Illuminati Whistleblower Jessie’s Interviews with David Zublick 5, 6, 7

3 of Jessies interviews with David Zublick are here.

The information Jessie gives is worthy of a transcript and being able to be searched by search engines so people can find it, but that is not the case when the information is only available on video Neither do the radio shows do have shownotes. Although these are still only you tube autotranscripts I have included, they will serve that function of being search engine searchable and for research to find what they need in an interview without trawling through masses of video.

The auto transcripts are not brilliant wordwise and you cannot tell who is speaking apart from by context. Proper transcripts are really needed, if anyone has the technology to make them.

Jessie talks about the children kept in tunnels, adrenochrome, Mike Pence, Looking Glass amongst much else.

This post is a basic one, not properly tagged nor with full links as normal, as I do not have time. I put the three videos first, then the videos one by one with appropriate transcript.

[1] Dark Outpost 06-25-20 5 The Tunnel Children


[2] Dark Outpost 07-02-2020 The Adrenochrome Nightmare

9.50 –

[3] Dark Outpost 07-08-2020 Through The Illuminati Looking Glass

06:43 -71:57

Zyblick 5 Tunnel Children

[1] Dark Outpost 06-25-20 5 The Tunnel Children

it has been reported that over 35,000
malnourished caged and tortured children
were rescued or found deceased in
underground tunnels beneath large US
cities including one beneath Newark
Central Park tonight in our continuing
discussion with an actual Illuminati
we’ll discuss this rescue operation and
what has since happened to these
children leave the world you think you
know behind and join us at the dark
good evening and welcome to dark outpost
exploring the darkest outposts of the
human mind and beyond I’m David zubik
coming to you once again from an
undisclosed location happy to have you
with us a few months ago there were some
stories circulating mainly in the
alternative media that over the course
of the Easter holiday weekend several
thousand children had been rescued from
a network of vast underground tunnels
these tunnels were located in and around
the New York City area it was said that
the United States military in a covert
operation had stormed the tunnels and
found thousands of children some of them
were already dead some were injured and
maimed beyond belief and others were
saved and taken to a makeshift hospital
in Central Park that had been actually
set up to deal with Kovan 19 patients at
the time or so we were led to believe a
very credible reporter by the name of
Timothy Charles whole Seth was the first
one to bring this to light we have had
Timothy home Seth on the broadcast here
to discuss other things and we hope to
have him on again but we wanted to get
some insight onto whether or not this
really happened because of course all of
the naysayers those in the mainstream
media and of course all of the
fact-checking organizations and websites
like snow
and others dismissed this story as being
false but as you are well aware those of
you who have been watching this
broadcast for quite some time we have
been discussing once a week the idea
that the Illuminati has kidnapped
thousands upon thousands of children put
them into child sex trafficking rings
have raped and sodomized them have
cannibalized them and have taken their
adrenochrome from their body which many
in the elite feel is a a sort of
Fountain of Youth
we’ve been discussing this with a woman
by the name of Jesse sobota
who has lived this nightmare and has
been on our broadcast to tell her story
tonight we’re going to continue our
conversation with Jesse and specifically
tonight we’re going to get into these
tunnels and whether or not this rescue
actually took place so I hope you’ll
stay with us but first before we get to
that you know we’ve been locked down for
many many months here and I don’t know
about you but I have found myself
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usual the past few months if you’ve been
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it out all right we’ve been talking with
Jessie supporter of illuminate the
darkness calm that’s her website about
her journey into the life of the
Illuminati and some of the horrific
things she has witnessed especially as a
child and today we are going to discuss
with her the story that thousands of
children had been rescued from
underground tunnels on or around the
Easter holiday weekend is this a true
story now please be advised there are
some things she’s not going to be able
to discuss because she has been in
communication and is working with the
United States federal government and the
Trump administration to put an end to
child sex trafficking and pedophilia and
to destroy the Illuminati and to save as
many children as possible so there are
certain things she’s not going to be
able to talk about but we will ask her
to expand on this story and give us all
of the information that she is able to
give us Jessie suborder joins us now at
the dark outpost
Jesse suborder welcome back to the
program thanks David great to be back
today it’s great to have you back with
us okay a few months ago on ER about the
month of April April near the Easter
holiday weekend a couple of reports came
out in the alternative media one by
reporter by the name of Judy Byington
who I’ve had on who have talked to
before and it kind of worked with her a
little bit on some of the stories that
she’s been reporting on and also another
reporter by the name of Timothy Charles
home Seth who said that 35,000 or it was
there were reports anywhere from thirty
five to fifty thousand depending upon
the report that you read but at least
35,000 kids which who were malnourished
caged tortured reported that they were
rescued or found deceased depending upon
you know who you talked to some of them
are rescued some of them are dead in
underground tunnels between or beneath
large US cities including one beneath
New York’s Central Park with with more
coming this was at the time that the the
report broke in April they said that
some of the children that were
traumatized some had never even seen the
light of day some were pregnant preteens
deformed babies piles of corpses whose
bodies were apparently used for organ
harvesting children locked in cages
electroshock and traumatized in order to
harvest their blood for adrenochrome
were carried out of the tunnels by
Marines now the reason I’m bringing this
up with you today is over the course of
the last several weeks of our continuing
discussion and we’re glad to have you on
every week you mentioned last time we
talked about some of these tunnels
especially you know
you said they were in different areas
but I know there was someone in and
around the Chicago area so I wanted I
was receiving a lot of emails since we
spoke last about these reports that
again the alternative media covered the
mainstream media claimed they were
debunked but I wanted to know what you
thought of these reports was there any
validity to them and what can and what
can’t you tell us about this yeah well
let’s start with I’m going to kind of go
through some of the background
information here coming out of this you
know I’m very aware of the tunnel system
I was down in a lot of the different
areas in their tunnels that connected to
the different training centers around
the United States so I can verify you
know from my own personal experience
that there are tunnels the things that
I’ve seen down there go hand-in-hand
with what’s in these reports you know
I’ve seen the children in cages down
there I’ve seen you know I’ve talked
about how you know in some of those
tunnels off of the breeder programs that
are underground I had observed you know
where they had kids in cages and they
had troughs and they were feeding those
children again graphic warning here but
feeding them you know fetuses that were
not acceptable for them to sell for the
organ programs or for other things that
they wanted for money so I’ve seen a lot
of horrific stuff down in those tunnels
in the first place I was not the only
witness to this my training partner as
well also observed all of these things
with him there’s a whole nother aspect
to these tunnels underneath the regular
tunnels that are used for the military
bases and
breeder programs or even by you know by
cities for their general workers whether
it’s people who are laying waterworks or
electricity or you know Wi-Fi type
things they they have deeper tunnels
that the protectors and the assassins
use and that tunnel system is used to
you know if they have to move people who
are considered elite if they’re in
danger or the protectors themselves will
use those systems because they’re all
memorized from the time they’re children
and brought into these programs so
they’ll use those if they need to get
away from from the Luciferians for
safety things like that so um just going
from that aspect we we know that there
are tunnels so with that you know
knowing that world a little bit more you
know as as the Lord called me into this
work you know there’s still individuals
that I have connections to or people
that you know I can’t say names but
there there’s people that I watch and
sometimes you know the best source is
from the horse’s mouth
so you know I can personally verify that
that day or the times around when those
rescues were being claimed there were
Luciferian protectors and assassins who
were very aware of movement going on in
those tunnels that was not their own
they reported this movement they got
individuals who were part of the
protector assassin teams involved one of
the reports and I said I shared this
with you David
that I can’t put it publicly for people
to see but you know one of the reports
you know they claimed that there was
three military individuals who were in
those tunnels one of them sounds like
there was an attack and one of them was
limping and hurt so the next thing that
I saw after they reported that there
were people in these tunnels is that
there’s suddenly you know you you saw
some of the hierarchy or elite
individuals who are connected to the
California area who were reaching out
for help and they were like we need out
of these out of this area and then I saw
those protectors and assassins you know
started putting up other dumb bases some
of which were not in our country you
know with the schematics of how many
people those bases could hold and so you
know we saw this diversion where they
were moving the elite out of that area
so those things alone you know there it
is it’s from Luciferian sources that
there were things happening some of the
other stuff then that came after that
was that some of these individuals were
called into question by the satanic
council by FBI you know who obviously
are black hats and they were thoroughly
questioned their jobs were put on the
line the hierarchy wanted to know where
did the kids go so I saw reports on this
and I saw you know these individuals
having to protect their jobs protect
their careers
you know give the supporting evidence
that they you know we’re not involved in
any nefarious things with children going
missing but if it hadn’t happened you
know if it didn’t happen at all
why were the Luciferians you know
questioning their own protectors and
assassins as to locations or where these
kids were okay well what is the job of
the assassins you mentioned that a
couple of times I don’t know if you
elaborated on that in a previous
conversation but what is the job of the
assassins well they’re part of the it
goes hand in hand so there each one is a
protector plus an assassin there there
are six departments in the Illuminati
each run by the head of that department
and their job is to provide protection
for the elites or the hierarchy so that
could be you know it’s very similar to a
bodyguard you would not usually see
these individuals they’re very aware of
everything that goes on in the
hierarchies life that they’re assigned
to you know so any I’m trying to think
how to put this
they provide complete protection for
that person whether it’s in
transportation whether it’s you know in
checking food water sources so they’re
not poisoned if you know another person
in the Illuminati would attack that
elite person the protectors of both
those elite people are also going to be
fighting one another
so along with that job if the elite you
know commands that person to do a hit
job or to take somebody out who’s
threatening to them that assassin is in
charge of fighting
you know either hiring the job out or
taking the person out themselves
so there’s actually infighting between
Luciferian elite sometimes in other
words there are there are threats made
from one to the other and their
protectors actually sounds like do the
battling for them with them or with them
yes they fight on their own so you’ve
got it the battles both on the physical
and the spiritual realms so they’re
fighting you know physically amongst
themselves with their protectors as well
as they have their demonic spirits that
they’re using or what other you know the
forms the different forms of witchcraft
they would be using in these battles
incredible incredible
now again according to this report some
of these children especially in New York
you talked about the ones in in
California were taken to makeshift
hospitals set up in Central Park
allegedly for what I originally
understood these trauma centers were
supposed to be for or they said they
were going to be for victims of kovat 19
but in actuality that a lot of these
kids were taken to these makeshift tents
and that sort of thing where they were
treated for their injuries
do you know anything about that I do but
you can talk about yeah I can I can talk
about a little bit of that and we did
cover some of that but you know Timothy
Timothy put up some videos in regards to
that and I don’t know if you’re able to
share those links with people but I
would encourage people to really watch
his site I’ve talked about you know my
thoughts on Timothy personally I stand
by him 100
sent his information is 100% accurate so
do I the way yeah I know that he’s come
under a lot of fire from people who have
accused him of all sorts of nefarious
things and in the short time that I’ve
known him and I’ve had him on the
program once I hope they have him again
I found him to be incredibly credible
yeah and you know again his information
lines up with my own personal experience
of some of these individuals you know
again watching the you know the
protectors the assassins I’ve seen
things that you know they report or hit
jobs they’ve put out and you know all of
his information lines up with that stuff
as well so you know I’m seeing it
straight from the horse’s mouth in
Timothy’s confirming what I’m seeing
you know the nefarious acts that some of
these individuals are planning or
plotting so with that said you know his
information is 100% accurate number two
he has the highest level death death
threats you know I’ve seen it and
watched as the Illuminati hire out their
top assassin protectors to take this man
out you don’t you don’t hire your top
top guys if somebody is not a serious
threat even if he had a lot of
information just on one high level
individual they’re not going to hire
their top guys to take him out you know
you got to think money that you know
they’re paying money for these people to
do this job
so you know he when he reports that you
know about his death threats that is
very real it is very serious these
people you know their skill level is
just beyond even I don’t want to say
you know what we consider the top of our
military skill but in a way you know
these people are the best of the best
they don’t mess up they don’t miss they
don’t you know if they’re hired for a
job the job gets done so the fact that
Timothy is alive is a complete miracle
and act of God so with that said you
know there’s things that he’s reported
especially about the New York area you
know we know that there were some
individuals like Samaritan’s Purse who
were there there were nurses who have
been reporting now one of the
interesting things was that and
Timothy’s put up some video on this so
if you’re able to share the links for
that that would be great I love the
morning that they are one of the
mornings that he reported on some of the
New York stuff from what I understand
there were some problems that they were
having with bringing children up to the
surface so part of that problem was
because they were working with that
deeper tunnel system that I talked about
so you know that morning there were some
communications some knowledge that you
know I was able to share with him and on
those matters and you know give some
ideas on things that might work better
for getting those children up to the
surface and that day you know I’ve said
my good dog show as well that day good
dog and I were doing a show called light
at the end of the tunnel and with that
if you go to the about the 28th minute
mark as president Trump gives
his talk about kovat that day he
literally names our show in that talk
and you know I don’t know the full
extent of all of that but to me it felt
like there was you know there was
definitely confirmation a shout out that
what had been related to those teams and
that task force you know was being
acknowledged at least so that’s what I
know about that
the Tim refers to it as the Pentagon
pedophile task force and he indicated
that they and he’s been reporting
exclusively about about this task force
which President Trump set up and then T
and that Trump has indeed given a lot of
signals covert signals to people to let
them know that that that this is
happening including the one that when he
said a storm is coming that this this
storm actually referred to what was
going to be going down with regard to
rescuing as many kids as possible and
bringing to justice these people that
that are harming them so in in Tim is
also extremely an emotional person which
is one of the reasons I believe him
wholeheartedly during the course of our
interview he was tearing up because of
some of the things he had witnessed and
talked about and I don’t think anyone
could could be you know and he was
constantly checking any sound that was
coming in while we were talking and he
any information on his phone because he
gets information constantly gets threats
constantly so I know that what he was
talking about was the truth
yeah one of the interesting things that
one of my favorite things that I
witnessed was you know there were
reports going out that Trump had said
there was no pedophile or append agon
pedophile Task Force but if you listen
to that statement
not many people caught that he actually
says there is no president
pedophile task force right and so I just
kind of had to laugh about that
you know nobody reported on that nobody
seemed to pick that up or notice but
they certainly you know made that a
statement as to there was no pedophile
task force at all
you know we actively see Trump doing so
much you know in this regards to the
child trafficking issue and he is the
only president who has full-heartedly
taken this issue on I was trying to
remember when the video I think it was
done January or February it may have
even been March but if you search for
Trump and the trafficking summit you
know there’s a video that they put
together where they showed you know they
have this huge summit
I’ve Ivanka Melania we’re really
involved in putting this together but in
there you know they have individuals who
speak up and talk about exactly what the
president is doing at a federal and a
state and at local levels to combat this
trafficking issue and it’s really a
great video to watch they have you know
they put together some panels where
people at the local levels are talking
you know about the different things
they’re doing even on Indian
reservations to combat a lot of the
abducted Native Americans or the
trafficking that’s going along with the
Native American girls so the information
is out there for people to see that
there really is stuff being done in
these videos also they have you know
testimony of real individuals who have
been trafficked who come forward and
talk about that
and these are people that you know Trump
has either helped to rescue out or who
are working alongside of him to supply
the information to help them find you
know where these things are happening
how it’s happening and you know the the
individuals who are perpetrating the
rings and the different you know areas
where trafficking is going on one of the
other things I loved about that video is
that he started a committee called the I
think it’s the anti trafficking
committee is the name for it but the
head of that is Bella and I’m forgetting
her last name but she’s an individual
like this whole committee is made up of
individuals who have come out of
trafficking and I want to say her last
name is something like who on or
something like that but Bella is now in
charge of you know that committee were
there they’re helping to make laws and
do different things again that are
focused on combating this trafficking
issue right it is said that the day
after he was sworn into office President
Trump actually did visit the Pentagon
and that’s when this Pentagon pedophile
task force was set up that he
immediately that was one of the very
first things on his agenda so so even
like you said in when he says there’s no
presidential pedophile Task Force again
this is a Pentagon
run operation is it not I can’t I can’t
verify that but I do believe you know
there are
task force that are you know there it’s
almost like I don’t want to use the word
committee because it’s more than just a
committee they have here you know the
authority the power the legal things
that are necessary to fulfill a job but
they are completely outside of you know
they don’t I don’t think they fall under
you know government employees or
anything like that they’re an entity of
their own that works in conjunction with
individuals in the government is how I
understand those type of things to work
the I’ve got the name of that her name
is Bella who Nikki hmm a ke ke why yes
that’s the one
so you know she’s a great resource to
look into you know she’s now kind of the
ambassador between this trafficking
committee and those who are working
alongside of Trump to combat this
trafficking issue in America as well as
there also from what I understand
working internationally as well what I
really really loved about this whole
concept with Bella and this committee is
that you know as a child you know when I
tried to tell it didn’t you know I mean
I tried to go to people in the
government so I tried to go through law
enforcement you know local government
nobody would listen I tried to go
through the church through pastors you
know people you think that you can tell
you deepest darkest secrets – I tried to
tell school teachers you know anybody
that I could try to tell I tried to tell
and the moment like I mean I didn’t even
get any hardly anything out of my mouth
I would say you know my family is
involved in the occult
or my family kills babies or children
and people would shut me down
immediately they they would call me liar
to my face they would you know from that
point on it was like the conversation
was done and so what I love about this
the concept of this committee in these
people on this force is that you can go
to these individuals like if you’re
somebody who is involved in the
trafficking you know if if you’re being
trafficked or if you are aware of
trafficking going on you can go to these
individuals and and because they have
been through it themselves they’ve
experienced it you now have people who
you know are going to be able to they
believe your story they’re gonna believe
what you have to say and they’re going
to work with you to get the tangible
proofs to prove that what you’re saying
is true and then they’re they have the
ability to work with individuals who can
take action and stop the trafficking
that’s going on now I know that there
are certain things that you can’t talk
about but I’m gonna bring some things up
and then you can either defer them in
other words you know say well I can’t
discuss it or you could tell us what you
know one of the things that we have
reported here was that shortly after
George Herbert Walker Bush died I
believe it was November 30th of 2018 it
was revealed that he had made some sort
of an arrangement and agreement with the
Trump administration with regard to his
and his family’s involvement in
pedophilia and child sex trafficking
which goes back four generations they’re
part of this elite and that he was
actually executed by the federal
government for his
crimes and that at his funeral envelopes
were distributed and you can see the
videos online we reported on it to
family members which were actually a
confirmation that his father had been
executed and that indictments either
were part of those envelopes or were
coming can you say any speak to anything
regarding that
well first you know I can confirm that
you know through government sources that
there are over I think right now it’s
over 180,000 indictments and that is
just in our governmental system right
that does not include any of the
individuals that I have been talking
about who are the top of the top
hierarchy that’s just the middle rung
people who run the system for the
hierarchy so you know that’s a mass
amount of people who are involved a lot
of those individuals I do have personal
experiences with and can validate you
know their involvement in in the
Illuminati or the Luciferian Brotherhood
you know the Bush family is the family
that I can identify you also have other
survivors like Cheryl Beck who you know
that was one of her one of the
individuals she I witnessed some of his
horrific crimes I do you know I can’t
you know say 100% but what I believe is
exactly what you said is that he was
executed for his horrific crimes that he
did make a deal on that so you know they
allowed it to be a peaceful execution I
believe that their will that things will
be revealed after the other family
are indicted as to you know the
specifics of his crimes that those are
my personal opinions and beliefs yeah no
that’s that that’s and we appreciate we
appreciate that very much
want to get into another another aspect
of this and and you touched on it a
little bit toward the end of our last
interview and I want to get into it
today and that is this concept of
adrenochrome which is a chemical
compound that those in the Illuminati
those in the elite who are interested in
finding some sort of a Fountain of Youth
believe they have discovered in
adrenochrome but that the only way to
truly harvest its value is to get it
from young children that it that it is
part of everyone’s makeup in the
bloodstream that you know part of its in
the adrenaline system but that is only
potent in children and young teens you
touched on it toward the end of our last
interview tell us what you know about
adrenochrome and its uses by the elite
yeah in my experience it was not just
harvested from children it was also
harvested from elderly people so I don’t
know how to exactly put into words all
of this but you know I did see the store
houses or rooms worth like I’ve
explained before they would have bats of
children that they would be draining
their blood they had rows of what looked
like airplane type seats back-to-back
with elderly people strapped in with you
know where they were draining blood out
of these people so with that you know as
a child I know that they would I would
watch as they would do things that would
the children are the elderly to be
afraid you know fear was one of the
emotions that when they escalated that
fear it would cause the adrenal glands
to kick in and start producing you know
mass amounts of adrenaline in the blood
and then as I you know touched on that
they don’t kill these people and then
drain the blood that’s part of what
keeps the adrenal and the fight hormones
or chemicals going is that they keep
these people at such a high constant
level of fear that that adrenaline is
constantly going into the blood and so
they get it lot you know take it as
these people are alive and literally
will drain them to death it’s trying to
think on that so you know they usually
they don’t take the adrenal out of the
hierarchy children but there are things
that they do that kind of go along with
that so you know one of the things that
I experienced was they gave me some sort
of drug and it was always you know be I
had just turned my back and then they
would hit me you know someone would stab
me with a needle and I would be on the
floor paralyzed unable to move and they
would use something that would cause my
potassium levels to suddenly like
completely flush out of my body and when
that would happened the body’s natural
response is my heart would start to you
know race really fast and then they
would come in and there would be a bunch
of you know the Luciferian standing over
me and they would be saying things to me
like you’re gonna die you’re not going
to make it to see the next hour and that
would cause this heightened fear
and so that was one of the ways that
they control the hierarchy children is
they cause these things to happen at a
chemical level that cause you to be
afraid and to that they used to ensure
that you’ll keep the secrets so long
with that you know I can remember as a
you know as a child part of the
consequence of that is that you know and
I’ve talked to other survivors who have
either had a adrenochrome you know taken
from them or who went through similar
circumstances that I did and a lot of us
are have these issues with severe
hypokalemia where if we get really
stressed if if we get really afraid all
of a sudden our potassium will
completely flush and our hearts our
hearts will start to race we’ll have
other symptoms that go along with the
hypokalemia so you know as a kid
literally my Proctor you know would make
sure like in the every morning I had to
eat like ten bananas she would make it a
game and would squish him up and you
know tell me that I was eating banana
soup and so I had to eat you know high
amounts of potassium and then at night I
would get a lot of the leg cramps and
muscle cramps and so with that like she
would use extreme hot you know bath
water she would soak the towels and that
and wrap my legs and my arms and those
to try to combat those potassium issues
so those are those are the ways that
I’ve seen I have seen you know my
Proctor and other individuals you know
HRC is somebody that I saw on the Drina
you know what was not scary or I should
say it was not as scary seeing them on
adrenochrome as it was watching them
come down off of the adrenochrome um you
know working as a chaplain I’ve worked
with meth addicts heroin cocaine addicts
and I’ve gone through you know seeing
them go through the withdrawal problem
when the individuals come down off of
adrenochrome it’s all you know they
often call it the zombie syndrome they
completely are out of their mind
there is no mental control or filter on
them and they crave blood and flesh
I’ve watched is that you know they came
down and they literally would they
usually have children or people that
they want to kill off in the room as
they’re coming down because they will
kill and consume flesh you know it’s
pretty you know I haven’t ever shared
any of this but you know it really was
horrifying as a child there you know
when my Proctor came off of this I would
be hiding with my siblings wherever I
could find a place to hide that she was
not aware of and I would be armed with
either you know nice or scissors
whatever sharps or things I could find
and you know is pretty much lock
ourselves in this hiding place keep my
baby siblings quiet and you know just
spend the hours in prayer until she
finally you know zonked out and went to
sleep and after that you know once she
woke up things were
back to our normal you know but it
really I mean it there’s not even a
there’s not even a horror film that
could adequately portray you know that
the horror of this it’s it’s just beyond
what anybody could even imagine I think
we’ve seen some signs of this I think we
recognized it most during the
presidential campaign of 2016 we saw
several instances photographs video
appearances by Hillary Rodham Clinton in
which one moment she’s looking like the
picture of health
and the next minute she looked like
death warmed over and we’ve seen
pictures of many celebrities Ellen
DeGeneres comes tomorrow who appear to
look as if they are lacking something in
their system that not that not that
you’re just tired or overworked or
anything but I mean literally very sick
and there have been reports circulating
that these are people and this is what
they look like when they’re out of their
adrenochrome it is that is that true it
is according to my experience with my
Proctor you know and the other
individuals that I saw coming down off
of this stuff there’s a definite change
in appearance skin color is one of the
biggest things they do get pale and
pasty you know there’s a it’s a music
video and I trying to think it’s it’s by
the group in this moment and I was
trying to remember that the song is
called oh I think it’s called Oh Lord
that video if you watch it
um you know the woman in there she she’s
dressed up you know in this occultic
uniform you see her hands are black in
that video you see her clawing at a
table and she’s crying it like she’s
having this conversation with God at the
same time you know she’s involved in
occultic things and it’s like she’s
praying and asked you know asking God if
he’s gonna forgive her but she’s
continuing to to walk in this way of
evil that that really resonates with me
and especially with the adrenochrome
that is what I experienced with my
Proctor is that you know there’s this
almost like this delight and mockery of
God when they’re going through this
withdrawal symptoms or even you know
right before the withdrawal they get
this extra sense of their selves so
almost like they’re higher than God
there’s nobody that can stop them from
what they’re doing they are all-powerful
is how they’re seeing it and you know
it’s just it gives you a really good
picture and I would see you know they
they would lose parts of circulation
body function would would change so you
know you would see the jerking or the
you know their their arms they wouldn’t
be able to exactly move the way they
would normally move them you know in
those times – they have they lose
control of their body and so sometimes
that’s when you know their spirits or
their Demont
their demons would kick in and would
have full extents and control over their
so some of that use you catch glimpses
of that in some of those videos
especially with HRC where it looks like
there’s something else you know that she
doesn’t have control of her body
something else does well I’ll tell you
what I’ll tell you what there are two
things that are going on here maybe you
can come in on both of them one of the
things that I heard and I’ll never
forget this because mm-hmm
I remember exactly where I was and I
believe it was September 11th of 2016
Hillary Clinton was in New York City she
was attending some sort of an
anniversary of 9/11 memorial event and
she alleged it was a beautiful sunny day
I think it was about 70 to 73 degrees
later it was reported that she suffered
some sort of a heat stroke reaction she
collapsed getting into a black van they
said she was taken to her daughter
Chelsea Clinton’s apartment which is
actually they said up front for a
medical clinic in which Hillary Clinton
was being perhaps treated for and some
people have referred to it as crude
disease which is a disease which you can
acquire from being a cannibal some
reported that Hillary Clinton actually
died on that day and that the woman that
we have seen subsequent to that date
because we haven’t seen Hillary look
that bad since it was actually either a
doppelganger or you know a another
person who’s been taken who has taken
her place do you know anything about any
event and can you comment on again I
don’t know the details on all of that
but one of the things that I found I saw
that – in you know one of the things
that I found interesting was that you
know knowing the health issues that I
have when my potassium suddenly does
this flush or drops out of my body one
of the things that can happen is that
you pass
so there were some things there that I
saw that were very reminiscent of when
my potassium decides to drop one of the
things with adrenochrome is that you
know it puts your body in that fight
mode or you know as I would call it you
you get lots and lots of extra energy
your body physically you know in order
to keep up with this mass amount of
energy it expends a massed amount of
potassium and so you know that that was
something that I you know that was the
first thought that came to my mind was
that you know her potassium just majorly
dropped and I do believe they had to
take her in for immediate medical care
your potassium has to stay between a
three point a 3.5 to a 5.0 in levels if
it drops to a two point eight that’s
considered lethal or critical I’ve had
where literally within a 30-minute
period my potassium went from a four
point five to a 2 point 8 mm and you
know it just flushed and all of a sudden
it was like I had to be in the emergency
room they had to have me hooked up to IV
bags like literally pumping mass amounts
of potassium like enough that could kill
a cow you know people forget that you
know part of the executions that’s one
of the humane ways they execute is they
will give a lethal dose of potassium
which causes people’s hearts to stop so
you know I don’t know what happened to
Hillary in truth that day but there were
things that I picked up on that my mind
connected to some of these other
issues that I know adrenochrome can
cause you know I don’t think it was just
a pass out from heatstroke from what I
saw you know she all of a sudden went
from you know being normal to all sudden
being in a critical situation of life
and death you’ve obviously been
following the reporting on all of this
we talked about Timothy Charles home
says do you know of or have you even
ever spoken with a reporter that I think
has done a yeoman’s job of reporting on
this issue but has been mainly ignored
by the mainstream media and that is Liz
croakin I have not okay Liz croakin has
been covering the the the whole thing
from the beginning of a well pizza gate
this is this is where it all started for
me when I first heard about this of
course I was I was as naive as a lot of
my viewers were up until we started
covering this this whole James elephant
Asst pizza gate scandal where allegedly
kids were being tortured and murdered
and cannibalized and everything else in
this in the basement of a pizza parlor
in Washington DC that is when this
reporter Liz croakin who was written for I mean she’s a lot of
mainstream news began covering this
pedophilia and child sex trafficking and
Illuminati stuff and and you can find
her videos on YouTube and I would highly
suggest Jessie that you that you watch
those videos and perhaps attempt to get
in touch with her because she’s out she
is really an outstanding reporter but so
you’ve never spoken with her you don’t
know know her so that’s a recommendation
that I have but speaking of that what
can you tell us about that when this all
started this pizza gate thing that’s
what I think it started a bust wide open
what did you what did you think when you
heard about that um you know as a child
that was silenced her whole life for me
it really was a huge shock you know I
felt like I just couldn’t breathe it was
like wow people are actually talking
about you know all the stuff that I’ve
been trying to tell for years is going
on and you know probably my next
reaction was was just disbelief like can
this really be happening you know did
they really just break this open so you
know there there was a lot of mixed
emotions and that for me I spent a
couple days in you know I’m not a crier
but I spent days crying over that
because I just couldn’t believe that
things were starting to come to the
surface and there’s a lot of mixed
emotions with that you know it hurts
when you then have the naysayers who are
discrediting or who are saying it’s just
a theory or that it’s satanic panic you
know it’s it’s just people overreacting
to one or two incidences or real events
you know you had a lot of people kind of
trying to direct it in those ways so
those things really you know really hurt
because it was like you know knowing the
vast extent of it in and the worst of
the worst of it you know there’s the
part of me was just like you know don’t
stop looking into this you know I I just
wanted people it’s like look further
like there’s more like this is this is
like the you know the top
the iceberg like you haven’t even gotten
to you know the mass of iceberg that’s
under the water you know it’s like just
keep digging because there’s so much
more and you know I that was part of you
know some of that is you know what
brought forth where I really started you
know it’s like I got to get out there
and and share because nobody is going to
really you know like I didn’t want it to
stop at the top of the iceberg it’s like
you you know there’s so many kids there
that are hidden you know in the tunnels
or in the breeder programs or who are
hidden in the hierarchy and if you just
looked at you know what was reported
about pizza gate it doesn’t even begin
to you know deal with an eighth of the
children who are involved in these
things so it’s like it can’t stop there
you can’t just reveal pizza gate and
rescue the children who are in that part
of the system you know it’s so much
wider and faster than that and you know
if people aren’t speaking out about the
the full extent of everything that’s
going on you know there’s still so many
children that are being subjected to
these horrific things yeah it’s it’s
heart-wrenching and heartbreaking in
this and it is and it’s interesting
we’ve had you on a few times now and
we’ve just barely begun to scratch the
surface of what we need to talk about
and that’s why we asked you back every
week where we’re gonna be getting into
other things as the week’s go on but
it’s just it’s amazing I’m you on your
own personal level I know that you are
in contact and working with people
within the federal government regarding
this whole thing people you can’t talk
about things you can’t say is your life
in danger
every single moment of every day you
know it hasn’t changed from even when I
was a child you know my life has always
been in danger but you know the more I
speak out the more I say you know the
more threats that come my way the more
urgings to be silent and shut my mouth
what people don’t understand is that you
know at first I I did try to go under a
pseudo name for a little period of time
but the problem is is that with the
information that I’m bringing forward
everyone in the system knows who it’s
who it is bringing it forward because
I’m the only person who has that
information you know so that’s the hard
part is that there is no hiding there is
no going off grid or underground you
know I just have to the the Lord has
been amazing with the protection you
know I I couldn’t ask for a better
protector than him and he certainly has
you know he told me about five years ago
when all this began the Lord had said to
me you know you will share your
testimony and when he said that you know
my first reaction was just utter fear
and dread in it and it was like Lord you
know you know that not only my Proctor
but high-level people have-have straight
to my face told me that if I say
anything you know they’ll do the
horrific things that I’ve seen them do
to other children to my family to you
know to my immediate family to my
you know they’ve threatened that I’ll
they’ll do it right in front of my face
and make me watch my children die in
horrific ways you know and so my
reaction was Lord you you know I will do
this but you you’ve got to hide me
somehow you’ve got a cloak the enemy’s
eyes so that the enemy doesn’t hear or
see what I’m doing or saying and you
know so I was trying to make a deal in
bargain with God
which never works out to hell but the
Lord’s response really surprised me and
his immediate response to me was no you
will do it right in front of their faces
and so going into this the Lord the Lord
never made the promise that he would
protect or keep safe you know my family
or myself he just simply said to me you
know you will share your testimony and
its fullness and so I’ve been obedient
to do that and you know that would be my
encouragement to others who are stuck in
the system or survivors who have
important things to share is that this
is the time we need to trust in the Lord
alone you know life or death we know
that there are other children like us
who are experiencing the same things
that we’ve gone through and we are their
voices we have the you know the ability
to to share the things that happen to us
and to speak out that truth against this
Luciferian brotherhood and and we need
to to do that with boldness and with
courage and not be afraid of of
everything that can happen to us you
know individuals like Tim and you know
Trump and the others who are coming
alongside of you know I think a field
McConnell you know the the those people
they’re putting their lives in danger
every single moment of every day you
know it’s not it’s not a game it’s not
just that we get threats on the internet
or you know on our emails or phone call
threats you know this is real
life-and-death situations you know these
people have the ability you know I
observed one time literally where a
person was walking you know kind of
walking through a store and as they were
the store’s sliding doors two people
came walking in side-by-side and so they
kind of walked straight in they came
alongside of that individual one of them
you know stabbed them with a needle and
then they turned around and walked out
the door with the individual and next
thing that person had supposedly died
from heart attack
so things can be that quick you know and
that unexpected that these people they
track you you know every moment of my
life they know absolutely everything
that I’m doing every single person I
reach out to or I’m connected to they
track all that and that’s not to put
fear in the heart of other people who
can come forward it’s to show the power
of God that you know for 38 years now
I’ve been out of the system and they
have not been able to to end my life
because God has a plan so I really want
to encourage more people to come forward
and to really join in this fight you
know it’s not about our lives it’s about
the lives of these children you know and
that this evil must stop nobody else can
stop it but us and you know we have the
power to stop it because we know where
it’s happening we know who’s involved
you know we need to share that
information that’s the only way it’s
gonna stop well Jesse our time has come
to an end for this week but we will
obviously be back together again next
week and continue our conversation one
final thought from you before we go
though and that is what do you think of
the children that were rescued from this
these tunnels where do you think they
are now
are they in psychological counseling are
they being counseled religiously are
they working are they talking as you
have been with people in the government
letting them know what’s been happening
to them I I don’t know where the
children are but I’m praying for them
every day I believe that you know our
government I see them investing a lot of
money in saving these children and they
wouldn’t invest that much unless they
were committed to invest further and you
know Trump keeps saying lines like you
know every child deserves to grow up in
a safe home and in a safe community and
I believe that that talks about the
heart of what they have been developing
and creating for these children is that
they are creating you know safe schools
safe communities safe churches safe
places for these children to grow up
that you know that they’ll know that
they’re not in danger anymore they don’t
have to fear people coming after them or
pulling them back into the horrific
trafficking or other ritual abuse
they’ve gone through so you know I just
keep my eyes on what you know what
individuals like you know Trump Pompeo
Melania Ivanka you know what they’re
and all those working with them they’ve
been very transparent if you’re keeping
up on the education you’re keeping up on
the medical changes they’re making
they’re just playing to everybody you
know what they’re putting into place and
I feel it’s good you know I at this
point I feel it’s it’s good and
but there is stuff being done so I know
you know for New York they had
Samaritan’s Purse there there’s a lot of
a lot of work Samaritan’s Purse does
with children in other countries you
know where they go in they build homes
they you know make sure that there’s
food and educational supplies things
like that it wouldn’t surprise me if our
governments working with a lot of
organizations similar to that who are
working in conjunction together to you
know put put kids into either back to
there give them back to their families
or you know putting them into homes or
places where they have the care and the
need or the care and the things that
they need you know from my own
experiences and stories of other
survivors who you know have been those
children who were going through these
horrific things with the tunnels
I could see that a lot of the kids
probably would have chronic conditions
that would need constant medical
attention so I think that there are
special things that need to be put in
place for these kids you know but I also
see we have a president in a government
who are investing in the health care
making sure that every American can get
the care that they need and they get the
right to try if something could you know
help them or or make their quality of
life better they now get the right to
try that so I could see how things like
that would be very beneficial to some of
these children and the horrific things
that they’ve you
the consequences of what these people
have done to them you know well Jesse
we’ll talk again next week for sure
and I want to thank you as always for
coming on each and every week I look
forward to our discussions I get a lot
of a lot of positive feedback from my
viewers who really admire you for coming
forward and our honor to get to know you
through these discussions so thank you
for being with us again today and we
will talk again next week
great thanks David thanks Jesse buh-bye
Jesse sobota once again at the dark
outpost we thank her for being with us
again this week and she will be joining
us again next week as we continue to
discuss the horrific Illuminati and what
is really going on here in the United
States and around the world and who’s
behind it and how to stop it now those
of you who are regular viewers of this
program realize that we’ve been covering
this topic on our video channels and on
our websites for years this goes back to
2016 honor about the fall of 2016 in the
run-up to the 2016 presidential
elections we told you then that this
stuff was going on one of the main
reasons that President Trump ran for
office was to be able to put an end to
pedophilia and child sex trafficking
here in the United States and since he’s
been in office many many people have
been brought to justice or are in the
process of being brought to justice some
of them are interred at Guantanamo Bay
undergoing military tribunals others are
being held in secret military
installations around the United States
this is being handled it’s being taken
care of there’s a problem the far left
and the people who are responsible for
funding this horrific scourge of
pedophilia and child sex trafficking are
doing everything in their power to
prevent the re-election of Donald Trump
in 2020 they would like nothing better
than to put an
to his presidency and put an end to his
attempts to stop the Illuminati in their
satanic goals we knew this was going to
be happening once Donald Trump was
elected in fact we knew what was
happening before he got elected that if
he won it would still be an uphill
battle to put an end of this if he is
not reelected in 2020 this is going to
continue it’s gonna be very very bad
when we saw this coming we started doing
our own research and during the course
of that research we put together a
series of reports on just this topic the
topic of pedophilia and child sex
trafficking and satanic ritualism and
the Illuminati we now have over 25
reports on this topic we call it the
bundle plus what is the bundle plus the
bundle plus is 25 reports thousands of
hours worth of research hundreds of
pages worth of documents profusely
illustrated with links Trackbacks all of
the information you need to share with
your family your friends your co-workers
anyone who will listen anyone who wants
to help save children we’ve been making
these reports available for quite some
time and we want to continue to make
these reports available to you because
knowing this is happening is one thing
having the evidence to back it up is
something else we told you about Timothy
Charles home set another very credible
reporter by the name of Liz croakin
she’s been covering this topic for a
very long time and she
said that her investigation has
concluded that up to one-third of the
people in the United States federal
government right now are involved in
pedophilia and child sex trafficking
here in the United States one third now
that means that the other two-thirds are
comprised of two types of individuals
the individuals who are not
participating in it but not doing
anything about it or those who are
trying to put an end to it and help
Donald Trump along the way in many cases
a lot of this has to be covert it’s not
brought out into the public sphere and
it’s not discussed in the mainstream
media the reason it’s not discussed in
the mainstream media is because many of
the people in the mainstream media are
involved in this as well Donald Trump
cannot count on support from the
mainstream media to help put an end to
this he can only rely on those of us in
the alternative media to cover it and he
can only count on people like you to
help him put it into it but in order to
do that you have to be able to back up
your claims with evidence and the bundle
Plus right here gives you that evidence
we’ve come we’ve compiled these reports
what’s in them okay we have reports on
the Clintons and their involvement in
pedophilia and child sex trafficking
it’s been demonstrated that the Clintons
ran a pedophile child sex trafficking
operation in Haiti but they’re also
involved in it here in the United States
it has been documented that Bill and
Hillary Clinton have traveled on jeffrey
Epstein’s lolita express to little st.
james island also known as pedophile
island to have sex with underage kids to
be involved in satanic rituals and
cannibalism is
demonstrated we have reports on the
Podesta’s and their involvement we know
that John Podesta and his brother are
involved in this up to their eyeballs
and may have been responsible for the
disappearance of many children including
Caylee Anthony we know that the bushes
have been involved in a tremendous
pedophilia and child sex trafficking
ring over the course of many many
generations and that we have
demonstrated that George Herbert Walker
Bush confessed to these crimes before he
was executed not too long ago and that
after he confessed at his funeral Donald
Trump and the Trump administration
presented his family and many others
with indictments indicating that Bush
had confessed that Bush senior had
confessed we’ve demonstrated that it’s
been proven we have reports on the
business community Bill Gates and his
agenda of depopulation involving
pedophilia and child sex trafficking
bill gates also traveled on the Lolita
Express to little st. James or pedophile
Island with Jeffrey Epstein we have
reports on the military industrial
complex we have reports on the
entertainment industry in particular the
Disney Empire the Disney petal gate
Empire they are involved in it and have
been for many many years including old
uncle Walt himself and we have reports
on the Roman Catholic Church and other
denominations of Christianity as well as
other denominations of all religions
involved in pedophilia and child sex
trafficking we have reports on the
European Royals and their human
teenage hunting parties and of course we
document just about everything that
Jesse sobota has been talking about when
she visits us each and every week we
also have reports on Jeffrey Epstein we
have as a little black book we have the
entire case file against him including
every FBI indictment we have the names
of people involved who traveled to
pedophile Island and the people he
associated with such as Jews Lane
Maxwell we have report on James
elefantes and the pizza gate situation
fact our first report on this was the
original pizza gate report we have
reports on how you can protect your
children your grandchildren any child
that you care about from predators both
online and in society we have all of us
documented and ready to get into your
hands so that you can share it with your
family your friends your co-workers
again anyone who will listen and your
politicians who are gonna be asking for
your vote in 2020 are they part of the
one-third that are involved in this or
are they gonna help and do something
about it let them know that you know
what’s going on because you have the
bundle plus I’d like to get the bundle
plus into your hands today how do we do
it all right all you have to do is go to
our website dark outpost calm that’s our
flagship website we have four of them
we’re gonna list all four websites at
the end of this video but our flagship
website is dark outpost com go there
click on any story on the home page and
then as you’re reading that story I want
you to screwed on the right side of the
page until you come to the donate button
click that donate button make a donation
to us of a hundred and twenty-five
dollars or more a portion of which goes
to an organization that we support
that’s doing everything in their power
to put an end to child sex trafficking
here in the United States that
organization is shared Hope
International so you know that your
money’s going to a good cause so make a
donation to us of a hundred and twenty
five dollars or more and then email me a
copy of your receipt for that donation
email it to this email address and it’s
important you get the right email
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we can be a little bit mad if you think
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little bit grisly and some of the things
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we’re going to have interviews with
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appearing on here will also be appearing
on the radio show and sometimes it’s
just going to be me talking about some
things that we can’t cover on the video
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us this Saturday night at 10:00 p.m.
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[2] Dark Outpost 07-02-2020 The Adrenochrome Nightmare

10 mins-
to our regular Thursday evening guest
Jessi’s a boater a former victim of the
Illuminati child sex trafficking Slade
and Satanism she has been talking about
her ordeal and bringing some big names
to the table in doing so she’s talked
about what she’s been through there are
certain things she can’t say because she
is also working with the federal
government on this and the Trump
administration but she tells us
everything she can and in our previous
conversation just Jessie sabor de was
talking about adrenochrome we got into
that a little bit that that drug that
can only be obtained by extracting it
from the human body and it creates a
sort of Fountain of Youth or at least so
those on the global Illuminati
conspiracy belief
and when I spoke or communicated with
Jesse off the air this past week she
indicated to me that one of the things
that she wanted to do was to discuss
adrenochrome even more that she had some
more incredible information to share
with us about that
Jessie supporter joins us now at the
dark outpost Jessie supporter welcome
back to the program thanks David it’s
really an honor and a pleasure to have
you back with us we I get more feedback
about your appearances on this program
than anything else I do and that says a
lot about how people are really
interested in your story and they can
always go back and watch our previous
conversations or previous videos to
catch up if you haven’t already please
do that all of our shows are archived on
our youtube channel this week we’re
going to talk a little bit about
something we got into briefly during our
last conversation but we were kind of
can I ran out of time and then you kind
of contacted me off the air this week
and said hey I want to I want to discuss
a little bit more about this idea of
this chemical known as adrenochrome and
so basically what I think I’m gonna do
is I’m gonna just say tell us what you
have to tell us because I get a lot of
questions about the adrenochrome this
Fountain of Youth that theme that the
the globalists and the Cabalists believe
they have found here in this secretion
by the human body so why don’t you tell
us what you’d like to say yeah well
first I want to say you know there’s a
lot of times people have asked me about
this and you know my usual response is
very short and brief it’s not a topic
that I really like to discuss much
and in fact I most of the time try to
avoid like the plague but this week you
know the Lord was really putting on my
heart that it was time to really come
forward you know with the truth and to
show people really what’s happening with
this at the higher levels it’s an area
you know usually for the most part I’ve
told people no you know I’ve never I’ve
never done adrenochrome things like that
because I really just don’t want to talk
about it they don’t want to go there but
I really need people to understand you
know that this is a really huge thing in
the Luciferian Brotherhood and we need
to always remember that you know the the
individuals who are involved in in this
a cult they are which is at the highest
levels and you know engage in all sorts
of witchcraft and divination of the
darkest sorts and they are masters of
magic which you know for me that would
include you know calling on demons and
connecting others to demons but there
are also masters of alchemy and
herbalism and you know we haven’t really
got into that a whole lot I’m in our
discussions and I don’t know if there’s
a special name for the type of studies
that we’re going to start talking about
today but what we’re gonna kind of talk
about is that they do this come it’s
like a combining magic with chemical
magic and that chemical magic gets into
using parts of the body you know so that
could be the kidneys the livers the
penal glands but they also use the
hormones and brain chemicals so things
like adrenochrome and so people you know
have to understand that at the highest
you know the adrenochrome is prized and
it it’s not even that these people don’t
just use it once in a while like will
he’ll hear stories about you know famous
people or Hollywood people who are
adrenochrome junkies and things like
that but at these highest levels they
have gotten to the point where they’ve
mastered the chemical formations of this
and really have become what I call
functioning adrenochrome Ickx so it’s
not just that they use it once in a
while like during rituals or before big
events they’ve gotten to the point where
they they use it every single day and
you know have played with the amount so
so that you know they know how much they
can take and still function on and then
they know how much they can take before
they start displaying you know psychotic
or what I would call kind of that a
hyper vigilant uncontrolled
characteristics of somebody who has had
you know a higher dose of adrenochrome
and most of the time you know we don’t
hear about adrenochrome use unless it’s
an individual who you know has had those
higher doses where they’re having a
psychotic moment or they’re doing things
that are not themselves that’s when you
start to hear about it is it like give
them a high I mean I’m assuming that
because it is secreted come on I
understand you’ll correct me if I’m
wrong from the human body at a moment of
fear because it because we have talked
about the fact that a lot of these
people are you know put in a state of
complete fear and
terror and it’s at that point that the
adrenochrome is is extracted I’m
assuming that that when it’s injected or
ingested into the human body of the
recipient of this that do they also
experience a fear or a high or some sort
of a thing that that that makes it as
addictive as let’s say drugs or alcohol
well what it does is it stimulates that
fight response so how they do use it is
that it really gives them a hyper
vigilant physical and spiritual
awareness and acuity so mentally
emotionally like they’re they’re just
they’re on high alert
so most of the time that’s how they use
it it it does have like this euphoric
feeling you feel good on it you have
lots of energy so like with my Proctor
you know I guess first we got to kind of
break the myth that these people don’t
just you know take it like caused others
to be afraid and take the audrina from
them and then consume it right away
that’s not always the case they have you
know become masters of really procuring
it so you know making it in different
forms so that it can be used later or
used as they want to use it so there is
a process to that like I’ve talked about
some of the you know warehouses where
they’re draining the children and the
elders least blood you know that’s all
if they’re doing any adrenochrome
harvesting with that all of that would
be pure procured and you know stored so
I want to get into that just
little bit more today sure like for
example how first of all and I’m just
going to ask some questions and then I’m
going to let you talk but the two
questions that I have is number one how
is the adrenochrome put into the to the
body of the recipient I’ve heard some
people drink it
I’ve heard it’s injected that’s my first
question and the second question would
be does it have a lifespan in other
words is there at some point where we’re
like you know certain food that has an
expiration date or something it goes bad
is it does it have to be used within a
certain period of time that’s a great
I think it does have to be used within a
certain period of time so one of the
things that happened to me as a child
was that you know talked about what the
potassium issues that I had so that was
part of the adrenochrome abuse that I
experienced was everyday you know they
had me on a regimen where I had to eat
at least ten bananas match smashed up
into this concoction that you know they
told me was banana soup and in that soup
they would put a calculated amount of
adrenochrome now adrenochrome it turns
brown or black when it hits oxygen so
that’s why my proctor particularly chose
you know to use very ripe bananas
because you know those also turn black
so it was less detected by other people
that she was putting other stuff or
mixing you know the Audrina chrome in
there so I you know that was something I
had to you know consume every morning
and you know at other times you know she
had me doing her and her spouse you know
they liked to have it in their drinks
and so they had these bottles of it that
were almost like tinctures I don’t think
it would you know like each bottle had I
hate to keep using the word calculated
but they had you know different almost
like proofs you know if you’re thinking
about alcohol you have different proofs
of how strong it is
so that they had different proofs of the
adrenochrome and you know so she she
would have it have me pour it into their
drinks and to make their drinks for them
her drink of choice was cordial brandy
and you know if I accidentally poured in
too much then I was you know dealing
with hours of her under this extreme
psychotic behavior you know but it was
always you know very calculate it would
be like okay you put you know this much
into the drink and then this much
alcohol I don’t know if that really
answers your question too much in a way
you’re telling you’re talking about the
various proof levels I so that so the
reaction to to having us can be anywhere
from what appears to be some sort of
euphoria to as you stated if it just
take psychotic behavior so it’s so is
there isn’t there also a physical
manifestation because these people
obviously they appear and I haven’t seen
you know a person that obviously has
adrenochrome in their system but we
appear to have seen pictures of people
who normally look very healthy and then
if like Ellen DeGeneres comes to mind
you know and then you see these pictures
of frivolous she looks like like hell
and people are saying that’s the effect
of the of the wearing down of the drug
so is there a physical manifestation did
you see if
the manifestation in these people when
they took it do they look younger to you
did it looking for ya yeah it does
create that Fountain of Youth you know
they do look younger like I said they
have lots of energy so what I’m
suggesting is that people let’s just
take Ellen for example you know she’s
very lively for her shows and very
upbeat you know I would say that
probably more often than not she would
be considered a functioning Audrina
chromic so she’s taking a calculated
amount of it every single day in order
to function and then you know if she’s
participating in rituals or other things
that’s when she’s gonna take a higher
level and it just it just depends for
those rituals if they want to be in
control or not in control and you know I
know there were times you know with mine
that she purposely would take you know
higher amounts to have those psychotic
episodes you know to really scare the
hell out of whoever she was going after
and with that you know there’s no
holding back they can’t control well let
me put they can control themselves to an
extent but they there’s just this giving
in to the extreme evil that they’re /
taking in with those higher levels can
they can they commit murder under these
conditions can they can they act out in
rage can they can they do they use being
high on this stuff to when they’re
raping these children yeah yes they do
so yeah so I’m gonna share a little bit
of kind of one of the situations I had
shared a part of it
you know before but I talked about you
know when they would they would kind of
hold me down and they would give me
shots of stuff that would cause my
potassium to drop and when that dropped
it would cause my heart to race so with
that that literally was adrenochrome so
what they were doing is like I was
trying to think how old I was I was
still pretty young I was about four and
a half the first time like they had
given it to me before then but this was
like the first time that they really
were testing like the levels that I
could take before I had a psychotic
moment on it
and so it really I’m trying to think how
to go about talking about this so they
do set it up very much like a test they
they have a room that they’ve prepared
and in that room they have you know
expendable children because they know
that when you’re on these higher levels
of adrenochrome that you’re going to
you’ve got a desire to kill and consume
flesh and so they set up this this room
and and then what they did was they you
know held me down outside and the
individuals who were involved in this
you know I’ve talked about my training
partner had a gentleman who was posing
as his grandfather and that man had
former Nazi connections so he he was the
individual who was in charge of what we
called our combat training
you know training us how to fight not
only each other but how to protect
ourselves in the system so he was there
and then
he also was the major trainer or teacher
for both military generals John Brennan
and Michael Aquino so after he had
trained both those individuals and that
was about you know ten years before he
trained me started training me and my
partner they had split those military
generals so that Aquino ran everything
that would be considered like the
western part of the United States and so
he would oversee all the military bases
all the universities on top of all the
military programs that were running in
those areas and all the experiments that
the Luciferians were doing not only to
children but to veterans in those areas
and then John Brennan became the one who
was running everything that was in the
eastern quadrants so so John John and
John Brennan and Michael Aquino or
Luciferians yes okay
and were they also involved in the
procurement and rape of children yes
okay and did they consume adrenochrome
not only consumed it they they also
forced it on others so they were part of
this event where you know that was part
of the testing the experiments that me
and my partner went through they you
know they were part of that figuring out
the levels of what we needed to operate
for the certain experiments that they
wanted us to be involved in so you know
when I talked about you know the people
who stood over me and you know we’re
mocking me telling you know as they gave
me these shots and we
for it to kick in you know my heart
would start racing and my body would
drop its potassium because your when the
adrenochrome is going throughout your
body you use such a high amount of
natural energy that your muscles and
everything within you just waste all
your potassium levels so your heart will
start to race and you know then they
would start taunting me telling me that
I was going to die you know so I kind of
just have flashes of that mocking and
causing that fear that you know every
time my heart race that you know I
wasn’t gonna make it through but then as
you know things start to kick in it
really brings like I I just call it my
warrior I would you know get that
fighter instinct and that’s when they
would throw me and my partner into that
room and it really is a horrible thing
and I don’t know how to you know a lot
of this I’m trying to learn how to put
into words but it’s like you mentally
will you’re on this you you have your
good side that desires light and
everything good and and you want to you
know make right choices but at the same
time you all of a sudden have this dark
side in your soul that really it holds
nothing back and it wants to indulge
every impulse and and that impulse I I
don’t know if it’s a sensation but you
just get where it’s like you’re you
can’t even logically think through the
thoughts going through your head you
just get this impulse and you act and so
you know with others like these these
desires and like I said like the
consuming flesh is a big one that the
blood lust the desire to kill
is really a big part of this so that
turns people into vampires kind of but I
mean there’s no it’s not just that you
want blood or flesh you know it’s like
the it’s almost like just this desire
and anger like you really get a lot of
rage on it but it’s like this rage to
just kill and an utterly like dis
shutter Li destroy so you know I’ve
talked about you know one of the ways I
saw them kill people was literally to
shred them you know right in front of my
so it’s almost like that instinct where
you just start going at somebody and you
don’t stop until that person is
completely ripped to pieces so you know
with that you know when they stuck us in
that room that first time you know it’s
really scary because you know you you’re
not even here I don’t know how to put
this but you’re not exactly fighting
with your conscience but at the same
time you are under the influence of
adrenaline there’s if there’s an
emotional battle going on because you
know that what you’re you’re your body
through this adrenochrome is telling you
to do is wrong and yet it’s almost
impossible to fight it off yes that that
would be a great way to put it it’s a
it’s almost like you can’t fight it off
you can’t like your body is acting
completely on its own off of impulses
well your mind is reacting and saying
what the hell am i doing you know why am
I doing this I don’t want to be doing
this and at the same you know at the
same time you’ve got other thoughts that
are saying you know that you know I just
want to kill
this person I want to get that you know
I don’t even know how to explain the
thoughts that went through my head when
I was that little I mean they were
thoughts that really like shook me to
the core and you know I’ve spent a lot
of time this week praying his memories
have been you know I’ve been working
through memories with this you know I’m
still not at the point where I can even
acknowledge or voice those thoughts I
mean they they were just more evil than
I even saw you know from these people as
a child you know I knew the evil that
was in my heart and it was enough to you
know shake me to the core where you know
I would do anything in the world to not
allow that warrior to come out it sounds
to me like what you’re telling me and
you said you were about four-and-a-half
years old yeah okay yeah so many adults
as they get into their older years
experience the wide range of emotions
rage you know anger sometimes the type
of things that would when not in control
make people want to do things and harm
other people and kill them and those
type of things
normally a 4 to a four and a half year
old has not had that range of emotions
in their experience because most
children are raised with kindness and
love they may get angry and have temper
tantrums and all that sort of thing but
they don’t experience the type of rage
that you’re saying that you experienced
so what you’re telling me is that this
adrenaline gives you a taste of emotions
that most people at that stage of life
at the age of four and a half would not
even experience so it’s not like when an
adult can say I’m experiencing this rage
but I’ve known this emotion before I
just haven’t acted on it a child is
saying I don’t even know what these
emotions are and yet I’m feeling yeah
exactly that’s exactly it and you know I
think that’s part of my problem in
talking about this
that there’s so much that I don’t even
know even at this point how to put into
words or how to describe you know but
I’m still I see it happening you know in
people’s lives in poeple you know in
public or in the way they’re acting you
know so so it’s like this week you know
as as Tim and other people started
talking about Brennan you know it brings
back all of those memories you know and
I I sit there and think you know and
forgive my language but it’s like I’ll
maybe try to put it nicer but you know
my my actual thoughts towards him is you
know still that sheer anger where it’s
like that bastard held me down shot me
up with this crap that you know and then
put me into these situations where I
would I found myself in this horrible
battle you know and at the heart of it
you know I didn’t want to hurt other
children I didn’t want to do anything to
them and you know thank the Lord by my
training partner really was my grace
card from God you know he he would take
like I mean trying to think I’m gonna go
back just a little bit here okay okay so
when they put us in this room
both of us were high on on a higher
level of adrenochrome okay so you’ve got
two children now that are struggling
through this desire to act on impulse
and to kill and murder and just shred
everything in sight and you know and
what I’m gonna say max is you know it
wasn’t like we were fighting to see who
could you know kill these other kids
first that wasn’t the case and I think
he had more mental acuity than I did on
and you know at the core of his heart
was that you know I was the only thing
good in that world
you know he really strove to make sure
that I did not take life that my hands
never got dirty you know when we were in
combat situations where we had to you
know we were placed in rooms where you
know it was either kill or be killed you
know from the beginning he made it very
clear that you know I was not the one
who would take life he was and so you
know that that desire in him was very
strong so when we were put into this
room you know I’m activated and ready
you know to just you know I mean I’m
fighting it as much as I can but you’ve
got that impulse and he literally you
know did things to push me and shove me
out of the way and then he took each of
those kids lives so that I could not and
then there was the battle you know where
it was then we turned on each other and
you know so we spent the next hour or
two in heavy combat fighting each other
and then as we started coming down off
of it like you’re still fighting each
other and you know they it took I mean
it would take like three or four of that
these adults eat you know to subdue each
of us when we’re on that stuff and so
you know they subdued us and they put us
into you know when I later found out
where straitjackets but they put us in
the straitjacket and then they would
take us upstairs like this first time it
happened at the cathedral st. Peter
downstairs so then they took us upstairs
they had this room in the school where
it simply
had this covered like a tall not a
wardrobe but it was like a tall you know
covered or a closet and you know it was
it really wasn’t more than you know
probably three feet wide and then you
know about five feet long and they would
stick us in this white cover together
and lock the door and then leave the
room and lock the door and that was
where we would spend the last hours of
coming off of or coming down off of this
stuff because we had another but I mean
but you still could I mean you don’t
still be yellow biting or yes and so
it’s like it was like they almost made
it like closer quarters you know so you
had less ability to protect yourself you
know there would be head-butting and and
hitting and knocking each other over and
you you know you’re stuck like you have
no way in or out and you’re kickin and
you know at one point like he kicked me
in the chest and then you know he would
kick that kind of at the base of my neck
and shoulder and try to knock me out and
but then you get the part where all of a
sudden it like you know like I would get
really sick coming down off of it so
it’s like all of a sudden then you get
this part worried you get so nauseous
and all you can do is like lay there and
you’re trying not to puke your guts out
and you know that’s when you start
crying and you know you’re thinking
about the graphics of everything and
thinking about you know everything you
just did and saw and and you get hit
with all the guilt and you know that
more of your conscious kicks in where
you’re like I can’t believe it you know
did I just do that
I hurt you no my dearest friend and you
know and you start to realize the extent
of all that you’ve done and you know for
us though then they would like they’d
let us get to that point and then they
literally you know I mean and I’d still
be like just laying there cuz I could
you know I was so pukey and they would
pull us out of those cupboards and then
that’s when they would you know take us
down at times and stick us in rooms
where it was either kill or be killed so
we had to learn to fight even coming
down off of it you know when you have
energy yeah and and you you’ve got no
energy you’re you feel as sick as a dog
and you know you just really want to lay
down on the floor and die or melt into
the floor either one but you have to
then fight to survive and you almost
like you know it’s like my body would be
shaking you know and you’re trying to
just even get any part of your body to
operate in line with what you what your
mind is telling you that you need to do
you know to avoid contact from people
who are you know who are aiming fists
your way or you know knifes to your way
so you have to learn how to react so
they did a lot of this type of testing
over and over and over and you know I
mean it took me it probably wasn’t even
until you know closer to the older ages
like age seven that we realized that
they were putting this stuff into our
food in our drinks you know like I knew
that they put it in their drinks because
you know I was the one who had to
prepare their drinks for them but I
you know I didn’t connect that I mean
there were little triggers that would
tell me you know like well when I make
banana soup it doesn’t turn black right
away so why is the banana soup that they
make me every morning black right away
you know so I’d get these little
questions that I didn’t have the answers
that I didn’t know you know what was
really going on I knew it had something
to do you know like for those moments
like they would use the shot because it
would be faster acting than if it was
consumed you know so during the testing
period they they used the shots and then
they kind of got it were then it was I
think being put into my food everyday
and I just learned how to function on it
were you ever concerned that you know
obviously when you are making these
cocktails for for lack of a better term
for these people knowing what it did to
you when you were you know put on it
were you ever concerned that to the
point you were saying you know hey I’m
actually giving you the the method by
which you may turn against me in a fit
of rage
and psychotic behavior and kill me yeah
I was I would be terrified of messing up
and giving the wrong proof looks a
skullet proof or you know the wrong
tincture like you know I became very
meticulous in making sure that I had the
right proof and that I was giving the
right amount you know it caused this
fear in me where I was always trying to
prepare ahead of time because I knew
that once you know she took those first
sips that if if the right amount had not
been given you know that she was gonna
turn really fast and so I was always
situationally aware you know I’d be
looking at what objects are around her
that she could use to hurt me or my
siblings with where were my siblings at
you know where were the places that I
could you know run and grab them and
hide you know before she got ahold of us
and it got to the point where even a lot
of those areas I started to store or
hide like I would steal and hide some of
the weapons in the house things like you
know they are normal weapons all the
time but things like scissors or you
know knifes or pens you know anything
that I could use as a weapon I would
have in those places because I didn’t
have time like once she went psychotic I
didn’t have time to grab both my
siblings and hide and find weapons to
protect ourselves with so you know I
mean it got pretty intense I don’t know
if that answered your initial question
but it just sounds like something that
no child whatsoever should have to
experience I still to this day do not
know how you how you managed to survive
it I guess my next question to you would
be and and I know that yours because you
work with the federal government in this
there’s only so much you can say but I
have to assume that John Brennan let’s
go back to him for just a moment because
he was involved in this and
you know he must know that Donald Trump
knows what what he did and that’s one of
the reasons why he has gone after Trump
with such a vengeance and and done
everything in his power to discredit
Trump and have him be removed from
office am I correct in assuming that
Trump is because the Trump is aware that
Brennan is Aquino were involved in this
yeah sorry hold on sorry
yeah they he is
hold on I’m having a technical issue I
don’t know why this keeps turning on up
here but yeah he you know Trump is very
aware of some of this as it’s been
brought forward especially in regards to
the different experiments or parts of
the MKULTRA program that John was
operating with that there’s more you
know he’s done a lot of work with the
different DNA things and experiments
with children so I think you know I’m
praying that a lot of that’s gonna come
to light soon you know and that’s part
of what I’m sharing some of this back
stories that people understand you know
the extent that he went to you know it’s
not just that they put children through
you know a lot of us have heard some of
the different experiment names like you
know project looking-glass or the the
Star Wars now project or the voice of
God project those were the main three
that I was involved in a little bit more
about those projects yeah so with those
projects um hold on let me I gotta try
to see I don’t know if you’re hearing it
on your end but I have this program that
keeps turning on with noise no I’m not
hearing and
take your time we’re worried there’s no
you know they get a little technical
issue and go ahead and take time to fix
it it’s we’re talking with Jessie’s a
boater her website illuminate the
darkness calm she was a former victim of
the Illuminati satanic pedophile and
child trafficking system
she has been updating us on her story
for the last several weeks you can visit
some of our previous YouTube videos and
our conversations with her tonight were
addressing the topic of adrenochrome and
its effect on these these pedophiles in
child sex traffickers and she has
already informed us that two very
prominent people within the United
States military system including John
Brennan and Michael Aquino were in
charge of a lot of this and we’re
administering the adrenochrome to to
some people than themselves all right we
have Jesse’s aborted back with us we had
a little bit of a technical issue on
both of our ends but we’ve gotten that
resolved to refresh both Jesse’s memory
and those of you the viewer we were
asking her about these two programs one
of which is called project Looking Glass
that Brennan and Michael Aquino John
Brennan and Michael Aquino had been
involved in she was going to give us a
little bit of the details behind those
two programs so Jesse if you would
please continue yeah so looking-glasses
is kind of the base project that they
start the children in with that you’re
pulled into a subgroup of three kids and
each of those kids have different
spiritual gifts that when connected into
the spiritual world you know the project
almost looks or acts like a
fortune-telling you see time you see
things that are going to happen events
that will happen and the best way I
could describe it now is it’s almost
like you know the three of you are
having the same vision or the same dream
you’re awake and so you see the same
thing almost but in different ways so
you know one of the children will see
like what the the last result or the end
result of the event is going to be the
second child they can’t see what’s going
to happen in the end or what the end
product will be that they see all these
steps so you know they might be
explaining you know I see everybody
getting out of us I see the bus heading
in this direction you know so they’re
gonna start just describing the event in
steps and the third child sees
everything like they see every step and
possibility and what the outcome of each
of those possibilities is so they might
you know when the other child says I see
all these people on a bus and you know I
see somebody stand up the other child
might say you know I see that person
stepping to the left and you know they
fall or get hurt
or you know it causes them to get in a
fight with somebody but if they would
step to the right you know and avoid the
situation so this so that they really
use this third child is almost like the
the one that they use to you know think
through this entire event that’s being
unfolded to see like what’s gonna happen
and they use that to control kind of
what happens you know they they see the
end event and it’s like yes we want that
to happen or no we don’t so then they
look at the steps and they decide which
you know at which point do we need to
change something or do something
differently so that that end it turns
out the way we want it just for now
so that’s how that project is used with
the second project Star Wars now that’s
going to be the next level and with that
the children get introduced to the
spiritual gates and we’ve talked a
little bit about those before the
spiritual gates they they can run
horizontally as well as they can connect
up and down to the heavenlies or to the
lower heavenly realms and so you know
when they start children off in the Star
Wars now project you’re working at
learning hat first you learn how to hear
the gate songs scripture talks about you
know all of creation sings to the Lord
and so these gates also have each of
them have their own unique song that
they sing and you’re put into groups of
seven in this instance so you know
usually they would have a mass of
pentagram set up on the floor and five
children would be put at each of the
points of the the pentagram and then
they would have two children in the
middle and the two children in the
middle are you know the primary they
call them potentials in this experiment
and the one child is good at getting the
gates to open or close and hold them
open and close and the other child would
be used almost like a funnel that you
know they would try to funnel demonic
spirits through that child into these
gates you know sometimes they would pull
in more than one of those extra children
and to try to get the spirits you know
to travel from one point to the next
sometimes the kids would actively be
traveling through these gates
other times you know you
stayed in one spot and would just be
funneling the demon through so with that
experiment you know you’re really
learning to be more attuned with
whatever demonic spirits you’re working
with with that you know I mean we we
witness the power of God in that
experiment and it just I don’t know
there’s so much to talk about we’ll have
to save that for another show but it
works on like you learned the frequency
the resonance and the harmonics and
those are the things that are used in
operating the spiritual gates that would
be open and closed so star wars now is
the base of that program and then from
there the children that are more
advanced or skilled are going to enter
into the voice of God experiment and
with that you know you’re dealing not
just with a little spiritual gates that
are near you like you you’re learning to
connect spiritual gates that could be
across the world or I don’t want to stay
at a galactic level but there’s points
where you know you learn to connect with
these spiritual gates in the heavenly
realms themselves and use it as an
access point to enter into the throne
room of God or into the heavenly areas
so that’s probably the briefest
explanation I can give for each of those
programs oh I’ll tell you what we’ll do
with your permission we’ll make our next
visit about those two programs more
specifically so that you know we you
have a an opportunity to to to go to
delve into a little bit more because I’m
and I think our viewers are going to be
tremendously interested in
in in that so that’ll be our kicking
kicking off point for the next program
but before we wrap things up today if
there’s something I know something else
you want to mention today that our
viewers need to be aware of please
continue yes so I think it’s important
to understand that both you know as
being masters of this chemical you know
forms of magic you know both of our
military generals have used adrenochrome
to advance some of these projects and to
use you know black magic in guiding them
not only in warfare but you know guiding
the different military programs you know
they’ve subjected children to this stuff
and all of it is to heighten the
spiritual acuity of children and engage
them in different forms of witchcraft
well Jesse I gotta tell you I I once
again I think you’re going to leave our
viewers wanting more but we have to to
wrap it up at this point but I want to
tell you again this is fantastic let’s
give out your website illuminate the
darkness dot-com tell us a little bit
about that website in your blog and and
and forgive me but the last time we
talked I forgot to promote it so please
please bring that off to the forefront
here yes the purpose of our website is
really to help people be aware of some
of the stuff that’s going on we operate
on several different levels with this
website it’s really a place for people
to be able to connect with us if they’re
finding themselves you know working with
the Luciferian Brotherhood or in a
situation you know where they need help
able to come and communicate with us on
that website it also is very informative
I only I have all of my shows and blogs
posted on that website the other the
only other place that you will find any
of my blogs is on Twitter with at Kathy
Kathy Fox and that’s with a see she you
know she was just an amazing individual
she’s picked up all of my material and
continuously puts it up on her site a
lot of the stuff that I don’t talk about
publicly her and I will work on
different blogs and try to you know
inform people about the current things
going on or you know we recently did one
on Obama when he took his top position
it as the Phoenix of the Satanic Council
and George Soros has kind of retired now
so we did a vlog on that and you can see
that blog on her website that’ll be
another starting point for our next
visit to there you go
morocco i i’ve known he’s been involved
in it up into his eyeballs but but you
i’m sure you’ll be able to enlighten us
more about that when we get when we get
together next week well Jesse I want to
I can’t thank you enough now by the way
people can also follow you on twitter at
Jesse sobota right isn’t there and if
there’s a boater Jesse Cibola that’s
easy in be OTA are Jesse and fascinating
I mean I just I look forward to your
post to each and every day I enjoy our
our communication together week that’s
there’s a lot of things that Jesse lets
me know about that we can’t bring up on
the program because there’s just so many
things that have to remain secret and
believe me when they’re finally all
exposed and these people are brought to
justice which they will be
we’re gonna have a celebration the likes
of which no one has ever seen before
because Jesse has just been through the
wringer and and we appreciate everything
that that she has brought to our
attention so Jesse we will see you again
next week for sure
this will we’ll talk about those two
projects including Looking Glass and we
will also talk about the the Obamas and
we’ll look in in George Soros we’ll get
into both of those next time so thank
you for being with us today and we look
forward to talking to you again next
yeah thanks David I look forward to that
as well
aqinno, bennan, adrenochome, vog, star waras,

[3] Dark Outpost 07-08-2020 Through The Illuminati Looking Glass

 but now let’s turn
to our regular Thursday evening guest
Jessi’s a boater a former victim of the
Illuminati child sex trafficking Slade
and Satanism she has been talking about
her ordeal and bringing some big names
to the table in doing so she’s talked
about what she’s been through there are
certain things she can’t say because she
is also working with the federal
government on this and the Trump
administration but she tells us
everything she can and in our previous
conversation just Jessie sabor de was
talking about adrenochrome we got into
that a little bit that that drug that
can only be obtained by extracting it
from the human body and it creates a
sort of Fountain of Youth or at least so
those on the global Illuminati
conspiracy belief
and when I spoke or communicated with
Jesse off the air this past week she
indicated to me that one of the things
that she wanted to do was to discuss
adrenochrome even more that she had some
more incredible information to share
with us about that
Jessie supporter joins us now at the
dark outpost Jessie supporter welcome
back to the program thanks David it’s
really an honor and a pleasure to have
you back with us we I get more feedback
about your appearances on this program
than anything else I do and that says a
lot about how people are really
interested in your story and they can
always go back and watch our previous
conversations or previous videos to
catch up if you haven’t already please
do that all of our shows are archived on
our youtube channel this week we’re
going to talk a little bit about
something we got into briefly during our
last conversation but we were kind of
can I ran out of time and then you kind
of contacted me off the air this week
and said hey I want to I want to discuss
a little bit more about this idea of
this chemical known as adrenochrome and
so basically what I think I’m gonna do
is I’m gonna just say tell us what you
have to tell us because I get a lot of
questions about the adrenochrome this
Fountain of Youth that theme that the
the globalists and the Cabalists believe
they have found here in this secretion
by the human body so why don’t you tell
us what you’d like to say yeah well
first I want to say you know there’s a
lot of times people have asked me about
this and you know my usual response is
very short and brief it’s not a topic
that I really like to discuss much
and in fact I most of the time try to
avoid like the plague but this week you
know the Lord was really putting on my
heart that it was time to really come
forward you know with the truth and to
show people really what’s happening with
this at the higher levels it’s an area
you know usually for the most part I’ve
told people no you know I’ve never I’ve
never done adrenochrome things like that
because I really just don’t want to talk
about it they don’t want to go there but
I really need people to understand you
know that this is a really huge thing in
the Luciferian Brotherhood and we need
to always remember that you know the the
individuals who are involved in in this
a cult they are which is at the highest
levels and you know engage in all sorts
of witchcraft and divination of the
darkest sorts and they are masters of
magic which you know for me that would
include you know calling on demons and
connecting others to demons but there
are also masters of alchemy and
herbalism and you know we haven’t really
got into that a whole lot I’m in our
discussions and I don’t know if there’s
a special name for the type of studies
that we’re going to start talking about
today but what we’re gonna kind of talk
about is that they do this come it’s
like a combining magic with chemical
magic and that chemical magic gets into
using parts of the body you know so that
could be the kidneys the livers the
penal glands but they also use the
hormones and brain chemicals so things
like adrenochrome and so people you know
have to understand that at the highest
you know the adrenochrome is prized and
it it’s not even that these people don’t
just use it once in a while like will
he’ll hear stories about you know famous
people or Hollywood people who are
adrenochrome junkies and things like
that but at these highest levels they
have gotten to the point where they’ve
mastered the chemical formations of this
and really have become what I call
functioning adrenochrome Ickx so it’s
not just that they use it once in a
while like during rituals or before big
events they’ve gotten to the point where
they they use it every single day and
you know have played with the amount so
so that you know they know how much they
can take and still function on and then
they know how much they can take before
they start displaying you know psychotic
or what I would call kind of that a
hyper vigilant uncontrolled
characteristics of somebody who has had
you know a higher dose of adrenochrome
and most of the time you know we don’t
hear about adrenochrome use unless it’s
an individual who you know has had those
higher doses where they’re having a
psychotic moment or they’re doing things
that are not themselves that’s when you
start to hear about it is it like give
them a high I mean I’m assuming that
because it is secreted come on I
understand you’ll correct me if I’m
wrong from the human body at a moment of
fear because it because we have talked
about the fact that a lot of these
people are you know put in a state of
complete fear and
terror and it’s at that point that the
adrenochrome is is extracted I’m
assuming that that when it’s injected or
ingested into the human body of the
recipient of this that do they also
experience a fear or a high or some sort
of a thing that that that makes it as
addictive as let’s say drugs or alcohol
well what it does is it stimulates that
fight response so how they do use it is
that it really gives them a hyper
vigilant physical and spiritual
awareness and acuity so mentally
emotionally like they’re they’re just
they’re on high alert
so most of the time that’s how they use
it it it does have like this euphoric
feeling you feel good on it you have
lots of energy so like with my Proctor
you know I guess first we got to kind of
break the myth that these people don’t
just you know take it like caused others
to be afraid and take the audrina from
them and then consume it right away
that’s not always the case they have you
know become masters of really procuring
it so you know making it in different
forms so that it can be used later or
used as they want to use it so there is
a process to that like I’ve talked about
some of the you know warehouses where
they’re draining the children and the
elders least blood you know that’s all
if they’re doing any adrenochrome
harvesting with that all of that would
be pure procured and you know stored so
I want to get into that just
little bit more today sure like for
example how first of all and I’m just
going to ask some questions and then I’m
going to let you talk but the two
questions that I have is number one how
is the adrenochrome put into the to the
body of the recipient I’ve heard some
people drink it
I’ve heard it’s injected that’s my first
question and the second question would
be does it have a lifespan in other
words is there at some point where we’re
like you know certain food that has an
expiration date or something it goes bad
is it does it have to be used within a
certain period of time that’s a great
I think it does have to be used within a
certain period of time so one of the
things that happened to me as a child
was that you know talked about what the
potassium issues that I had so that was
part of the adrenochrome abuse that I
experienced was everyday you know they
had me on a regimen where I had to eat
at least ten bananas match smashed up
into this concoction that you know they
told me was banana soup and in that soup
they would put a calculated amount of
adrenochrome now adrenochrome it turns
brown or black when it hits oxygen so
that’s why my proctor particularly chose
you know to use very ripe bananas
because you know those also turn black
so it was less detected by other people
that she was putting other stuff or
mixing you know the Audrina chrome in
there so I you know that was something I
had to you know consume every morning
and you know at other times you know she
had me doing her and her spouse you know
they liked to have it in their drinks
and so they had these bottles of it that
were almost like tinctures I don’t think
it would you know like each bottle had I
hate to keep using the word calculated
but they had you know different almost
like proofs you know if you’re thinking
about alcohol you have different proofs
of how strong it is
so that they had different proofs of the
adrenochrome and you know so she she
would have it have me pour it into their
drinks and to make their drinks for them
her drink of choice was cordial brandy
and you know if I accidentally poured in
too much then I was you know dealing
with hours of her under this extreme
psychotic behavior you know but it was
always you know very calculate it would
be like okay you put you know this much
into the drink and then this much
alcohol I don’t know if that really
answers your question too much in a way
you’re telling you’re talking about the
various proof levels I so that so the
reaction to to having us can be anywhere
from what appears to be some sort of
euphoria to as you stated if it just
take psychotic behavior so it’s so is
there isn’t there also a physical
manifestation because these people
obviously they appear and I haven’t seen
you know a person that obviously has
adrenochrome in their system but we
appear to have seen pictures of people
who normally look very healthy and then
if like Ellen DeGeneres comes to mind
you know and then you see these pictures
of frivolous she looks like like hell
and people are saying that’s the effect
of the of the wearing down of the drug
so is there a physical manifestation did
you see if
the manifestation in these people when
they took it do they look younger to you
did it looking for ya yeah it does
create that Fountain of Youth you know
they do look younger like I said they
have lots of energy so what I’m
suggesting is that people let’s just
take Ellen for example you know she’s
very lively for her shows and very
upbeat you know I would say that
probably more often than not she would
be considered a functioning Audrina
chromic so she’s taking a calculated
amount of it every single day in order
to function and then you know if she’s
participating in rituals or other things
that’s when she’s gonna take a higher
level and it just it just depends for
those rituals if they want to be in
control or not in control and you know I
know there were times you know with mine
that she purposely would take you know
higher amounts to have those psychotic
episodes you know to really scare the
hell out of whoever she was going after
and with that you know there’s no
holding back they can’t control well let
me put they can control themselves to an
extent but they there’s just this giving
in to the extreme evil that they’re /
taking in with those higher levels can
they can they commit murder under these
conditions can they can they act out in
rage can they can they do they use being
high on this stuff to when they’re
raping these children yeah yes they do
so yeah so I’m gonna share a little bit
of kind of one of the situations I had
shared a part of it
you know before but I talked about you
know when they would they would kind of
hold me down and they would give me
shots of stuff that would cause my
potassium to drop and when that dropped
it would cause my heart to race so with
that that literally was adrenochrome so
what they were doing is like I was
trying to think how old I was I was
still pretty young I was about four and
a half the first time like they had
given it to me before then but this was
like the first time that they really
were testing like the levels that I
could take before I had a psychotic
moment on it
and so it really I’m trying to think how
to go about talking about this so they
do set it up very much like a test they
they have a room that they’ve prepared
and in that room they have you know
expendable children because they know
that when you’re on these higher levels
of adrenochrome that you’re going to
you’ve got a desire to kill and consume
flesh and so they set up this this room
and and then what they did was they you
know held me down outside and the
individuals who were involved in this
you know I’ve talked about my training
partner had a gentleman who was posing
as his grandfather and that man had
former Nazi connections so he he was the
individual who was in charge of what we
called our combat training
you know training us how to fight not
only each other but how to protect
ourselves in the system so he was there
and then
he also was the major trainer or teacher
for both military generals John Brennan
and Michael Aquino so after he had
trained both those individuals and that
was about you know ten years before he
trained me started training me and my
partner they had split those military
generals so that Aquino ran everything
that would be considered like the
western part of the United States and so
he would oversee all the military bases
all the universities on top of all the
military programs that were running in
those areas and all the experiments that
the Luciferians were doing not only to
children but to veterans in those areas
and then John Brennan became the one who
was running everything that was in the
eastern quadrants so so John John and
John Brennan and Michael Aquino or
Luciferians yes okay
and were they also involved in the
procurement and rape of children yes
okay and did they consume adrenochrome
not only consumed it they they also
forced it on others so they were part of
this event where you know that was part
of the testing the experiments that me
and my partner went through they you
know they were part of that figuring out
the levels of what we needed to operate
for the certain experiments that they
wanted us to be involved in so you know
when I talked about you know the people
who stood over me and you know we’re
mocking me telling you know as they gave
me these shots and we
for it to kick in you know my heart
would start racing and my body would
drop its potassium because your when the
adrenochrome is going throughout your
body you use such a high amount of
natural energy that your muscles and
everything within you just waste all
your potassium levels so your heart will
start to race and you know then they
would start taunting me telling me that
I was going to die you know so I kind of
just have flashes of that mocking and
causing that fear that you know every
time my heart race that you know I
wasn’t gonna make it through but then as
you know things start to kick in it
really brings like I I just call it my
warrior I would you know get that
fighter instinct and that’s when they
would throw me and my partner into that
room and it really is a horrible thing
and I don’t know how to you know a lot
of this I’m trying to learn how to put
into words but it’s like you mentally
will you’re on this you you have your
good side that desires light and
everything good and and you want to you
know make right choices but at the same
time you all of a sudden have this dark
side in your soul that really it holds
nothing back and it wants to indulge
every impulse and and that impulse I I
don’t know if it’s a sensation but you
just get where it’s like you’re you
can’t even logically think through the
thoughts going through your head you
just get this impulse and you act and so
you know with others like these these
desires and like I said like the
consuming flesh is a big one that the
blood lust the desire to kill
is really a big part of this so that
turns people into vampires kind of but I
mean there’s no it’s not just that you
want blood or flesh you know it’s like
the it’s almost like just this desire
and anger like you really get a lot of
rage on it but it’s like this rage to
just kill and an utterly like dis
shutter Li destroy so you know I’ve
talked about you know one of the ways I
saw them kill people was literally to
shred them you know right in front of my
so it’s almost like that instinct where
you just start going at somebody and you
don’t stop until that person is
completely ripped to pieces so you know
with that you know when they stuck us in
that room that first time you know it’s
really scary because you know you you’re
not even here I don’t know how to put
this but you’re not exactly fighting
with your conscience but at the same
time you are under the influence of
adrenaline there’s if there’s an
emotional battle going on because you
know that what you’re you’re your body
through this adrenochrome is telling you
to do is wrong and yet it’s almost
impossible to fight it off yes that that
would be a great way to put it it’s a
it’s almost like you can’t fight it off
you can’t like your body is acting
completely on its own off of impulses
well your mind is reacting and saying
what the hell am i doing you know why am
I doing this I don’t want to be doing
this and at the same you know at the
same time you’ve got other thoughts that
are saying you know that you know I just
want to kill
this person I want to get that you know
I don’t even know how to explain the
thoughts that went through my head when
I was that little I mean they were
thoughts that really like shook me to
the core and you know I’ve spent a lot
of time this week praying his memories
have been you know I’ve been working
through memories with this you know I’m
still not at the point where I can even
acknowledge or voice those thoughts I
mean they they were just more evil than
I even saw you know from these people as
a child you know I knew the evil that
was in my heart and it was enough to you
know shake me to the core where you know
I would do anything in the world to not
allow that warrior to come out it sounds
to me like what you’re telling me and
you said you were about four-and-a-half
years old yeah okay yeah so many adults
as they get into their older years
experience the wide range of emotions
rage you know anger sometimes the type
of things that would when not in control
make people want to do things and harm
other people and kill them and those
type of things
normally a 4 to a four and a half year
old has not had that range of emotions
in their experience because most
children are raised with kindness and
love they may get angry and have temper
tantrums and all that sort of thing but
they don’t experience the type of rage
that you’re saying that you experienced
so what you’re telling me is that this
adrenaline gives you a taste of emotions
that most people at that stage of life
at the age of four and a half would not
even experience so it’s not like when an
adult can say I’m experiencing this rage
but I’ve known this emotion before I
just haven’t acted on it a child is
saying I don’t even know what these
emotions are and yet I’m feeling yeah
exactly that’s exactly it and you know I
think that’s part of my problem in
talking about this
that there’s so much that I don’t even
know even at this point how to put into
words or how to describe you know but
I’m still I see it happening you know in
people’s lives in poeple you know in
public or in the way they’re acting you
know so so it’s like this week you know
as as Tim and other people started
talking about Brennan you know it brings
back all of those memories you know and
I I sit there and think you know and
forgive my language but it’s like I’ll
maybe try to put it nicer but you know
my my actual thoughts towards him is you
know still that sheer anger where it’s
like that bastard held me down shot me
up with this crap that you know and then
put me into these situations where I
would I found myself in this horrible
battle you know and at the heart of it
you know I didn’t want to hurt other
children I didn’t want to do anything to
them and you know thank the Lord by my
training partner really was my grace
card from God you know he he would take
like I mean trying to think I’m gonna go
back just a little bit here okay okay so
when they put us in this room
both of us were high on on a higher
level of adrenochrome okay so you’ve got
two children now that are struggling
through this desire to act on impulse
and to kill and murder and just shred
everything in sight and you know and
what I’m gonna say max is you know it
wasn’t like we were fighting to see who
could you know kill these other kids
first that wasn’t the case and I think
he had more mental acuity than I did on
and you know at the core of his heart
was that you know I was the only thing
good in that world
you know he really strove to make sure
that I did not take life that my hands
never got dirty you know when we were in
combat situations where we had to you
know we were placed in rooms where you
know it was either kill or be killed you
know from the beginning he made it very
clear that you know I was not the one
who would take life he was and so you
know that that desire in him was very
strong so when we were put into this
room you know I’m activated and ready
you know to just you know I mean I’m
fighting it as much as I can but you’ve
got that impulse and he literally you
know did things to push me and shove me
out of the way and then he took each of
those kids lives so that I could not and
then there was the battle you know where
it was then we turned on each other and
you know so we spent the next hour or
two in heavy combat fighting each other
and then as we started coming down off
of it like you’re still fighting each
other and you know they it took I mean
it would take like three or four of that
these adults eat you know to subdue each
of us when we’re on that stuff and so
you know they subdued us and they put us
into you know when I later found out
where straitjackets but they put us in
the straitjacket and then they would
take us upstairs like this first time it
happened at the cathedral st. Peter
downstairs so then they took us upstairs
they had this room in the school where
it simply
had this covered like a tall not a
wardrobe but it was like a tall you know
covered or a closet and you know it was
it really wasn’t more than you know
probably three feet wide and then you
know about five feet long and they would
stick us in this white cover together
and lock the door and then leave the
room and lock the door and that was
where we would spend the last hours of
coming off of or coming down off of this
stuff because we had another but I mean
but you still could I mean you don’t
still be yellow biting or yes and so
it’s like it was like they almost made
it like closer quarters you know so you
had less ability to protect yourself you
know there would be head-butting and and
hitting and knocking each other over and
you you know you’re stuck like you have
no way in or out and you’re kickin and
you know at one point like he kicked me
in the chest and then you know he would
kick that kind of at the base of my neck
and shoulder and try to knock me out and
but then you get the part where all of a
sudden it like you know like I would get
really sick coming down off of it so
it’s like all of a sudden then you get
this part worried you get so nauseous
and all you can do is like lay there and
you’re trying not to puke your guts out
and you know that’s when you start
crying and you know you’re thinking
about the graphics of everything and
thinking about you know everything you
just did and saw and and you get hit
with all the guilt and you know that
more of your conscious kicks in where
you’re like I can’t believe it you know
did I just do that
I hurt you no my dearest friend and you
know and you start to realize the extent
of all that you’ve done and you know for
us though then they would like they’d
let us get to that point and then they
literally you know I mean and I’d still
be like just laying there cuz I could
you know I was so pukey and they would
pull us out of those cupboards and then
that’s when they would you know take us
down at times and stick us in rooms
where it was either kill or be killed so
we had to learn to fight even coming
down off of it you know when you have
energy yeah and and you you’ve got no
energy you’re you feel as sick as a dog
and you know you just really want to lay
down on the floor and die or melt into
the floor either one but you have to
then fight to survive and you almost
like you know it’s like my body would be
shaking you know and you’re trying to
just even get any part of your body to
operate in line with what you what your
mind is telling you that you need to do
you know to avoid contact from people
who are you know who are aiming fists
your way or you know knifes to your way
so you have to learn how to react so
they did a lot of this type of testing
over and over and over and you know I
mean it took me it probably wasn’t even
until you know closer to the older ages
like age seven that we realized that
they were putting this stuff into our
food in our drinks you know like I knew
that they put it in their drinks because
you know I was the one who had to
prepare their drinks for them but I
you know I didn’t connect that I mean
there were little triggers that would
tell me you know like well when I make
banana soup it doesn’t turn black right
away so why is the banana soup that they
make me every morning black right away
you know so I’d get these little
questions that I didn’t have the answers
that I didn’t know you know what was
really going on I knew it had something
to do you know like for those moments
like they would use the shot because it
would be faster acting than if it was
consumed you know so during the testing
period they they used the shots and then
they kind of got it were then it was I
think being put into my food everyday
and I just learned how to function on it
were you ever concerned that you know
obviously when you are making these
cocktails for for lack of a better term
for these people knowing what it did to
you when you were you know put on it
were you ever concerned that to the
point you were saying you know hey I’m
actually giving you the the method by
which you may turn against me in a fit
of rage
and psychotic behavior and kill me yeah
I was I would be terrified of messing up
and giving the wrong proof looks a
skullet proof or you know the wrong
tincture like you know I became very
meticulous in making sure that I had the
right proof and that I was giving the
right amount you know it caused this
fear in me where I was always trying to
prepare ahead of time because I knew
that once you know she took those first
sips that if if the right amount had not
been given you know that she was gonna
turn really fast and so I was always
situationally aware you know I’d be
looking at what objects are around her
that she could use to hurt me or my
siblings with where were my siblings at
you know where were the places that I
could you know run and grab them and
hide you know before she got ahold of us
and it got to the point where even a lot
of those areas I started to store or
hide like I would steal and hide some of
the weapons in the house things like you
know they are normal weapons all the
time but things like scissors or you
know knifes or pens you know anything
that I could use as a weapon I would
have in those places because I didn’t
have time like once she went psychotic I
didn’t have time to grab both my
siblings and hide and find weapons to
protect ourselves with so you know I
mean it got pretty intense I don’t know
if that answered your initial question
but it just sounds like something that
no child whatsoever should have to
experience I still to this day do not
know how you how you managed to survive
it I guess my next question to you would
be and and I know that yours because you
work with the federal government in this
there’s only so much you can say but I
have to assume that John Brennan let’s
go back to him for just a moment because
he was involved in this and
you know he must know that Donald Trump
knows what what he did and that’s one of
the reasons why he has gone after Trump
with such a vengeance and and done
everything in his power to discredit
Trump and have him be removed from
office am I correct in assuming that
Trump is because the Trump is aware that
Brennan is Aquino were involved in this
yeah sorry hold on sorry
yeah they he is
hold on I’m having a technical issue I
don’t know why this keeps turning on up
here but yeah he you know Trump is very
aware of some of this as it’s been
brought forward especially in regards to
the different experiments or parts of
the MKULTRA program that John was
operating with that there’s more you
know he’s done a lot of work with the
different DNA things and experiments
with children so I think you know I’m
praying that a lot of that’s gonna come
to light soon you know and that’s part
of what I’m sharing some of this back
stories that people understand you know
the extent that he went to you know it’s
not just that they put children through
you know a lot of us have heard some of
the different experiment names like you
know project looking-glass or the the
Star Wars now project or the voice of
God project those were the main three
that I was involved in a little bit more
about those projects yeah so with those
projects um hold on let me I gotta try
to see I don’t know if you’re hearing it
on your end but I have this program that
keeps turning on with noise no I’m not
hearing and
take your time we’re worried there’s no
you know they get a little technical
issue and go ahead and take time to fix
it it’s we’re talking with Jessie’s a
boater her website illuminate the
darkness calm she was a former victim of
the Illuminati satanic pedophile and
child trafficking system
she has been updating us on her story
for the last several weeks you can visit
some of our previous YouTube videos and
our conversations with her tonight were
addressing the topic of adrenochrome and
its effect on these these pedophiles in
child sex traffickers and she has
already informed us that two very
prominent people within the United
States military system including John
Brennan and Michael Aquino were in
charge of a lot of this and we’re
administering the adrenochrome to to
some people than themselves all right we
have Jesse’s aborted back with us we had
a little bit of a technical issue on
both of our ends but we’ve gotten that
resolved to refresh both Jesse’s memory
and those of you the viewer we were
asking her about these two programs one
of which is called project Looking Glass
that Brennan and Michael Aquino John
Brennan and Michael Aquino had been
involved in she was going to give us a
little bit of the details behind those
two programs so Jesse if you would
please continue yeah so looking-glasses
is kind of the base project that they
start the children in with that you’re
pulled into a subgroup of three kids and
each of those kids have different
spiritual gifts that when connected into
the spiritual world you know the project
almost looks or acts like a
fortune-telling you see time you see
things that are going to happen events
that will happen and the best way I
could describe it now is it’s almost
like you know the three of you are
having the same vision or the same dream
you’re awake and so you see the same
thing almost but in different ways so
you know one of the children will see
like what the the last result or the end
result of the event is going to be the
second child they can’t see what’s going
to happen in the end or what the end
product will be that they see all these
steps so you know they might be
explaining you know I see everybody
getting out of us I see the bus heading
in this direction you know so they’re
gonna start just describing the event in
steps and the third child sees
everything like they see every step and
possibility and what the outcome of each
of those possibilities is so they might
you know when the other child says I see
all these people on a bus and you know I
see somebody stand up the other child
might say you know I see that person
stepping to the left and you know they
fall or get hurt
or you know it causes them to get in a
fight with somebody but if they would
step to the right you know and avoid the
situation so this so that they really
use this third child is almost like the
the one that they use to you know think
through this entire event that’s being
unfolded to see like what’s gonna happen
and they use that to control kind of
what happens you know they they see the
end event and it’s like yes we want that
to happen or no we don’t so then they
look at the steps and they decide which
you know at which point do we need to
change something or do something
differently so that that end it turns
out the way we want it just for now
so that’s how that project is used with
the second project Star Wars now that’s
going to be the next level and with that
the children get introduced to the
spiritual gates and we’ve talked a
little bit about those before the
spiritual gates they they can run
horizontally as well as they can connect
up and down to the heavenlies or to the
lower heavenly realms and so you know
when they start children off in the Star
Wars now project you’re working at
learning hat first you learn how to hear
the gate songs scripture talks about you
know all of creation sings to the Lord
and so these gates also have each of
them have their own unique song that
they sing and you’re put into groups of
seven in this instance so you know
usually they would have a mass of
pentagram set up on the floor and five
children would be put at each of the
points of the the pentagram and then
they would have two children in the
middle and the two children in the
middle are you know the primary they
call them potentials in this experiment
and the one child is good at getting the
gates to open or close and hold them
open and close and the other child would
be used almost like a funnel that you
know they would try to funnel demonic
spirits through that child into these
gates you know sometimes they would pull
in more than one of those extra children
and to try to get the spirits you know
to travel from one point to the next
sometimes the kids would actively be
traveling through these gates
other times you know you
stayed in one spot and would just be
funneling the demon through so with that
experiment you know you’re really
learning to be more attuned with
whatever demonic spirits you’re working
with with that you know I mean we we
witness the power of God in that
experiment and it just I don’t know
there’s so much to talk about we’ll have
to save that for another show but it
works on like you learned the frequency
the resonance and the harmonics and
those are the things that are used in
operating the spiritual gates that would
be open and closed so star wars now is
the base of that program and then from
there the children that are more
advanced or skilled are going to enter
into the voice of God experiment and
with that you know you’re dealing not
just with a little spiritual gates that
are near you like you you’re learning to
connect spiritual gates that could be
across the world or I don’t want to stay
at a galactic level but there’s points
where you know you learn to connect with
these spiritual gates in the heavenly
realms themselves and use it as an
access point to enter into the throne
room of God or into the heavenly areas
so that’s probably the briefest
explanation I can give for each of those
programs oh I’ll tell you what we’ll do
with your permission we’ll make our next
visit about those two programs more
specifically so that you know we you
have a an opportunity to to to go to
delve into a little bit more because I’m
and I think our viewers are going to be
tremendously interested in
in in that so that’ll be our kicking
kicking off point for the next program
but before we wrap things up today if
there’s something I know something else
you want to mention today that our
viewers need to be aware of please
continue yes so I think it’s important
to understand that both you know as
being masters of this chemical you know
forms of magic you know both of our
military generals have used adrenochrome
to advance some of these projects and to
use you know black magic in guiding them
not only in warfare but you know guiding
the different military programs you know
they’ve subjected children to this stuff
and all of it is to heighten the
spiritual acuity of children and engage
them in different forms of witchcraft
well Jesse I gotta tell you I I once
again I think you’re going to leave our
viewers wanting more but we have to to
wrap it up at this point but I want to
tell you again this is fantastic let’s
give out your website illuminate the
darkness dot-com tell us a little bit
about that website in your blog and and
and forgive me but the last time we
talked I forgot to promote it so please
please bring that off to the forefront
here yes the purpose of our website is
really to help people be aware of some
of the stuff that’s going on we operate
on several different levels with this
website it’s really a place for people
to be able to connect with us if they’re
finding themselves you know working with
the Luciferian Brotherhood or in a
situation you know where they need help
able to come and communicate with us on
that website it also is very informative
I only I have all of my shows and blogs
posted on that website the other the
only other place that you will find any
of my blogs is on Twitter with at Kathy
Kathy Fox and that’s with a see she you
know she was just an amazing individual
she’s picked up all of my material and
continuously puts it up on her site a
lot of the stuff that I don’t talk about
publicly her and I will work on
different blogs and try to you know
inform people about the current things
going on or you know we recently did one
on Obama when he took his top position
it as the Phoenix of the Satanic Council
and George Soros has kind of retired now
so we did a vlog on that and you can see
that blog on her website that’ll be
another starting point for our next
visit to there you go
morocco i i’ve known he’s been involved
in it up into his eyeballs but but you
i’m sure you’ll be able to enlighten us
more about that when we get when we get
together next week well Jesse I want to
I can’t thank you enough now by the way
people can also follow you on twitter at
Jesse sobota right isn’t there and if
there’s a boater Jesse Cibola that’s
easy in be OTA are Jesse and fascinating
I mean I just I look forward to your
post to each and every day I enjoy our
our communication together week that’s
there’s a lot of things that Jesse lets
me know about that we can’t bring up on
the program because there’s just so many
things that have to remain secret and
believe me when they’re finally all
exposed and these people are brought to
justice which they will be
we’re gonna have a celebration the likes
of which no one has ever seen before
because Jesse has just been through the
wringer and and we appreciate everything
that that she has brought to our
attention so Jesse we will see you again
next week for sure
this will we’ll talk about those two
projects including Looking Glass and we
will also talk about the the Obamas and
we’ll look in in George Soros we’ll get
into both of those next time so thank
you for being with us today and we look
forward to talking to you again next
yeah thanks David I look forward to that
as well

[3] Dark Outpost 07-08-2020 Through The Illuminati Looking Glass

evening we welcome once again
Jessica’s a boater to the dark outpost
Jessie supporter welcome back to the
yeah good to be back David I’m excited
about today’s conversation I am excited
about it too and I’m glad we were able
to accommodate which is gonna be a
interesting day for you tomorrow
normally on Thursdays week we do our
interview but because of a conflict that
Jesse had as I mentioned in the setup we
switched switched it out for today and
we’re very excited to have Jesse with us
on this Wednesday edition of the show
when we left off Jesse we were talking
about a couple of mind-control programs
that were being run by the Illuminati
and being carried out by a couple of
people we had mentioned Michael Aquino
the avowed Satanist I mean there was no
doubt in anybody’s mind that he was in
into the into that but also you had
mentioned the name of John Brennan and
we got to get into a little bit of what
this was about but then we ran out of
time so I want to pick up where we left
off about these two kind of like mind
control programs that go on within the
Illuminati so if you want to pick up
from there let’s get started
yeah first I guess I should probably
emphasize that these are not necessarily
part of the mind control programs they
fit into a different class so some of
these children have gone through like
the MKULTRA or the Carousel mind-control
program which all fall under the monarch
program system so some of the kids could
very well be you know going through
those mind-control programs but these
are completely separate their base is in
you know black magic divination learning
to kind of active as clairvoyance in a
way I mean
probably the closest word I could come
to it but you’re learning to communicate
with demonic spirits and in these
programs they are military based they
are they were run by top level not see
individuals who you know had come to the
United States after the war and they
were hidden by the high-level Illuminati
individuals in Catholic churches in
neighborhoods and kind of their program
switched where these individuals were
then teaching people in our military or
people who were doing who they put in
charge of doing the programming how to
incorporate the different levels of
black magic and spirituality into those
programs go ahead no no I know you said
so that so these these were programs
that are originated within the Nazi
regime during World War two I do know
that after the end of World War two many
of the top you know people involved in
some of these programs including even
some horrific physical programs such as
you know dr. Josef Mengele and others
were brought here to the United States
where a lot of these programs were
continued they were there actually their
lives were spared and by helping to
provide our government with with how-to
information on how these programs work
so that we could possibly use them
ourselves and it sounds to me like
you’re telling me that this is where
this whole thing kind of got started but
then they were like released into
neighborhoods across the United States
with Catholic churches and such where
they were able to continue these
experiments unabated yes
um yeah and I wouldn’t even use the word
released I mean they worked hand in hand
with the top-level people you know cuz
they themselves so Luciferians so you
know so so the one that you know I knew
the one he literally you know whether
he’s the real grandfather of my training
partner I don’t know but that was the
cover life that he lived was that you
know when my training partners family
was killed he became the sole guardian
of my training partner I remember that
the family was there there they were all
murdered in their house but the
grandfather rescued the grandson who
became your training partners that if I
recall correctly no he left with my
training partner had a baby brother so
he had left with the baby brother while
that was happening and then basically my
training partner was you know he became
the main trainer for him and he lived
with him at night okay but then during
the day he was with us all me and my
Proctor all day long okay
all right thanks for the correction go
ahead and continue yeah so I mean it was
it’s interesting because this man you
know was that was me my training
partners he mostly focused on training
us in combat and it was you know I would
say the next level of combat because
you’re not just talking physical combat
you know you’re talking spiritual
warfare you’re learning to you know
about the demonic spirits you’re
learning how to fight in that realm
against the spiritual things there was a
lot of you know what I would classify is
sigh out techniques that he was teaching
so that included you know learning more
how to use our gifts to see into the
spirit world
and you know how to
like I didn’t get into the remote
viewing and I’d like to kind of explain
this difference to people because a lot
of the military does use remote viewing
an older term for that type of Saia is
astral projection
so with that you actually your body and
your spirit separate so you know they
say that the individual spirit actually
leaves the body and can travel and see
things you gain or attain knowledge that
way or some of the individuals you know
have gotten at a spirit level or they
can actually interact with the physical
world by moving stuff or you know
bringing stuff back with them things
like that so that would be what remote
viewing is but what we experienced you
know the best way to describe it is
actually closer to a vision like our
spirits didn’t never left our body you
know we would be you know on our hands
and knees wherever we were I would be in
prayer and I could see almost like a
vision I could see everything that was
going on I could describe it I could
also interact because I was in the
spirit world at the same time the both
the books of Daniel and the books of
revelations you know give us examples of
two people both Daniel and John had this
experience you know with Daniel it
literally was that his spirit left his
body it says you know that the Lord
brought his spirit up into the
heavenlies with John it is more like a
vision where his body was one place and
then he was seeing in this
spirit world so there’s actually
biblical evidence for both types of
these I hate to keep calling them saya
but whether it’s PSYOP or it’s a
spiritual gift seeing you know there is
biblical evidence for both now this this
program this remote viewing that so
we’ve heard a lot about it being
discussed and we know that the the
Pentagon has used it a lot so are you
telling me that we didn’t call it you
said be more viewing with that basically
it’s basically a similar thing to that
is that is that actually a demonic
satanic program that the Pentagon is
using it is okay yeah the base of how
that works is that in order for the body
to or the spirit to leave the body there
has to be a demonic host connection and
that demonic host helps that individual
the spirit leave the body they act as
spirit guides like they’ll call them
guides or familiars you know they do
sell them as that they are good beings
that you know they may even say that
they’re the you know angelic bodyguard
over that person so that’s a huge part
of the program is that they are
connecting people to these spirits or
entities if the individual let’s just
say it’s a military person is very
scientific minded and they can’t accept
you know that all the spiritual things
such as you know that this is a demon or
a fallen angel part of the MKULTRA
program is to get that person to accept
these demonic spirit connections but in
a way that is tangible
provable scientific so that’s part of
where the whole alien theme starts to
come in
that’s how they’ve learned to sell the
demonic connection to the very
scientific minded who don’t believe in
the spiritual world or spirit beings you
know they make it seem like it’s this
creature from you know intergalactic
space so it’s a real being that is
coming down to connect and interact with
people in the world so they kind of just
twist some of those programs to to cater
to the different mindsets of whoever
they’re dealing with so you know that’s
some of the testing that goes on early
early early on in life you know they can
tell even from the age of five you know
which program the child needs to go into
and how they’re going to you know
accepts their demonic connection or the
most you know so that’s something that
they test for how are younger the
children that are put into this program
we started in age five okay and they
start you in cells of groups of three it
gets pretty intense there’s you know the
kids that go through this program you
like we’ll start with the looking-glass
because that’s the base program so with
that you’re learning high levels of
clairvoyance II and so one of the first
things that they do is you know like my
proctor at night would be in the
hallways at her house and she would be
sitting on the floor and would start you
know asking me if I could hear the
spirits talking
and you know I would I would say yes and
then she would say to me you know what
are they saying repeat back to me
word-for-word what they’re saying and so
I would start doing that well that was
their way of trying to train me to kind
of listen in
in that spirit world so then you know
when you then when we’d go for the
looking-glass project you had to learn
to listen for those spirits in your cell
groups so all three of you had to hear
and had to repeat back you know at the
same time what these spirits were saying
and so that’s kind of like the the first
way they connect you to hearing and so
what happens in this project is that
you’re both you’re seeing things it it
causes the things that they do they did
use you know like I said they would use
different amounts of adrenochrome
because that would heighten your
spiritual senses and this was not a kit
you know like I said this it’s very
calculated like they know by that time
you know the amounts that they can give
you the max amount before you go into
psychosis so they would give those
amounts of it and then it it heightens
your spiritual senses where you’re
seeing in the spirit world and you’re
you know we all were individuals who had
visions and dreams
so as we’re seeing into the spirit world
it’s like we’re seeing these different
visions or dreams pass before our eyes
but it’s not just each of us having
separate visions or dreams there’s a
connection between all the kids in the
cell groups
so your dream at the same
exactly yeah we’re all seeing the same
thing at the same time and so you know
at first they’re teaching you to kind of
like you know to communicate with one
another to share what you’re seeing or
what you’re hearing and you know the
whole purpose of this is to communicate
with the entities that are revealing the
foreknowledge so you know there are
times like they reveal things that were
in the past and they’ll talk about that
or there will feel things in the present
that are going to be happening very soon
you know our focus tended to be more of
the future events and the apocalyptic
things that was what they had my so
group focusing on because that’s what we
would see in our visions what kinds of
things did you see in these visions
apocalyptic visions what type of things
did you see happening in the future and
are any of the things that you saw at
the time you were seeing them have they
already come to pass some have yes you
know I I saw a lot of the downfall of
the system so with this you know I mean
it gets a little more complicated so
they would bring in you know you’ve got
your Nazi person who trying to think how
to word this exactly so kind of let’s
start with who’s kind of there so you’ve
got the Nazi individual who’s who’s
overseeing the project and then you have
the scientists who are working with that
individual you know they’re making sure
that the the equipment that the kids
involved that everything with our health
is going okay they kind of act you know
as the mediator also between the demonic
spirits and the
kids to make sure that harm is not
coming to either one through this
process and then you know I had my
Proctor would be there and then we also
had you know some of these it wasn’t
every time but there there usually was a
Grand High Priestess who would be there
so either it would be Gloria or Laurie
Cabot Kenton in our case and it you know
when they were there depending on what
the focus that day was so if it focused
on divination which meant like divining
you know future things what was going to
then Gloria was there but if it dealt
more with the clairvoyance II where you
were just speaking to the spirits and
listening to what they had to say you
know and that could deal with you know
past present or future but you’re more
in a relate you know connecting
relationally to the spirits that’s when
they would have Laurie there so all of
these individuals had you know we’re
high into not only the clairvoyant see
where they’re speaking and allowing
different spirits to access them
internally but they’re also high in
things like tarot card reading and all
of that so that was something that you
know was very very important to them and
through these you know tarot cards is
kind of one of the first tests that they
they do with a child they read your
Tarot about your future and especially
with the system so what was interesting
was that you know all six of the major
people that we had who
involved in this experiment had red art
arrows and it always came up exactly the
same so that in itself is a very odd
thing that they would always you know
you’ve got six different people pulling
cards trying to divine about you know
these children and to get the exact same
cards every single time I’m gonna
mention this just because I kind of find
it humorous but I had someone had
alerted a medium I mean she seems like a
pretty nice lady I won’t say anything
bad about her but I had shared her video
with you but she’s been picking up our
you know my videos with you David and
anyway that first one that she had
caught she did a reading on me to see if
the things I was saying were the truth
or not and when she did that reading the
cards turned out exactly the same as
they always have since the time I was a
child now the only thing the only
difference was that she did not pull the
last card there’s one more card that all
of the others had gotten and she does
not either purposely does not put this
card down or she for some reason just
didn’t pull it so I did reach out to her
and say hey you know was there a reason
for that
like I’m kind of curious about this you
know so they get into you know a lot of
that like it starts there where they’re
you know they kind of know through the
tarot reading what to expect in your
interactions with these spirits kind of
what your the end purpose and everything
will be
and so you’re connecting with all of
these different you know that we call
them our teachers and you know they’re
teaching us how to talk and communicate
with these spirits and so then you know
you would start reaching out to the
spirits listening to them trying to
communicate with them for me it was
really an awkward position because you
know at that time I already had the Lord
so you know these spirits did not have
access to enter inside of me to speak
through me you know so they had to be
that more of like an outside source
where I would see this being and
literally be in conversation with it
versus you know individuals like the you
know hi Grand High Priestess is like
Gloria and Lori literally the spirits
could come and go through them and speak
through them so they would kind of go
into it and that is I wouldn’t call it a
full trance but it was like all of a
sudden they would not be themselves and
they would have this being speaking
through their body when you were
communicating with these entities we
were you being watched as you were as
this was happening all of this is
recorded as well as there’s picture
evidence this week or this last week I
should say IV the official request and
asked since they’ve already released the
starwars now project I asked that they
release all of the pictures and the
aftermath of these experiments
especially the ones that included me and
when they are released and you have them
what are you going to do with them
I’m definitely gonna show and make them
public I hope you’ll do it I hope you’ll
do some of it on this program because
you’re my first go to David’s I don’t
have another means to get it all out
there well I believe me will provide the
the conduits in can to help you but what
I’m also getting at was you said you
were like in communication with these
entities obviously if if you had been
saved by our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ and these entities knew that they
couldn’t get to you what were you
telling these entities we were using
words that the Lord was giving you to
fight these demons off and was anyone
watching you and listening to what you
were saying back to these entities yeah
you know I haven’t I haven’t shared any
of that stuff but yeah I I got pretty
volatile towards these spirits and it
would definitely put me in a spiritual
warfare mode you know where I was I I
don’t think at that time that I knew the
words you know I rebuke you but it was
like you know leave me alone I’m
commanding you to go kind of like that
in the desert when he was tempted yeah
yeah and you know they’ve written in
some of the experiments like that they
were you know I’m kind of bringing this
back around but their returns that they
used for the kids so that people did not
know when they were reading these
experiments that children were actually
involved so one of the words that they
used for the children was potential and
so like yeah so in that and then like
they would interchange so the electro
made magnetic field that word was used
to talk about all of the witches or
warlocks or the
um you know who were gathering to do the
spells the hexes the witchcraft I call
it the wit force so to me the
electromagnetic field represented that
witchy force that was going on around us
for these experiments and then the
magnetic field was the term they used
for the demonic spirits and so you have
in these experiments you know multiple
levels you’ve got the children the
potentials who are focused on one thing
and then you’ve got you know this these
individuals who are doing different
types of acts of witchcraft to try to
enhance the experiment and what’s going
on and then you have the demonic spirits
some of who you know you’ve got extra
demonic spirits so they’re literally you
know trying to connect with the witchy
force they’re trying to combine their
energy their power their efforts
together to enhance the experiment the
experience between the children and
whatever main spirits were involved in
that episode incredible absolutely
and now I do a little research on some
of the information that you sent me
through for those of our viewers who
don’t know Jesse and I communicate via
Twitter and an email during the week and
one of the things that I found out was a
this lookingglass program basically was
named after you know the Alice in
Wonderland storybook which was I believe
written by a gentleman by the name of
Lewis Carroll who I believe was a a
satanic pedophile was was he not he was
a very strong I’ll just say yes he was a
satanic pedophile he was also very high
in clairvoyance II did
a lot of seances tarot card readings
yeah he was he was quite involved in
that and there’s a lot of if you read
the story on a different level from what
normally most people you know as kids we
did at there’s a lot of sexual
connotations and satanic counter
patient’s within that within that novel
and if I’m not mistaken I have never
seen this but I understand at one point
there was actually an adult version of
Alice in Wonderland made into a movie
which actually depicted some of these
things it’s kind of like an x-rated
movie I guess at the time or something
but but if you if you for those who have
seen it back in the 70s or something
along that line they they say that this
movie was that really depicted a lot of
this ritualistic type of stuff and if
you you know whoever directed this movie
took it to that level and that sort of
things so I didn’t know if you were
familiar with that or not but it’s but
it’s kind of interesting so that’s what
Looking Glass was about no the other
program you said was called um Star Wars
now tell us more about that yeah so that
that’s the next step up so well Looking
Glass you know the focus of Looking
Glass overall is time and playing with
time so with that one you’ve got three
children who are brought in to connect
with these spirits to enter into the
spirit world and they’re the spirits are
sharing their knowledge or you’re
sharing mutual visions about the past
present or future
and with that each child each of the
three kids have different gifts so you
like one of them will only see the end
picture the other one can only see
how you would get to an end picture but
it’s an undefined end picture they just
see step by step what needs to happen
the third child sees every step and
every possible outcome or consequence of
that step so they use that as like a
three way check to try to manipulate or
determine the outcomes that they want at
the same time they know like the child
that has told them what the end picture
is going to be they already know what
that end picture is going to be so if
they want that end picture then they try
to you know use the second and the third
child to figure out which steps you know
do they need to change the step that
that the one child is seen do they need
to do something different to get a
different outcome at that point and so
they try to play with it so hopefully
they can either change or embrace
whatever that end picture is that’s been
seen so with Star Wars now you know that
deals specifically with the spiritual
gate so you know in Looking Glass you
start to enter into the spirit world but
then part of that spirit world is that
you’ve got these spiritual gates and
scripture talks about these gates the
first time that it speaks of them is in
the book of Genesis and it talks about
that there were these flood gates that
were above the waters of the sky and
flood gates that were below in the ocean
and all of that and so these these were
the same flood gates that when God sent
the flood in Noah’s days they release
their water so they used to be filled
with water
and so then you know job also he’s
probably the next book where you can
read about these floodgates jobs focus
tends to be on the floodgates in the
deep which are the ones that are in the
lower levels of the earth so you know I
would include that it’s not only down in
or under the oceans that some of these
gates are you know in caves or
underground but they form these all you
know I hate to use the word portals but
in essence you know the spiritual gate
is like a portal from the physical world
into the spirit world and we’ve kind of
I’ve talked some you know I can’t member
cycle which show it is but I’ve talked a
little bit like the way that I always
kind of saw it was that you’ve got these
different planes I don’t believe that
there’s different realities happening on
those planes you know from my experience
all of the spiritual world in all of the
physical world were very connected to
each other so to me it was almost like a
multi-level chessboard were you you do
have different things that are happening
on those realms but you can like you
know if if I wanted to make a move in a
lower realm all I had to do was go into
the lower realm and that was one of the
things me and my training partner
started doing was we started instead of
fighting on the physical realm with the
physical witches or warlocks or
Assassins that were sent against us
instead of fighting with those
individuals we literally would go into
prayer and we would go into those lower
realms and we would start attacking this
whatever spiritual being or principality
hide that person who is attacking us and
we would take out that spiritual being
you know rebuking casting it out finding
it and then from there you know it was
just a matter of you know me laying
hands and that person starting to pray
over them and then you know he would be
the one to make the move that would take
that person out so you know we were able
that way to gain that only spiritual
control of that person but we gained the
ability to have physical control over
that person as well in working that way
yeah because I think you told me in in
our previous conversations that your
training partner actually didn’t did all
of the fighting physical confrontation
so that you wouldn’t have to yeah not
the fighting itself like I I did do
combat as well but yeah he was the one
who would make the end shot he was very
guarded and protected of that and would
not allow me to do that that you know
there were a few times that you know
we’re all weak we’re all human there was
a few times that I wanted to do that and
he literally you know would hit me or
kick me out you know knock me down and
so that he was the only one who got to
do that all right all right let’s talk a
little bit now if we could about Donald
Trump I we looked at some of the
information that you sent me and we know
that Donald Trump is under attack by the
deep state and by and by these Satanists
I believe it was a reporter that you and
I have talked about before Timothy
Charles home south who by the way has a
great website you folks you check to
check it out there’s a lot of green
information on their both Jessie and I
have a tremendous amount of respect for
Timothy Charles home Seth is it true
that as a child Donald Trump himself was
sexually abused I don’t know about that
I don’t know anything about I’ll just
say I don’t know about his childhood I
do I gotta be very careful about how I
say this but I do believe that there is
involvement for him at some level within
the system that he’s had a past in that
and that’s part of the knowledge that
he’s using now to combat that system
right and whether he was a victim or not
he was aware something about his past
led him to want to be involved in this
fight and put it into it and and and and
we we do know that there’s a motivation
there we also know that in this is
something that Timothy Holmes Seth and I
talked about when I had him on the
program and I hope to have him on again
a lot of people when they talk about the
rescue of these children which we talked
about you know the last time we spoke
about the tunnels and and all this sort
of thing he talked about the fact that
there is an individual who has been at
least taking credit for rescuing a lot
of these kids and being involved in and
that’s Craig Sawyer
now what Timothy holding Seth told me
was that and I don’t know if you can
verify this or give us a differing
opinion but he said that Craig Sawyer is
a charlatan that basically he’s been
using this to make a name for himself to
get donations and make money for himself
he’s considered a hero by a lot of
people who are involved in trying to
rescue kids from
child traffickers and these Satanists
but he’s saying there is that he’s
really not doing any good can you speak
to that at all yeah I can speak a little
bit to that
you know I guess I’m gonna remain
neutral I’m not gonna say whether I feel
he’s good or bad girl right what I can
say is that you know the there’s a
couple of children that were going after
that you know are considered high level
hierarchy children one of them is Jonah
reef I’ve talked a little bit about him
a couple times and or at least mentioned
his name so you know with working with
some of these hierarchy families what
has happened is I’ve heard stories that
they paid Craig Sawyer large sums of
money to do a special ops and go in and
rescue their child okay and the
hierarchy children are the hardest to
rescue because you know after they’re
taken from their families they’re
literally purchased by whatever
Illuminati family is going to be
training them into the position they’ve
chosen for this child and you know I
mean they’re basically purchased it’s
blackmail adoption through our judicial
system their birth certificates are
erased they’re given brand-new birth
certificates new names there’s no way
you know besides doing if you know a DNA
test to to have any outside knowledge
that this child does not belong to the
family that they’re placed in that
becomes their cover life their cover
family they’re never allowed to speak of
anything of their past life so Craig
Sawyer from what I understand
and it’s not just one or two sources you
know I’ll just say it’s at this point
it’s more than 20 people that I’ve heard
this from that they paid him large you
know sums of money to go in and get
their child and what would happen is you
know we don’t know the logistics of the
transactions anything like that but it
it appears that he instead made deals
with the Illuminati and instead of
rescuing the child he was paid to rescue
they would give him a whole bunch of
expendable kids to make it look like he
did this
this large rescue and so he would take
the money not rescue the child he was
hired to rescue and instead would get a
lot of credit and fame because he
rescued a whole bunch of expendable
children so in other word and what
happened to the where did the parents
have to say of the kids that they had
paid him to get their child out did he
just say I was unable to get him I got
these other kids but I couldn’t get your
child or that sort of thing and yeah
there were there were I think that was
what he told some of the families others
he just completely cut off never
responded to they have been unsuccessful
in trying to you know get their money
back in anyway um so none of them have
gotten their money back and they are
still without their children
um so this is that’s all that I know on
that end with him you know I did I did
keep you know I was very interested in
the vets for rescue that was something
that I was following heavily the area
where they were in where they kind of
had the
breakthrough in Arizona we all know that
you know that dealt with chemic sand you
know that’s owned by Elon Musk so talk a
little bit about that talking about Elon
Musk and his involvement that’s a harder
I gotta tread very lightly on that was
say what you can go see what you can’t
that’s all I’ve eluded that you know
there was a core group of boys that I
grew up with you know so I I will I will
admit that he was one of the three in
the core cell groups that I went through
with the looking glass’ he also was
involved in the Star Wars now projects
with us so he went through the same
training sessions with you know the Nazi
gentlemen as well as with Aquino and
Brennan with me and my training partner
so yeah so there’s there’s high
involvement there you know very
scientifically minded it did not
surprise me when I found out that he was
heading up space force or bringing
forward a lot of the prot technology
that would it advanced the projects that
connect into that spiritual world all
right so will will respectfully leave it
at that I think you’ve spoken volumes by
what you have said so that so that’s
that that’s good I’m gonna try to play a
video here which was brought to my
attention it appears to be a video in
which Mike Pence is shaking the hand of
someone who after we play the video you
you can tell me what’s going on here and
what this is all about because my
contacts my sources and now I consider
you to be one of the most valuable
sources of information that we have here
and trying to save as many kids as
possible my sources have said
that Mike Pence is heavily involved in
the in this in this trafficking system
in this Illuminati thing and the Timothy
Charles home Seth had posted a video on
his website a copy of which I have
received in which I’m going to try to
show here now apparently Mike Pence
shaking the hand of someone who you’re
gonna tell us about after I play this
and let’s see I hope hopefully you’ll be
able to see this too as it plays you
won’t be able to hear me but we’ll put
it up your own non truthful answer
decisions could be made where minute
eliezer at stake resources are put at
risk and so even if it’s painful when
you’re at the direct questions are
expected to be the direct answer and it
has to be as true and complete as you
can okay so that was the video you could
see Mike Pence in the background shaking
somebody’s hand and appearing to take a
piece of paper from that individual as
he as he walks away tell us what’s going
on here and what’s that all about
yeah are you able to can you like post
it and pause it so people can see the
exact handshake move let me let’s see if
I I don’t know if I can or not I’ll try
again truthful answer right there right
there I can’t pause it it plays through
but but okay
you see they clearly see the handshake
yes so so it’s interesting you know I I
watched the whole video of that when it
first was posted by the White House so
that was an event where Trump was
celebrating the sheriff’s and so they
had invited sheriffs from all over the
United States to come you know they were
really encouraging them in the work that
they do and you know just kind of giving
them a special time to be honored and so
you know they then had all the
individuals kind of gathered in this
stand up front and Trump and pence
gone through and we’re taking turns you
know shaking these different sheriff’s
hands now it’s funny is that trunk stops
way before he gets down the row where
that individual who shakes pence hand is
at that you know I don’t know if at the
time if Trump knew who that woman was or
not and we can see from the very
beginning part of the you know video it
shows that it is a female that female
was somebody that I know who she is so
immediately I was you know like white in
the world like why is she there that you
know she is involved in the Illuminati
and being a sheriff is definitely not
her job so I was like what in the world
so as I’m watching like you can kinda
you see the interaction like you know
Pence’s handshakes up to that point or
just normal handshakes and all of a
sudden you see that she extends her hand
way out and she’s waiting for him to
finish the handshake of the with the
gentleman next to her and then as her
hand is extended out and and pence turns
on so one of the first indicators is
that he’s not caught off-guard by this
person you know normally if they had
somebody waiting holding their hand out
you know you’re gonna either see Secret
Service kind of watching or getting
involved or you might see pence hesitate
to take her hand because it’s an unusual
you know it could just be if somebody’s
overexcited or something like that but
it’s an unusual thing to initiate the
handshake when you’re dealing with you
know people about high in the government
so that’s the first indicator that
instead of waiting for pence to come to
her and reach his hand
she stands there waiting during this
other handshake for him okay as you
watched their hands you you noticed that
he doesn’t go to shake the you know like
a normal shake where he’s going for the
lower you know part palms of home they
go past that you see them slide until
their thumbs are past each other and
then their thumbs both of them their
thumbs go down in the back and then they
move them forward and they go down on
the front of the other person’s hand
that is a mace high level masonic hand
sign so they’re greeting one another
with a masonic handshake then you’ll
watch as as they end the handshake you
could see Pence’s hand in her hands they
pressed their hands together and he
literally is taking something out of her
yes and yeah and you see there’s like a
flash when he like when he’s done he
instead of going to the next person down
the row he turns and you see a flash of
paper and he at that point he stops he
doesn’t shake hands with anybody else so
we we caught that paper transaction
between him and this woman I think the
video was originally put out I think it
was about three years ago when that
first went out okay it it was two days
before one I can’t remember exactly
which one but it was two days before one
of the assassination attempts on Trump’s
life right right I do I do remember
there were several people talking about
that at the time what can you tell us
about that I can’t at this point C and
thing else about that but yeah there
there were multiple attempts you know
pence was somebody that I looked at I
saw you know a lot of what I considered
to be questionable things on his end
you know revolving around each of those
attempts so that’s probably all I can
say on that I understand I think the
main thing with this is to show people
you know why in the world would Pence be
doing a high-level masonic handshake
with anybody is trump aware that that
pence is involved is I I believe he is
yeah he is okay I’ll just say I believe
he is as well yeah all of this stuff has
been made known to him I doubt that that
has not reached his ears what’s
interesting as well is that this woman
in the video is also one of the
high-level people that I’ve discussed
you know who is involved in redirecting
the elite during the California rescues
to other military dumb bases around the
world and you know one of the
individuals that you know puts other
people’s lives in high danger so so that
you know that’s why it’s important you
know to see all this stuff to see the
connections that are going on at the
governmental level that these
Luciferians are very ingrained into the
you know the fact that she was able to
get into the White House under the guise
of being a sheriff you know and be there
for that event
that speaks volumes mind-boggling isn’t
it is I’m gonna throw a picture up here
I don’t know if you’ll be able to see it
or not but but this comes from a viewer
who asked asked me to ask you this
question so I’m gonna throw this picture
up and can you see this picture yeah
okay this is what is known as the black
eye Club and the viewer asked me to ask
you if you know anything about why all
of these people have some sort of a
black just a coincidence or anything
like that what is that yeah that you
know goes by many names a lot of people
connect that with adrenochrome
which there is adrenochrome involved in
the ceremony or the ritual that causes
that when you take a certain level earth
within the Masonic group there’s a
ritual where you I’ve talked to on some
of my blogs and stuff about the holy
ground for the most the Masons and how
they’ll have like this sacred ground
boxed out within that you’ll have what’s
considered the three great lights so
they’ll have an easel with a book on it
and then they’ll also have a compass and
some of the other Masonic emblems there
so when you take this one certain oath
you literally have to place your left
eye upon the book and so as your eye is
on that book and part of that oath
you’re reciting is that you understand
that if you ever tell
any of the secrets of either your
brothers who are with you in that group
or lodge or if you divulge any of the
secrets of the Brotherhood that it will
come at the cost of your left eye okay
so that’s part of this so when you see
this either they have taken that oath or
they’ve been through one of the moments
were they’re reminded of that oath and
it’s it’s a symbol that they wear not
only for themselves but for anybody
who’s involved in that level of masonry
would understand and be reminded that
there’s a price for breaking the silence
and that price is the loss of your left
interesting well we’ve covered a lot of
ground today but unfortunately we’re
gonna we’re coming to a close here for
this edition but but you’ve really been
informative and I can’t thank you enough
for for being I don’t know so open about
this I have never had more viewers to my
program than I do when you’re on it and
that is why I am so glad that you are
with us every week we’ve learned so much
and it’s it’s unfortunate that you had
to go through what you have gone through
in order for you to get to this point
but if you help to save the lives of
anyone through through this and I know
that is your that is your mission and
your goal to prevent from for exposing
this and to prevent this from happening
then you’re doing a tremendous amount of
good but before we let you go is there
any other message you want to leave with
our viewers today something that we
didn’t bring up during the course of the
conversation that you wanted to get out
today just to remind people you know we
do have a website that
WWE luminate the darkness if you go
under links and my name you can view all
of my videos and materials on there we
also have links if you’re interested I
do have a book for sale called his
kingdom comes in power the battle and
that’s through the John be Welsh
bookshop there that you can get an
online copy of that and then all of my
blogs if you go to at Kathy with a C at
Cathy Cathy Fox and you can access all
of the silence breaks forth into song
blogs and then there’s a whole bunch of
other ones that Cathy and I have done
together about Gloria Vanderbilt’s about
the structure of the system so that you
know just to remind people that you know
as things are going on it really helps
if you understand the background of the
system and how these people are working
and the things that they’re really doing
to children I use a lot of that material
to prepare people you know as stuff
starts to come forward it’s easier to
handle or cope or deal with if you have
an idea of why this happened you know
you’re kind of expecting what’s going to
be coming forward and I would really I’m
just really encouraging people like
watch as many videos as you can read the
blogs you know in all honesty I go
pretty deep into some of this stuff but
I want people to understand that is just
the very tip of the iceberg like I have
not even gone under the water yet as to
the amount of evil that these people do
and so you know the stuff that’s going
to be coming out about these children
you it’s just gonna leave people
speechless you know the majority of it I
still can’t even find the words to to
share with people so you know it’s the
best way to be as prepared mentally
emotionally and spiritually you know
that’s kind of my goal and all this is
really to prepare people because you
know as the children are coming out as a
society as communities we need to really
come alongside of these children and be
supports for them and it’s hard to
support children who have gone through
the extent of what they’ve gone through
if you have no idea what they’ve gone
through if you don’t know how to talk or
communicate with them about it or even
how to listen you know if if you’re
listening and you’re not believing what
they’re telling you these kids are gonna
know and it’s just gonna cause them to
shut up and not share and without
sharing there isn’t going to be healing
for them so you know we’re part of their
healing process and that’s where I’m
going with all of this is that you know
I’m sharing so you can know and
understand and be a part of that process
well what I want to what I want to do is
I want to find a way to make your book
available through our website so that
they can so that you can help more
people because because obviously you
can’t be on John be well so every every
week but you are you gonna be on our
show every week until every last child
is rescued I don’t care how many years
it takes you are a regular part of this
program now and always will be so I want
to help you to help as many kids as I
can so what we will do will talk off the
air about a way to set up a link on our
site some House of
they can order the book directly from
you or or whatever so that you can you
know get it out there because I think we
we have a lot of people that we reach
every week and and because you’re a
regular guest on the program I think we
had more opportunity to get the book out
there as well as get people to your site
so we’re gonna do that in you know as
always if there’s anything we can ever
do just tell us you know what we can do
but we will have you on a for those
folks who don’t know we’re gonna be gone
next week on a vacation but the
following week Jesse will be back with
us and as I said she’s as she said she’s
just scratched the surface tip of the
iceberg we have a lot to talk about
and we’re going to just go on and on and
on until we can save as many kids as
possible so Jesse I want to thank you
for being with us once again this week
and we will have you back in a couple of
weeks to continue our conversation
sounds great David thank you thank you
very much
Jesse sobota at the dark outpost thank
you very much Jesse for being with us
now she will not be with us next week
because we are going to be off next week
taking a little R&R will be back the


[1] Dark Outpost 06-25-20 5 The Tunnel Children

[2] Dark Outpost 07-02-2020 The Adrenochrome Nightmare

[3] Dark Outpost 07-08-2020 Through The Illuminati Looking Glass

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the truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free...
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13 Responses to Illuminati Whistleblower Jessie’s Interviews with David Zublick 5, 6, 7

  1. johnharker3 says:

    Dear Cathy Fox,This is a very URGENT National Public Interest plea for your expert assistance! I a former police officer – a retired Advocate that fights for truth and Justice to prevail over LIES DECEIT CORRUPTION TRAVESTY that is very difficult as what the battle is against is the evil secret society protective brother and sister and Muslim Shriner Cult of Satanic Masonry!  Thank the Lord Yahshua Messiah HE set me FREE and my unfeeling resolve is to expose and outlaw before many more ignorant trusting deceived abused innocent lives are destroyed eg the Hillsborough disaster and the families of those 96 innocent victims families! I currently have very serious crime complaints being corruptly covered up by the Durham Police! They must NOT be swept under the carpet if cover up protectionism! The evidence I have submitted over these past 4 years exposing crimes committed by colluding solucitors – barristers – senior police officers is INDISPUTABLE some as plain as the nose on your face! The two Court Claims submitted by the main culprit Satanic Mason pub owner are FRAUD and were not heard instead the Lawyers took Pecuniary Advantage of their trusting victim/client and by FRAUD exhorted many thousands form her! WILL YOU PLEASE IN THE NAME OF TRUTH AND JUSTICE AND LAWFUL HUMAN RIGHTS PLEASE HELP? I know you have had dealings exposing various Police Forces including Durham and North Yorks another corrupt Satanic Mason controlled Force! They are rife throughout every Organisations inc Parliament Govts Legal system prifessions media press and yes Clergy inc End Times Inter Faith New World Order False Prophet Pope Francis and his confederate Archbishop Justin Welby! Woe woe woe I pray without ceasing Ms Fox you WILL respond positively that we may by the Grace of Almighy Yahweh and the Redeeming Love of Yahshua Messiah the Lord join forces with also Neil Welby and expose this corruption and outlaw Satanic Masonry and yes even their hierarchy the Illuminati! Selah Peace be with you! John Harker servant soldier pilgrim of Yahshua Messiah my Lord SelahSent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


  2. johnharker3 says:

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


  3. Pingback: Illuminati Plans for the New World Order | cathy fox blog on child abuse

  4. Pingback: Illuminati Players and the Battlefield – Earthly Realm | cathy fox blog on child abuse

  5. Pingback: A Gun, a Child and a Camera – Child Trafficking Part 3 | cathy fox blog on child abuse

  6. Pingback: The Whistleblower – Lifting the Wool

  7. Pingback: Jessie Czebotar – My Whistleblower and Woman of the Year 2020 | cathy fox blog on child abuse

  8. Pingback: Links of cathyfoxblog posts 2013 – 2021 | cathy fox blog on child abuse

  9. Pingback: cathyfox posts spare master – Foxy's Extra Blog

  10. Pingback: Who is E? – Lifting the Wool

  11. Pingback: Elon is Bloodline. The Great Deceiver? | cathy fox blog on child abuse

  12. Pingback: Dark Outpost 07-08-2020 Through The Illuminati Looking Glass  – Curated Sources

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