heart attack whilst playing badminton at Whitemoor Prison in Cambridgeshire. [74]

Beck died suddeny cw280794

Insurance Cases 

The council were sued and but the insurance company called the shots. Insurance company refused to admit liability and they made victims go to court. It was Municipal Mutual Insurance, who were bought out by Zurich Municipal in 1992 as reserves would not meet liabilities.

Their defence was called the Waterfall Defence. It was that:

  • Beck and other staff did not abuse the children;
  • if they did, it was not at the behest of the council so they were not responsible;
  • if they were the responsible authority, then they were not negligent as his actions were unauthorised;
  • if they were negligent, his actions were not the cause of the claimants later problems;
  • if they were the cause they were not the whole cause;
  • and of course it was too late to claim anyway.

This was denying the criminal trial and an official enquiry. The County Council had promised to deal sympathetically with victims but the insurance company thought there was long term interest in defending the claims. However it made others dig their feet in. This was uncharted territory as Staffordshire Pindown had been settled out of court.

Initial High Court in Nottingham Jan 23rd 1996 with Justice Potts. Victims were dragged into cross examination. Damages, Pain, Suffering, Loss of amenity past and present. Awards were small £150,000 for horrific treatment, judge said had to be in keeping with personal injuries generally. Other court to judge p?


Details in CPS statement

2002 Op Magnolia

During Operation Magnolia in 2002, another Leicestershire Police inquiry, residents of a care home made further  allegations against Janner. Police decided to take no action against him.

During Operation Dauntless in 2007, an individual made complaints about serious sexual assault against three people, including Janner, over incidents alleged to have taken place in 1981. The CPS ruled there was insufficient evidence. Mick Creedon, now chief constable of Derbyshire police, but then a detective sergeant on the Beck case, told the Times last year that he and colleagues wanted to charge Janner but senior officers ordered him to neither arrest Janner nor search his London flat. https://pcolman.wordpress.com/2015/04/21/greville-janner/



Further Research

Is Brian Rice still alive?


The Beeches, 195 Hinckley Rd, Leicester Forest East [19.2] Community Home with Education and later as Observation and Assessment 2 acres, 25 children in 2 units

Of course any comments would be gratefully received from people who can do a summary of the Kirkwood Report,the Newell report, the Council Response, the Trial, the Foster Report (Police Complaints Authority – NOT published or found yet) the child abuse itself or those who know about the situation and can put the response into context, or want to research/write any part of the above. Any comments or information helps in building the jigsaw of information.


Leicestershire Abuse Timeline 

1942 Jul 19 Frank Beck Born [56] in Salisbury, the son of a train driver and the youngest of five children [more info]

Beck was raised in Thornton Heath, South London.[56]

Left secondary modern school without any qualifications.[56]

1956-1959 Beck then spent three years working on a farm before suddenly announcing that he was joining the Royal Marines. [56] [8.16]

1959 -1969 Beck spent nine years as a marine, serving in Borneo and Aden and attaining the rank of sergeant. Emerging with an honourable discharge and campaign medals, Beck apparently turned down officer training and chose instead to train as a social worker. [56] [8.16]

1966 Beck & Bramall in Borneo (Bramall Lord Mountbatten’s staff from 1963) Bramall in Dispatches Borneo 1966 [HT @CassandraCogno]

1969-1970 Beck Residential CCO Leicester PO Hostel [8.16] [56]

1969 Earliest offence that Janner was going to be charged with 14 indecent assaults on a male under 16 between 1969 and 1988, if he was not suffering from dementia [129]

1970 Beck Residential CCO Northampton probation hostel [8.16]

1970-Sept 1971 Beck Residential CCO Northampton Childrens Home [8.16] HighFields childrens Centre [8.30] where they used regression with some children, under supervision. Beck trained under Wendy Rowell who had spent 3 years at Mulberry Bush School, Oxford under Barbara Dockar-Drysdale. He said he went back vounteering.

1970- mid-late 1980s In relation to Operation Enamel, more than a dozen individuals made allegations to police relating to Lord Janner.  Most of them were residents in Leicestershire children’s homes between 1970 and the mid to late 1980s. The children and young people in this case were vulnerable and in a situation where they should have been looked after and protected.  The allegations in this case are thus extremely serious, with a number of alleged victims and allegations of multiple offending over a lengthy period of time.  The core allegation was that Lord Janner, in a position of authority and trust as the local MP for Leicester West at the time, befriended the manager of a children’s care home [presumably Frank Beck] to allow him access to children in order to allow him to perpetrate serious sexual offences on children  [129]

1972 Sept 1 Peter Jaynes Deputy Officer in Charge of Polars [8.4] aged 23 and with 4 O levels

1971 – 1973 Beck went on a 2 year training course at the Stevenage College of Further Education, where he acquired a Certificate of Qualification in Social Work (CQSW) and a Home Office Letter of Recognition in Child Care [56] [1.1] [8.16]

1973 Aug 9 Beck reference from T Sturges from Stevenage College of Further Education [App5]

1973 Sept 1 Frank Beck taken on by Leicestershire County Council as Officer in Charge of The Poplars Children Home, Market Harborough, where he remained until 1975 March 21  [1.2][8.22] when the whole Home moved to Ratcliffe Rd. [10.14]

1973 Nov 10 Colin Fiddaman aged 23 taken on at the Poplars [8.32] Previously Beck met Fiddaman at Northampton [8.35] Fiddaman replaced Beck at Highfields [8.35]

1974 Apr 2 Beck made permanent with Leicester County Council [8.22]

1974 Dec Abuse of boy by Janner [134]

1975 March 21.  Poplars staff and children moved to purpose built Childrens Home at 5, Ratcliffe Rd Leicester. [10.1] Beck Officer in Charge of until 1978 Jun 30 [1.2] [10.15]It was known as Poplars, new Poplars and Ratcliffe Rd with a school unit at Knighton House, nearby. Beck, Jaynes and Fiddaman were at Ratcliffe Rd [10.10] Beck used his approach intensively [10.23]

1975 Apr Complaints about abuse anonymously against Frank Beck to Councillor Henry Dunphy [12.2] Dunphy met Beck and disapproved of the Warrendale “therapy” [12.8]. Dunphy then went to Father Ingram who he knew as a Priest, child psychologist and worked with the Leicester Family Service Unit. [12.9] Ingram said most people would not be harmed by this technique, but some would be destroyed, and it was a totally discredited technique. Father Ingram himself was a paedophile !!

1975 May Complaint Dunblane Ave [12.18] against Beck. Taken no further

1975 George Lincoln Deputy in Charge of Liberty Rd Childrens Home until Aug 1977 [17.2]

1975 Jun 18th Meeting of Beck with Social Services Ctte  about the Dunphy incident from April [12.12] The meeting was held in private, the film was not shown and Beck described the methods and was thanked by the Chair Mrs Eady. Becks methods seemingly approved.

1975 Nov Mr Sturges complaint about Beck [12.24]

1976 Autumn Two children who had absconded made sexual complaints against Beck to police at Wigston Police Station [12.29]

c. 1976/7  Ron Bloxham moved from Woodlands to take up as live-in Deputy Officer in Charge of Camden Rd [42.3]

1977-78 On two occasions Bloxham reported for girls leaving his room in distress [42.6]

1977 Mar 5 Boy complained to his mother about sexual assault by Beck and Jaynes [13.3] and made a statement to Wigston Police Station. DI Vardy tried to interview chidlren but was not allowed to alone. [13.6]

1977 Mar 8 Vardy interview Beck and Jaynes re Mar 5 [13.7]

1977 Mar 15 Mr Exton wrote in support of Beck re Mar 5[13.8]

1977 Mar/Apr Complaint to Miss Edwards against Beeches care by staff member Miss Scaysbrook of Beeches [19.13] to which she received no reply  [19.14]

1977 Apr 4 Mr Naylor statment in support of Beck re Mar 5 [13.9]  Papers sent to DPP who decided not to prosecute Beck or Jaynes +re DPP

Legal dept say dont bother doing anything if police do not [13.18]

1977 Aug 28 George Lincoln took up post of Deputy Officer in Charge and Acting Officer of Rosehill? in charge from Aug 31 to Oct 10 [17.2]

1977 Sep 9 Guardian [96] Priest’s child sex views repudiated

1977 Oct 4 Simon O’Donells was found dead in what could be dubious circumstances.[15.1]

1977 Oct 10 Inquest into Simon O’Donnells death. Michael Charman, Coroner City of Leicester and Leicestershire [15.8]

1977 Oct 16 Mr Low memeber of staff at Beeches, wrote letter of complaint re Beeches to NSPCC

1977 Oct 26 Social Services Committee considered a Miss Edwards (Director of Social Services?) Report (despite not being able to rememebr for inquiry)[15.14]

1978 Feb Complaint against Lincoln [17.18] at Rosehill

1978 Feb-Apr Beck Officer in Charge of Rosehill Childrens Home, Market Harborough for 10  weeks [1.2]

1978 Feb Beck sexually assaults Lincoln

1978 Apr 18 Complaint against Lincoln at Rosehill [18.11] which led to investigation 15-20 Jun

1978 May 1 Mr Scott Appointed to Officer in Charge at Rosehill [45.5]

1978 Jun 10 Beck applied for the Beeches job [18.48]

1978 Jun 15-20 Investigation of Complaint against Lincoln at Rosehill [18.39]

1978 Jun 16 Beck threatens to resign over Lincoln Rosehill complaint [18.47] and in the end nothing was done. Kirkhill notes that investigation proved clear evidence of abuse by Lincoln, Beck and Jane as well as malpractice and Miss Edwards did nothing.

1978 Jun 26 Interviewed for Beeches and championed by Miss Edwards [20.8]

1978 Jul 1 Beck left Ratcliffe Rd [16.20] to become Officer in charge of the Beeches Childrens Home, Leicester Forest East until he resigned in 1986 [1.2] Jaynes acted as Officer in charge until 1980 and the appointment of Mr Colin Clarkson. [16.20]

1978 Jun 30 Beck given Honorarium of £500 in respect of his services at Rosehill [18.53]

1978 Sep 13 Lincoln appointed to Beeches as Team leader, with Beck [20.27]

1978 Sept 14 Guardian [97] Priest returns to child-sex fray

1979 Apr 2 Complaint about treatment of TV at Ratcliffe Rd to MP Mr Michael Latham [40.7] Jaynes was Officer in Charge. Miss Edwards and Mr Naylor could not remember it at the Inquiry. The case demonstrated the lie that there was no forced regression [40.15] as Miss Edwards admitted. TV complaint with the Ratcliffe Rd one should have ensured Beck was investigated [40.16] There was no system for documentation of complaints [40.19]

1979 Nov Complaint about Beeches from Ivanhoe School [21.1]

1980 Jan there were 26 Leics CC childrens homes, by 1986 17 were shut and 1 opened 16 bed

1980 Jan Beck produced long paper entitled  “Beeches Family Centre- An effective Flexible method of social; work intervention” [20.37]

1980 Jan 23 Naylor writes to Beck expressing concern at the analysis of Becks Report [20.40]

1980 Mar 6 Mr Davies RCCO talked to by Mr Clark, Officer in Charge, and Mr Noblett about 2 boys allegations of sexual misconduct at Woodlands Observation and Assessment Centre [41.6] Police inquiries

1980 c. Mar 13 Mr Davies arrested taken to Wigston Police Station and confessed to 5 offences. Released on police bail [42.7]

1980 May Complaint from staff member Miss Lambert re Beeches [22.1]

1980 Jul 18 Mr Davies pleaded guilty at Leicester Crown Court to 4 charges of gross indecency and one of indecent assault against boys aged 13-15 in care at Woodlands. two were at his house.  The offences committed between July 1978 to Feb 1980 [41.10] He received 12 months. On release he was reemployed [41.12]

1980 Summer Complaint from Miss V re Beeches [23.1]

1980 Mr Davies, Woodlands Observation and Assessment Centre arrested and resigned. Admitted 5 offences

1981 In Operation Dauntless in 2006, an individual made allegations of serious sexual offending around 1981 by three individuals including Lord Janner. The CPS decision in 2007 was again that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. [129]

1981 Regression therapy increased at Beeches under Beck [20.59]

1981 April 7 Social Service records show that police had taken statement from two girls about sexual abuse by Bloxham, that he had resigned and due to appear in court in the next week [42.13] He had been arrested, admitted sexual offences against 5 girls which included sexual intercourse. He took his own life on Police bail [42.14]

1981 Jul Mr Davies was taken on as Care Assistant for the Elderly, initially for 2 weeks and then permanently [41.12] He was employed on say so of Councillor Hall [41.15]

1982 Mar 30 [36.15] wrote to Mr Naylor calling for fresh mandate for Beeches

1982 Beck asked to be able to foster 2 boys [36.7] (Becks home 10 Bidford Close, Wigston)

1982 May 15 Beck spanked 10 year old boy 1983 Feb 23[4.22] [24.1] but was acquitted on technicality about whether child was in care

1982 May Mrs Shimelds complaint re Beeches [25.1]

1982 Complaints re M, Beeches [28.1]

1982 June 2 Mr Pay interviewed by Director,about drunkenness etc at Brookfields House, suspended for gross misconduct  [43.10] He went to work with disturbed adolescents at Haverhill, Suffolk [43.13]

1982 Jun 23 Beck met Mrs Clarke, for discussion of homosexuality as Father of Beck potential foster had complained [36.30] {discussion of Becks life}

1982 Jul 21 Eleven Members of staff wrote to Mr Rice supporting Beck [24.11]

1982 Aug 5 Noblett dated letter of support for Beck re court [24.13]

1982 Sept OPs complaint [26.1]

1982 Nov Miss Akrams complaint re Beeches [27.1] Financial penalty [27.6]

1982 Nov 23 Ian Whitehead Labour vice chair writes reference for Beck [48.13]

{alarmngly high number of sexual abusers at work in childrens home 1973 -1986 [48.19]}

1982 Dr Chris Lewis started a role at the Beeches [20.69]

1982 Dec Beck Letter to Rice [28.23] re Beeches

1983 Feb 23 Beck Acquitted of assault [4.22] from spanking 10 year old boy on 1982 on technicality of whether the child was “in care” of local authority Judge Jowitt

1983 Apr 13 methods of control extended to all children to avoid legal technicality [24.34] However this is at odds with log books of hitting as child control

1983 May 5 Beck elected Liberal Councillor on Blaby District Council [48.14]

1983 Jun N’s complaint re Beeches violence re Beck [29.1]

1983 Jul 31 Complaint from boy about assault by RCCO Mr Paul Gasson at Ratcliffe Rd [44.2] Case went to the police, and magistrates court on 22 Oct and 25 Nov [44.9]. Gasson had previous convictions but boy withdrew his allegations.

1983 Beck approved as foster parent part 1983, full 1984, assault charge 1982 cleared []

1984 UVs complaint re Beeches [30.1] impact on chld care due to miners strike action by police [30.2]

1984 Sept BDs mother complains amongst others re Beeches and Beck [31.24][31.1]

1985 Jan EGs complaint re physical and sexual mistreatment at Beeches [32.1]

1985 Jun 12 SSI visit to Beeches found various faults [20.98]

1985 July 29 Mr Scott Officer in Charge of Rosehill was arrested, charged with sexual offences at Rosehill [45.1]. Confessed to buggery and indecency with 2 boys, masturbation with 3rd. Also video 28th Feb 1986 [45.8] He had taken sexual video recordings of himself with boys. Offences occurred at Rosehill, at his home and on holiday between 1982 and Jun 1985 [45.8] Mr Scott visited Amsterdam where he got pornographic books of children [45.9] He was kept in custody [45.10] until Feb 1986

1985 Jul 31 Rosehill closed [45.12] a bit before scheduled [45.14]

1985 Aug Social Services Department carried out internal investigation re Scott [45.15] to ascertain if there was any earlier evidence of Scotts criminal behaviour of which the only evidence is Mr Nobletts notes of interview with Mrs Brisley, RCCO at Rosehill [45.16] and a statment by Mrs Purnell, Homes Adviser for Rosehill [45.17]

1985 Aug HJs complaint re Beeches [33.1]

1985 Aug, Sept Two complaints re sexual impropriety re Beck [34.1] Inspector Glover inteviewed JL re Becks sexual assault [34.21] but Chief Superintendent took it no further due to insufficient evidence

1985 latter half Dr Chris Lewis chaired meetings of junior staff group at Becks request [20.79]

1985 Oct 18 Rice wrote to Stimpson SSI re Scott, Rosehill [45.18] and Stimpson replied 12 Nov

1985 Nov 12 Stimpson replies to Rice re Scott [45.29] with suggestions for further action, including reading the Leeways report [] Community Homes Inspection Report and structural  and policy matters, which were not followed [45.20]

1985 Dec David Alexanders complaint re Beck violence at Beeches [35.1] {station rd childrens home p212}

?Mr Rice was appointed Director of Social Services. He was a freemason as was Sam Jones Chief Executive. (Kirkwood decided that this was not a factor but instead it was the conscientious objection of Mr Smith the rival during the war which tipped job selection)

1986 File on Janner [which is not included in CPS statement on 2015 Apr 16 [129] ] one of 114 missing from Home Office  [131]  [132], maybe also involving another person [132]. This “evidence in child abuse cases”  file  indicate that Janner was implicated in child abuse and investigated in 1986 at latest. 1986 is of course when Beck was suspended by Leicestershire County Council for sexual abuse cases.

janner 1986

1986 Jan 14 Mr Clarkson aged 24, Officer in Charge of Ratcliffe Rd received report that 2 girl had seen Mr Dixon masturbating whilst watching a video. [46.1]

1986 Jan 16 Mr Dixon given final warning and allowed to remain at Ratcliffe Rd. Later joined the Holt, leaving in Oct 1987

1986 Feb 22 Sexual Assault on Mr S at Beeches [37.20]

1986 Feb 28  Scott pleaded guilty to 5 counts of offences under the 1956 Sexual Offences Act and sentenced to 8 years [37.18] for offences on 3 boys between July 1982-July 1985 [45.25]

1986 Mar 1 Scott’s sentence in press [37.18], March 5,6 Leicester Mercury showed suspension

1986 Mar 3 Mr S and Mr B took complaints to Mr Savage, a relatively new deputy. He saw it as a waste of time seeing Noblett or Naylor and tried Mr Nelson who had legal background [37.19]

1986 Mar 4 Beck met Mr Nelson re sexual allegations

1986 Mar 5 Beck wrote resignation letter after being suspended [37.1][37.39]

1986 Mar 5 5.35 pm Police arrested Beck in relation to EG complaint from 2 years earlier, coincidentally to the  staff complaints [37.45]

1986 Mar 5,6 Leicester Mercury ran short pieces on Becks suspension [37.46] DI Pearce investigating EG complaint saw this, and contacted Mr Rice asking for copy of all reports re Beck. Rice said that all political parties Chairpersons would have to be consulted??!! SSI Mr Stimpson also saw this. [38.10]

1986 Mar 6 Becks resignation appeared in the post [37.39] Rice and Stimpson SSI [38.10]

1986 Mar 7 note from County Solicitor Sayer to Fenney [37.48]

1986 Mar 10 DI Pearce and Det Sergeant De Haven met Nelson and Naylor and thought no internal discipline stuff was criminal offence. [37.52]

1986 Mar 20 No further police action against Beck [37.56]

1986 Mar Beck claimed to be working in own consultancy from this date [39.7]

1986 Apr 16 Rice reported to Social Services Committee re Scott [45.25] saying that there was no signs of cause for concern beforehand and Scott had ample opportunity to raise matters of concern and the committee asked to note the report!

1986 Apr 21 Stimpson SSI had been told that prosecution against Beck was not proceeding.[]c45.26

1986 May 27 Stimpsons SSI letter to Rice re Scott [45.27]

1986 May 30 Rice reply to Stimpson SSI re Scott [45.28] claiming an internal inquiry undertaken. Kirwood says no evidence for this, and there had been earlier cause for concern by Mrs Brisly on 30 July [45.31]

1986 Jul 17 Circular re DHSS consultancy List adding people who resign in circumstances where children might be put at risk.[38.7] [38.8]

1986 Sept SSI Mr Stimpson and Mr Jeal met Mr Rice and Pat Hill [38.12]

1986 late Summer Beck found work as temporary as a security guard for which he revceived a refernce from Nelson.[37.57] [39.2]

Dec 1986 He tried to set up as independent counsellor and therapist with Mr Adjinka from Beeches. [37.57] [39.2].

1987 Beck  attempted to resurrect his social work career with ‘Reliance Social Care’, an agency supplying staff to social services departments in London [39.2]. [37.57] A reference was supplied to them by Brian Rice, the Director of Leicestershire Social Services who had replaced Dorothy Edwards in 1980 and which gave a positive appraisal of Beck’s abilities in working with young people, with only a suggestion that the agency might wish to discuss with him the exact reasons for his resignation.[6] The same reference enabled him to gain a post at the Woodcock Hill Children’s Home in Brent and he later moved on to Hertfordshire, where he was accused of sexual relationships with two clients, one an adolescent boy.[7]

See also [38.1]

1987 Jan 6 Reliance Social Care, an agency supplying staff to social services departments in London wrote to Leicestershire CC for a reference for Beck [39.4][39.2]. [37.57]. Rice sent it on Jan 15 [39.6]

1987 Jan 15 Rice sent reference for Beck to Reliance Social Care [39.4] Copy of reference [39.6]

1987 Feb 17 Beck applied for residential care job at Woodcock Hill Childrens Home Brent . Still apparently working for Security firm, and with Reliance Social care as well as own consultancy [39.7] He was appointed on a 3 month contract on this date [39.8]

1987 Feb 23 Brent think they have satisfactory references and DHSS check [39.9]

1987 Mar Rice gave Beck second reference for job in childcare

1987 Mar 16 Mrs Alexander Seale-Waithe, Principal Officer, Residential Child Care, Brent wrote to Mr Rice, Leics, to ascertain why the DHSS had referred her to them over an investigation into Beck.

1987 Mar 19 Mr Rice wrote back to Seale-Waithe with the same reference as January, merely adding that “Beck…resigned following difficulties which arose with members of his staff leading to a loss of confidence on both sides”.

1987 Mar 25 Seale Waithe wrote a note on Rices letter, stating she spoke to Olive Jones at DHSS who said their investigation was a result of an article in Social Work Today* [39.14]

1987 Mar 31 DHSS wrote to Brent, stating they had “no observations” on the inquiry concerning re Beck. Kirkwood says that that reflects the circumstance that Becks name was not on the DHSS list [39.15]

1987 May 18 Becks 3 month contract was extended [39.16]

1987 May 29 Beck and Mrs Alexander Seale-Waithe, Principal Officer, Residential Child Care, Brent were married in Braunstone!! [39.17] Kirkwood states that it was not a success?! The implication from Kirkwood appears to be that as Seale Waite was in charge of Becks references then she overlooked the lack of DHSS one.

1987 Jun 11 Beck held his Blaby local council seat for the Liberals [56+]. (Incidentally the MP for Blaby from 1973 – 1992 was Nigel Lawson, ex Chancellor of the Exchequer in the paedophilic Thatcher Governments, whose son Dominic Lawson is one of the most high profile child sexual abuse deniers)

1987 Jun 15 Beck appointed on 2 month contract as Deputy Officer in Charge of 71 Kingston Lane Children Home Kent [39.18]

1987 Aug 15 Beck stopped working for Brent and continued in social work for another authority.

Kirkwood states that Mr Rices failure to refer to Becks suspension was great error, and Mr Rice admitted his mistake [39.19] Kirkwood referred to Rices negligence [39.22] He states that there was no reliable evidence of a deal done of giving Beck a reference for resigning [39.24]

+K38.1 Beck not checked on DOH suitability for employment, and not put on list by Mr Rice, and also furnished him with references, went on books of social work agency, Reliance social care. Did not mention abuse

1988 Mar 31 Rice effectively left office [47.11] before finally leaving Jun 1988

1988 Oct Mr Waller replaced Rice as Director [47.14]

Mr Dixon, Ratcliffe Road. Found by children, masturbating to a video in the Childrens Home, redeployed to different childrens home [46.1]

Mr Hunt, a part time voluntary worker at Woodlands Remand Centre. 3 offences of indecent assault of teenage boys. []

1989 Mar Victim who had been in Ratcliffe Rd [1.3] gave statement to the Police, after having verbally told her social worker and then in writing [1.5] [1.4]

1989 Nov Police Inquiry starts? []

1990 SSI inspection Leicestershire commission, report safe from abuse published after the trial- safe but recommendations [49.2] [49.18] 25 recommendations

1990 Internal inquiry re Beck fostering child

1990 April 14 Beck first arrested [140]!cf [1.7]

1990 May Police arrested 4 men, Beck, Fiddaman, Jaynes and Lincoln, who had worked at Chidlrens Homes [1.7]

1990 Sept Newell Report 1 a Council Report not released by Barrie Newell, Director? of Notts?  about Frank Beck, which  was commissioned by the Social Services Dept  [52] [1.34] in Spring 1990, dated Sept 1990 and delivered Oct 1990 [Newell 2]

1990 Sept 28 Henning Incident 4 was the subject of a report by
Detective Constable Ridley to Detective Sergeant Creedon dated 8th May
1991 [140]+

1990 Oct 1 Henning first met Beck [140]

1990 October -1991 May Alleged misconduct by Henning of Green D’Sa [140]

1990 Oct 26 Henning Incident 1 and was the subject of a report dated 10th
January 1991 from Detective Sergeant Tew to Detective Inspector Ashby [140]

28th November 1990 Second Henning Incident and was the subject of a report dated 21st
January 1991 from Detective Inspector Ashby to Detective Chief
Superintendent Carr, and by Detective Sergeant Creedon dated 24th January
1991 also to Detective Chief Superintendent Carr [140]+

late 1990/early 1991 Henning Incident 5 was the subject of a report by
Detective Constable Moore to Detective Sergeant Creedon dated 15th May
1991. [140]+

1990 late/early 1991 Police investigating allegation if sexual abuse by MP against young person [140]The young person had been in care at a home for young persons run by Frank
Beck [140]

1990 Dec Newell Report 2 a Council Report  by Barrie Newell , Director? of Notts? about Frank Beck  not released. A council internal report about Beck [52] commissioned Oct 1990

1991 Jan 10 Henning Incident 1 (from 1990 Oct 26) was the subject of a report dated 10th
January 1991 from Detective Sergeant Tew to Detective Inspector Ashby [140]

1991 Feb 16 Henning Incident 7 and on a number of occasions in February and March 1991, in the course of the police investigation into allegations against the M.P., the applicant told Detective Sergeant Creedon that he had documentary evidence to substantiate those allegations.Despite many requests to supply that evidence to the
police to assist them in their investigations, the applicant never did so. [140]

1991 Feb 27 Frank Beck publicly named the M.P. during his committal proceedings in the magistrates’ court. [140]

1991 month? A complaint of sexual assaults by one individual who featured in the trial of Frank Beck in 1991. The allegation, in essence, was one of grooming and sexual abuse of the alleged male victim between the ages of 13 and 15. The advice given at the time by the CPS was that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. [129]

1991 Mar 12 Henning Incident 3 was the subject of a report by Detective
Constable Norman on 14th March 1991 and a statement by him on 11th July
1991. [140]+

1991 May 16 Henning Incident 6 was the subject of a report by Detective
Constable Gibbard to Detective Inspector Ashby dated 17th May 1991 [140]+

1991 Jun 21 Leicester Mercury [95] Ex-pupils in legal bid ‘after years of abuse’

1991 Jul 15 letter was written by Detective Chief Superintendent Carr dated 15th July 1991 to Messrs. Greene D’Sa, requesting Henning to supply such evidence to the police. There was no reply to that letter. [140]

1991 Aug 28, the day before his circular, the Deputy Chief Constable wrote to the Secretary General of the Law Society complaining that Henning had been acting improperly whilst involved in his duties at police stations in Leicestershire. He highlighted
four areas: (1) breach of confidentiality; (2) impeding interviews; (3)
passing information; and (4) improper disclosure

1991 c. Aug 29 Deputy Chief Constable Anthony Butler sent memo re refusal to allow the applicant to enter police stations in Leicestershire to attend and advise detained persons and/or decisions to that effect made by individual inspectors of the Leicestershire Constabulary in September and October 1991 [140]

1991 Sept 5 Community Care [87] Staff deny care charges

1991 Sept 11 the Deputy Chief Constable sought the view of the
Solicitors’ Complaints’ Bureau as to the advisability of providing a copy
to Greene D’Sa of his letter of complaint dated 28th August 1991, re Henning and added:”… it is perhaps worth reiterating that there are other matters which are
still under investigation which were not included in the letter” (that is the letter of complaint dated 28th August 1991).

1991 month of CPS decision? In relation to the other three previous investigations, [of Janner] the CPS also now considers that the evidential test was passed.  It follows that the CPS judges that mistakes were made in the decision making at the time by both the Leicestershire police in 2002 and the CPS in 1991 and 2007.  Lord Janner should have been prosecuted in relation to those complaints. [129] Sir Allan David Green was DPP then, and he was later arrested for kerbcrawling in Kings Cross and given a formal warning as he had come to the attention of the police before for this[] Alan green claims that he was not told of the Janner allegations and so the fault must be local CPS []

1991 Sept 16th Becks Trial begins [140]

1991 Sept 18 Law Society had forwarded a copy of the Deputy
Chief Constable’s letter of complaint [about Henning] to Mr. Greene, who wrote on that day to the Deputy Chief Constable asking for copies of the documentary evidence
referred to in his letter to the Law Society and advising that they may seek Judicial Review [140]
1991 Oct 3 Mr. Greene wrote on behalf of the Henning to the
Solicitors’ Complaints’ Bureau with a copy to the Deputy Chief Constable,
denying that the applicant had behaved improperly, denying breach of
confidentiality, passing information and improper disclosure, and seeking
to explain that there had been no impeding of interviews. [140]

1991 Oct 3 Community Care [88] Ex-Leicestershire care workers on trial for abuse

1991 Oct 10 Community Care [89] Leicester trial: Beck ‘assaulted worker’

1991 Oct 10 Social Work Today [64] Beck trial judge bans VIP naming

1991 Oct 23 Community Care [76] Former resident’s plea was ignored

1991 Oct 24 Social Work Today [65] Beck boasted MI6 link says witness

1991 Oct 30 the Deputy Chief Constable wrote to Mr. Greene in the
following terms:”I refer to our recent correspondence concerning Mr. Henning. I have
received further advice from leading counsel, as a consequence of which I
shall provide you with further information already prepared as soon as the
current trial of Frank Beck has finished.”

1991 Oct 31 Community Care Beck [66] cleared of five charges

1991 Press files in [27]

1991 Nov 4 Miss Rudder of the Solicitors’ Complaints’ Bureau wrote to the Deputy Chief Constable in the following terms: “You will see the difficulty Mr. Greene is having in dealing with your allegations etc [140]

1991 Nov 5 Guardian [67] Police covered up MP’s sex with boy, ex-children’s worker alleges

1991 Nov 7 Community Care [90] Labour MP named in Leicestershire case

1991 Nov 9 Guardian [91] Abuse case witness tells of sex with MP

1991 Nov 12 Guardian [62] Jenner Letter in Court

1991 Nov 18 Director Waller rehearsed amny achievements of service to Child Care Strategy Sub committee [49.33]

1991 Nov 19 Guardian  [61] MP’s letter to boy ‘extraordinary’

1991 Nov 27 Independent [94] Beck found guilty of sexual abuse of children in car

1991 Nov 28 Community Care [92] Care workers convicted of abuses in home

1991 Nov 19 Beck Trial finished [140]

1991 Nov 25 Further statement from womans complaint re Henning referred to in Nov 26 folowing

1991 Nov 26  WPC Jones, then no longer employed as a police officer with the Leicestershire Constabulary, made a statement regarding an incident from March 1990 that Henning had attended where he behaved improperly . The woman in the case had complained in Dec 1990 and made a statement.  Then she made another on nov 25 1991. This nearly a year later led to Hennings arrest 7 days after this new WPC Jones statement on Dec 3 [140] +

1991 Nov 30 Daily Express Monster [59] Beck drove my little angel to suicide

1991 Dec 3 Greene D’Sa sent to the respondent [police DCC] a notice of
application for leave to apply for judicial review, informing him that at
an ex parte hearing the application was adjourned for two weeks to allow
time for the respondent to file an affidavit in reply and be represented on
the adjourned hearing. [140] The applicant was given no explanation as to why the matter had not been pursued for some 21 months. The applicant was bailed to return on 9th January 1992.

1991 Dec 3 Henning arrested on suspicion of attempting to pervert the course of justice.[140] He was bailed to return on 9th January 1992.

1991 Dec 5 Community Care [68] Beck gets life for ‘pursuit of evil’

1991 Dec 6 Secretary of State commissions Warner and Kirkwood Inquiries [1.11]

1991 Dec 11 Deputy Chief Constable wrote to Mr. Greene setting out additional information in respect of “impeding interviews” and saying: “You will appreciate that in view of the duration of the trial of your client Frank Beck, it would have been inappropriate to have given you such details earlier.” “Because all this information leads me to the conclusion that Mr. Henning’s conduct constitutes a threat to the proper investigation of alleged crimes and is unprofessional and likely to do harm on the broadest basis, I consider that he has shown himself to be an unsuitable person to attend an
interview of the suspect or person in custody at a police station, but my
instruction to my divisional officers is to exercise their individual
discretion in each case which comes before them.[140]

< 1991 Dec 13  TV Programme on Beck? “Betrayal” 1991 Central during 13 years 20 died

1991 Dec 13 Mr Davies was interviewed by senior officers due to spotlight being on the council about sexual abuse, and as he was ex sexual offender, in order to redeploy him elsewhere which happened from Apr 1992 to do manual work [41.16] [41.17][41.18]

1991 Dec 16 High Court considered application for leave for judicial review re Henning [140]
1991 Dec 24  Mr. Harrison of Greene D’Sa wrote to the respondent
commenting about the considerable delay before the police had taken any
action. That letter included this paragraph: “You will appreciate that we wrote to your Department on 22nd November and that our Mr. Greene informed your office on the telephone on 25th November 1991 that the judicial review proceedings were being issued etc [140]

1992 early Jan. Chief Constable of Leicestershire announced that an Inquiry had been set up under auspices of Police Complaints Authority, to look into matters related to the Police arising from the events antecedent to the trial and assist the other two inquiries. This was to be carried out by Chief Superintendent Foster of West Mercia [1.27] States that the Foster Report is to be published [1.28]

1992 Jan 9 Deputy Chief Constable dated 9th January 1992 to Messrs. Greene D’Sa setting out the reasons for the delay in arresting the applicant. That letter, so far as material, reads: “Initial contact was made by the complainant with former Detective
Policewoman Jones (now retired) as a consequence of which the officer
contacted your office and spoke to Mr. Henning who admitted that he had
approached the complainant. It was not until later in the year (September
or October —I will endeavour to ascertain the exact date) that further
contact was made by the complainant (who was upset and concerned) this time
with Sergeant Davis, and fuller details of the form and nature of Mr.
Henning’s approach to her became known.[140]

1992 Jan 13 Leave to move for application for Judicial Review by “Ian Henning” was granted by Hutchison J. after an oral hearing.

1992 Jan 22 Kirkwood Inquiry formally opened [1.29] Decision announced to take evidence in private [1.35]

1992 Jan 22 David Thomas represented Chief Constable of Leics for Kirkwood Inquiry  [App5?]

1992 Jan 30 Community Care [69] MPs angered by decision to hold Leicestershire inquiry in secret

1992 Feb 12 Evidence started being taken Kirkwood Inquiry [1.29] Decision to take all evidence in private relaxed for those that wished to do it in public [1.36]

1992 Feb 20 Community Care [79] Leicestershire inquiry to continue in private

1992 Mar 19 Community Care [80] Beck inquiry uncovers other abusers

1992 Mar 16 Letter explaining Regression from Peter Wright [App 5]

1992 May 7 Social Work Today [70] Beck evidence stays secret

1992 May 16 Social Work Today [71] Inquiry hints at abuse ring

1992 Jun 1 Oliver D’Sa represented Beck [App 1]

1992 June 7 Community Care [72] Inquiry to hear Beck in prison

1992 Jun 8 Oliver D’Sa represented Beck [App 1]

1992 June 22 Leicestershire commission progress report child care strategy sub committee

1992 Jun 25 Robert Aitken Solicitor Dept of Health represented DOH [App1]

1992 Jun 30 David Thomas represented Chief Constable of Leics [App1]

1992 Jul 16 Social Work Today [73] Police open file on Beck

1992 July 23 Social Work Today [60] At Becks Call

1992 Sept Kirkwood Final Report finished but not published

1992 Dec Warner Report Published

1993 Jan BBC East Midlands Today on Frank Beck /Kirkwood Report

1993 Jan 28 Social Work Today [14] BBC claims memo exposed Beck -BBC Midland today programme mentioned

1993 West Mercia Police “Foster Report” for the Police Complaints Authority, accused Leicestershire officers of “incompetence, negligence and prejudice” in dealing with Beck []

1993 Feb 8 Kirkwood Report Published []

1993 Feb 8 Monday Local Government Chronicle [125] Leicestershire Promises to act on Kirkwood Report

1993 Feb 8 Press Association Linda Jackson, Mervyn Tunbridge and Grania Langdon-Down [124] “Combination of Blunders allowed sex abusers reign of terror”  text available via Ian Pace

1993 Jul 8 Statement by boy abused by Janner, to Solicitors Oliver D’Sa

1993 Sep 17 Lord Longford wrote “He is, however, appealing against the convictions, although I gather the appeal will not be heard possibly until later in 1994. I am now, after several visits, personally convinced of his total innocence.  He made an excellent first impression on me, and again impressed me the second time I visited, when he had two solicitors present so that we had a very detailed discussion. On this second occasion he reminded me that I had told the press he had honest eyes; certainly I would confirm that assessment.” Bits of Books blogs analyses some of Lord Longfords comments. [133]

It carries on “One of the solicitors handling the appeal told me that where they had been able to obtain the police records of Frank Beck’s accusers, these were enough to discredit them. They had not been able to obtain the records at the time of the trial of those whose evidence was accepted by the jury. Since then, however, this information has been extracted from the police. At the time of writing, the former Chairman of the Bar Council, Mr Scrimgeour, is leading the appeal, which suggests that the scare of Frank Beck possesses no little strength.” [133]

1993 Dec 3  Application for Judicial Review  [140] Ian James Henning

1994 May 31 Frank Beck died, aged 52, apparently as a result of a heart attack whilst playing badminton at Whitemoor Prison in Cambridgeshire. [74] This brought an end to the appeals.

1994 Frank Beck postmortem? Frank beck Inquest?

1994 Jun Lord Longford wrote  in his book “After his [Beck’s death] I received a letter, written shortly before, which I shall always treasure, and the poem from which I can only quote four lines below.

Then to die, by someone’s evil streak.

A flickering light, always cold,

A light no more, now by God’s grace,

Free for sure.” [133]

Did Frank Beck know that someone was trying to kill him?

1994 Jun 9 Beck’s body was cremated on at a private ceremony at the Gilroes Crematorium in Leicester [2] via [56]

1994 Jun 2 Independent [74] Notorious child sex offender dies in prison: The trial and conviction of Frank Beck followed Britain’s biggest investigation into child abuse. Rosie Waterhouse reports

1994 Jul 28 Care Weekly [75] Inquest rules natural causes

1996 Jan 23 Initial High Court in Nottingham for Becks victims compensation []

2000 Apr 17 Community Care [93] Killer wins settlement against Leicestershire

2000 Leicester Mercury [98] Sex Case Officers praised

2000 Aug 15 Scottish Daily Record [83] Pervert priest guilty of attacks- Ingram

2001 Jan 8 Independent [12] Jason Bennetto Paedophilia: Beck’s appalling crimes just the tip of child abuse scandal – Further scandals may be revealed as inquiries show widespread cases

2001 John Moseling, convicted in 2001 of offences against minors committed in 1976 at the Ivydale children’s home. It looks from the Kirkwood Report as if Moseling transferred to the Ivydale in 1973 from the Poplars in Leicester, where he was Frank Beck’s predecessor. He had been appointed by Leicester CC in 1972. Kirkwood states that Moseling’s experience prior to Leicester had been in an ILEA “maladjusted” school. Anyone with info in what that previous school was and who his contacts there were, I know someone who is very interested [pers com][need Kirkwoood source]

2002 Mar Catholic Herald [99] Dead Priests conviction stands (Ingram)

2002 month?  Complaints by one individual during Operation Magnolia in 2002. Although Lord Janner was the subject of allegations during this Operation, which was an investigation into a relevant children’s home, it does not appear that specific allegations relating to him were referred to the CPS. It is apparent that the police decided that no further action should be taken against Lord Janner.  The CPS decided at the time that no further action should be taken against any other individual. [129]

2002 month ? In relation to the other three previous investigations, [of Janner] the CPS also now considers that the evidential test was passed.  It follows that the CPS judges that mistakes were made in the decision making at the time by both the Leicestershire police in 2002 and the CPS in 1991 and 2007.  Lord Janner should have been prosecuted in relation to those complaints. [129]

2002 Oct 16 Hansard [84] Operation Magnolia

2006 In Operation Dauntless  an individual made allegations of serious sexual offending around 1981 by three individuals including Lord Janner. The CPS decision in 2007 was again that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. [129]

2007 The CPS decision in 2007 from an individual allegation re Janner and 2 others was again that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. [129] In relation to the other three previous investigations [of Janner] the CPS also now [2015] considers that the evidential test was passed.  It follows that the CPS judges that mistakes were made in the decision making at the time by both the Leicestershire police in 2002 and the CPS in 1991 and 2007.  Lord Janner should have been prosecuted in relation to those complaints. [129]

2009 Apr 3 Leicester Mercury [100] Paedophile teacher is branded ‘a predator’

2009 Lord Janner was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease

2011 Jun 23 Leicester Mercury [86] Church order apologises to victims of child abuse Rosminian order 50/60s Grace Dieu Manor Prep School 4 fathers

2011 Dec 1 Children Web Mag [15] [77] Digest of Kirkwood Report

2012 Jan 10 Leicester Mercury [21] How could horrifying child abuse have gone on so long?

2013 Jan Operation Enamel initiated [129]  It was a thorough and comprehensive investigation by Leicestershire Police into allegations against Lord Greville Janner of non-recent sexual abuse.  It included, as part of the investigation, a review by police of complaints against Lord Janner from three previous police investigations between 1991 and 2007.  As part of those investigations Lord Janner was interviewed by police in 1991 [129]

In relation to the allegations investigated in Operation Enamel, the CPS considers that the evidential test was passed on the basis that the evidence is sufficient to have warranted charging and prosecuting Lord Janner in relation to the particular charges listed below; these relate to nine individuals:

  • 14 indecent assaults on a male under 16 between 1969 and 1988
  • 2 indecent assaults between 1984 and 1988
  • 4 counts of buggery of a male under 16 between 1972 and 1987
  • 2 counts of buggery between 1977 and 1988. [129]

In relation to Operation Enamel, more than a dozen individuals made allegations to police relating to Lord Janner.  Most of them were residents in Leicestershire children’s homes between 1970 and the mid to late 1980s. The children and young people in this case were vulnerable and in a situation where they should have been looked after and protected.  The allegations in this case are thus extremely serious, with a number of alleged victims and allegations of multiple offending over a lengthy period of time.  The core allegation was that Lord Janner, in a position of authority and trust as the local MP for Leicester West at the time, befriended the manager of a children’s care home to allow him access to children in order to allow him to perpetrate serious sexual offences on children. [129]  Evidence relating to ten individuals was developed by the police and CPS to the fullest extent possible. [129]

2013 Jul 8 FOI Request [6] Warner Report Dept Health

2013 Jul 22 Cathyfox blog [5] on Kirkwood Report released

2013 Aug 2  FOI Request Warner Report [6] Dept Health.  “Not held”

2013 Aug 17 FOI Request [7] Warner Report Dept Education

2013 Aug 30 ITV [82] 14 years for child sex offenders Six men from Leicestershire have been sentenced to a total of 14 years for sexual offences against a 16-year-old girl.

2013 Dec Op Enamel The investigation included a search of Lord Janner’s home. [129] It also included an invitation for interview [when]- but medical concerns were raised and an independent police neuropsychiatrist’s report meant that no interview took place

2014 Jan 28 FOI Request [3] for Council response

2014 Feb 6 Leicester Mercury [31] Police probe child sex abuse at Hinckley’s Concordia Theatre Operation Goliath

2014 Feb 20 Leicester Mercury [23] Hinckley Concordia Theatre child sex abuse probe: Police seek review of venue’s licence

2014 Mar Op Enamel included recovery of material from Lord Janner’s Millbank offices [129]  It also included an invitation for interview  [when]- but medical concerns were raised and an independent police neuropsychiatrist’s report meant that no interview took place

2014 Mar 5 Cathyfoxblog [81] Leicestershire County Council Response to Kirkwood Report about Frank Beck abuse

2014 Mar 9 Leicester Mercury [22] Child rapist Vinit Lala dragged from car by passers-by as he tried to abuse 13-year-old

2014 Mar 7 Leicester Mercury [24] -I’m ashamed of state of our justice system

2014 May 14 Ian Pace [27] Collection of Press of Judge in Beck case on People in High Places

2014 Jun 22 Daily Mail [41] Police raid offices in parliament of Labour peer Lord Janner as part of inquiry in historic child sex abuse claims

2014 Jun 23 Daily Express [40] House of Lords office of Labour peer searched over ‘sex abuse’ claims

2014 Jul 9 Daily Mirror [38] Labour peer escapes probe over 20 child sex claims because he is ‘suffering dementia’

2014 July 11 Daily Mirror [46] Peer under investigation over sex allegations stops House of Lords appearances – blaming dementia

2014 July 12 Ian Pace The Frank Beck Trial [57]

2014 Jul 21 Video [49] Janner Doing it for the Kids Janner

2014 Sept 12 Leics Police [42] re John Bellamy

2014 Sep 25 Times re Janner [39] [44] [45]

2014 Sept 26 Coleman Experience [47] Its time to Hunt down paedophile criminal Greville Janner

2014 Sept 27 [48] Needleblog Janner Is this Democracy?

2014 Oct 3 Daily Mail Guy Adams [37] Child sex claims, a police ‘cover-up’ and troubling questions for a Labour peer: This special report reveals the full extent of the deeply disturbing allegations against ex-MP Greville Janner

2014 Oct 11 Leicester Mercury Suzy Gibson [50] Melton dad who repeatedly raped his five-year-old daughter is jailed for 14-and- a -half years

2014 Oct 13 cathyfox blog [52] Leicestershire 1990 Sept and Dec Newell Reports about Frank Beck published

2015 Mar 19 BBC News Lord Janner: [63] Inquiry into ‘limited’ child abuse investigation

2015 Apr Material [re Janner] was still being passed to the CPS shortly before Easter 2015 [Easter Monday Apr 6 2015] [129]

2015 Apr 16 CPS blog Statement on Janner [129] The CPS has asked retired High Court Judge, Sir Richard Henriques, to conduct a thorough and independent review into the CPS decision making and handling of all past matters relating to this case; and to make whatever recommendations he considers appropriate.  He has agreed to undertake this task

2015 May 12 Daily Mail [138] Lord Janner was still director of his firm THREE WEEKS ago, it emerges as damning dossier alleges police chief allowed peer to molest young boys

See also Leicester Child Abuse 2 – Time of a Paedophile – Father Michael Ingram [135] >

Leicestershire news archive  [8] can be found on the Spotlight on Abuse Blog [9]. The newspaper reports on this blog are from the archive which is invaluable.

The Leicestershire archive page [10] of the Project Greenlight archive holds and collects all information on Child Abuse.  The Home Page [11] gives more information, and it is searchable by name, geographic region or police operation. They collect and publish evidence from mainstream sources. These include press reports, local authority minutes, police operation reports and mainstream news sites. Anyone with a spare half hour can help them.

Please note that victims of abuse may be triggered by reading this information. The Sanctuary for the Abused [A] has advice on how to prevent triggers.  National Association for People Abused in Childhood [B] has a freephone helpline and has links to local support groups. Other useful sites are One in Four [C] and Havoca [D]. Useful post on triggers [E] from SurvivorsJustice [F] blog.

Links and References

Page numbers refer to Beck book by D’Arcy  eg  p112

Section numbers refer to Kirkwood report  eg

[*] Needs a press clipping or link to one

[+] Needs more work

[1a] Leicestershire County Council Publication Scheme Response 39 pages to Kirkwood Report  http://axlr8.leicsfoi.org.uk/disclosureLogMonth.asp?npr=1&year_value=2014&month_value=01#rn4931

[1b] Leicestershire County Council Response to the Kirkwood Report download 39 pages  http://axlr8.leicsfoi.org.uk/documents/4931/4931%20Response.pdf

[1c] 2014 Jan 28 FOI Request for Council response https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/council_response_to_kirkwood_rep#incoming-487302

[2] 1994 Jun 17 Catholic Herald via [56] 


[4] Kirkwood Inquiry Report – The Leicestershire Inquiry 1992.  The Report of an Inquiry into Aspects of the Management of Children’s Homes in Leicestershire between 1973 and 1986. Andrew Kirkwood QC. Download http://www.leicsfoi.org.uk/documents/4216/The%20Kirkwood%20Inquiry%201992.pdf

[5] 2013 Jul 22 Cathyfox blog on Kirkwood Report released https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/report-kirkwood-a-1993-the-leicestershire-inquiry-1992/

[6] 2013 Jul 8 FOI Request Warner Report Dept Health https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/warner_reprot_1992#incoming-415606

[7] 2013 Aug 17 FOI Request Warner Report Dept Education https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/warner_report#incoming-423624

[8] Spotlight Category Leicester http://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/category/leicestershire-frank-beck/

[9] Spotlight on Abuse Blog  http://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/

[10] Leicester News Archive Project Greenlight http://theneedleblog.wordpress.com/operation-greenlight/east-midlands/leicestershire/

[11] Project Greenlight Home Page http://theneedleblog.wordpress.com/

[12] 2001 Jan 8 Independent  Paedophilia: Beck’s appalling crimes just the tip of child abuse scandal – Further scandals may be revealed as inquiries show widespread cases http://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/02/26/paedophilia-becks-appalling-crimes-just-the-tip-of-child-abuse-scandal-further-scandals-may-be-revealed-as-inquiries-show-widespread-cases-8-1-01/

[13] 2012 Mar 20 UK Paedos Exposed Frank Beck http://ukpaedos-exposed.com/2012/03/20/frank-beck-leicestershire-childrens-homes/

[14] 1993 Jan 28 Social Work Today BBC claims memo exposed Beck -BBC Midland today programme mentioned http://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/11/09/bbc-claims-memo-exposed-beck-28-01-93/

[15] 2011 Dec 1 Children Web Mag – Digest of Kirkwood Report http://www.childrenwebmag.com/articles/key-child-care-texts/the-leicestershire-inquiry-1992-by-andrew-kirkwood

[16] Abuse of Trust Frank Beck and the Leicestershire Childrens Scandal Mark D’arcy and Paul Gosling 1997 ISBN 0-906097-30-4



[17] D. Foster Inquiry into the investigations of complaints of child and sexual abuse in Leicestershire Childrens Homes. London. Police Complaints Authority 1993

[18] Newgon Wiki re Father Ingham. Also quotes newspapers http://www.newgon.com/wiki/Michael_Ingram#cite_ref-5

[19] Paedophilia Radical Case Tom O’Carroll http://www.ipce.info/host/radicase/chap12.htm

[20] +2014 Feb 26 Ian Pace re Father Ingram http://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/02/26/pie-documentary-evidence-2-from-magpie-1-8-triggehttps://cathyfox.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1749&action=editr-warning-contains-disturbing-material/comment-page-1/#comment-3707

[21] 2012 Jan 10 Leicester Mercury How could horrifying child abuse have gone on so long? http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/horrifying-child-abuse-gone-long/story-14379328-detail/story.html

[22] 2014 Mar 9 Leicester Mercury Child rapist Vinit Lala dragged from car by passers-by as he tried to abuse 13-year-old  http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Child-rapist-Vinit-Lala-dragged-car-passers-tried/story-20785711-detail/story.html

[23] 2014 Feb 20 Leicester Mercury Hinckley Concordia Theatre child sex abuse probe: Police seek review of venue’s licence http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Police-reveal-child-sex-abuse-probe-Hinckley-s/story-20669317-detail/story.html

[24] 2014 Mar 7 Leicester Mercury -I’m ashamed of state of our justice system http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/m-ashamed-state-justice/story-20777263-detail/story.html

[25] 2000 Oct 8 Independent Christian Wolmar Home Truths http://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/04/03/home-truths-8-10-00/

[26] 2001 Jan 8 Independent Jason Benetto http://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/02/26/paedophilia-becks-appalling-crimes-just-the-tip-of-child-abuse-scandal-further-scandals-may-be-revealed-as-inquiries-show-widespread-cases-8-1-01/

[27] 2014 May 14 Ian Pace Collection of Press of Judge in Beck case on People in High Places http://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/05/24/judge-in-1991-leicestershire-sex-abuse-case-on-people-in-high-places/

[28] Full Set of Reports from Beck Trial Part 1 of 3 http://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/05/24/full-set-of-reports-from-the-1991-frank-beck-trial-1-2/

[29] Full Set of Reports from Beck Trial Part 2 of 3 http://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/05/24/full-set-of-reports-from-the-1991-frank-beck-trial-2/

[30] +All 5 sets of Reports from Beck Trial http://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/07/12/the-frank-beck-trial/

+Full Set of Reports from Beck Trial Part 3 of 3 to come ?

[31] 2014 Feb 6 Leicester Mercury Police probe child sex abuse at Hinckley’s Concordia Theatre Operation Goliath http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Child-sexual-abuse-inquiry-launched-Hinckley-s/story-20572781-detail/story.html

[32] 2013 Inside Out London Sexual abuse by Pakistanis men on Sikh girls http://youtu.be/7hXTM7ehvtk

[33] 1990 Sept Barrie Newell Report Sept http://axlr8.leicsfoi.org.uk/disclosureLogMonth.asp?npr=1&year_value=2014&month_value=05#rn5307

[34] 199o Sept Barrie Newell Report Download http://axlr8.leicsfoi.org.uk/documents/5307/5307%20Newell%20Report%20(redacted).pdf

[35] + http://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/05/24/full-set-of-reports-from-the-1991-frank-beck-trial-1-2/

[36] 2014 Oct 4 Ian Pace Documetns on Janner in Andrew Faulds http://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/10/04/the-documents-in-the-andrew-faulds-archives-on-greville-janner/

[37] 2014 Oct 3 Daily Mail Guy Adams Child sex claims, a police ‘cover-up’ and troubling questions for a Labour peer: This special report reveals the full extent of the deeply disturbing allegations against ex-MP Greville Janner http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2779973/Report-reveals-extent-allegations-against-ex-MP-Greville-Janner.html

[38] 2014 Jul 9 Daily Mirror Labour peer escapes probe over 20 child sex claims because he is ‘suffering dementia’ http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/labour-peer-escapes-probe-over-3836213#.U72629iy_Dl.twitter

[39] 2014 Sep 25 Times re Janner paywall link?

[40] 2014 Jun 23 Daily Express House of Lords office of Labour peer searched over ‘sex abuse’ claims http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/484230/House-of-Lords-Labour-Peer-Sex-Claim-Abuse

[41] 2014 Jun 22 Daily Mail Police raid offices in parliament of Labour peer Lord Janner as part of inquiry in historic child sex abuse claims http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2665005/Police-raid-offices-parliament-Labour-peer-Lord-Janner-inquiry-historic-child-sex-abuse-claims.html

[42] 2014 Sept 12 Leics Police re John Bellamy https://leics.police.uk/news-appeals/news/2014/09/12/john-bellamy-72-found-guilty-of-sexual-offences-on-children-in-the-1970s

[43] 2014 Sept 13 Daily Mail Jail for sex pest choirmaster, 72, who forced young boys to strip during private lessons http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2754261/Jail-sex-pest-choirmaster-72-forced-young-boys-strip-private-lessons.html

[44] 2014 Sept 25 UK Paedos exposed Times Article http://ukpaedos-exposed.com/westminster-scandal-114-secret-files-on-paedophile-cases-missing/more-than-10-politicians-on-list-held-by-police-investigating-westminster-paedophile-ring/the-civil-servant-in-the-home-offices-pie-funding-inquiry-and-his-academic-articles-on-boy-love/councillorspolitical-party-affiliated/cover-ups/

[45] 2015 Sept 25 Needleblog Times article http://theneedleblog.wordpress.com/2014/09/25/the-police-were-forbade-from-investigating-lord-janner/

[46] 2014 July 11 Daily Mirror Peer under investigation over sex allegations stops House of Lords appearances – blaming dementia http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/peer-under-investigation-over-sex-3845293

[47] 2014 Sept 26 Coleman Experience Its time to Hunt down paedophile criminal Greville Janner http://thecolemanexperience.wordpress.com/2014/09/26/its-time-to-hunt-down-paedophile-criminal-greville-janner/

[48] 2014 Sept 27 Needleblog Janner Is this Democracy? http://theneedleblog.wordpress.com/2014/09/27/is-this-democracy-in-the-uk/

[49] 2014 Jul 21 Video Janner Doing it  for the Kids Janner http://youtu.be/WpTjd_UF_80

[50] 2014 Oct 11 Leicester Mercury Suzy Gibson Melton dad who repeatedly raped his five-year-old daughter is jailed for 14-and- a -half years http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Melton-dad-repeatedly-raped-year-old-daughter/story-23102167-detail/story.html

[51] 2014 Oct 4 Ian Pace Andrew Faulds Archive on Jenner http://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/10/04/the-documents-in-the-andrew-faulds-archives-on-greville-janner/

[52]  2014 Oct 13 cathyfox blog Leicestershire  Newell Reports about Frank Beck https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2014/10/13/leicestershire-newell-report-about-frank-beck/

[53] 2014 Oct 31 Leicester Mercury Leicestershire County Council publishes reports into notorious paedophile Frank Beck after more than 20 years 

[54] Ian Pace blog https://ianpace.wordpress.com/

[55] 1999 Jan 22 Times Literary Supplement Crusade or witch-hunt? Richard Webster http://www.richardwebster.net/crusadeorwitchhunt.html

[56] see [78]Wikipedia Frank Beck https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Beck_(sex_offender)

[57] 2014 July 12 Ian Pace The Frank Beck Trial https://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/07/12/the-frank-beck-trial/

[58] https://ianpace.wordpress.com/?s=frank+beck+trial

[59] 1991 Nov 30 Daily Express Declan Cunningham Monster Beck drove my little angel to suicide https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/01/29/monster-beck-drove-my-little-angel-to-suicide-30-11-91/

[60] 1992 July 23 Social Work Today At Becks Call https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/01/20/at-becks-call-23-07-92/

[61] 1991 Nov 19 Guardian MP’s letter to boy ‘extraordinary’ https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/01/04/mps-letter-to-boy-extraordinary-19-11-91/

[62] 1991 Nov 12 Guardian Jenner Letter in Court https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/01/04/janner-letter-in-court-12-11-91/

[63] 2015 Mar 19 BBC News Lord Janner: Inquiry into ‘limited’ child abuse investigationhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-31961706

[64] 1991 Oct 10 Social Work Today Beck trial judge bans VIP naming https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/01/01/beck-trial-judge-bans-vip-naming-10-10-91/

[65] 1991 Oct 24 Social Work Today Beck boasted MI6 link says witness https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/01/01/beck-boasted-mi6-link-says-witness-24-10-91/

[66] 1991 Oct 31 Community Care Beck cleared of five charges https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/beck-cleared-of-five-charges-31-10-91/

[67] 1991 Nov 5 Guardian https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/01/01/police-covered-up-mps-sex-with-boy-ex-childrens-worker-alleges-05-11-91/

[68] 1991 Dec 5 Community Care Beck gets life for ‘pursuit of evil’ https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/beck-gets-life-for-pursuit-of-evil-05-12-91/

[69] 1992 Jan 30 Community Care MPs angered by decision to hold Leicestershire inquiry in secret https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/mps-angered-by-decision-to-hold-leicestershire-inquiry-in-secret-30-01-92/

[70] 1992 May 7 Social Work Today Beck evidence stays secret https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/01/01/beck-evidence-stays-secret-07-05-92/

[71] 1992 May 16 Social Work Today Inquiry hints at abuse ring https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/01/01/inquiry-hints-at-abuse-ring-16-05-92/

[72] 1992 June 7 Community Care Inquiry to hear Beck in prison https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/inquiry-to-hear-beck-in-prison-07-06-92/

[73] 1992 Jul 16 Socail Work Today Police open file on Beck https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/11/11/police-open-file-on-beck-16-07-92/

[74] 1994 Jun 2 Independent Notorious child sex offender dies in prison: The trial and conviction of Frank Beck followed Britain’s biggest investigation into child abuse. Rosie Waterhouse reports http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/notorious-child-sex-offender-dies-in-prison-the-trial-and-conviction-of-frank-beck-followed-britains-biggest-investigation-into-child-abuse-rosie-waterhouse-reports-1419811.html

[75] 1994 Jul 28 Care Weekly Inquest rules natural causes https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/01/01/inquest-rules-natural-causes-28-07-94/

[76] 1991 Oct 23 Community Care Former resident’s plea was ignored https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/former-residents-plea-was-ignored-23-10-91/

[77]  2011 Dec 1 Leicestershire Inquiry Kirkwood Analysis http://www.childrenwebmag.com/articles/key-child-care-texts/the-leicestershire-inquiry-1992-by-andrew-kirkwood

[78] Wikipedia Frank Beck Sex Offender https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Beck_%28sex_offender%29

[79] 1992 Feb 20 Community Care Leicestershire inquiry to continue in private https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/leicestershire-inquiry-to-continue-in-private-20-02-92/

[80] 1992 Mar 19 Community Care Beck inquiry uncovers other abusers https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/beck-inquiry-uncovers-other-abusers-19-03-92/

[81] 2014 Mar 5 Cathyfoxblog Leicestershire County Council Response to Kirkwood Report about Frank Beck abuse https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2014/03/05/leicestershire-county-council-response-to-kirkwood-report-about-frank-beck-abuse/

[82] 2013 Aug 30 ITV 14 years for child sex offenders Six men from Leicestershire have been sentenced to a total of 14 years for sexual offences against a 16-year-old girl. http://www.itv.com/news/central/story/2013-08-30/six-to-be-sentenced-for-child-exploitation/

[83] 2000 Aug 15 Scottish Daily Record Pervert priest guilty of attacks http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Pervert+priest+guilty+of+attacks.-a064187895

[84]2002 Oct 16 Operation Magnolia Hansard http://hansard.millbanksystems.com/westminster_hall/2002/oct/16/sex-abuse-cases

[85] Leicester Mercury Coston Lodge Ingram 1970-78 Holy Cross Priory  Church https://webbrain.com/brainpage/brain/0FE31538-2121-8495-33A5-86073BE95DE1/thought/918#-7237

[86] 2011 Jun 23 Leicester Mercury Church order apologises to victims of child abuse Rosminian order 50/60s Grace Dieu Manor Prep School 4 fathers

[87] 1991 Sept 5 Community Care Staff deny care charges https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/staff-deny-care-charges-5-9-91/

[88] 1991 Oct 3 Community Care Ex-Leicestershire care workers on trial for abuse https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/ex-leicestershire-care-workers-on-trial-for-abuse-03-10-91/

[89] 1991 Oct 10 Community Care Leicester trial: Beck ‘assaulted worker’ https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/leicester-trial-beck-assaulted-worker-10-10-91/

[90] 1991 Nov 7 Community Care Labour MP named in Leicestershire case https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/08/03/labour-mp-named-in-leicestershire-case-07-11-91/

[91] 1991 Nov 9 Guardian Abuse case witness tells of sex with MP https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/03/18/abuse-case-witness-tells-of-sex-with-mp-9-11-91/

[92] 1991 Nov 28 Community Care Care workers convicted of abuses in home https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/care-workers-convicted-of-abuses-in-homes-28-11-91/

[93] 2000 Apr 17 Community Care Killer wins settlement against Leicestershire https://webbrain.com/brainpage/brain/0FE31538-2121-8495-33A5-86073BE95DE1/thought/918#-962

[94] 1991 Nov 27 Independent Beck found guilty of sexual abuse of children in car https://webbrain.com/brainpage/brain/0FE31538-2121-8495-33A5-86073BE95DE1/thought/918#-2935

[95] 1991 Jun 21 Leicester Mercury Ex-pupils in legal bid ‘after years of abuse’ http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Ex-pupils-legal-bid-years-abuse/story-12807487-detail/story.html#axzz2MsN6cUSU

[96] 1977 Sep 9 Guardian Priest’s child sex views repudiated https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/05/11/priests-child-sex-views-repudiated-9-9-77/

[97] 1978 Sept 14 Guardian Priest returns to child-sex fray https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/05/11/priest-returns-to-child-sex-fray-14-9-78/

[98] 2000 Leicester Mercury Sex Case Officers praised https://spotlightonabuse.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/leicestermercury.jpg

[99] 2002 Mar Catholic Herald Dead Priests conviction stands https://spotlightonabuse.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/cather010302a.jpg

[100] 2009 Apr 3 Leicester Mercury Paedophile teacher is branded ‘a predator’ http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Paedophile-teacher-branded-predator/story-12096100-detail/story.html#axzz2N8qP1X19

[101] Inside Warrendale Extract https://youtu.be/GCntBVKriRw

[101c] Odysee Inside Warrendale https://odysee.com/@FoxesAmazingChannel:8/Inside-Warrendale-GCntBVKriRw:8

[102] Criterion summary and extract http://www.criterion.com/current/posts/2685-from-the-eclipse-shelf-warrendale


[104] IMDB Warrendale http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062474/

[105] 2014 Oct 3 Daily Mail Child sex claims, a police ‘cover-up’ and troubling questions for a Labour peer: This special report reveals the full extent of the deeply disturbing allegations against ex-MP Greville Janner http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2779973/Report-reveals-extent-allegations-against-ex-MP-Greville-Janner.html

[106] DavidLane.org Kahan Speech http://www.davidlane.org/children/chukapr/mar2000/bkspeech.htm

[107] 1993 Feb 8 Local Government Chronicle LEICESTERSHIRE PROMISES TO ACT ON KIRKWOOD REPORT http://www.lgcplus.com/leicestershire-promises-to-act-on-kirkwood-report/1665410.article

[108] Oxonian Lives Andrew Kirkwood http://www.oxfordtoday.ox.ac.uk/news/2014-09-26-oxonian-lives

[109] http://directors.findthecompany.co.uk/l/1845319/Ms-Alexandra-Theodora-Seale

[110] 2014 July 11 Needleblog Vazs call for new law for Janner  https://theneedleblog.wordpress.com/2014/07/11/keith-vaz-called-for-new-law-to-protect-his-friend-greville-janner/

Add to timeline from about here

[111] 1993 Therapy and consultation in Child Care Barbara Docker Drysdale Free Association Books especially Book 1 Therapy -Chapter on Regression in structured Environment and Book 2 Consulatation Chapter 11 The Management of Violence in Disturbed Children 1971

[112] Murun Press Archive Leicestershire Frank Beck  Category  https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/category/leicestershire-frank-beck/

[113] Kirkwood Report Searchable pdf https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B82ofVnicRoUd3BqTXNOR2dpdUE/view To search just download and then use “find” option

[114] Operation Greenlight https://theneedleblog.wordpress.com/operation-greenlight/

[115] Telegraph {cannot see date or article due to paywall limit reached} http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/9657836/Waterhouse-Inquiry-recommendations-and-conclusions.html

[116] Operation Greenlight Brain Ken Scott https://webbrain.com/u/17dt

[117] 2014 Oct 4 CathyFox via Ian Pace Andre Faulds Archive on Greville janner  https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2014/10/04/the-documents-in-the-andrew-faulds-archives-on-greville-janner/

[118] 2014 Oct 7 East Anglian Daily Times Kesgrave 3 time convicted paedophile Alan Stancliffe dies on bail http://www.eadt.co.uk/news/kesgrave_three_time_convicted_paedophile_teacher_alan_stancliffe_dies_while_on_bail_facing_fourth_set_of_child_sex_allegations_1_3796796

[119] 2014 Dec 29 East Anglia Daily Times Convicted paedophile arrested in Kesgrave Hall and north Wales child abuse inquiries took his own life two days later, inquest told http://www.eadt.co.uk/news/convicted_paedophile_arrested_in_kesgrave_hall_and_north_wales_child_abuse_inquiries_took_his_own_life_two_days_later_inquest_told_1_3899644

[120] 2015 Apr 19 Guardian Jay Rayner I saw up close how an establishment closed ranks over the Janner affair http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/apr/19/establishment-stopped-me-exposing-greville-janner-25-years-ago

[121] Operation Greenlight https://theneedleblog.wordpress.com/operation-greenlight/

[122] Operation Greenlight Brain Frank Beck https://webbrain.com/brainpage/brain/0FE31538-2121-8495-33A5-86073BE95DE1/thought/918#-144

[123] Whale Frank Beck http://www.whale.to/c/frank_beck.html

[124] 1993 Feb 8 Press Association Linda Jackson, Mervyn Tunbridge and Grania Langdon-Down, ‘COMBINATION OF BLUNDERS ALLOWED SEX ABUSER’S REIGN OF TERROR’ text available via Ian Pace https://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/07/10/full-set-of-reports-from-the-1991-frank-beck-trial-5/

[125] 1993 Feb 8 Monday Local Government Chronicle (LGC) Leicestershire Promises to act on Kirkwood Report http://www.lgcplus.com/leicestershire-promises-to-act-on-kirkwood-report/1665410.article


[127] 2015 Apr 21 Cathy Fox post of Hansard House of Commons https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/04/21/house-of-commons-debate-welcoming-janner-back-1991/

[128] 1991 Sep 8 Mail on Sunday [*]

[129] 2015 Apr 16 CPS blog The decision not to prosecute Lord Janner – statement from the DPP http://blog.cps.gov.uk/2015/04/the-decision-not-to-prosecute-lord-janner-statement-from-the-dpp.html

[130] 2015 Apr 16 CPS News The decision not to prosecute Lord Janner – statement from the DPP http://www.cps.gov.uk/news/latest_news/lord_janner/

[131] 2015 Apr 24 Needleblog The Missing Janner File 1986 https://theneedleblog.wordpress.com/2015/04/24/the-missing-janner-file-1986/

[132] 2015 Apr 23 Daily Mirror Lord Greville Janner child sex abuse file ‘lost’ by Home Office http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/lord-greville-janner-child-sex-5571744

[133] 2015 Apr 23 Bits of Books https://bitsofbooksblog.wordpress.com/2015/04/23/1994-what-lord-longfords-autobiography-has-to-say-on-mi6-boaster-frank-beck-his-honest-eyes/

timeline needs updating from here

[134] 2015 Apr 24 Daily Mail The rape of justice: Damning new evidence of Labour peer Lord Janner’s child sex abuse covered up by police and social workers for over 20 years http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3054583/The-rape-justice-Damning-new-evidence-Labour-peer-Lord-Janner-s-child-sex-abuse-covered-police-social-workers-20-years.html

[135] 2015 May 19 Cathy Fox Blog Leicestershire Child Abuse 2 Timeline of a Paedophile Michael Ingram https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/05/19/leicestershire-child-abuse-2-timeline-of-a-paedophile-michael-ingram/

[136] £ 2010 re Lord Back of Lutterworth Councillor and Janner friend http://www.le.ac.uk/ebulletin-archive/ebulletin/news/2010-2019/2010/07/npfolder.2010-07-07.4552072665/npfolder.2010-07-15.9536190354/nparticle.2010-07-19.1661937250/index.html

[137] Andrew Faulds Archive not read properly or used yet in  his article but Ian Pace blog also has the Andrew Faulds Archive archive -literature posted around Leicester [date?] about Janner and child abuse. [link] [need summary of archive]

[138] 2015 May 12 Daily Mail Lord Janner was still director of his firm THREE WEEKS ago, it emerges as damning dossier alleges police chief allowed peer to molest young boys http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3064947/Lord-Janner-director-firm-THREE-WEEKS-ago-emerges-damning-dossier-alleges-police-chief-allowed-peer-molest-young-boys.html

[139] 2014 Jan 2 Spotlight on abuse Greville Janner: A letter from a convict and a standing ovation from MPs https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/01/02/greville-janner-a-letter-from-a-convict-and-a-standing-ovation-from-mps/

[140] 1993 Dec 3 Application for Judicial Review 3rd Ian James Henning https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/05/21/application-for-judicial-review-3rd-december-1993-ian-james-henning/

[141] 2015 Apr 25 Cathy Fox Blog House of Commons Debate welcoming Janner back 1991- “Love, Greville” http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Police-step-bid-overturn-decision-charge-Greville/story-26573761-detail/story.html

[142] Date unknown Cumbria CC Warner Compliance http://councilportal.cumbria.gov.uk/Data/Social%20Care%20Scrutiny%20Panel/20040622/Agenda/%28item%208%29%20Appendix%205%20%20-%20Summary%20and%20Update%20of%20Warner%20Compliance.pdf

[A] Sanctuary for the Abused http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.co.uk/2006/07/for-survivors-coping-with-triggers-if.html

[B] NAPAC http://www.napac.org.uk/

[C] One in Four http://www.oneinfour.org.uk/

[D] Havoca http://www.havoca.org/HAVOCA_home.htm

[E] SurvivorsJustice Triggers post http://survivorsjustice.com/2014/02/26/triggers-what-are-they-and-how-do-we-work-through-them/

[F] SurvivorsJustice Blog http://survivorsjustice.com/

[G] First Step Leicester http://firststepleicester.org.uk/ has a helpline for survivors of child abuse in Leicestershire and Rutland seeking support. The number is 07581 568144.

This is all written in good faith but if there is anything that needs to be corrected please email cathyfox@bigfoot.com

cathyfox the truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free

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the truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free...
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25 Responses to Leicestershire Child Abuse 1 – Frank Beck -working document

  1. joekano76 says:

    Reblogged this on Floating-voter.

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  2. l8in says:

    Reblogged this on L8in.

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  3. Helen Pender says:

    I’m sure Janner was first raided in December 2013. The only reference I can now see to this on the internet is the link below:

    UK Establishment Closes Ranks as Organised Child Sex …
    18 Dec 2013 – In 1978, the homes of PIE members were raided and they faced charges of …. and the Home Office say they have found no trace of the dossier. … December 18, 2013 in Justice. …… The police have swallowed this, despite the fact Lord Janner was taking part in parliamentary business in December last year.

    See also The confessions of Lt Col Balthaar Blimp on rutland.shire.blogspot.com for fictional guess work on how the establishment works and has worked from Profumo to date. This is very wide and deep and funny handshake brigade seems to avoid being investigated on every occasion.

    If you want to use the following poem to highlight the problem you’re welcome to do so – particularly in view of the fact that the Guardian removed it from their comments page immediately – must have hit a raw nerve:

    Where have you been to Daddy
    when you come back in your black bow tie
    smelling of whiskey and bon homie
    with your six pointed star medallion
    tucked up away with your special white apron?
    You say you’ve been to the shrine of Osiris,
    a secret sign of the bold Grand Arch
    protects you Daddy from the bogie man’s march.
    A brotherhood so covert and loyal
    which has the privilege of being royal:
    A nice little club of like minded men,
    giving each other a leg up now and again.
    You’ve policemen and judges and solicitors too
    social workers, teachers all protecting you.

    Where do you go to Daddy as you close the door,
    take off your shiny black shoes and tiptoe upstairs:
    What do you become Daddy
    as you softly creep into my fairy bedroom,
    in your smelly socks breathing foul halitosis.
    The odour of cigars creeps in alongside you
    as you pull back the duvet and take off your trousers.
    Why do you scratch me with your stubbly chin
    touch me with hands still reeking of gin?
    I pray to your Godess, the Egyptian Isis
    to stop her devotee, but no one listens.
    You’re set square to avoid the process of justice
    you’re immune from the laws which others must follow.
    As the straw man plunges, I bite my pillow.

    What do you think of Daddy as you talk of Mummy
    that poor mad creature who stabbed you in the dark?
    Why didn’t you tell them Daddy she was thinking of me
    as she pierced your left buttock, you still bear the mark,
    there’s no one left now to protect me Daddy.
    I’ve seen the Cullen Report on Dunblane
    protect the abusers for one hundred years.
    Your secret society seems to have no shame,
    children in Flintshire have to live with their fears
    and the jeers of the lawyers who heard of their pain
    took tainted evidence salted with crocodile tears.
    Are we a part of your ritual abuse?
    Is that why you had to paint Mummy insane?
    Or do you just do it to amuse?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: House of Commons Debate welcoming Janner back 1991- “Love, Greville”. | cathyfox blog

  5. Pingback: 1994: What Lord Longford’s autobiography has to say on MI6 boaster Frank Beck & his ‘honest eyes’ | Bits of Books, Mostly Biographies

  6. Pingback: Leicestershire Child Abuse 2 – Timeline of a Paedophile – Michael Ingram | cathyfox blog

  7. Pingback: Boats and Child Sexual Abuse | cathyfox blog

  8. Pingback: Boats and Child Abuse |

  9. Pingback: Boats and Child Abuse | cathyfox blog

  10. Pingback: ChildreninShadow.wordpress.com

  11. Pingback: Mind Control and MK Ultra in Canada | cathy fox blog

  12. Pingback: Janners Evidence at Kirkwood Inquiry | cathy fox blog

  13. Pingback: Janners’ Evidence At Kirkwood Inquiry | Ace News Room

  14. Pingback: Kenneth Andrew Scott 22nd September 1987 Court of Appeal | cathy fox blog

  15. Wayne Goodwin says:

    Cathy i think youll want to hear my voice. I have some information youll be interested in. Please contact me. Urgently


  16. Pingback: NEWS | goodnessandharmony

  17. Pingback: Dame Alun Roberts ‏ @ciabaudo An encyclopedic twitter trove of the perversions in the Establishments cupboard. #Epstein #Clinton #DukeofYork #LeonBrittain #Janner#Saville #TedHeath – RogersLongHairBlog

  18. Pingback: Paris Hilton Breaking Code Silence | cathy fox blog on child abuse

  19. Karen says:

    It is my memory that Andy Biggins was found some 4 miles from Braunstone Park on Beggars Lane, at least that is what we were told at the time. It was heavily rumoured at the time that he’d been killed by Beck, despite the glue situation. It’s a long time ago and I was a kid, but Andy was a cracking lad and deserves to be remembered as such.

    Darren Bradshaw, he was special to me. All that remains of him is a line on a child abuse page, and that’s just sad. Deeply sad. He should have had his whole life ahead of him. He wasn’t a bad lad, he was desperate to get away from that hell on earth. I could have been with him that day, but I wasn’t as we’d had words, a silly thing over shoes.

    Anyway… It’s the best part of 40 years ago and we’ve all struggled to move on and build a life on the back of that horror, I just wanted to come to the only place where these boys names exist and say I remember them both, Andy with great fondness and my Darren, with love. RIP both xx

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Anonymous says:

    I second that. I knew Andy Biggins, he was great lad his life and many others were cut short because of this abhorrent mass abuse. I suspect few will remember the people that suffered now but I do. I miss you mate god bless and rest in peace.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. David says:

    I agree such a terrible loss, I didn’t know Darren but I knew Andy really well. I so wish he’d have reached out to me but then again it must have been a massive burden on them. My thoughts go out to all the kids involved RIP Andy my friend.


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