Permanent Suspension from Twitter

Finally I have been suspended from twitter.

It was of course always on the cards, as I post subjects against the globalist criminal cabals lying narrative.

19000+ followers and 5 or more years building up that following. That took effort, as I blog and post about child sexual abuse, not a popular subject though latterly I did expand to the illuminati as thats where child abuse and child trafficking took me. Then onto covid and other subjects, and it was covid post that got me!

I lost 5000 followers in the purges, which took me over a year to get back. The main purges were just before the US elections and one soon after iirc. I survived these but picked up a twitter suspension damage for having the timerity to post a G News link to the Hunter Biden laptop from hell.

At the time, as it was just before the US Biden / Trump election and would undoubtedly have affected peoples votes, it was not allowed to be posted, the excuse being as it came from hacked sources. It would have made fixing the election even more obvious than it was.

Of course it was not from hacked sources, as was very clear at the time, but they need some veneer of reasoning, even overtly false reasoning that the mockingbird media can pick up on and stand behind to buy them time. The Hunter Biden laptop story was true as has now been admitted, but to control the narrative and stop the truth getting to the masses then even the New York Post was banned from twitter.

So this “Hunter Biden” ban was totally unjustified as most peoples bans are.

Then disgusting globalist liar, and friend of Chelsea Clinton, Devi Sridhar got me banned.

I tweeted to her a link correcting her lies. Of course this was silly, I should not have tweeted her directly, even though she had blatantly lied, speaking to children, telling them that vaccines were safe and effective with no adverse effects. She complained and got me banned. Globalist lies win over public truth in the eyes of twitter “community guidelines” enforcers.

I did get my word out about her lies with my blog Devi Sridhar and Covid Narrative Warfare [3]

Later when she had the audacity to start the year by complaining I wrote this Devi Sridhar – Lies and Misinformation [4] This was a blog in which my friend made my favourite meme, which they have kindly made into a gif for me…

Before the above bans, was my first ban, when I gave Lisa Page the traditional greeting of Santa Claus – Ho Ho Ho, on Dec 28th, in reply to some tweet of hers professing innocence of any wrongdoing in FBI corruption. It appears she took it in a different way than that of plain ridiculing her statement and complained.

I can only assume she thought I was calling her a ho (not really a word used in England) for her affair with the criminal FBI Deputy Andrew McCabe. Well if the cap fits Lisa. Fyi in England we would use the word whore or prostitute.

Again though, a mistake I should have learned from if I didn’t want to get banned. Deep state will always be favoured by twitter, no matter what. Do not engage with them.

The next ban was different. I could tell that twitter/luciferian globalist criminal cabal were trying to brand all people who disagreed with the vaccine narrative as “antivaxxers”, and establishing the word antivaxxer as a term of abuse /demonisation, and far wider than its normal definition. They wanted to create a medical equivalent of the perjoratively used term “conspiracy theorist”.

By this the globalist cabal and their minions were trying to set the “Overton Window” – the boundaries of discussion that they would accept. Anyone outside these parameters would be demonised and diminished not by reasoned argument but by what they were making into a perjorative term – a term of abuse essentially.

People who discussed subjects outside the Overton window were assaulted with this boogeyman term. It’s a way of tackling the man not the ball, attack the person not the argument.

I tried to push back and pointed that the term was not justified as the term was used aganst fully vaxxed people who merely don’t want a gene therapy “vaccination” (and they had to change the definition of vaccination to even include it)

Antivaxxers is a term that lazy ignorant people and shills use to describe mostly fully vaccinated people, who object to using an experimental gene therapy whose trials do not finish until 2023. The manufacturers are absolved of all liability and the toll of side effects is huge.

Twitter were prepared to defend the twitter Overton window with a ban, so it could not be challenged.

They are all powerful on their platform. That may or may not be fair enough, but when they have to lie that others spread misinformation to justify banning people, when it is they themselves who are deliberately spreading a disinformation narrative then it is not fair enough. It is fraud that should be challenged but we are in the catch 22 that the globalist cabal control the court system as well and it is prohibitively time consuming and also prohibitively expensive.

9 months later of course, twitter achieved their objective of controlling the narrative to allow jabs and fair progress on vaccine passports/digital ID to build the social credit score/AI /transhuman control system.

Now onto the next media psyop – Russia/Ukraine to cover up the covid psyop, even though it has been admitted by the people who made it, that the covid vaccination is experimental gene therapy. The demonisation using the term antivaxxer is still used but less prevalent, as the facts become more widepsread, so I dont think I would got a ban for this today. They have changed the Overton window as defending that part is not worthwhile.

My final ban fittingly perhaps, came when I posted my own blogpost. If you are going to be banned at least I get satisfaction that it was for my post, albeit of others work. It was not for some trivial repost of someone elses tweet.

My blog post was about a pivotal event when, if Ivermectin was approved for use with Covid, the covid vaccine could not have been given emergency use. Quite simply it was not an emergency, as there were other treatments. However the research was delayed and then diminished by a couple of bent scientists Andrew Hill and Andrew Owen for money, and so the gene therapy jab redefined as a “vaccination” went ahead.

The post is worth reading! which of course is why it was banned Ivermectin Lies, Big Pharma Pawns, Traitors to Mankind [1]

I guess it was the words Ivermectin Lies that the algorithm picked up.

It was a bit silly of me as I had been fairly careful to refer in that thread to call Ivermectin as “Ivor the Engine”, to avoid the algorithm.

However I was in “distribute my blog post” mode across various social media, click click click, rather than thinking about the globalist cabals narrative protection on twitter, and the title of my own post. I even tagged it #Ivor, but the title gave it away.

I appealed on the basis that it was true not misinformation and asked for details of the parts that were misinformation which I said I would delete.

I was not familiar with the exact twitter terms, or bans or appeal, as I reasoned it would not make much difference and I could be bothered researching. I knew I was near a ban, but did not recall that I had had so many bans, nor the exact number of bans you were allowed.

Having now read the rules I would have stood more chance appealing on grounds of “public debate” etc which are not violations, rather than truth, which is not a defence. Similarly I should have known that having had a weeks ban that the next and 5th ban was final.

However as they have sent the information I reproduce it here, so people can read them easily.

Twitter Rules [6]

Twitter medical “misinformation” [5]

I was pretty certain that the ban would be permanent, as I thought not only was the tweet against the globalist false narrative but the whole thread was. Not only that but the tweet was linked to my article. So it would not take a sad twitter community guideline paid flunkey very long to ascertain that I was a threat to their globalist lies.

However I was surprised at the speed. The last appeal took a week for them to reply. This one about 4 hours. No recourse to even a reply. So next step would be lawyers letters, costly and likely a waste of time.

Of course they could just freeze your account but they delete it all, so you lose 6 years work and contacts. Typical Luciferian behaviour. So I am in no rush to get back onto twitter. I do prefer in depth researched blogging anyway but realised also that my twitter threads woke more people up than my in depth researched blogs. Out of necessity in these fast moving times, I will make the blogs shorter, this also fits in with my varying health.

I used twitter as a way to draw attention to my posts and twitter was often the largest sinle source of many of my views for the blogs. Twitter also became important as it is a front line of the information war. Threads were effective in that. However I have been forced away from that particular front, so its time for reassessment and regrouping.

Just before the US election when the twitter purges and bans came, everyone rushed to Parler which the cabal then effectively banned by proxy through app stores and tech companies services. Learning from that I have already diversified and am on several platforms, some better than others.

The most important of these for me are

FoxyFox Substack Blog, email list which is likely more free speech and robust than my wordpress which may suffer from being withdrawn but I have been very happy at wordpress. The wordpress has better features eg gallery for photos and so wordpress gets fuller blogs.

Gab I have 1000 followers, again free speech and independent of attacks like they did to Parler, as it has already been through that so it should be robust. I would recommend everyone has Gab and slowly builds it up. It doesnt have the most features but the great advantage is that it is independent of the cabal. I will be posting more on Gab.

Telegram is brilliant for many purposes but again Deep State, owned by WEF Young Global Leader, so it will not be private and also liable to go down whenever convenient to the globalist cabal. However for now a useful platform and I have several channels.

Telegram Foxy Wolf
Chat Group
Covid Channel
Ukraine Operation
Mockingbird Media
End Child Abuse
MindControl, MKUltra, TI

So to contact me then message on Gab or Telegram or email.


I dont know exactly how well my twitter threads will survive but if you want to check they are here…

[Update they didnt survive at all on threadreaderapp but links and videos survive on pingthread but not photos]

There is talk of a cyber attack, indeed the cabal have already had their “practise” so it may be wise to try Linux which could be more robust to attack. I suggest uploading on an old computer to try. It is easy when you know how, its just sifting through to find how… this is one help site

If you want to help stop the cabal we need to use alternatives to google/youtube. Using them will be a weakness, as well as helps fund them, some alternatives are bitchute, odysee, Brand New Tube etc

Duck Duck Go has been going downhill for some time and now is choosing certain search results so an alternative is decentralised Presearch

There will be tough times ahead. Start diversifying on social media, its much easier to do it now, than when the crunch happens. Create alternatives.

Watch out for other globalist psyops as well – race, climate change, covid, cyber attack, war, economic collapse, more serious diease etc …

ya basta

  • Ban 1 Dec 28 2019 Ho Ho Ho at Xmas to Lisa Page
  • Ban 2 Oct 28 2020 Hunter Biden Laptop Information Link
  • Ban 3 Jun 8 2021 Correcting Devi Sridar’s lies on Vaxx for children
  • Ban 4 Jun 24 2021 Gene Therapy /pushback on perjorative antivaxx insult/lie
  • Ban 5 Mar 8 2022 Ivermectin link to truth on how Ivermectin was not approved in Britain

cathyfoxblog social media links

This post [111] 2022 Mar 10 CFBlog Permanent Suspension From Twitter


[1] 2022 Mar 9 cathyfoxblog Ivermectin Lies, Big Pharma Pawns, Traitors to Mankind

[2] Twitter Misinfo policy

[3] 2021 Jun 23 cathyfoxblog Devi Sridhar and Covid Narrative Warfare

[4] 2022 Jan 1 cfblog Devi Sridhar – Lies and Misinformation

[5] Twitter medical misinformation

[6] Twitter Rules

cathyfoxblog social media links

UK Press Cuttings and Research Databases on Child Sexual Abuse

Bloggers and Tweeters on Child Sexual Abuse UK

US /World Child Trafficking, Child Abuse, SRA, Illuminati etc

(some may be out of date twitter accounts but may be useful for finding the archives)

Healing Resources


Fiona Barnetts Wide Open Updated Lockdown Edition

Svali Resources

Cathy O’Brien e book


Posts with Important Links for Individuals

[100] 2020 Apr 27 cathyfoxblog Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier – Illuminati Whistleblowers

[101] 2020 Apr 25 cathyfoxblog Svali, Illuminati Structure and Mind Control

[102] 2021 Oct 10 cathyfoxblog Child Trafficking by the Jesuits

[103] cathyfoxblog Links of cathyfoxblog Posts 2013 – 2021

[104] 2020 Sept 21 cathyfoxblog Fiona Barnett’s Long Goodbye

[105] J

Links still incomplete

Covid 19

Vaccination Reactions

Europe -EUDRA [206]





Open Vaers [202] allows browsing and searching of the reports


Moon []


The truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” – Edmund Burke

“He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.” Charles Peguy

To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men  – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Every time we act in the face of fear, we dilute it’s power and increase our confidence

Only the small secrets need to be protected, the large ones are kept secret by public incredulity – Marshall McLuhan

Let justice be done though the heavens fall – Fiat justitia ruat cælum

Put the enemy at unease by making information they do not want known to be known…

The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.  FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover

If you have found this post useful, please post on other social media – facebook, instagram, pinterest, gab, twitter, anonup,  – whichever ones you are on. This is most helpful to spread the information. The people who do this are essential. Thankyou.

I am not connected to anyones Patreon accounts, nor do I receive any money for my writing. I believe it is important to provide this information not hidden behind paywalls, and yes I suffer financial hardship for doing so.

I will not commit suicide and if it appears I have, then people may judge for themselves why this is so, after blogging these exposes of the top level of these “orders”. I do not wish to live in the kind of world that the psychopathic orders want to bring in, which is a world wholly and absolutely controlled by them. They commit horrific crimes of child rape, child torture, child cannibalism, child mind control and much more, which is why I wish to speak out and expose them. This carries some risk but if I am killed or go silent, my wish is for more people to tell the truth, they cannot kill us all… please set up your own blogs… replace me 100 fold…

About foxblog

the truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free...
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21 Responses to Permanent Suspension from Twitter

  1. Mark-William Lanahan says:

    You need to post your stuff on Truth Social.


  2. russ shep says:

    Just because of the truth

    Get Outlook for Android


  3. Pingback: Permanent Suspension from Twitter — cathy fox blog on child abuse – The Free

  4. Deni says:

    But you’re guilty of spreading misinformation.
    COVID-19 is real,vaccines are safe and effective with little or no side effects.
    Myself, my partner, my neice, her partner and her two sons, have all been doubled vaxxed as has my ex husband, my daughter, her partner and the many friends I have in Perth are also double vaxxed, and there is nothing wrong with any of us…
    I’ll be getting my booster next week as will the others, some people have said that we were all lucky, we didn’t get the poison shot, that would be impossible, i’m in S.A. and my ex, daughter, her partner and my many friends over there, bit of a coincidence there don’t you think?
    No it’s not a coincidence, it’s because the vaccine works, it doesn’t kill anyone, and doesn’t put a microchip in you, that one is hilarious LOL, they didn’t match us up as family members because we all have different surnames..

    You should really be ashamed of yourself for spreading such lies and especially spreading it to the vulnerable.
    You have people out there that are scared to sleep at night, especially the elderly, they are truly frightened and they shouldn’t be, they should be living their twilight years peacfully with their loved ones instead of being too scared all the time!!
    You were such a level headed woman Cathy, I enjoyed coming to your page, but you have really sunk down the rabbit hole, I just hope you go to some decent sites to learn the truth…
    Let me introduce you to this one, scroll down to find the truth, but read a little bit about him first, he’s one very intelligent man, who knows the truth!!
    There is NO One World Order, there never will be, it’s a made up thing by people like you and Gumtree, not to mention CairnsNews, all false narratives!
    So have a read of this Doctors account of things, now he speaks sense, let him educate you as he did me!!

    P.S. Have a look at some of his other posts, they are so interesting..


    • Pasco Cruz says:

      What are you, a full blown retard or just a pre-programmed propoganda bot? Covaids is not real and the non-vaccine incorrectly promoted as a vaccine that’s actually an experimental Graphene hydroxide infused gene therapy has had over 1 million reported side effects to the official Vaers database(a database that someone keeps illegally modifying) and since it’s estimated that only 1% of adverse effects are actually reported, the real figure would be closer to 100 million. Can you do simple math dumb dumb? That makes it one of the most dangerous pharmaceutical products in history.

      Even if Covid and germ Theory were both tangible realities(they’re not), only a fraction of a percent of people actually die from it and most are old or immuno compromised people to begin with. So it’s flat out unnecessary when it has a 99%+ survival rate like that. Plus, how can you not acknowledge that influenza has miraculously been COMPLETELY eradicated since Covaids came in the scene? I mean you would seriously have to be a super retard of epic proportion to not be able to see what’s going on here. A useless Zombified simpleton who we are all eagerly waiting to finally die.

      I advise most others to stay far far away from the jab, but in your case I recommend you get as many as you are physically able to. PLEASE!!!!


  5. Pingback: Permanent Suspension from Twitter | Wirral In It Together

  6. Pingback: Permanent Suspension from Twitter | cathy fox blog on child abuse | Wirral In It Together

  7. WELL DONE, Cathy! Join the club of ‘banned misinformers’. That’s why Jason Miller, former Senior Advisor to Trump, invented GETTR!!! Isn’t it funny how alternatives to social media keep being invented – just like different churches for different varieties of beliefs…

    Hence I shouldn’t be surprised that HopeGirl who runs a ‘Free Energy Academy’ was harassed by the same person who harassed all of us who believe the children having reported abuse rather than the adults who cover it up… We only know what we know from experience. Plato taught that with his allegory on the Cave…


  8. flyingcuttlefish says:

    kicked off twitter = badge of honor!

    of interest –
    Ukrainian children escaping the war are going missing

    Liked by 1 person

  9. flyingcuttlefish says:

    other topic – but your readers will be able to read between the lines …..

    Real life of ‘Flowers’ author VC Andrews was as creepy as her gothic novels

    Liked by 1 person

  10. RimGlobal says:

    btw I can’t tweet any url, get the ye ole ‘something went wrong’

    Liked by 1 person

  11. They blocked me too -I canno read twitter anymore. It a good news — we are speakin the truth so they are silencing us.

    Liked by 1 person

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