Anne’s Story


  • Many people have stories about ET’s.
  • Many deny that there are ET’s.
  • Some people say “aliens” are really shapeshifting demons
  • Some people do not believe that demons exist
  • Some believe demons or aliens exist but dispute the shapeshifting.
  • Project Monarch mind control programme undoubtedly contains programming to make subjects believe in various aliens.
  • Project Bluebeam is supposed to be an illuminati organised false flag alien invasion, to raise fear.   What is the Blue Beam Project? [9]
  • UFO’s are very often advanced science earthcraft that “the powers that be” want people to believe are alien craft, or are content to let it be so thought.
  • Militaries across the world carry out what are known as Milab  – MILitary ABductions which they pass off as alien abductions for their nefarious purposes.  See From Alien Abductions Via MKUltra to an Implanted Cyber-Situation by Dr Helmut Lammer [4] and Cathi Morgan Mind Control Research and Resource – Australia and Britain [5]
  • My post on Dan Burisch showed that some people say that at least some aliens are in fact humans from the future, coming back in time. MJ4 Majestic – Dan Burisch, Stargates and ET [3]
  • Bill Cooper came to believe there were no aliens -“There are no aliens, no alien abductions and no alien cattle mutilations”, said William “Bill” Cooper, author of BEHOLD A PALE HORSE [6]

The whole subject of aliens/ ET’s is therefore fraught with confusion and disinformation, and many of the concepts are mind blowing to many people.

Part of the reason for the intentional disinformation spread by the cabal is to disenfranchise the experiences that people underwent, whatever the reason behind those experiences.

What matters most are survivors accounts of their experiences, whatever the truth and actual cause of the subjective experiences that survivors undergo. It is only when we have a collection of many survivor accounts, that we can best workout what is happening and discern patterns.

Whistleblowers accounts are often consistent but also often have various aspects different depending on what division of the system they were brought up in eg catholic/jesuit or more freemasonic etc. and various people are blamed Luciferians, jesuits, jews, catholics, hivites etc

Stargates, portals, wormholes, time travel and time machines are similarly subjects fraught with disinformation. Many have talked about them Yellow Book, Cube, etc including Dan Burisch MJ4 Majestic – Dan Burisch, Stargates and ET [3]

Disclosure of the presence of UFO’s is said to be imminent, Government Agencies Are About To Disclose What They Know About UFOs, And That Will Be A Dramatic Paradigm Shift [10]. However disclosure has been said to be imminent for decades now. We will see if MJ12 is going to allow or arrange this [3]

Without further ado this lady I have given the pseudonym Anne. She has given me some more personal details which I have redacted but this is her testimony.

Anne’s Story

It all began in March of 2009 at Creston Eagle, US. [Anne was in her early twenties, I believe this to be Crestone, Colorado]

One night I felt that something was irritating my ear. I remember touching it and it became worse. Now both of my ears were irritated (squished against my head by something) so I moved irritating objects out of my ears and when I let go of it, it snapped back at both sides of my head. I opened my eyes and for a second I thought that I was still asleep because I wasn’t in my bed in the matter of fact I wasn’t laying down.

I was sitting in front of the big moving window. I took the irritating object off my head. It was headphones. I remember looking in front of myself and feeling such a terror. I don’t know how to describe it. I was seating on the front seat of helicopter and I was holding a metal stick in my hand. I guess I was a pilot. I had a panic attack. I was turning my head around like crazy.

A man appeared. He was staring in my face. He was approximately 60 or 65 years old, had grey hair, moustache and small angry blue eyes. His face is the last thing I remember. Everything got blurry after that and I fell asleep again. When I woke up that morning I was so confused. I thought maybe it was just a terrifyingly realistic dream?

Next night I slept like a baby so I thought may be I had a nightmare. Two months have past and everything was fine until I woke up again. Only this time in a car. I was sitting on the back seat and someone was holding my hand. I was too scared to look at the person. The car was moving really fast and in about 5 minutes it stopped. The driver opened a door for me. I got out and the women followed me and she was the one holding my hand.

I looked around. We were somewhere in the field and there was a single house. It was small and wooden, a typical village house. I began panicking again and the women told me “Don’t worry we just crossed the border”. She took my hand again. “We’ll be back home in no time” she said. She and the man (driver) lead me to the simple wooden house. The place itself looked like an abundant village house. We walked in.

Three of us moved to the basement. It had no concrete floor but instead the floor was just ground. There was a small wooden door in the ground. The man lifted the door and began taking out the bags of potatoes. When he finished he picked me up and lowered me to the bottom of that emptied pit. The women followed me and the men jumped there as well. I had to crawl through a small corridor on my hands and knees.

It was too small to stand up. Suddenly I found myself in a small, well lit room with nothing there. The man did something and suddenly the walls opened. It was an elevator. All three of us stepped inside and elevator moved down. I don’t remember how long it took for us to get to the bottom. Probably 15 minutes but the elevator was moving down really fast.

What I saw amazed me. There was a big facility and a lot of people. Some wearing white doctor coats and some had common clothes like me. There was a long table with different dishes on like a buffet and people were going to the table picking what they liked. The women saw me staring and said “You can eat later”. After that phrase everything got hazy again. I made a drawing of the tunnel.

When I woke up next morning I felt pain in my left eye. It almost felt like pain was inside of the eye. Obviously this time I was freaked out. I just kept touching my eye I was so happy that it was there. I just felt such a strange relief. I went to the mirror and stared at myself for a long time.

Later that day I began having flash backs. I remembered someone taking my eye out and putting it on the metal tray. Then they took a very long needle and inserted it in the hole where my eye used to be. I was awake and I could feel the needle touching the inside of my head but I didn’t feel any pain. [This may have been fitting an implant]

I remember feeling anxiety but the operator kept telling me that he will not give me my eye back because I’m not cooperating. There were human body parts hanging there on the wall. Upon remembering that I cried for a long time. This is how it started. After those things it escalating to worse.

Over the years I saw a few different kinds of creatures. First ones were grey aliens. They were short, grey in color creature with big heads and big black eyes.

Later I remembered them, one of them operated on my eye. Also, grays told me how to cure all mental illnesses, from bad memory to schizophrenia. Lets take a schizophrenia for example. They take the eye out and insert needle to the brain. Then they hit the brain with electricity to create double identity disorder in the person. Both identities made to be identical. No one can ever see the difference when person is switched on. But the second identity doesn’t have the schizophrenia, yet it’s exactly the same personality as the original!

Nothing is changed, not a single trait. Then they block first identity (with schizophrenia) and voila! Person is cured. Once a gray alien tried to teach me to move objects with my mind. What he did was, he had a liquid metal (mercury like) in a round sphere. It looked like a little fish swimming in a tank. It was easy to move. I would think about it moving to the right and it would move.

The gray told me that originally this metal was used for the animals to operate. For example they could teach a dog to build the simple metal parts, like wheels. The metal would do all the work by itself but someone has to manipulate it mentally. I wasn’t a good student. No amount of working with this metal helped me develop a talent of moving the objects with my mind.

Some people do master that and can move objects with their minds but not me. I had a conversation with gray alien when he diagnosed me as being autistic. It’s strange but I wasn’t diagnosed with this when I was in kindergartens or school.

A few years ago, I stayed in a place with gray aliens. There were black boxes like a coffins. they were filled with pink viscose fluid. In one of them was a man, he was around 65 years of age, very tall, with long gray hair. I don’t remember anything else.

Also, there are a reptilian aliens. All grays working with reptilians are cruel and violent. Greys working against reptilians are almost the same, maybe just a bit nicer. I saw both kinds many times. Reptilian aliens are dumb boring creatures that don’t deserve my time.

Long headed grey alien. I saw them a year after I met grey aliens for the first time. They were wearing capes. They have long oval heads but their eyes look like eyes of average grey alien. Their skin is grey too and the same height as grey aliens. They get “average gray aliens” to do their dirty work for them.

One of the aliens I met in underground base looked like Gargoyle. It was a, jet black, bat like creature. It was a female about 7’5 ft tall with round red eye and wings. She was speaking telepathically and I just knew it was a female I don’t know how but I just knew. She had no breast or anything of that sort but at the same time she was very feminine. Gargoyle was suspicions of me.

I touched her and her skin was cold, leathery and hard. She was revolted by me and told me how moist and disgusting my hand was. I asked her if I can touch her wing. She said no, then she half opened her wings and shut them. Then she took a little sack and dusted the place where I touched her with something that looked like flour. I think this alien race is afraid of water and instead of bathing they dust themselves. I hope I will not see one again, because even through she didn’t try to attack me her hostility was obvious. I bet gargoyles are violent.

Pleiadian aliens. The good looking humanoids with blond hair and blue eyes. They have five planets. One planet is entirely pleiadian. The other planet they share with Praying Mantis aliens. The third planet was full of people, just like the people we have on Earth. I liked Pleiadeans, they were very sweet. I was told that their school aged children study from 9:00 to 12:00 then the rest of the day teacher takes them to the beach. It’s an actual school program and they can’t say no to the beach. Water is very important to the pleiadians. They can hold their breath for 20 minutes in the water.

The “Earth like aliens” I believe they are some type of pleiadians, some people are dark, some white but they are all good-looking. Those human looking humanoids would come to me and just say stuff like “Why are you so ugly? Are you sick? Are you dying?” They bullied the daylight out of me. They act like some people on Earth.

Some of the pleiadian aliens were very strange. They were snow white, whiter than albinos on Earth. Their hair was very fine and thin, I could see tiny bald spots here and there. Take an average person divide their hair in three parts and you will get the amount of hair that one of those aliens has on their entire head.

All females had a care[?] hair cut and males had very short hair. All very straight. Also, I was looking at their arms and I don’t think they have any body hair. Their skin is cold not like human at all. But the biggest difference is their eyes. They don’t have a well-defined iris. The looked hazy, like a small grey cloud. Not a single one of them ever said a word to me physically or telepathically. I felt they were hostile and untrustworthy.

One day I met a red-haired dwarf alien. His eyes were big and green, and his skin was a little bit orangish. Even through he was much smaller than me his hands were the same size as mine. I made a drawing of him. I saw him talking to reptilians. Reptilians were disrespectful towards the dwarf. I think the reptilians are violent to everything that moves. Also, it’s strange that some contactees find reptilians intelligent. I saw probably a few hundreds of reptilians by now, but not a single one of them were intelligent. They act as people with autism do, no mental flexibility whatsoever.

I spoke to a dwarf and he complimented me on my long nails. He said that on his planet the length of nails show a status. Only the males on his planet have long sharp nails. It’s to demonstrate power and high status. His nails were very long and sharp. He said that he was chosen for interbreeding program by reptilians. His race hates reptilians but has no choice.

Blond and red haired aliens– first I saw a female which looked like a human female. She was blond and blue eyed. She wasn’t wearing a cloth and I noticed that her pubic hair and under arm hair was blood red. Her arms and legs were hairless. I wasn’t sure what was happening so I tried to put my jacket on her and she was trying to get away from me. She started to make “grrrrr” sound and suddenly a humanoid looking male came. He looked more alien then her. He was blond and blue eyed but he had a bright red line going from his lower lip to the neck.

He had a small beard that was bright red and he had a small blood red freckles on his cheeks. He turned to female and I saw blood red hair on the back of his neck. I tried to touch his red hair and I pricked my finger.

They were sharp like a bone. Their teeth are not like human teeth. They don’t have molars instead they have long sharp fangs. They can’t speak (physically or telepathically) but the sounds they make are like a barking of the dog. I don’t remember much about that encounter.

Blue haired aliens. I saw a group of 5 people: 3 men 1 women and 1 little girl. They looked like Indian native Americans/Canadians but with blue hair. Their skin was the same color as earth natives and their eyes ware dark. All of them had long hair, they all were wearing cloth (thank God). Their hair color was a little different from each other. Some had lighter blue hair, some darker blue. The old man’s hair had strands of light purple and pink hair.

I imagine this is how the gray hair looks like on them. Also, they had feathers in their hair just like real Indians. They were walking by me with a grey alien. I tried to touch little girl’s braid. One of the men noticed that. He told me telepathically that it’s an insult to touch a hair of the child. Only her mother can do it. I never saw them again. They seemed scared of me.

A few years ago. I met a strange kind of aliens. They were tall with horns that look like a horns of a deer and their faces looked somewhat like a deer’. They were wearing long bright red capes. This took place in a forest on a dark starry night. Capes looked like they were burning but they weren’t.

I jumped on one of them to see what would happened, that’s how I know that capes aren’t really burning. They were walking one after the other in a long row, there were may be 20 or 25 of them. The one on whose cape I was jumping on, turned around and put me in front of himself, so we all were in one row.

I could hear his thoughts that he was thinking that as long as I’m quiet and don’t disturb anyone it was ok. He was thinking that if I had a horns it would look nice on me. Small creature with big horns it would look beautiful. They were performing some kind of ritual.

Little blue gray alien. He looked exactly like grey alien except he was light blue and smaller. He showed me how our planet used to look like. He called it Terra. He would say I can show you how Terra used to look like. Everything was blue even rocks. I wonder if blue aliens originated here?

I told him to come and visit me but he said his people don’t come to this planet anymore because it’s too hot. Too hot to live or function. Also he told me that our temperatures, his and mine, are so different that if we touch it could injure both of us. Also, he told me that his race is superior to grays and that grays hate his race.

I remember giant kids. They looked very human except for their height. They were around 8 or 9 years old and all of them were bigger them me. We were playing. We played catch. I was trying to chase them, but I could never run as fast as they could, the size difference was too much. I never saw any adults and it was the first and the last time I saw them. But then again my memory is not good.

Gray alien but with triangle-shaped head. The gray aliens with triangle-shaped heads are a lot angrier than regular grays.

The one I was talking to is a pilot. He said that he is a grandson of the alien commander who dropped a bomb on Earth a long time ago, destroying dinosaurs. The one that we believe to be an asteroid. Also, this alien told me a few things about Mars. He called Mars a planet with two oceans.

I met a cute dinosaur. He looked like T-Rex but a lot smaller. He spoke telepathically. Reptilians had him in a cage. He asked me to let him out and he said he will kill all of them when he’s out. But I couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t open that cage. He was very unhappy because he was cold all the time, so I would put my hand on his nose to warm him up. He wanted me to sit on his head. All cold blooded creatures just love when something warm is on their head. He was truly suffering there. I had a feeling that the reptilians will kill him soon.

The 6 eyed lizard. I was told by gray alien that I can’t touch it because those lizards are very sensitive. This lizard may stop eating and basically just starve itself if it’s stressed. I don’t know if they are intelligent or not.

The 6 eyes amphibian.

It was another 6 eyed, reptilian looking creature but intelligent. He was huge and dark gray in color with yellow eyes. He was immersed in a mad[?] and only his head was sticking out. The head was flat and really big. We talked telepathically. He said that he was kept there against his will and that he’s always cold and unhappy. He was insulted when I referred to him as reptilian.

He insisted that amphibians are superior to reptilians. I walked on his head and sat there for a while. He asked to bring this message to the world. He will take the side of anyone who will get him out of there. He will give away all of the secrets that he knows. I know that he’s just like me, and will rot in there. None of us will ever get out.

There is something else is important for everyone to know. On the attached picture see the last (triangle headed) alien. I don’t remember when was the first time I saw them but they gave me a lot of important information. One of them claimed to be a grandson on former “watcher”. Watching and controlling the reality on earth. I was told his grandfather blasted the earth, destroying the dinosaurs. What we believe was asteroid. The dinosaurs was unruly and if humans are unruly they just going to destroy us. The triangle headed alien a crossbred between greys and insectoids. They have those hard teeth like plates in their mouth. The above mentioned alien showed me pyramid. Huge dark pyramid. He said the reality is projected out of the hole located on top of pyramid. I was explained that the pyramid is actually a clock and reality controlled by time. I was kind of glad it wasn’t S. the one controlling this thing. I was beginning the alien to use it against S. and he just laughed at me.

The feline aliens. Friendly but surprisingly unattractive creatures. I saw them but don’t remember any communication with them. The first one I met was furry with flattened face. Parochially 5ft. 2in height.

The second feline was a sphinx cat. She was tall, hairless, about a head taller than me. She was sweet and gentle. She stood straight up on two back legs. I don’t remember any communication but I remember thinking that she was lovely.

Small green aliens.

I saw about 5 of them. Small 70 inch high aliens with triangular heads. They were talking to me about hybrid babies. I said no and start screaming at them. They all got scared and one of them said, ok ok just go away. I never saw them again. They seem to be benevolent.

Mother snake. I believe the reptilians brought me to her (I might be wrong). She was huge white cobra. She was hiding in the cave and did not want to get out because it was too sunny. The cave was dry and smelled like dirt. I didn’t have to go deep. She was looking just like cobra but huge and white with reddish eyes. Like all cold blooded creatures she just loved when I set on her. I had so many of them ask me for them. I think the sun hurt her because she’s albino but she still wanted something warm. We had a conversation and I don’t remember a single word. There is absolutely nothing I can remember about that conversation. She was gentle. Once again I don’t remember our conversation.

White gargoyles

They looked different than the black gargoyles I saw before. They were smaller, white and their faces were wrinkly. One of them told me “we’re pigeons, like a pigeon of peace”. There were 3 of them. They were singing with strange but beautiful voices. I have mixed feelings about them. Don’t know if they are benevolent or not.

Praying mantis. I saw them many times. The first time I met a Praying mantis he referred to my hair as a “dead matter”. Praying mantis was scared by appearance of my hair. He said it looks threatening so he come up to me and started to chew my hair. I was confused so I let him. After he was done my hair was hard and ropy. I guess their saliva is like a glue. I asked them from which planet they came from.

One of them said it was called “Loochina”. It was a creepy encounter because the praying mantis was asking me for sex and when I said no he would walk after me and continued asking. It wasn’t aggressive though. He sounds like a 5 year old asking for candy and couldn’t understand why he wasn’t given any. After some time he got tired of asking and went for a different tactic. They build houses from mud with many different opening. They go and admire differences in structure. Mantises have dancing competitions. I have to say it’s one of the scariest thing I saw. Their babies are transparent when they are born.

Tall grey aliens. One way to describe them is “evil”. They are about 7 ft. tall and skinny. Their skin is gray and their eyes are like eyes of other gray aliens. They help reptilians. Now reptilians eat both human and gray alien meat but it doesn’t stop tall grey aliens. I saw tall grey aliens about 5 or 6 times. All of them were really aggressive. They have tons of swastikas everywhere. Also there is interesting story attached to that apparently they stole this symbol from grey aliens.

Tall grey aliens and reptilians are related. I believe tall greys are result of interbreeding between reptilians and greys. So it’s not surprising that they like the same people, like Andrew Pero for instance. They obsessed with him. They actually build a statue of him on the base in Mexico. See Project Superman, Part 2 for information on Michael Andrew Pero [11]

Now tall grey aliens are retarded emotionally but unfortunately not mentally. I never met Mr. Pero but I know his son Adam. Adam can shapeshift into reptilian form. He sort of looks like his father but with black hair. He showed me a picture of Mr. Pero and his (Adam’s) mother. Later I met her, can’t say much about her, a typical psychopath, like all reptilians I met before. He told me that Mr. Pero and he will attempt to kill her together. I haven’t seen him since 2012. Reptilians supported Nazis (they were Nazis) during second world war.

I believe it’s important for me to tell this story involving reptilians. In 2014 I met a reptilian in one on the bases. There was a cameraman there and reptilian shapeshifted into Arab men. He had conversation with the cameraman. He said his job is to cut people’s thoughts in front of the camera. Then it will be posted on internet and used us a proof that middle eastern people are terrorists.

All of them were American citizens. At one point reptilian said to me “you have a gray hair in your head”. I know there were no gray hair on my head. Probably 6 month later I noticed first grey hair. I believe he knew how much stress I was under and what the result of it would be.

Dragon. The first time I saw him was spring of 2009. It was in the middle of the day. Back then I was finishing second year of the college and the teacher was writing something on the board. I remember very clearly how everything went white and quiet. A long, skinny face with blue eyes was looking at me. It lasted may be 3 or 4 seconds then that asshole asked me why I was. I didn’t said anything then everything suddenly went back to normal.

That very same night I woke up again in a helicopter but this time it was black military helicopter with two propellers. The place they brought me to was Creston Eagle, Colorado. One of the mountains was fake, it was completely empty on the inside and the mountain it self was paper thin. I don’t know how it was holding on. One of the reptilians brought me to a huge snow white dragon with blue eyes.

I recognized that same face I saw just a few hours ago. The thing looked evil. He was barely squeezed inside that mountain and looked uncomfortable. He was covered with scales, fish like scales, different from reptilian. I don’t know if he had a tail or wings. When I was looking at him all I saw was the wall of scales, he was huge.

I am the same size as his little finger. I did not know who he was and suddenly I was looking at myself from outside of my body. Almost like I took a step back but my body remained standing there. Also I could swear he did not know who I was. I remember the expression on his face when he was asking who I was. He has personality of a 5 year old, his mimic is so loud. It’s easy to read his face, so very easy. And yet I remember reptilians and him in my childhood. It’s that God damn time machine I know that he used it. It’s the only way to explain the nonsense that was happening.

He was telling me something, a story, but I don’t remember what it was about. He took my left hand and looked at my palm for a second. Then he said that my index finger on the left hand should be cut off. I had a feeling he would do it if he really wanted to. He shape shifted to look human. He was the same height as I was. He had long blond hair and blue eyes. The index finger on his left hand was very long compared to the rest of them and thumbs on both hands are small and misshaped. He is left handed and his index finger on the left hand has 4 phalanges. He looked feminine but could change his height and other physical parameters easily.

After the conversation which I don’t remember the helicopter took me home. I remember leaving the mountain but I don’t remember how I got home. When I woke up next morning I cried for a few hours and did not go to college. I had a strong desire to kill myself.

The things was moving fast. I was brought to another meeting. This time it was inside a huge mansion. I have no idea how I got there. Later I found out that it belonged to Rockefeller. There were a torture devices hanging on the walls. All of them very made to torture kids under five years of age because they were so small that an older child just would not fit it. There was this wall decorated with bird cages inside were the heads of the dolls. Everything was made in a very bad taste and vulgar. Apparently one day a year during summer a dragon uses a human body to come into this world. I think it happens only in Rockefeller’s mansion.

The dragon had his human body which looks a lot like body he shapeshifts into. The only difference was this body was flesh and blood. The human body was stored in a black coffin-like box filed with pink viscous liquid. He had shoulder length blond hair and little beard. Beard made “that thing” so happy. Apparently he can’t grow facial hair and that’s the only way he can have some. Anyway the body was actual human body. The next day the body that he used would be placed back in a container filled with viscose pink substance. I’ve seen this substance before, when I was with grays. There were a lots of reptilians there. They were tall and ugly, they had yellow or green eyes, green skin, unless[?] Prince William, I call him coffee lizard because he’s beige in color.

The summer of 2009 is when I met royal family of England. I’ve seen Prince Philip in his reptilian form. He had small horns all over his head. The Elizabeth turned out to be one of the most violent reptilians I ever met. I found Prince Charles to be mentally challenged. He acted like an idiot. It was a long evening but I don’t remember how it ended. I had so many time lapses. By the way I want to skip ahead Kate and William did something awful to their first born, which was a daughter.

I don’t know where they found that boy they present as their son. Anyway the girl was born in June, approximately 2 weeks earlier than the official story when Kate came with her fake son. When their daughter was born, Elizabeth took the new born and put two black snakes around her. The snakes were just regular snakes. She was crying so much I just couldn’t handle it. I tried to fight them so many times before and I always fail. All 3 of them would beat me up. When I say 3 I mean Elizabeth, William and Harry. Kate would cry but never do anything and Philip would try to calm me down. I hate all of them including Kate and Philip. Also, few years later I saw that same girl, I think we was 3 years old or older. She had curly blond hair and blue eyes. Looked like her grandmother Diana. She did not speak just articulate. I thought she was autistic but I’m not sure.

Unfortunately for me those meetings become an everyday thing. Dragon has a lots of books he wanted me to read. He has a black book containing only the first and last names of some people unknown to me. At one point I was so tired and desperate that I took a pen and scratched pages of that book. As the result I got yelled at, and never saw that book again. Dragon has a few huge books probably 80 inches long and 15 inches wide. The most important book he has is skinny and long. It has dark brown front with golden ark on it.

I tried to steal it from him but I wasn’t successful. He swore that he will rip my arms of if I ever touch it again. It has something to do with a destiny of mankind. I know for sure that he can write in the book and it changes the destiny of individual. I think it’s a “book of life” and apparently the book can rewrite itself. Anyway after he took a book from me he opened it and read something out loud. I did not understood a single word but regardless it made me very sad. Also, I remember the dragon played a violin when he was in a human form. He played approximately 7 minutes, maybe longer, the melody was very sad.

In 2010 his base in Creston Eagle was laser shot from the sky (thank you guys). His base was attacked by Pleidian aliens. Unfortunately, the base wasn’t destroyed like I was hoping, but he was scared enough to temporarily move to another location. His stuff was packed and placed on the train he forced me to move with him.

The train took his stuff to a desert (it’s in US somewhere). There was only sand and the railways. Very close to railway there was a hole leading under ground. Not a hole but a door in the ground, completely covered by sand. I got blamed for what happened in Creston Eagle and he was right to blame me. I wanted him dead.

In a new place he gave the order to one of the reptilians to keep me occupied. The reptilian brought a long sharp object and a chain approximately half an inch thick. He grabbed me by the hair. I got scared and start screaming and he was expecting that. He pushed that sharp object through my cheek. The hole was huge the blood was dripping like a waterfall.

Then he passed the chain though the hole in my cheek and on the end of the chain he attached something like a stick so I couldn’t go anywhere. I was like a dog on a chain except chain was pulled through my face. The word “agony” would not even describe it. My stomach was hurting from stress more than my face was. I felt sick from stress more than pain. I remember shaking like crazy than I guess I blacked out. There is so much stuff I don’t remember. My memory all in chunks, sometimes I wonder what happened but than I prefer not to know.

The next day that asshole [satan] came to tell me his bullshit story. In the beginning Jupiter created a female. He called God a Jupiter. The female was spiky and beautiful. Then he made a soft ugly male which didn’t like a spiky female and asked for a better one. Then God made another female who was soft and pink like the male. First female got so upset that she asked the Jupiter to make her look like them and also to make her a male. God did this for her so she become a satan.

The next story asshole told me is biblical one. It is about a tall red haired men, an angel send to earth to protect his future son in low. In order to protect him men had to marry his mother, Maria. Then Jesus Christ was born. Jesus was stunningly gorgeous, smart, really is a god on earth. Some time later tall red haired men had a daughter born with another women and she was tall and red haired like him, he called her Maria after his wife. Maria Magdalena was supposed to be Jesus’ wife from the beginning. They knew each other before they were born. They had children together, unfortunately their children had no choice. Once you are born in this horrific world you’re in hell.

Literally Earth is hell, it’s a home of satan. The royal family of England do have 0.00000000000001% of Jesus’ blood and the rest is satanic. That “thing” told me a story of how he was falling for 3 days straight and when he finally hit the ground the land got covered in salt. I asked him if this place is Israel, he did not answer BUT I’m sure it is.

Anyway here is dragon’s plan. He wants his son to come here and do all the dirty work for him yet people not suppose to know who he is. He’s planning a war and after world war III his son will be send to Russia to become a new king and build the monarchy there. The asshole himself will move to Kazakhstan because he cannot stand Russia’s cold weather. He already found this mountain that he likes.

Ok, next story. The asshole told me about the box that he has in the basement of the house. I don’t know why but I really wanted to see what was inside of that box. I ran down the stairs, grabbed the box and went up. Inside were 3 broken cups. I was told where it came from. More than 2000 years have passed, physically cups don’t exist anymore but they will always exist here.

The story yet again is biblical one. When Maria was a 4 years old little girl she lived with her parents and older brother. The age difference between her and her brother must have been 10 years or so because he had a facial hair. The family was wealthy. Her father, mother and brother were sitting at the table, having tea and Maria was playing on the floor.

Suddenly two men with the knives broke in, one of them flipped the table and screamed something. They stabbed the parents and brother to death, then took things out of the house. Maria was the only survivor. Her father’s sister took her into her family. The only thing she brought with her were 3 broken cups. One was mother’s, the other father’s and brother’s. Many times she attempted to put the cups together. When putting pieces of the cup together, in a way it was like putting her life back together. The importance of this event was huge. It permanently installed the idea that she has no power over things and never will. It reflected on the life of the son, Jesus.

In movies dragons are obsessed with gold. Ever wondered why? The Devil in his dragon form is vulnerable, he loses the scales. Unfortunately I don’t remember how many times a year. He has pink sensitive skin and he buries himself in a pile of gold coins. Some scales only come only half way out, get infected and bleed. Seeing satan like that makes me so happy. His pain is like a candy for me. This disgusting animal brings out my worst traits….the worst.

There are two big stories I want to tell you.

The asshole’s [satan’s] last birthday, July 3th. I guess I should write about it. Have you ever seen painting of Leonardo da Vinci the last supper? He made it looked like that long skinny table and he was sitting in the middle. I was the second last person at the right side of the table. He had bloody ripped apart hen on his plate and everyone had just one egg on the plate. People sitting close to him had big white eggs and the farther away the smaller and darker the eggs was. Mine were black and misshaped. There were just one person sitting after me. I did not touch it. I’m sick and tired of this crazy bullshit.

Now, lets talk about crimes committed by U.S., like the huge tsunami that happened in Japan. It all started when a small plane brought the elderly couple, the emperor of Japan and his wife, to see that asshole. He said they came here to see the show. Everyone sat in front of big TV. They were watching the tsunami happening in a real time. Of course the asshole was responsible for that. How else would he know when it will happened. The HAARP did it’s job. They did not care at all about the Japan and it’s people.

Second story is about the plane that disappeared, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. They set the plane down on the small island. It had a palm trees everywhere. It was military base full of American soldiers. There were many small planes standing in a row. Those animals kept people there for a few days. Then they took people out and simply just shot them. When they killed everyone, soldiers went inside and brought huge wooden box out of the plane. As they were doing this soldiers with chainsaws came. They started to cut the plane in small pieces. The wooden box was left outside.

Then a short ugly man with glasses came almost running to the box. He was jumping and dancing around like the idiot that he is. He is short white men with black hair and eyes. I don’t know what was inside of the box but they have killed so many people for it. I was trying to find the island on the different maps but couldn’t. The only thing I know is that it’s a U.S. military base, island with palm trees and small sharks swimming in the water. Also, that there are a lot of small planes there. The pieces of the plane were drowned close to the shore. Standing on the beach I could see the white pieces sticking out of the water. The size of the box was approximately 1.5 meters by 1.5 meters, it was heavy.

Types of time machine.

The first time machine will affect entire planet. The moon is used for that, but I don’t know what exactly how it works or how the time machine on the moon looks like.

Second time machine is a small one, for a single person to use. There is a small twisted tube in the middle and two round attachments at both ends. One attachment had blue liquid in it the other one has green liquid. When the single button in the middle pressed, both attachments squeeze the liquids into the tube, but the tube is way too small for both of them (there is space for only one).

When that happens the reality doubles. You will see your two right hands holding two time-machines but one of them has a tube filed with blue liquid and the other tube filed with green liquid. One of the liquids resembles a mercury and the other one I think is a gas. I heard word “ampiliam” when grey alien described them. I did a search but couldn’t find an earth metal by the name of ampiliam. It’s possable that grey lied to me but just in case I decided to write it down. Also, mercury like metal seems to be used everywhere. One thing to mention is every time when I would go back in time, I never met myself. There was always just one me.


Satan has his own little gallery filled with paintings. The colors are too bright and unnatural, and he puts black lining around all the objects, like a cartoon. First few paintings had a little girl as a subject. Bright dress, red lips and big bow in the hair. The next few paintings I remember vaguely it was of a violent nature. Very often when something upsets me I forget it, and can’t remember again.

Caba is a demon I met once. “Caba the boneless god” this is how the others called him. He lost his physical body as a punishment. God took bodies of all violent demons as a punishment living only their souls behind. All he has is a sack, someone gave him bones of different sizes and shapes. Sometimes he would pick from his sack. He had long neck made of bones with 3 human skulls on top. He would rotate the skulls so they would go like merry go round. He could not move his sack by himself. At one time I got the idea to cut his sack and take all of his bones. As soon as I sought to so he knew it. He could read my mind. The women pushed me away.

Lichin and her kids. Lichin is another demon. She is average height (in human). White with round red eyes, her mouth looks like a mosquito’s proboscis. She laid a lots of eggs about the size of golf ball. Her babies looked like worms. Anyway not all of her babies looked alike. One of her kids was bright red and more round (not as ugly) but a lot more dangerous. She took red baby and brought to me. Lichin said “this one is special”. What it does it causes people to have heart attacks. I don’t know how it works. The next day lichin came unhappy, someone killed all of her kids so she was preparing to lay a new bunch, and when she does she wants me to hide them in my hair. I said no and she got angry. Anyway she never come back, I hope she’s dead.

I also asked Anne some questions

1. Do you know which alien bases you have been to?

I have no idea. All I know is, it was in US. I live in Canada, I won’t recognize a single place in US even if it’s an obvious one. The base belongs to triangle-headed grey aliens, this base is not shared with humans. The military (human) underground bases are more dangerous and secretive, aliens don’t hide as much. It is kind of ironic.

2. Have you seen black eyed adults or just children, how tall are adults. Do they have hair? Can they speak and what language?

I’ve only seen young black-eyed children. I never meet black-eyed adults or teenagers for that matter. The black-eyed children spoke English but in a very strange way.

3. When you were with the Windsors, [British Royal Family] where were you and what did you do with them?

At first, I didn’t even realize who they were. I saw them in their reptilian form first, they shape shifted to the human form only after some time but even then I didn’t know who they were. You have to understand I’m from a different culture, they are nobodies to me and of course I didn’t recognize them. I was given a title of “Baroness”, all day there was a lot of discussion of where I could be fitted in and what my title would be. Considering my parents and brother don’t have any titles. I was told I’m 55’th generation of some famous last name. Its pronouns some things like (Macari-matori-ma). I don’t remember exact pronunciation but it’s long and it has 3 “Ma” in a row. I tried to google it but couldn’t find anything like that. Please keep in mind that I was brought there when I was a grown ass woman, I don’t grow up in this. I was born and raised in a communist country and I hate anything associated with monarch and other trash.

4. Do you know what Satan is building an army for? Who is in the army? How often does he speak to you? Do you try and stop him speaking to you?

I have no idea why he needs an army. His army is a very strange looking bunch. They all look human. All tall blond and blue eyed. They have a slightly greenish tint to the skin, you can barely see it but it’s there. I don’t believe they are reptilians. I think they might be demons; they really like being singed to. Even if someone who’s singing have a very bad voice. From my experience it’s a sure sign of demons.

I speak to him every day. I don’t know how to avoid him. I had over 50 concussions from being beaten up. I had almost all of my bones broken, I developed numerous cysts all over my body, I had 2 cataracts removed (they formed from all of the manipulations done to my poor eye). Hemifacial spasms, caused by damage to the facial nerve. There were times I would vomit from stress. I don’t know how I can protect myself from them.

5.  When demons come into this reality, they are helpless and invisible and complain non stop according to s [satan]. This is where the black eyed kids come in to play. This story is so long if I start writing this it down it will be another 15 pages long. Can you tell me more about this?

I think I should talk more about the demons in general for you to understand black eyed children phenomenon. Many of them don’t have eyes to see but have a good hearing and sense of smell. All demons are harmful and dangerous. Think of a parasite but intelligent. Some of them serve satan and some don’t.
For example “caba’’ since he lost his physical body and gets carried around by reptilians and completely controlled by satan. Considering he doesn’t have a body I don’t know how he can see or hear or smell. He can move all those bones that he have but I strongly believe his ability to do so has to do with the sack he’s in. Demons are NOT capable of magic but satan is! Somebody made it passable for caba’s soul to move objects as long as it’s connected to the sack his in. Also, what ever that thing is wanted with me it did not happened. God protects me even though I’m disgusting evil piece of shit I do belong in hell. This kind of stuff never happens to good people. Alike attracts alike. If anyone tell you that they poor innocent victim of reptilians/satan/government, please remember they are stupid or a liar or both. No one ends up in this kind of situation unless they deserve it.

Black eyed children are demons that were bound to the artificial body like caba is bound to his sack. I know it involves magic. Now who is capable of it? Some people, reptilians, greys almost everyone but the demons themselves. I believe it’s done by triangle-headed grey aliens, it involves black box. It’s a small 4 by 3-inch black box that is used to transfer the souls from one body to the other. Ones I stuck my finger into one of those boxes (they don’t open all the way). It was the most calming feelings ever. I refused to give the box back until one of grey took it from me. The way it is used, is if some one is dying or about to die the box will not work! It’s to weak to fight the pull of opening vortex that pulls the soul away. It can work only on normal healthy living things. Using magic, the soul is sucked out of the body into a black box then from back box it can be transferred to the other body. With black eyed children I believe they (triangled headed grey aliens) trap demons and use black boxes transfer them to the artificially created bodies.

6. Can you find a picture of the black moscow obelisk, i cannot find it?

I should tell you the whole story. Around 1948 the German army (Nazis) defeated THE LAST still standing country. All is defeated, nothing left. The nazis conquered the world. The German army went to Moscow. White House (Kremlin) was destroyed and in its place a different building was built.  It was a tall black obelisk. So about 10 or 11 months after they (nazis) built the obelisk, the time machine was used. The time went back to 1944 and the outcome of war was changed. I already told you about 3 kinds of time machine. The small device for one person, the stargate for multiple people and the big one on the moon for the whole planet. The last one was used to go back to 1944. I know that basically no one but satan liked that outcome. Germany is very pro-satan country even now. That’s why Germans are going extinct like dinosaurs. Right now there almost no pure Germans left, their identity and genetics are going to be erased. They will become a legend of people who once lived in Germany. Since the time machine on the moon belongs to satan a certain “someone” had to kick his ass a lot. So the result of the war was changed by satan and he really did not want to do that but was forced. The amount of anger and bitching that came from him was insane. My memories are the punishment and a warning.

P.S. something else I want to add is Adolph Hitler’s grandmother was working as a maid in a Rockefeller house. She got pregnant from him, giving birth to Adolph’s father. Adolph Rockefeller is a Rockefeller.

I was 22 in 2009. My mother was in her 30s She is not from illuminati family. My parents are very simple people and my mother would have a heart attack if she ever knew what was happening. The only unusual thing from my childhood that I could remember was reptilians.

They told me the story about world war II. That Germany won World War II in late1940s. They built the huge black obelisk shaped building in the center of Moscow. It had a small opening like an eye at the very top. At night it would beam the light like a lighthouse. It wasn’t explained to me what the purpose of it was.

Then “someone” forced them to use the time machine (located on moon) to change the course of history. They were so pissed off about it, they just had to tell me. My parents and I celebrated 9th of May every year because we lost so many relatives during war, and it would always make at least one reptilian angry.

MK Ultra / Monarch Programme

When it comes to mk ultra type / mind control project, I don’t have a memory of that but I believe something like that could have happened.

The thing about reptilians is that they keep their secrets here on earth. Once when I was in underground base in US. I believe it was some kind of national park (alot of sand and tall stones). I was shown a dolphin like creature with something glowing on its head. I was informed they brought it from Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter. There is a whole alien zoo on this planet.

Why do you think you may have been subjected to mk ultra?

The way it was explained to me is so I could understand how he (satan) feels. I will write “s” instead of full name. The story goes, after falling for 3 days straight he hit the ground. On the spot where he fell everything got covered in salt. Metaphysically salt =grief. I kept asking if it’s an Israel he was talking about. I never got the answer but I’m 99.9% sure of it. Once I told him that people swim in the dead sea and it improves their health so s’s suffering is good for people? He was so offended I could see it in his face. Then I ask him “are you sure there was just salt out of nowhere when you fell or are you cried that river? I thought I was very funny. The s. got quiet. I don’t mind when he is worldly but when he gets quiet like that, he is very dangerous. I’m scared of him and I feel sorry for him. Ok when he fell he got the dissociative personality disorder this is the reason why illuminati want that in others. It’s s’s state of mind. He has two personalities. One pre-fall (let’s call him lucifer) and the other is post-fall (s). I spoke to lucifer only once. It was a broken, sad individual.

Have you any memories of your childhood?

I don’t remember my childhood very well, I was sick all the time.

Have you any “lost time”? Are there blanks in your childhood or adult life?

Yes all the time.

I got crap from S. for the last 3 years I’m lectured by S. Almost exclusively before that I was with the Windsors. I’m scared that I will do something awful without knowing it. I know something BIG will happened. S is building an army. He needs people who are able to bring demons into this world. When demons come into this reality, they are helpless and invisible and complain non stop according to s. this is where the black eyed kids come in to play. This story is so long if I start writing this it down it will be another 15 pages long.

The black-eyed children. Usually people meet them when they come to their houses late at night asking to come in. sometimes people see the black car and a man in hat, dressed in black weighting for them. There are 3 elements to that: the black eyed child (demon), the thing covered in wires (the man in a hat) and triangle-headed aliens. I don’t know if the thing coved in wires a person, a robot, an alien or demon. They look alive to me but wires confuse me, also I never heard them talk. Black eyed children and man in a hat obey triangle headed aliens. Black eyed children confuse me too. Sometimes they smell like sulfur but I met many many demons before and they don’t smell like that. However sometimes S smells like that. That led me to conclusion that only those possessing physical bodies smell of sulfur. Sometimes black eyed children would come to me raise their arms and ask to pick them up. One time I got really sick so triangled headed alien kicked me out. Another important element is the car. The man in a hat drive the same car as in the beginning of my story. It’s a black insanely fast car that is invisible when it rides and becomes visible only when it stops.

I want to tell you a story told by grey alien. Mars used to be called planet of two oceans because there were only two big oceans there. Actually there still people living on mars but it’s not the point. The story is about first and second coming of Christ. I don’t know much about first coming but the second was final for Mars. The illuminati know that. This is why they think of second coming of Christ as the end of the world. They know what happened on Mars. I was told that the end of the world last 100 years. (100 years is 1 day) it’s a slow end.

The first world. The small blue (grey) alien told me that his civilization was the first one to originate on Earth. Back then world was very cold and blue. The little guy took me back in time when world was blue. There were blue rocks everywhere and ground was grayish. we had a small robot with us. Robot was floating without making any sound, it was basically a silver cylinder with round head with two circular eyes. The blue grey alien told me that rocks are kind of soft and if I put my hand on it the print will remain, so I did. I’m sad that this world doesn’t exist anymore. After that we went back to the ship still in the old time. the common grey aliens were very mad. The small blue alien called them inferior race. That made gray aliens even more angry. They blue alien did something I didn’t quit catch. He was ether able to push them away using (telekinesis) ether he was able to generate wind with his mind to push them away. He said that I should go, then he kissed me on the cheek. He is the only alien of that race that kissed me. I completely lost any kind on sensation in that cheek. I could pierce my cheek and feel no pain. I miss him.

I met black eyed children in 2018. The first one I met was a little girl approximately 4 or 5 years old. She had very pale smooth skin, very straight light brown hair with bangs. She was wearing white lace dress and she was barefoot. She was convincing me to pick her up. She was standing with her arms stretched up and demanding “pick me up”. I told her no and she hist at me. I know that Black eyed children live inside alien bases (majority of them is in US). I believe the physical bodies of black-eyed children are robotic or artificially made because: one, they look strangely flawless and cold to the touch and second their handlers look like robots. The handlers all look alike. They are approximately 6 feet tall, dressed in black hat and long black trench coat with wires sticking out at different places. The handler that lives inside the base has long wires (a few meters) hanging from the leg openings of it’s pants. It looked wild. I guess it was charging itself but I don’t know for sure. Like most demons, black eyed children loves when someone is singing to them. It’s kind of strange but if you sing to bunch of them, them will start to sway from side to side like a cobra in front of the flute. I would recommend to people encountering black eyed children or adult to start singing. I know it sound strange but demons get programed by singing.

Black eyed Children are confirmed by Jessies account see towards the end of this article.


Epstein. He’s very mad at Ghislaine Maxwell. Apparently, she named a few people so Epstein wants her dead. He’s back in England. On 21st March, he performed a ritual involving raw meat. Basically, a bunch of people pretended that the raw meat was Ghislaine. They would cut the pieces off and eat it raw, pretending to cannibalizing her. I don’t know what it means. I can’t even tell anyone, no one believes me.

Monarch Programming

Sex kitten was first.  No explanation needed. Also I don’t know how and when it was “installed’.

Alice in wonderland” programming was second. I think it directly related to sex kitten program. I had dreams about the white rabbit for years. I know it’s a part of program. I don’t know what it does but it made me disoriented and slow.

I tried to kill my self twice. After the second attempt I got a “superman program”. This program keeps me from ending it all (also it’s survival program for when I get shut or stubbed I will basically live). Project Superman [1]

The last program was the worst. It called a “scream river”. It’s done by satan. Basically it’s like a reverse of baptism. It involves a river that makes strange gargling noise. It’s sick with pinkish and purplish chunks in it. It looks like a guts of animals but alive. All I remember is being hold by the trough and pushed into the river. Everything went dark.

After that I had a solid black eyes for a few minutes than everything got back to normal. I can only imagine what that might mean. After that I was sent to triangle headed greys and introduced to black eyed kids. I got sick anyway. By that point I’m sure no one can help me. All I can do not is tell my story to anyone who will listen. You know last year I sent a letter to President Trump telling him everything I told you. He is very special just like me.


If anyone has had similar experiences to any of Anne’s please let me know.

I have just picked out a couple of aspects of Anne’s testimony that I want to discuss.

Anne wrote that she deserves the treatment that she is getting.

God protects me even though I’m disgusting evil piece of shit I do belong in hell. This kind of stuff never happens to good people. Alike attracts alike. If anyone tells you that they poor innocent victim of reptilians/satan/government, please remember they are stupid or a liar or both. No one ends up in this kind of situation unless they deserve it.

I said to her that she did not deserve that treatment. She said

 I get exactly what I deserve. You see the way it works is you live your life and pay for everything you’ve done in a next life. People who were the pedophiles in a past life are born to the families that will abuse them. satan is all about justice and God is all about forgiveness. I know it’s difficult to accept. I’m mentally preparing myself to the fact I will be defending people who abused me.  When it comes to satan I’m aware that his first personality lucifer is the anti-satan. Sometimes I would come to satan when he’s asleep and look for a strange looking spot that shifts from place to place. This spot is lucifer. He’s only visible when satan is asleep, the second he wakes up the spot disappears. I used to take that spot in my hands and walk away but the farther i go, the softer the spot becomes until it’s just slips through my fingers like water. When that happens a shadow forms on the floor.  it looks like someone invisible is standing there but his shadow is visible. Slowly the shadow disappears and the spot appears back on a satan. At the end of times satan will die on a cross and he knows that.

I suspect that Anne has come to believe this because she sees no way out of her situation and she therefore rationalises that it must be because she deserves it. This causes less internal conflict than if she believes she is being unfairly targeted. Whilst anyone may have made bad choices, it is almost impossible not to when faced with double bind situations, which satan and these demons force upon you. Many people will state that rebuking demons in the name of Jesus Christ will stop demonic connection and possession.

Although it is now part of most peoples lexicon that like attracts like, this is of course not always the case.

For magnetic poles its opposites that attract. Like poles repel.

Negative ions are attracted by positive ions, like ions repel.

Most males are attracted to females and vice versa.

I would not be all surprised if books like The Secret were propaganda as a gateway to using magik.

Black eyed children

I have drawn together all the times Anne mentioned Black Eyed children then follow this with what Jessie said about black eyed children.


I met black eyed children in 2018. The first one I met was a little girl approximately 4 or 5 years old. She had very pale smooth skin, very straight light brown hair with bangs. She was wearing white lace dress and she was barefoot. She was convincing me to pick her up. She was standing with her arms stretched up and demanding “pick me up”. I told her no and she hist at me. I know that Black eyed children live inside alien bases (majority of them are in the US). I believe the physical bodies of black-eyed children are robotic or artificially made because: one, they look strangely flawless and cold to the touch and second their handlers look like robots. The handlers all look alike. They are approximately 6 feet tall, dressed in black hat and long black trench coat with wires sticking out at different places. The handler that lives inside the base has long wires (a few meters) hanging from the leg openings of its pants. It looked wild. I guess it was charging it self but I don’t know for sure. Like most demons, black eyed children love when someone is singing to them. It’s kind of strange but if you sing to a bunch of them, them will start to sway from side to side like a cobra in front of the flute. I would recommend to people encountering black eyed children or adult to start singing. I know it sound strange but demons get programed by singing.

Usually people meet them when they come to their houses late at night asking to come in. sometimes people see the black car and a man in hat, dressed in black weighting for them. There are 3 elements to that: the black eyed child (demon), the thing covered in wires (the man in a hat) and triangle-headed aliens. I don’t know if the thing covered in wires is a person, a robot, an alien or demon. They look alive to me but wires confuse me, also I never heard them talk. Black eyed children and man in a hat obey triangle headed aliens. Black eyed children confuse me too. Sometimes they smell like sulfur but I met many, many demons before and they don’t smell like that. However sometimes s smells like that. That led me to conclusion that only those possessing physical bodies smell of sulfur. Sometimes black eyed children would come to me raise their arms and ask to pick them up. One time I got really sick so triangled headed alien kicked me out. Another important element is the car. The man in a hat drives the same car as in the beginning of my story. It’s a black insanely fast car that is invisible when it rides and becomes visible only when it stops.

Have you seen black eyed adults or just children, how tall are adults. Do they have hair? Can they speak and what language?

I’ve only seen young black-eyed children. I never meet black-eyed adults or teenagers for that matter. The black-eyed children spoke English but in a very strange way.

When demons come into this reality, they are helpless and invisible and complain non stop according to s [satan]. This is where the black eyed kids come in to play. This story is so long if I start writing this it down it will be another 15 pages long. Can you tell me more about this?

I think I should talk more about the demons in general for you to understand black eyed children phenomenon. Many of them don’t have eyes to see but have a good hearing and sense of smell. All demons are harmful and dangerous. Think of a parasite but intelligent. Some of them serve satan and some don’t.
For example “caba’’ since he lost his physical body and gets carried around by reptilians and completely controlled by satan. Considering he doesn’t have a body I don’t know how he can see or hear or smell. He can move all those bones that he have but I strongly believe his ability to do so has to do with the sack he’s in. Demons are NOT capable of magic but satan is! Somebody made it passable for caba’s soul to move objects as long as it’s connected to the sack his in. Also, what ever that thing is wanted with me it did not happened. God protects me even though I’m disgusting evil piece of shit I do belong in hell. This kind of stuff never happens to good people. Alike attracts alike. If anyone tells you that they poor innocent victim of reptilians/satan/government, please remember they are stupid or a liar or both. No one ends up in this kind of situation unless they deserve it.

Black eyed children are demons that were bound to the artificial body like caba is bound to his sack. I know it involves magic. Now who is capable of it? Some people, reptilians, greys almost everyone but the demons themselves. I believe it’s done by triangle-headed grey aliens, it involves black box. It’s a small 4 by 3-inch black box that is used to transfer the souls from one body to the other. Ones I stuck my finger into one of those boxes (they don’t open all the way). It was the most calming feeling ever. I refused to give the box back until one grey took it from me. The way it is used, is if some one is dying or about to die the box will not work! It’s to weak to fight the pull of opening vortex that pulls the soul away. It can work only on normal healthy living things. Using magic, the soul is sucked out of the body into a black box then from back box it can be transferred to the other body. With black eyed children I believe they (triangled headed grey aliens) trap demons and use black boxes transfer them to the artificially created bodies.

The existence of black eyed child was confirmed independently by Jessie Czebotar. Neither knew of each others revelations and both told me before I published Jessie’s experiences.   Illuminati Players and the Battlefield – Earth Realm [2]


He [Gilgamesh] tends to lurk in the catacombs, and dwells among the dead. There is a connection with him currently ruling over many of the deeper underground Systems where the “Black Eyed” or “mole” people live. They are a group of people who have been bred in the tunnels for generations, so they have no colored iris in their eyes, just large pupils. Their skin is albino or translucent.

Under the Rothschild Mansion in the Black Forest there is a colony of these individuals. In that forest there is a old tree called the Grandfather tree, with a cavern just below, and the roots hang down from the ceiling. The black eyed people gather under the roots of that tree during times of ritual and as the hunts are going on above ground. (More than one Grandfather tree exists.)

Sacrifices are brought to the ground around the grandfather tree and blood drips down  the roots. These Black Eyed people feast and bathe in it. So from those memories, I can not connect Gilgamesh as being a good being. I only saw him as a demon and saw the evil in his heart.

Time machines

Anne mentions types of time machine one of which is on the moon. Dan Burisch also mentioned that one had been decommissioned on the moon [3]

Thanks to who sent me the following link, which is also worth reading

Zersetzung Karla Turner [12]An online memorial and tribute to a brave researcher of covert “alien” abductions and mind control. Dr. Turner paid the ultimate price for trying to defend herself and her family, and to alert other innocent citizens to the danger that we all now face.

About Dr. Karla Turner … Dr. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 10, 1996, after being threatened for her work. She was just 48. Since then, several other people involved in UFO investigation have also experienced threats followed by highly unusual cancers. Several of her case studies are now dead.

Karla was widely respected in the UFO community for her research on alien abduction. A scholar and professional educator, she earned a Ph.D. in Old English studies and taught at the university level in Texas for more than ten years. But in 1988, she and her husband and son endured a shocking series of experiences and recollections that forced them to recognize that they were all abductees.

Karla saw abductees as a part of the wider targeted individuals community.


[A] SurvivorsJustice Triggers post

[B] Sanctuary for the Abused

Healing Links

[C] Jim Hopper Mindfulness

[D] Jim Hopper Meditation

[E] 2016 Jan 5 Hwaairfan blog An Indigenous Australian Approach to Healing Trauma

[F] A Prescription for me blog Various emotional support links

[G] PsychCentral The 5 Stages of Loss and Grief

[H] Resurection of a Runaway Five Steps to Sexual Recovery after Sexual Exploitation

[I] Heartmath Science of the Heart

UK Organisations


[K] One in Four

[L] Havoca

[M] Maggie Oliver Foundation Helping Survivors of Abuse move on with their lives

[N] Survivors UK website for victims and survivors of male rape or the sexual abuse of men and twitter

[P] Researching Reform Blog twitter  UK legal


[Q] Victims Refuse Silence Site of Epstein Survivor Virginia Roberts Twitter @VRSVirginia

[R] Survivorship     Ritual Abuse -Neil Brick

[S] Jessie Czebotar Illuminate the Darkness


[T] 2020 Mar 21 cathyfoxblog How to Integrate Alters – Fiona Barnett

[U]  Deprogramwiki

[V] 2020 Jun 23 cathyfoxblog Fiona Barnetts Wide Open Updated Lockdown Edition

[W] EFT Universe Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping

[X] Body Centric Healing Extreme Trauma

[Y] Lone Horse Blog Seeing Invisible Wounds A Bio-Energetic Understanding of Systematic Trauma

[Z] Monarch Mind Control Deprogramming and Healing – Gina Phillips


[1] 1999  Educate Yourself Project Superman First of 7 parts.

[2] 2020 Nov 27 cathyfoxblog Illuminati Players and the Battlefield – Earth Realm blackeyed children

[3] 2021 Mar 22 cathyfoxblog MJ4 Majestic – Dan Burisch, Stargates and ET

[4] All Net From Alien Abductions Via MKUltra to an Implanted Cyber-Situation by Dr Helmut Lammer

[5] 2016 Jul 12 cathyfoxblog Mind Control Research and Resource – Australia and Britain

[6] 2017 Apr 2 norio hayakawa “There are no aliens, no alien abductions and no alien cattle mutilations”, said William “Bill” Cooper, author of BEHOLD A PALE HORSE

[7] Milabs

[8] 2021 Mar 28 Conspiracy Analyst Government Agencies Are About To Disclose What They Know About UFOs, And That Will Be A Dramatic Paradigm Shift

[9] Bibliotechapleyades What is the Blue Beam Project?

[10] 2021 mar 28 Conspiracy Analyst Government Agencies Are About To Disclose What They Know About UFOs, And That Will Be A Dramatic Paradigm Shift

[11] Educate Yourself Project Superman, Part 2 Michael Andrew Pero

[12] Zersetzung Karla Turner

My contacts follow, then some resources for survivors, and then some useful links of sources of information, some of which will need updating in this turbulent censorship times of the New World Order.


Appendix 1

Some of these need updating but its a bit  of a busy time…

cathyfox links

Research Resources

UK Press Cuttings and Research Databases on Child Sexual Abuse

Bloggers and Tweeters on Child Sexual Abuse UK


[Q] SurvivorsJustice Blog

I will gradually build up this list of sources that I read or listen for more general news. Naturally, as with all sources, use with discernment, question everything, do your own research and come to your own conclusions. The time is over for propaganda on a plate served to you… we are the news now, research and seek the truth…

Left right one dimensional politics means little to me. They are both corrupted by the globalist satanic illuminati cabal.

No one source of information will give all the truth. Listen to many and use your discernment. Choose those with integrity, not those you agree with.

US /World Child Trafficking, Child Abuse, SRA, Illuminati etc

US Authorities on Twitter to Report Child Trafficking·

World News

Zerohedge, gateway pundit, sgt report

Aggregators and Analysers

Coronavirus Issues

Trump /Election Fraud

This is all written in good faith but if there is anything that needs to be corrected or you wish to write to me please email quoting the article title.


The truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” – Edmund Burke

“He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.” Charles Peguy

To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men  – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Every time we act in the face of fear, we dilute it’s power and increase our confidence

Only the small secrets need to be protected, the large ones are kept secret by public incredulity – Marshall McLuhan

Let justice be done though the heavens fall – Fiat justitia ruat cælum

Put the enemy at unease by making information they do not want known to be known…

The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.  FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover

If you have found this post useful, please post on other social media – facebook, instagram, pinterest, gab, twitter, anonup,  – whichever ones you are on. This is most helpful to spread the information. The people who do this are essential. Thankyou.

I am not connected to anyones Patreon accounts, nor do I receive any money for my writing. I believe it is important to provide this information not hidden behind paywalls, and yes I suffer financial hardship for doing so.

I will not commit suicide and if it appears I have, then people may judge for themselves why this is so, after blogging these exposes of the top level of illuminati. I do not wish to live in the kind of world that the psychopathic illuminati want to bring in, which is a world wholly and absolutely controlled by them, and commits horrific crimes of child rape, child torture, child cannibalism, child mind control and much more, which is why I wish to speak out and expose them. This carries some risk but if I am killed or go silent, my wish is for more people to tell the truth, they cannot kill us all…

Notes (if any, intended to be added somewhere in due course)

About foxblog

the truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free...
This entry was posted in #CSASurvivorsStories, cathyfoxblog, Child Abuse, Criminal Cabal of People in Power, Illuminati, Jessie Czebotar, Mind Control MKultra, monarch mind control and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.