The FIVE Child Trafficking Networks and Structure of the Illuminati

Update 2022 Sept 9
Various videos have been updated but this seems sometims to have messed up the formatting, as sometimes happens with the new block editing on the old editor. I will try and quickly fix it but if not, then I might copy, paste and alter in new blog which is all block editor not to waste time.

The later ones in the series to date are

  • The Five Child trafficking Networks of the Illuminati [111]
  • You are a child… [112]
  • Silence Breaks Forth Into Song (SBFIS Part 1) [113]
  • Queen Mother of Darkness’s Special Pot Roast (SBFIS Part 2) [114]  
  • Equilibrium (Silence Breaks Forth Into Song Part 3) [115]
  • Forged Through Brokenness (SBFIS Part 4) [116]
  • How Deep The Magik Well Goes (SBFISong Part 5) [117] 

Some of this information comes from Jessie Czebotar @CzebotarJessie [110] on twitter, who was born into an Illuminati family and was meant to be successor to the Queen Mother of Darkness. Thank you Jessie for your courage and strength. She goes by the pseudonym Jane in this video and article. Updated 2020 Apr 1

The Satanic Illuminati Control Matrix Structure

There are FIVE networks of organised child trafficking and abuse run by the Departmental Branches of the ill-uminati. Illuminati Structure Explained by One Chosen as a Mother of Darkness [1]

Each network is trained differently and run separately as a failsafe to ensure ongoing child trafficking actions, should one part be taken down. They do however cooperate.

The organisations that Jane  says run child trafficking networks are

  • Masons – Priory of Sion, Templars, Grand High Lodge Leaders
  • Catholic Church  – Pope then Catholic Church hierarchy
  • Mormons
  • Cabal – Jewish mysticism sect aka Kabballah, mixed with New Age philosophies and satanistic practices it morphed into the Cabal sect.
  • Satanists

This is of course not to say that all people in these organisations are abusers, or even know of the abuse, far from it. For instance it is doubtful whether 3rd Degree Blue Lodge, “ordinary” Master Masons know anything about it.  They are the useful cover for those high level masons. In the UK, the Blue Lodge masons even have different headquarters to higher degree masons Freemasonry, 10 Duke Street and MI6 [34]

In this following video Jane describes aspects of her personal story, and also descriptions of the ill-uminati structure. There is no transcript AFAIK, but I have summarised, below the video, the parts as best I understand them of the Illuminati structure.

[Update 2022 Sept 9 This post has been degoogled due to the censorship policy of youtube. Click on photos for videos or on numbered links]

Illuminati Structure Explained by One Chosen as a Mother of Darkness


[1c] 2019 BRIDE Ministries International Illuminati Structure Explained by One Chosen as a Mother of Darkness Jessie Czebotar

Dan Duval interviews Jane for the first time on the subject of the structure of the Illuminati. Jane claims that she was chosen and trained to take over for her grandmother as a Mother of Darkness in the Illuminati. Through the redeeming power of Jesus Christ, she was delivered from this role before she was able to be instated into it. However, she took away with her unique knowledge regarding the structure of the Illuminati, knowledge that she wants the world to know. Get ready to take notes and learn, as this brave woman puts forth secret information about the structure of the world’s most powerful evil organization.

The interview starts at approximately 7 mins 30s

The following are my notes from that video. They are not necessarily in illuminati hierarchy order, nor 100% correct as it relies on my imperfect understanding. Please write in comments if there are any corrections or additions. See also full autotranscript Ya Basta Illuminati Structure Explained by One Chosen as a Mother of Darkness [1yb]

Mothers of  Darkness  (MOD)

There are five MOD’s and they are essentially the CEO’s (Chief Executive Officers) of the Illuminati “business”.


  • Know how the System / Company structure works
  • Choose people by the gifts they have – gift tests, to do various jobs, roles
  • Oversee their quadrants in the US and internationally
  • Talk to Satan as they can see and hear in the Spiritual world

Mothers of Darkness decide whether bloodline people are Hierachy or Expendables depending on the gifts they have. Expendables are judged not to have the spiritual gifts to link to various demonic spirits to fulfil the needs of the company. The ones with gifts assessed to be useful in the hierarchy are put into the Monarch mind control programme.

There are three mothers of Darkness regarded as higher position than the others. Crone, Mother and Maid, and the Crone is the Queen Mother of Darkness. (Jane was to be the successor to the Queen Mother of Darkness)

Protectors and Assassins

Protectors are “security”. Each Mother has one. The head protector runs training for the others –

  • 5 Adult protectors which guard the Mothers of Darkness
  • 5 Junior aged 12-18 which are not assigned, kept in reserve and protect who needs protecting.
  • 5 Children who are protectors assigned to protect the Successors of the Mothers of Darkness ie the people who will eventually be the successors, which I think they are chosen early in their lives.

They battle amongst themselves for superiority by physical and astral means.

Grand High Priestesses

These are also called Mothers, and they in charge of Quadrants.

Gloria Van der Bilt (mother of Anderson Cooper CNN and Carter Cooper who died supposedly by jumping out of a window [11] ) was Grand High Priestess for the East. When one dies as Van der Bilt did recently (2019 Jun 17), there is a witches battle for the recently vacated position, under the Mothers of Darkness Castle in Belgium. This happens in the physical and astral or spiritual realm with physical weapons and the use of spells and summoning of demons. They fight for each others power and demons.

Gloria Van Der Bilt with CNN Anchor /Host Anderson Cooper and Carter Cooper, who later was said to have jumped out of a window whilst his mother was present.

High Priest or Priestesses

The top eight highest ranking in the class of high priestess are able to compete for Grand High Priestess position.

Unsure how many there are [I will come back to the hierarchy and numbers in a future post, my understanding is limited at the minute but I will correct the details and numbers when I understand more]

Brides of Satan

The Brides ensure Satan is happy, and what he desires happens, Satans “candy wife”. They can lure a person into the system if he wants someone. They look good, and represent him but do not have many duties or functions. Sometimes they battle, but it is rigged, they win.

Sisters of Light

13 for each quadrant, in US and Internationally.

Elite Security team –  They are just spiritual protectors, demonic possession, and spiritual warfare – disease and causing money problems. Different to Protectors and Assassins which are spiritual and physical plane.

Druidic Council / Satanic Council

This is akin to the Satanic Board of Directors, usually men who deal with the financial decisions, and company decisions for their territory. The Positions are called Seats and they are divided into Quadrants. A cover for them is the Bilderberg conference.

There are a wide range of individuals in each quadrant. The Council receive instruction from mothers and give instructions to the High Priestesses in the quadrant they oversee.

They are in positions of power in cover lives eg business, bankers, political positions, UN or European Councils, in charge of trillion dollar Companies. Each quadrant has bloodline family representation, eg Head of Van Duyn family [10] and Head of Rothschild family [16] .

The members  of the Council are the Lords of territories and each individual has territory within that quadrant as well.

Department Branches

There are 5 Department Branches in each territory, below the satanic council.

  • Masons
  • Catholics
  • Cabal
  • Satanists
  • Mormons

The Nazi connections are woven all throughout the branches. Many of the Jesuit priests are hidden Nazis.

The departments use their own structural hierarchies  eg

  • Masons – Priory of Sion, Templars, Grand High Lodge Leaders and down hierarchy
  • Catholics – Pope, Cardinals and down hierarchy
  • Cabal – Jewish mysticism sect also aka Kabballah, mixed with New Age philosophies and satanistic practices it morphed into the Cabal sect.
  • Satanists
  • Mormons –  Heads, Bishops and down hierarchy

The Bloodline familes [ie the satanic ill-uminati families see Bloodlines of the Illuminati [14] ] are like board members, and oversee the departments in their territory, get messages to them, and ensure the heads of the businesses, eg drug trafficking programme or child trafficking programme are running well.

Child Trafficking

Child Trafficking training differs across the five departments, to ensure the robustness of  the business if one part is taken down. They can also work in conjunction.

The organisations that Jane says run child trafficking networks are the 5 departments.

Mind Control

Freemasons use the MK Ultra Programme, Delta, Epsilon, military based programming whilst the satanist and mormons tend to use Beta Kitten programming.

Mind controlled individuals are seen as file cabinets, with say 3 drawers and with each drawer having many files. Each drawer’s key is a demonic spirit guarding it.

Files are memories mostly with traumatic experiences, each file is guarded by a spirit, usually lower level spirit. All the spirits and demons need to be accessed to get to the files, and individuals relive the traumatic memories when they access the file.

If an individual is not in line, or fighting the “company”, then the system considers them broken.  It is seen that there is not a correct connection between person and the spirit, that a childs gifts are not lining up with spirits. The system will get them into fake counselling to ensure programming is continued or sometimes reprogrammed. This means higher level demons will be put in control of them or put fake memories in with different spirits in charge.

General higher level demons tear people apart mentally in 10 – 15 years. Other lower level demons, are more likely to coming in or out of people at will.

The above is my interpretation on what Jane is saying. Below are some other aspects which are other peoples experiences or information that may fit within this overall occult hidden structure that Jane described.

Many people do not believe in the existence of either demons or spirits or magick. That per se is not important, what is important is that the Illuminait, the people in power do. I will cover more on this in a future post.

Further Discussion

 Deprogramwiki [15] would perhaps be a resource that may be useful for deprogramming individuals, and is valuable for other information on the Illuminati.


The Illuminati is a group that practices a form of faith known as “enlightenment”. It is Luciferian, and they teach their followers that their roots go back to the ancient mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt, and Celtic druidism. They have taken what they consider the “best” of each, the foundational practices, and joined them together into a strongly occult discipline. Many groups at the local level worship ancient deities such as “El”, “Baal”, and “Ashtarte”, as well as “Isis and Osiris” and “Set”.

This said, the leadership councils at times scoff at the more “primitive” practices of the anarchical, or lower levels. I remember when I was on council in San Diego, they called the high priests and priestesses the “slicers and dicers”, who kept the “lower levels happy”. This is not to offend anyone, it only shows that at the leadership levels,they often believe they are more scientifically and cognitively driven. But they still practice the principles of enlightenment.

There are 12 steps to this, also known as “the 12 steps of discipline’ and they also teach traveling astral planes, time travel, and other metaphysical phenomena. Do people really do this, or is it a drug induced hallucination? I cannot judge. I saw things that I believe cannot be rationally explained when in this group, things that frightened me, but I can only say that it could be a combination of cult mind control, drug inductions, hypnosis, and some true demonic activity. How much of each, I cannot begin to guess. I do know that these people teach and practice evil.

At the higher levels, the group is no longer people in robes chanting in front of bonfires. Leadership councils have administrators who handle finances (and trust me, this group makes money. That alone would keep it going even if the rest were just religious hog wash).

The leadership levels include businessmen, bankers, and local community leaders. They are intelligent, well educated, and active in their churches. Above local leadership councils are the regional councils, who give dictates to the groups below them, help form the policies and agendas for each region, and who interact with the local leadership councils.

At the national level, there are extremely wealthy people who finance these goals and interact with the leaders of other countries. The Illuminati are international. Secret? By all means. The first thing a child learns from “family, or the Order” as they are called, is “The first rule of the Order is secrecy”. This is why you don’t hear from more survivors who get out. The lengths that this group goes to, to terrify its members into not disclosing, is unbelievable.

The Illuminati are present in every major metropolitan center in the United States. They have divided the United States up into 7 major regions, and each has a regional council over it, with the heads of the local councils reporting to them. They meet once every two months, and on special occasions.

A metropolitan region may have as many as 10 to 30 groups within it, and rural areas will often have meetings with other local groups, and report to the metro leadership council. They almost NEVER recruit outsiders, although ocassionally they will buy children or a family from Asia, for example, and keep them under constant surveillance in return for saving their life from the local Mafia. They are threatened with being returned to this group if they ever disclose.

All the above is from DeprogramWiki –Who and What is the Illuminati? [40]

Illuminati Structure

In 1991 Fritz Springmaier revealed that the Mother of Darkness Castle was in Belgium.

“At 19 she did her 1,000 points of light ceremony in the Mother of Darkness castle that I exposed in 1991. It is the Chateau des Amerois near Muno, Belgium; from what I’m told they discontinued using it as their HQ due to the attention it had gained.”

It appears to have been blurred out on CIAGoogle Maps

                                                            Chateau des Amerois

                                                              Castle Amerois

The woman Fritz Springmaier is referring to that completed her 1,000 points of light ceremony is Hillary Clinton. The paragraph is repeated here.

At 19 she did her 1,000 points of light ceremony in the Mother of Darkness castle that I exposed in 1991. It is the Chateau des Amerois near Muno, Belgium; from what I’m told they discontinued using it as their HQ due to the attention it had gained.

As a teenager she did the Illum.’s secret Cabalistic Tree of Life rituals, each of the ten rooms has a separate ceremony. The pathworking rituals are done by deep Satanic alters (parts of the mind)

He states, in 2014 in the article Grande Dame Hillary our next Prez [37] , that Hillary has been a Mother of Darkness since aged 19. This would be approximately 1967 given that her birth date is given as October 26, 1947

At 19, as a new Mother of Darkness, she did a death, burial, & resurrection ceremony and was sealed. She has this parallel ritual life. When she grew up, her family’s cover religion was Methodist. The front of her mind knows she is part of the Illuminati, & this can be seen when Bill & her surprised staff in the White House with occult Christmas tree decorations.

Springmaier states in this video that there was 1000 points of light ceremony, which is phrase that George Bush used several times. The video explains more on this and other aspects about the castle.

[Update 8th April – Jessie informs me that Hillary is in fact just a High Priestess, the confusion may arise as all are called mothers]


[119] Odysee Jan Myers Documentaries  Mothers of Darkness Castle_The Most Evil Place on Earth! Documentary [updated 2022 Sept]

Due to Springmaier’s publicly identifying the Mothers of Darkness castle in Belgium it is not now thought to be used by Mothers of Darkness who actually use a castle in Germany. It is still used for Grand High Priestess Witch Battles and the like.

For more on the Castle, and the Bushes connections to it see Thieves of the Wood, Chateau Des Amerois and the Bush Family  [83]

Grande Dame appears to be a term used – Springmaier used it about Hillary Clinton and Fionar Barnett has used it I think about Meryl streep  Revised Edition of ‘EYES WIDE OPEN’ by Fiona Barnett [49]. I am unsure of how Grande Dames fit into the structure as yet.

Fritz Springmaier explains about the Illuminati Structure

Councils (Illuminati)–The Illuminati has frequent meetings. Some of these meetings are organized to appear “acephalous” and “accidential” in their meetings, when in reality they are structured and planned. One group, MJ-12 has gone by the following names: the Group, the Special Study Group, theWise Men, the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 5412 Committee, 303Committee, 40 Committee, PI-40 Committee, and Policy Planning Group (PCG). Some of the formal policy and ritual groups have names that all Illuminati members who have gotten high enough to learn, will recognize:

The Council of 3, Council of 5, Council of 7, Council of 9, The Grand Druid Council, The  Committee of 300, and the Committee of 500 (known as Fortune 500). Many of the meetings are conclaves without formal names. The Grand Druid Council is not something fictional, but an actual body of people who formally meet and whose membership, we have been trying to keep track of. The groups which make decisions to control this planet are networked together. Each decision has its own origin and route that it takes. Fritz Springmaier Deeper Insights [38] 

Fritz further explains about the Illuminati in the US

The approx. 7,000 ruling elite in America are in key positions where they call the shots for all important decisions. The world is like their private club. The mass media is their mouthpiece manipulating public perceptions. Lobbying groups like the Business Roundtable, the Committee for Economic Development, and the Conference Board insure that public officials realize the policies they should support. Their elite schools like Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and the University of Chicago play key roles in developing people to play key roles in the World system, & also help with policy research. Their foundations (for instance, the 100’s of Rockefeller Foundations, Carnegie Endowment for Peace, & the Bradley Foundation) & think tanks (as I have previously described) play vital roles in getting events in line with their agendas. Policy Planning Groups like the RAND corp. and the CFR plan for the future & provide a false model of the world…I might describe it as the view of the world that the Matrix wants people to see. Citigroup (Citibank), Morgan Bank and B of A is each granted about a dozen or more reps in the CFR. Illuminati banks, insurance companies, and other big corporations are insured representation in the Illuminati’s CFR.

These American elite spend their vacations in Europe and interact with global Illuminati organizations such WTO, World Bank, Davos World Eco. Forum & the IMF. The European elite meet at places like the European Roundtable of Industrialists, and the Union of I&E Confederations of Europe, and have policy planning groups similar to our CFR for each nation. While the European Illuminati elite are the top decision makers, America & Japanese elite still play a role in running things. A great deal of time & effort are taken to build consensus among the various players.  The Illuminati and their control over Humanity [48]

A structure for male Illuminati positions has been given as

  • Rex
  • Magus
  • Regent 
  • Prince
  • Priest 
  • Presbyter


Just like stolen or fake money has to be laundered to get it into legitimate circulation, then the satanistic hierarchy has to be interfaced onto the democratic structure that people are led to believe is in control. This means the unsuspecting public are duped into thinking that democracy is the system in use when it is merely the Wizards of Oz’s curtain.

Jane mentions the Bilderbergers are a cover for the Satanic Council. Other bodies that fit in this role are often named as Council for Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, The Royal Institute of International Affairs aka Chatham House [17]

As the diagram illustrates, the Club of Rome and the UN are all controlled via the Round Table [18] which may in turn be controlled by the Committee of 300 [19]

Organisations which implement policy of the controllers are such as the IMF, the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation, the OECD.

The European Union started life as a trading body, like NAFTA and now is well advanced as a stepping stone to the one world government or New World Order of the globalists.

It is not hard to see now how all the above organisations are controlled by and subservient to the satanists and the Illuminati power structure.

Corporations controlled by the Illuminati are vast, having consolidated greatly in the last 50 years in line with globalist policies.

The corporations control almost every aspect of our lives – they bizarrely in law have acquired the rights of natural people, but much less liabilities.

Corporations are one of the cleverest devices is for the elite to pool their power & wealth in corporations. Because America’s court system has tended to support what the elite want, they were able to get some key Supreme Court decisions to go their way: in 1819, the Dartmouth decision protected corporations under the contracts clause of the Constitution; in 1886, the Santa Clara decision made a corporation into a “natural” person(!) with the Constitutional rights of persons. Unfortunately, they have not been held liable for killing people & other criminal acts, in the same fashion as the rest of us true natural persons have been. The corporate structure creates a buffer zone between the elite who control them with interlocking directorates and the public. The corporations take the heat, not the elite. The larger multinational corporations are financially larger than most nations, and loyal to the ruling elite. The Illuminati and their control over humanity [39]

eg Agribusiness

The same companies own the seeds, the chemicals and the food distribution and have huge lobby power over governments and rulemakers and so mostly controls

  • What seeds, plants and crops are grown eg genetically modified food
  • Where those seeds plants and crops are grown – favoured countries not locally
  • How those plants are grown eg high input with artificial fertilisers and poisonous herbicides, insecticides, fungicides not usually low input organically
  • The market and price for the crops
  • What, where and how animals are grown, ie what they are fed on, how long they live etc – bigger and bigger moves to massive industrial agricultural, mechanised with little people labour input
  • Control profitability and how big farms have to be to exist
  • Control what research goes on in Universities through paying for research

eg Big Pharma – Pharmaceutical industry

  • Control what research goes on by paying for research and development
  • Control what research is published as they own journals
  • Control peer review by paying researchers
  • Control that only beneficial results are published
  • Control what medical establishments there are
  • Control symptom based treatments ie allopathic system of treating symptoms not cures as cures will deprive them of patients and profit in this system
  • Control what chemicals are in “medicines”
  • Control what doctors read in journals
  • Control what doctors stock by incentives
  • Products are vaccine
  • Fluoride on teeth
  • Neutraceuticals

This leads to obtuse situations that Big Pharma in the US has no liability for damage their vaccinations caused, that cost is externalised onto the public sector. It seems the corporations are good at getting free stuff but dogmatically and repetitively call it free trade.

Trade Laws and Rules

Policies for trade control are constantly brought forward, such as the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, (MAI) [20], North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Trans Pacific Partnership (TTP), Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and many others too numerous too remember in a relentless drive to push through the agenda for a one world government, and neoliberal economics.

These Policies / Agreements are shifted from one body to another eg OECD, World Trade Organisation, EU and others to suit the controllers and outwit any accountability, public resistance or even knowledge.

Trade rules favour huge western corporations and disadvantage developing countries, smaller companies and producers.


TV, Films, Newspapers, Games and Adverts

The “news” and media are dominated by a few corporations

This though is just scraping the surface as the media coporations not only use the news to control but also

  • TV waves themselves are alpha waves, which put listener into receptive passive state.
  • Music – full of satanic messages and mind controlled, emotionally bond youngsters to “stars” and control them as they grow up
  • Games – Encourage violence, acceptability of killing via drones etc,  at a distance without morals using gamer handsets
  • 5G Dangerous microwave radiation which can be used a weapon and to bring about a huge Artificial Intelligence (AI) system to control us.
  • Alexa, Siri, Echo and similar devices listen and record data on how people live, and feed this data and private information into the AI data bank and system of control

Financial system

Money is a major means of control of the population.

Once money was a means to facilitate exchange of goods,  it is now a commodity for the rich to gamble on and a means to control people by via “fractional reserve banking”.

Unelected, undemocratic, untransparent and unaccountable bodies such as the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve Bank and the Bank of International Settlements can cause booms and busts at will, thereby gaining real assets such as land, buildings for worthless confidence based paper not even backed by gold.

All rates such as LIBOR, exchange rates, base rates, interest rates, gold prices, commodities prices etc are fixed.

The whole system is rigged but pretends it is democratic and fair.


Illuminati want us fitted with microchips so they have total control as told by Aaron Russo, friend of Nelson Rockefeller whistleblew before he “died”. Dissent will bring a switching off of access to services.


Aaron Russo Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and set up the NWO – Aaron Russo  [33b]

“Intelligence” Outfits

The CIA and other US intelligence operations and other outfits in “Five Eyes” (FVEY) such as UK’s GCHQ, MI5, MI6, and Australia, N Zealand and Canada as well Israels Mossad masquerade as individual country’s  “intelligence” organisations or “security” organisations. As such they are virtually impossible to hold to account, and are professional liars. Follow  @1vs5i for useful information on FVEY

In reality they work together as one of the biggest international criminal gangs known, controlling much of the drug trafficking, gun running, money laundering, terrorism and child trafficking, organ trafficking, sex trafficking and child sex blackmailing operations and will interface with much of the Illuminati hierarchy.

The “intelligence” agencies are virtually unaccountable to anyone or anything. RT License to kill: MI5 agents can commit serious crimes like murder and torture, tribunal rules [82] 

They may even fit at the bottom of this pyramid.

In actuality the “intelligence” outfits in each country are “better termed the NWO’s intelligence world-wide intelligence agency, of which MI5, MI6, CIA, NSA, FBI, NZSIS, RCMP, SIS, ASIO, GCHQ, NRO, DIA & the SASB are simply departments, have together at least 300,000 people employed full time.”  Whale [10]

Other Organisations

This article link Puppetmasters of Child Sexual Abuse – Le Cercle, Gladio, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei Networks [3] refers to Le Cercle and Operation Gladio a NATO run Strategy of Tension, essentially a false flag terrorist campaign to divide and rule to suit the purpose of the controllers.

The link also mentions two influential bodies Opus Dei and Knights of Malta which will also fit into this structure of control. The Illuminati can also be referred to as the Circle, different but overlapping I think, as Le Cercle is more Catholic based [47]

  • [41] 2016 Apr 30 VISUP Le Cercle: Clerical Fascism and the Pedophocracy Part I
  • [42] 2016 Apr 30 VISUP Le Cercle: Clerical Fascism and the Pedophocracy Part II
  • [43] 2016 Apr 30 VISUP Le Cercle: Clerical Fascism and the Pedophocracy Part III
  • [44] 2016 May 7 VISUP Le Cercle: Clerical Fascism and the Pedophocracy Part IV
  • [45] 2016 May 13 VISUP Le Cercle: Clerical Fascism and the Pedophocracy Part V
  • [46] 2016 May 21 VISUP Le Cercle: Fratelli Neri
  • [47] 2016 May 28 VISUP Le Cercle: Puppetmasters 

Another good article covering the Child Trafficking is  Anatomy of the Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Pedophile Operations – Joachim Hagopian [5]

Another classic article, well worth a read is The Pedophocracy by David McGowan [4]

Mind Control

Cisco Wheeler says she knew in 1968 that there were over 2 million American MKULTRA’s, because she was a programmer and saw the documented records on this. She guesses (by 2019) “I would say 10 million”  [71]. How many worldwide?

This it is a self replicating system, as mind controlled victims are controlled by handlers who are themselves mind controlled. Who are at the top of this nasty mind controlled slave pyramid? Henry Kissinger is one that comes to mind.

The collossal number of mind controlled slaves should be recognised because  the evidence is the sheer volume of illuminati symbolism in public ceremonies eg superbowl, olympics etc as well as music videos and Hollywood (Pedowood) films is immense.

American sport certainly contains mind controlled individuals as outlined by Brice Taylor and Cathy O’Brien. This willl be detailed in a separate post.

Trigger warning – Here are some Illuminati symbols that are used 666, Devils horns, one eyed symbols, pyramid, shhh and monarch butterfly mind control

Its not hidden, we just  need to take notice and wake up.

Twitter Thread on Illuminati Symbols

Jane’s second video of testimony is below, upon which I will only comment briefly.

My Training to Become a Mother of Darkness in the Illuminati featuring Jane


[2c] Odysee 2019 BRIDE Ministries International My Training to Become a Mother of Darkness in the Illuminati featuring Jane / Jessie Czebotar

Shownotes: Jane is back on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval to go into further details on her story. She was chosen to replace her grandmother as a Mother of Darkness in the Illuminati. In this shocking episode, she gets into details about what her training involved. She talks openly regarding the human sacrifice, trafficking, and deep darkness that she witnessed as part of that world. TRIGGER WARNING: This episode will contain a few graphic descriptions. It is an episode you will not forget

See also full autotranscript Ya Basta My Training to Become a Mother of Darkness in the Illuminati featuring Jane [2yb]

This covers

  • Ritual of beheading of Mother of Darkness by their successor
  • Change of power from women to men to prepare for the Rise of the Antichrist
  • Spirits that Jane was trained to hear were Satan, Moloch, Baal, Astra, Cimejes and Azazel. She has day training and night time training
  • Her Grandmother, Queen Mother of Darkness tried to kill her repeatedly
  • Description of some rituals
  • Food and Genetically Modified Food and the use of Magick


Through all their groups, organisations and influences, not least sexual blackmail, the illuminati are able to control key positions and places throughout society. eg police chiefs, judges, lawyers, Inquiry heads, government, privy council, Lords, Church, Bishops,  City Councils, County Councils, coroners, crematoriums, mortuaries, doctors, dentists, social workers, psychiatrists, banks, financial organisations, insurance companies, watchdog organisations.

Whatever eventuality, they now have them covered and so their position has been virtually impregnable.

So as many people have found, democracy, justice, accountability, health services do not really exist for many whistleblowers or victims of child abuse or criminal activity. If they are up someone in a powerful club of which most of us are not even aware, the odds are stacked against them.

They are outmanouevred and often blamed and framed themselves, for examples see  Child Sexual Abuse Campaigners and Whistleblowers targeted by state organisations [80]

This article was getting too big so I have curtailed it and will continue aspects of it in another post as my research continues. However as it is, I think it gives a fair idea of the structure of the system which explains why things in this world keep going wrong when the vast majority of people are overwhelmingly good.

The system is rigged by relatively small number of satanic / Luciferian “bloodline” families who think they are superior than the rest of us. They set the system to cause harm to us. They hide and scheme, they lie and lie and lie.

If their system, their god is so right, why can they not be open and honest?

Of course many are caught up into in from birth or infancy and have reduced choice. Many want out but dont know how.

We need to change the system, get rid of the evil doers and reveal the truths. We need to find ways of releaseing the slaves. The process is underway but the more people who understand that this is the case the better. The more people that help tell their truth the quicker and easier the process will be for everyone.

Apart from a few major players ( in the thousands) the best way to move forward be to move forward by truth and reconciliation.

The later ones in the series are

  • The Five Child trafficking Networks of the Illuminati [111]
  • You are a child… [112]
  • Silence Breaks Forth Into Song (SBFIS Part 1) [113]
  • Queen Mother of Darkness’s Special Pot Roast (SBFIS Part 2) [114]  
  • Equilibrium (Silence Breaks Forth Into Song Part 3) [115]
  • Forged Through Brokenness (SBFIS Part 4) [116]
  • How Deep The Magik Well Goes (SBFISong Part 5) [117]


updated 2022 Sept 8

[1c] 2019 BRIDE Ministries International Illuminati Structure Explained by One Chosen as a Mother of Darkness Jessie Czebotar

[1] 2019 BRIDE Ministries International Illuminati Structure Explained by One Chosen as a Mother of Darkness

[1a] You Tube

[1yb] Ya Basta Illuminati Structure Explained by One Chosen as a Mother of Darkness

[2c] Odysee 2019 BRIDE Ministries International My Training to Become a Mother of Darkness in the Illuminati featuring Jane / Jessie Czebotar

[2] 2019 BRIDE Ministries International My Training to Become a Mother of Darkness in the Illuminati featuring Jane

[2a] You Tube 2019 BRIDE Ministries International My Training to Become a Mother of Darkness in the Illuminati featuring Jane

[2yb] Ya Basta My Training to Become a Mother of Darkness in the Illuminati featuring Jane includes transcript

[3] 2017 Jan 24 Cathy Fox Blog Puppetmasters of Child Sexual Abuse – Le Cercle, Gladio, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei Networks

[4] 2018 Mar cathy fox blog The Pedophocracy by David McGowan

[5] 2017 Nov 21 Cathy Fox blog Anatomy of the Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Pedophile Operations – Joachim Hagopian

[6] BRIDE Ministries International

[7] AlienisTic Project MK Often: When the CIA played with black magic

The MK Often project was a concealed project attached to the Department of Defense of the United States jointly with the CIA (attached project of MKUltra). Its objective was to test the behavioral and toxicological effects of certain substances on animals and humans. According to Welsh investigative journalist Gordon Thomas, this project was initiated by Dr. Sidney Gottieb, chief of the technical services of the CIA, to explore the world of black magic and control the forces of darkness. Behavior research has been transferred from Sidney Gottlieb and his technical support division to the research and development office (ORD). Dr. Stephen Aldrich assumed the role of leader, and ORD continued to investigate ways to control human behavior until 1979, and they did it with space-age technology that made the time of MKULTRA go to the era of the horse and the plow. The creation of a servile society was not out of reach. Aldridge has inaugurated Operation OFTEN that incorporated the occult and demonology.

[8] Freedom Articles – Mind Control

[9] Energetic Synthesis Moloch programming

[10] Whale Van Duyn

founded the Planned Parenthood Center of Syracuse, New York. Planned Parenthood Federation of America was an Illuminati inspired organization that was set up to accomplish several objectives. The organization’s own stated purpose is very revealing: “To provide leadership m: making effective means of voluntary fertility regulation, including contraception, abortion, sterilization, and infertility services, available and fully accessible to all as a central element of reproductive health; stimulating and sponsoring relevant biomedical, socioeconomic, and demographic research; developing appropriate information, education, and training programs to increase knowledge about human reproduction and sexuality.”

better termed the NWO’s intelligence world-wide intelligence agency, of which MI5, MI6, CIA, NSA, FBI, NZSIS, RCMP, SIS, ASIO, GCHQ, NRO, DIA & the SASB are simply departments, have together at least 300,000 people employed full time.

The Rockefellers cooked up the idea to have a World Trade Center in NY and their cronies were involved in the scandal to promote the idea.

[11] 2019 Nov Wikipedia Gloria Vanderbilt

Vanderbilt’s fourth marriage was to author Wyatt Emory Cooper, on December 24, 1963. The marriage, which lasted 15 years, ended with his death in 1978 while undergoing open-heart surgery. They had two sons: Carter Vanderbilt Cooper (January 27, 1965 – July 22, 1988), who died by suicide or as the victim of medication that precipitated a psychotic episode at age 23 by jumping from the family’s 14th-floor apartment,[32][44][45] and Anderson Hays Cooper (born June 3, 1967), a CNN news anchor.[24]

While appearing as a guest on her son Anderson Cooper’s television talk show, Anderson on September 19, 2011, Vanderbilt referred to comedian and actress Kathy Griffin as her “fantasy daughter”.[49]

[12] 2019 Jun 17 Guardian Obituary Gloria Van Der Bilt

[13] 2011 Apr ABC Anderson Cooper on Brother’s Suicide: Grief Never Ends

[14] Deprogramwiki Bloodlines of the Illuminati

[15] Deprogramwiki

[16] Whale Rothschilds

[17] Wikipedia Royal Institute of Interanational Affairs

[18] ConspiracyWiki The Round Table Group

[19] ConspiracyWiki The Committee of 300

[20] Wikipedia MAI

[21] Other Global connections images of various types see

[22] Order of the Illuminati

[23] Cathy Fox blog Thread on Disney and Pedosadists

[24] Cathy Fox Blog Thread on Illuminati Symbolism

[25] Twitter Majestic Twelve News Synchronisations Video

[26] Bilderberger

[27] Corporations


[29] TTLG Intelligence

[30] Deliriums Realm Demons

[31] The 6 Companies That Own (Almost) All Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

[32] 1991 David Rockefeller quote, Bilderberg 1991. “We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine  and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government…”

[33]  Aaron Russo Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and set up the NWO – Aaron Russo 8 min

[33b] Aaron Russo Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and set up the NWO – Aaron Russo

[34] 2015 Dec 1 cathyfoxblog Freemasonry, 10 Duke Street and MI6

[35]  Aaron Russo Womens Lib created to tax women and break up families 3 min

[36] 2014 May 2 Deprogramwiki Dialogue with the Bloodline Leaders : Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild. William C. Van Duyn,

In 2013, 120 000 children disappeared or get kidnapped all around the world. …children get kidnapped for prostitution… the terrorists are financing their evil attacks against American civilization. In Asia, more specific in the Philippines, children get kidnapped for financial reasons. South America and Mexico are using young kidnapped recruiters (age between 12 and 20) to fight for the Drug Barons and to activate a drug war….

[37] 2014 Feb 8 Deprogramwiki Grande Dame Hillary our next Prez (Grande Dame)

Hillary – Basically programming magick is getting the victim to do what you want by saying whatever works. Her secret life in the Illum. incl. programming children as well as ongoing mind-control guidance to Illuminati slaves. One of her trauma-based Illum. total m.c. programming jobs was to place in the program trees. She also assists in invoking demons, as well as praying to Satan for wisdom & guidance. As one of my books brought out, her own Grande Dame alters live in the mind in a structure called the 7th realm of hell. That structure is protected by demons as well as lethal Delta alters. Interestingly, her small donors are called “Hill’s Angels”, and those that give large sums she calls “Hill Raisers”. She sexually used some m.c. slaves I’ve met, like Cathy O’Brien. When she was reneging on what she owed the ghostwriter of her book It Takes a Village, her ghostwriter Feinmin retaliated by disclosing Hillary’s White House séances where she communicated with Eleanor Roosevelt’s spirit. The spirit controlling her is written about in 1 JN 4:3, & 2:18.

RITUALS. As a teenager she did the Illum.’s secret Cabalistic Tree of Life rituals, each of the ten rooms has a separate ceremony. The pathworking rituals are done by deep Satanic alters (parts of the mind). At 19 she did her 1,000 points of light ceremony in the Mother of Darkness castle that I exposed in 1991. It is the Chateau des Amerois near Muno, Belgium; from what I’m told they discontinued using it as their HQ due to the attention it had gained. At 19, as a new Mother of Darkness, she did a death, burial, & resurrection ceremony and was sealed. She has this parallel ritual life. When she grew up, her family’s cover religion was Methodist. The front of her mind knows she is part of the Illuminati, & this can be seen when Bill & her surprised staff in the White House with occult Christmas tree decorations

[38] Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmaier Deeper Insights

Councils (llluminati)–The Illuminati has frequent meetings. Some of thesemeetings are organized to appear “acephalous” and “accidential”in their meetings, when in reality they are structured and planned. One group,MJ-12 has gone by the following names: the Group, the Special Study Group, theWise Men, the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 5412 Committee, 303Committee, 40 Committee, PI-40 Committee, and Policy Planning Group (PCG). Someof the formal policy and ritual groups have names that all Illuminati memberswho have gotten high enough to learn, will recognize:

The Council of 3, Council of 5, Council of 7, Council of 9, The Grand Druid Council, The Committee of 300, and the Committee of 500 (known as Fortune 500). Many of the meetings are conclaves without formal names. The Grand Druid Council is not something fictional, but an actual body of people who formally meet and whose membership, we have been trying to keep track of. The groups which make decisions to control this planet are networked together. Each decision has its own origin and route that it takes.

[39] 2015 Oct 3 Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmaier The Illuminati and their control over humanity

[40] Deprogramwiki  Svali Who and What is the Illuminati?

[41] 2016 Apr 30 VISUP Le Cercle: Clerical Fascism and the Pedophocracy Part I

[42] 2016 Apr 30 VISUP Le Cercle: Clerical Fascism and the Pedophocracy Part II

[43] 2016 Apr 30 VISUP Le Cercle: Clerical Fascism and the Pedophocracy Part III

[44] 2016 May 7 VISUP Le Cercle: Clerical Fascism and the Pedophocracy Part IV

[45] 2016 May 13 VISUP Le Cercle: Clerical Fascism and the Pedophocracy Part V

[46] 2016 May 21 VISUP Le Cercle: Fratelli Neri 6

[47] 2016 May 28 VISUP Recluse Le Cercle: Puppetmasters 7 which appears to have been updated from which cfb blogged here. I am not sure what changes were made

[47a] 2017 Jan cathyfoxblog Puppetmasters of Child Sexual Abuse – Le Cercle, Gladio, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei Networks

[48] 2015 Oct 3 Fritz Springmaier The Illuminati and their control over Humanity

[49] 2019 Oct 7 FionaBarnett.Org Revised Edition of ‘EYES WIDE OPEN’ by Fiona Barnett


[51] 2009 Dec The Whistler Hillary Clinton: A Mother of Darkness and Illuminati Witch? Archive Hepsebah

[52] Arizona Wilder

[53] American Buddha archive

[53a] American Buddha site map /Index archive Much info on this site

[54] 2009 Rosaleen The Whistler George Bush Snr. – His Plans for Mothers of Darkness Castle 1000 points of light ceremony, Jenna and Barbara Bush training for Mothers of Darkness The ceremony at 19 will include the 1,000 points of light ceremony at the super secret Mother-of-Darkness castle of Chateau des Armerois (Castle of Kings) close to the Belgium-French border in Europe and about 20 kilometers as the crow flies west from Luxemburg. This will be a sealing ceremony with the Mothers dressed in black. Guards and heavy forest protect the large castle from view. The people in the nearby spooky village of Muno, Bel. basically belong to the castle. The castle has a cathedral inside with a dome with 1,000 lights. The words 1,000 lights is an Illuminati buzz word. When the President used it to describe the White House’s Christmas tree, hierarchy people knew what he was signalling. The cathedral has a great hall with columns on either side, and the Queen Mother’s throne will be set up there….
book by: (Springmeier and Wheeler, Volume II, pp. 204,213)

[55] 2009 Oct Rosaleen The Whistler Mothers of Darkness Castle- Is Madeleine McCann Held Here? part (1)

[56] Illuminati BloodLiines Blogspot

[57] Rosaleen the Whistler THE BREAKSPEAR FAMILY by Craig Oxley

[58] 2006 MI5 and MI6 exposed

[59] American Buddha Mrs Griggs

[60] Great Dreams Grande Dame

The Illuminati method for killing a Grande Dame and passing her spiritual power on is done with reverence. No blood is to be spilt out of respect for the elderly woman who gives up her life willingly. At death, the last breath is inhaled by the replacement to transfer the power. There may be as many as 2,197 Grande Dames at such a coronation. The Grande Mothers (whose Systems are mistresses for Satan and hierarchy leaders) and the next rank, the Grande Dames, are often veiled in ritual and would wear robes with different colored lining. The different colors of linings show the different grades. A typical Grande Mother vestment or robe is a black satin & velvet dress with a draped neckline, and ritual symbols down the center of the robe.

[61] DeprogramWiki Svali

God loves each member of the cult and longs for their repentance. He wants the church to love and help the worst occult abuser. He longs that they would receive His mercy rather than judgment, and that they find healing for the childhood wounds and strongholds that have them repeating the sins of their fathers. In fact, in examining the underlying reasons that any cult member continues in their activities, these reasons are usually rooted in unresolved early childhood terrors of pain, abandonment and death (See Section 2). No matter how high-ranking within their respective cult a person may be, at the most fundamental level there is a frightened, abused inner child; under all the high-sounding philosophy and propaganda of political and/or occult power and ascension, the person’s goal is survival.

[62] Deprogram Wiki  Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

grand master (later Ipssimus) within the Illuminati.  The handlers of mind-controlled slaves carry around a black or grey 3 ring notebook or a lap top computer with the access codes and triggers. Some of the programmers and handlers have this all memorized. The deepest parts,core/gems/executive committee, false trinity etc. are charted in esoteric language such as Enochian, Hebrew (which is considered magical), and Druidsymbols. I have never gotten the opportunity to look at one of these, although anumber of the slaves who I’ve talked with have while they were beingprogrammed. These notebooks have color-coded graphs showing the arrangement ofalters, the structure of the system, the training of the alters, the history ofthe alters and other details. All the primary tortures carried out on a slaveare coded using dates/no.s so that the memories can be pulled up by theprogrammers. There is a standard set of hand signals, gestures, and codes thatallow a handler to work with someone else’s slave, but the accepted code amongthe handlers is to leave another man’s slave alone. As one leading psychiatrist put it, “Different ideologies use the same methodologies of mind control.”

Baron Guy de Rothschild, of France, has been the leading light of his bloodline. The Baron is an Illuminati Kingpin and slave programmer. For thosewho have bought the cover story that the Catholic Church is not part of the Illuminati’s NWO, I would point out that the Baron has worked with the Pope in programming slaves. This photo was picked for the trauma chapter because the Baron has a droopy left eye. Many of the deeper Illuminati alters show droopyleft eyes due to the trauma they have received. The authors are not aware of what the official explanation for his droopy left eye would be.


The approx. 7,000 ruling elite in America are in key positions where they call the shots for all important decisions. The world is like their private club. The mass media is their mouthpiece manipulating public perceptions. Lobbying groups like the Business Roundtable, the Committee for Economic Development, and the Conference Board insure that public officials realize the policies they should support. Their elite schools like Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and the University of Chicago play key roles in developing people to play key roles in the World system, & also help with policy research. Their foundations (for instance, the 100’s of Rockefeller Foundations, Carnegie Endowment for Peace, & the Bradley Foundation) & think tanks (as I have previously described) play vital roles in getting events in line with their agendas. Policy Planning Groups like the RAND corp. and the CFR plan for the future & provide a false model of the world…I might describe it as the view of the world that the Matrix wants people to see. Citigroup (Citibank), Morgan Bank and B of A is each granted about a dozen or more reps in the CFR. Illuminati banks, insurance companies, and other big corporations are insured representation in the Illuminati’s CFR.

These American elite spend their vacations in Europe and interact with global Illuminati organizations such WTO, World Bank, Davos World Eco. Forum & the IMF. The European elite meet at places like the European Roundtable of Industrialists, and the Union of I&E Confederations of Europe, and have policy planning groups similar to our CFR for each nation. While the European Illuminati elite are the top decision makers, America & Japanese elite still play a role in running things. A great deal of time & effort are taken to build consensus among the various players.

CORPORATIONS. One of the cleverest devices is for the elite to pool their power & wealth in corporations. Because America’s court system has tended to support what the elite want, they were able to get some key Supreme Court decisions to go their way: in 1819, the Dartmouth decision protected corporations under the contracts clause of the Constitution; in 1886, the Santa Clara decision made a corporation into a “natural” person(!) with the Constitutional rights of persons. Unfortunately, they have not been held liable for killing people & other criminal acts, in the same fashion as the rest of us true natural persons have been. The corporate structure creates a buffer zone between the elite who control them with interlocking directorates and the public. The corporations take the heat, not the elite.

[64] 2014 May Seawapa The Real 13 Illuminati Families

[65] Nicholsons 1968 Saturn Worship The Black Cube

[66] Cantipednation A Higher Loyalty – The Family [Y], The Cult, & Their Take-Down

[67] 2017 Nov 11 Dhaka Tribune Saudi Princess Unveils Kingdoms Dark Side

[68] 2013 You Tube President George H.W. Bush – Points of Light

[69] When the Monarch Programming started, the top men were Illuminati. Originally, Joseph Mengele was the lead programmer. He had already achieved the rank of Grand Master

[70] Voat House of Saud Puppetmasters satanic black mass

 [71] 2019 Nov  Humans Are Free Cisco Wheeler Illuminati   My father was also a Grand Master within the Illuminati. 33rd degree Mason. father was my handler and programmer  master programmer. My primary programmer was Dr. Green, who was Dr. Josef Mengele. My other primary programmer was Dr. Black, who was my father was trained by Mengele, he was his #2 he went by Dr. Fairchild, Dr. Green.Most of my programming occurred in California and Oregon. In California at China Lake Naval Base; the Presidio north San Francisco; and the Letterman Hospital next to the Presidio military base. In Alcatraz there was programming that went on in the prisons there. And Scotty’s Castle in Death Valley in California. Also in Torrence, California. And at the State Mental Hospital in Salem, Oregon and in the big Masonic hospital called Dorenbecker here in Portland. I knew in 1968 that there were over 2 million MKULTRA’s.I was a programmer and I saw the documented records on this.  If I was making a guess, I would say 10 million.(pree 1998)

The sole purpose – at the deepest layer of the system – lies mothers. They are the foundation. You have three mothers who are on a pedestal – their sole purpose is to rule and reign with the antichrist as his queen when he takes his throne. As god has a bride, so lucifer has a bride, and that bride is the mothers of darkness. That is the bottom line. Maitreya comes in. He is a forerunner for the antichrist

They can use any slave that has been under mind control to accomplish any goal they have set forth with an access code, they can blow up a bridge, they can assassinate any leader – a governor, mayor, pastor – anyone that gets in the Illuminati’s path, who will not bend or bow to the Illuminati structure – they have slaves in force who will just go and eliminate them.

I have Beta and Delta alters which are espionage alters — they specialized in martial arts. They were alters that were used for blackmail of politicians, ministers, anyone that needed to be blackmailed in order to bring them under the subission of the Illuminati. Usually through a sexual act. Usually there would be a stage where they would have sex with a certain person and that person, during the sex act, would be traumatized to such a point that the person died and they would be blackmailed that they committed murder, when in fact they didn’t. There are many different ways to set up blackmail. It would be recorded and that would be the sex slave’s responsibility to do that, and to set that individual up. [Deltas] When they are needed, they are accessed through a specific code, they are brought up to awareness, to the front of the mind.

They are then given the program as to where they are to be, what they are supposed to do, and then after they have done the job they are immediately traumatized again through electrical shock. That memory is shattered again in the mind and then they are put to sleep until the next time. They have no awareness of what’s going on in the outside world, or that there is even another world except for the world they are programmed to function in.

The programs are so intact, and we are so fine-tuned that parts of yourself can be dying internally but part of the system will go to work every day never knowing anything ever happened. It’s pathetic. What people do not understand is how severe the trauma is when your handlers get a hold of you and what you could even do to yourself if you don’t have someone there.

When those programs go off they are hot – they are hot as they were the day they were put in – whether that was twenty years or thirty years ago, it doesn’t make any difference – they are red-hot – and when I wanted to cut I wanted to cut myself – when I wanted to burn – I would burn myself.

When Fritz found a part in my system, and he told me I was a little girl, I just looked at him and told him, “you’re crazy, I am not a little girl, I am a kitten.”

I have no doubt in my mind that my father was a multiple. My father was a genius at every level, but he had a gentle side, he was a musician as well as satanist. Like I said, he worked for the CIA, he was a 33rd degree Mason plus – there are many levels beyond 33 by the way. He was a Grand Master. He sat on the Grand Druid Council

[72] Twitter Cathy O’Brien re Michael Dante honeypot re Michael Dante honeypot

[73] 2019 Hooktube Cheryl Beck Interview

[74] Vigilant Citizen Beyonce to Sasha Fierce Symbolic Occult Rebirth

[75] Jezebel Beyonce is possessed Sasha Fierce is Satan

[76] 2013 Feb 23 Revelation Now Beyonce Demon possessed at Superbowl

[77] 2019 Oct 16 Litvenenko The Bohemian Grove was a Blackmail Operation Also dante honeypot and Bohemian Grove

[78] 2018 Oct 24 Jan Myers Documentaries Mothers of Darkness Castle:The Most Evil Place on Earth! Documentary


[80] 2015 Jul 12 cathy fox blog Child Sexual Abuse Campaigners and Whistleblowers targeted by state organisations

[81] Fritz Springmaier and Cisco Wheeler Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula This book is dedicated to the two million Americans and counting who havebeen programmed with Monarch-type trauma-based mind control.

[82] 2019 Dec 20 RT License to kill: MI5 agents can commit serious crimes like murder and torture, tribunal rules


[110] Jessie Czebotar @CzebotarJessie

[111] 2020 Jan 18 cathy fox blog The Five Child trafficking Networks of the Illuminati

[112] 2020 Mar 15 cathy fox blog You are a child…

[113] 2010 Mar 7 cathy fox blog Silence Breaks Forth Into Song (SBFIS Part 1)

[114] 2020 Mar 23 cathyfoxblog Queen Mother of Darkness’s Special Pot Roast (SBFIS Part 2)

[115] 2020 Mar 26 cathy fox blog Equilibrium (Silence Breaks Forth Into Song Part 3)

[116] 2020 Mar 29 cathyfoxblog Forged Through Brokenness (SBFIS Part 4) 

[117] How Deep The Magik Well Goes (SBFISong Part 5)

[118] Le CINQUE reti del traffico di minori degli Illuminati

[119] Odysee Jan Myers Documentaries  Mothers of Darkness Castle_The Most Evil Place on Earth! Documentary!-Documentary-BnV0p8RSY3k:1

I only post on Twitter at present, if you have found this post useful, please post on other social media – facebook, instagram, pinterest, gab – whichever ones you are on. This is most helpful to spread the information. The people who do this are essential. Thankyou.

  • The Sanctuary for the Abused [A] has advice on how to prevent triggers.
  • National Association for People Abused in Childhood [B] has a freephone helpline and has links to local support groups.
  • One in Four [C]
  • Havoca [D].
  • Useful post on Triggers [E]  from SurvivorsJustice [F] blog.
  • Jim Hoppers pages on Mindfulness [G]  and Meditation [H] may be useful.
  • Hwaairfan blog An Indigenous Australian Approach to Healing Trauma  [J]
  • Survivors UK for victims and survivors of male rape or the sexual abuse of men [K]
  • Voicing CSA group [L] helps arrange survivors meetings in your area
  • A Prescription for me blog Various emotional support links [M]
  • Fresh Start Foundation Scottish not for profit group, helping child sexual abuse victims & survivors  [N]

[A] Sanctuary for the Abused

Let justice be done though the heavens fall – Fiat justitia ruat cælum

About foxblog

the truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free...
This entry was posted in #OpDeathEaters, #pedogate, cathyfoxblog, Child Abuse, Child sexual abuse, Child trafficking, Church abuse, Criminal Cabal of People in Power, Justice System, Mind Control MKultra, monarch mind control, Pizzagate, Police, Politicians, Sex trafficking, Trafficking, US of America Child Abuse, VIP CSA, VIPs MPs Lords etc and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

157 Responses to The FIVE Child Trafficking Networks and Structure of the Illuminati

  1. Pingback: The FIVE Child Trafficking Networks and Structure of the Illuminati

  2. Pingback: Luciferian Baby Roast Affadavit | cathy fox blog on child abuse

  3. Pingback: Update: The Illuminati’s Satanic Council, Soros Moving His Pawns on Behalf of the Illuminati, Obama on Board of Directors Our Demonic Leaders -

  4. Aliya says:

    I don’t know if this is relevant, or what the hell this even is, but I decided to look up Chateau des Amerois near Muno, Belgium on google earth, and found pics this guy took, and in one of the pics, it looks like a person in a Ghillie suit?? One of those weird camouflage suits that is made to look like your part of the foliage. Maybe I’m off, I don’t know, but he’s rather close to the castle and I don’t think people can just waltz on in there. I took a couple pics, but didn’t think I could post them here. Anyways great article and I love your blog and all the important work you do!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Jessie Czebotar: The Luciferian Brotherhood System

  6. Zaphod says:

    Thank you for all of your effort, fantastic work.

    One note for context as you mention demons (fallen angels) who follow Enki (Lucifer, Poseidon, many other names). Those demons are why Q is here.

    Q high side are what people in Disclosure call the Sphere Being Alliance and what many religions call the Archangels. Q low side ‘white hats’ are awakened incarnations of those archangels. The are loyal to Enlil (Jehovah, Zeus, Dagon, Jupiter, Amun, and many other names).

    Also known as the Angels of Justice they are here to stop the fallen’s plans for humanity.


  7. Anonymous says:

    What I would like to add to the pharmaceutical dimension is that they even control our diseases. Through the spread of poisons and toxins they literally have created every disease in the world. Even bad eye sight is the result of poisons such as nerve glasses sprayed upon us through chemtrails. All disease is man made and the ruling elite has antidotes for all of these diseases. Putin for example cannot get lyme disease, cannot get arsenic poisoned, no herpes, no hiv.


  8. Pingback: The FIVE Child Trafficking Networks and Structure of the Illuminati | saintandrewstwinflame

  9. Pingback: Week 52 Spot the Symbolism 23 | foxblog2

  10. Anonymous says:

    The news articles trashing “QAnon” are intentional and mis/disinformation.The “swamp” got caught and nothing can stop what is coming.God hears the faintest whisper and every prayer.Justice is coming 🦁🇺🇸 John 3:16 Revelations 5:5


  11. Pingback: Round House series III: This wheel’s on fire! – Illuminate the Darkness

  12. Pingback: Educate yourself -for the children – silence is over | Ontembare Vrouwen Web

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