Russia’s False History and MK Ultra by Victoria

Victoria’s story it seems was the trigger for Youtube to ban Emma’s channel. So Emma has had a busy time getting back up and running on a new video platform, but she has managed it, and this is Victoria’s story.

This post is a bit disjointed due to necessity of using various sources of information. I have not and will not have the time to go through everything explaining and summarising, as it would take far too long.

Emmas written introduction

This week’s episode is sure to blow your mind and leave you with your jaw on the floor (“The Imagination Podcast” was actually terminated from YouTube immediately after this episode was uploaded, so that should give you a clue as to how explosive it is!)…

After a tumultuous time restoring a new platform to call home after being nuked from YouTube, I am honored to bring to you today Victoria Mortis from Russia who comes to us as the daughter of a father who was part of the MK Ultra projects with groundbreaking information that we could use your help distributing far and wide.

Victoria’s harrowing story begins with the hidden truth about Russian and USSR history with the knowledge she has acquired through being the daughter of an MK Ultra Super Soldier father who was born into an Illuminati bloodline family. We go deep into how MK Ultra has been such a massive – and even important – part of Russian history and how it’s still deeply entrenched into a modern-day culture. We do go to expose adrenochrome factories and how they hide in plain sight and you will be shocked to learn how and where these factories exist.

The conversation flows into hidden symbolism where we show examples of how MK Ultra and occultism have infiltrated popular video game culture and Hollywood and you will see for yourself how deep the rabbit hole goes (quite literally!).

Victoria has a strong accent and to make it easier to follow along, she was very helpful in creating and providing a document that we read along with that is also in the show notes below for you to read and share everywhere you can.

Emma’s Interview with Victoria (click on picture will open in new tab)

Emma’s Interview with Victoria

Imagination Podcast Victoria’s Story [2]

Victoria’s Contacts

Victoria has provided this script around which her interview is based. It will not be exact but as Victoria’s accent is strong then it may be useful to follow the interview with the script.

After the script are various other relevant links that Victoria provided. Victoria also mentions some others to which I have provided links.

  • MK ULTRA recovery Deprogramming wiki
  • mentions Fiona Barnett [links to Fiona’s work and book] Fiona Barnett’s Long Goodbye [9]
  • Svali’s first blog Svali Speaks [6]
  • Svali’s Second Blog Svali Speaks Again [7]
  • cfb Svali, Illuminati Structure and Mind Control [101]
  • cfb Child Trafficking by the Jesuits [102]
  • Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler cfb Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier – Illuminati Whistleblowers [4]

Victoria’s Script

Trigger Warning! Many MK ULTRA victims come to Russia and USSR, led by their satanic (hivites) controlled media to their deaths. I create this warning for you.

First I need to teach you about Earth and Russia history, how we got to be openly ruled by satanists. We, Europe and the USA once were one country (Atlantis fall). Planetary catastrophe in happened in 1812. The center was in Syberia [Siberia] — youngest trees, the 100 metres of glay, melted granite castles.

Satanists are destroying memories of this event and the work of authors with people who wrote about it. Satanic (hivites) media always refers to the 1812 catastrophe and pre technologies so copy and share all their production — real stuff and real places have been shown. Let me give an example — in Disney movie Atlantis: The Lost Empire Princess Kida covers a city from the Flood with a force shield. TRIGGER WARNING!

Keep silent that one non satanic in our history was murdered for revealing faking Russia’s history.

CERN was built with 1812 technologies. Same that killed the whole Syberia and almost killed the whole planet. Nice!

Satanic (hivites) have preference to use pre 1812 houses. Take a look at how they look — first floors in glay. They have taken our knowledge, destroyed our past and culture and used these floors to their secret rituals.

Архитектура Москвы (первые этажи, подземные сооружения, многослойные дома, непонятная символика)

Each MK ultra victim states they were abused in buildings like that. Masons, satanic cover in medieval Europe, were builders and their skills allowed them to be everywhere. After the 1812 catastrophe they came to Russia and I guess masons reconstructed some for their needs.

After 1812 they grasped victims and killed some in tunnels of 1812 people like catacombs with skulls and bones in Paris. Bones were found everywhere in 1812 cities.

Satanic (Hivites) have preference for places with their sacrifice rituals and any other violent bloody events happened. I guess Satanists like such places because of necromancy and demons?

Petersburg  (Petrograd) was said to be built on graves of 1812 victims. If you come to its ancient center (Nevski Ave) you can fall ill, just like me and many I’ve spoken to about the city. In Russia the criminal capital is Petrograd, satanists just love this city.

In Moscow the same bad vibes have Red River (Red Presnya  means Desalted) and no one stays in places like that for a long time — everyone speaks about death energy here. Sometimes wells in Moscow smell like death when you pass near them. And satanic funded companies are always nearby.

Li family mentioned in 13 Bloodlines. They had Chinatown in Moscow and Petrograd (Petersburg) when Romanov ruled.

We have never been a free country — all time dictated by NWO puppets. First — all you know about Russia is a lie, a satanic lie is Russia’s whole history. They wrote our history for us. One non satanic historian was Michel Lomonosov whom they killed for exposing a lie.

Yes, the religion Pravoslavie was made in the Vatican for us and forced upon us by Romanov. Funded for [by] our money since then. Our history was just destroyed.

Russia history line: 1812 global catastrophe, 1816 year without summer. 

After 1812 people slowly returned to their homes (look for “empty cities in XIX century”) and masons came too because they were builders, can work with stones  and their services were needed. The rest of the cities were also genocided because masons (cover up) were builders first and their skills were needed after the 1812 catastrophe so they went everywhere they wanted.

The Satanic dynasty Romanov have taken my country, faking themselves being aryan (white, whatever you wish to be called) by taking someone’s clothing and documents. Survivors of the 1812 catastrophe had to fake their documents and hide their families from the satanic dynasty Romanov.

Romanov were satanic (sadistic) so people rebelled all time against them and in 1861 Romanov had to free farmers from the servitude pretended to be caring rulers and grab Russia’s resources and people as slaves MK ULTRA for building NWO.

Before 1917 satanic groups were forbidden to live in our cities – people just killed them if they came. Many, many rebellions were against ritual sacrifices they made, the biggest one was Bailice in Kiev but Romanov stopped it because he was a satanist himself. Romanov has to agree to stop them from living in our cities openly  because he wanted to pretend he is”our” ruler. 

That is why they needed revolution – after 1917 openly satanists have taken all ruling positions in the so -called Socialist state.

It leads us to the Revolution of 1917 where the whole city Petrograd (capital in Romanov time) was genocided. 

So since 1917 (22?)  Civil war between satanist and no satanist I can’t say which time it was but satanist won and another satanic puppet named Lenin allowed satanist (hivites) to openly take the highest positions in the rule. Lenin has no right to ignore the accusations of satanic sacrifices but he wasn’t Aryan.

Again after that real people who lived before 1812 have to use fake identities or flee from satanic cult.

USSR was faking to be a social state, satanists just threw some free medicines and flats to keep people calm not to rebel and continue to destroy our races, stealing resources. So until 1991 they were faking to be independent. 

Civil war against satanists were in 1917-22 — they lied. White army was foreign. White Army was Aryan and the rest races who were against satanic rule. Just like WWI it was arranged to destroy our real rulers who cared about the country and wanted it to be set free.

His replacement Stalin continued to destroy High IQ people (all races including Aryan), most had to flee. All rulers, historians, architects were satanic with satanic wives so history of the USSR is dictated by them and the same lie as Russian before 1812.

Stalin lied that Hitler was a German (Aryan) and set us against each other. The USSR wasn’t prepared for WWII and it’s lands on a south Cuban border from Minsc to Moscow were just passed to his hands. Look where Anneberbe was — Cuban! In my relatives’ village only one child has survived.

After WWII many survivors had to use fake documents to hide themselves from satanism. In 1953 another puppet Chrushev became ruler and in 1991 they just finished killing all WWII veterans and stopped their fake caring. Our army was destroyed, not even Moscow had army forces in 1990 – 91. All the armies we have are satanic ones.

Since 1991 USSR stopped to exist– satanist rules openly, factories, economics all destroyed, we create nothing but exist only from satanic money. So yes, they funded all my country now. Each company, each business are theirs and used as cover for trafficking and rituals. Especially scary about big milk factories — Adrenochrome cover up.

That how we got to be open slaves of NWO. Just like your country, I guess. All the same — infiltrate, overthrow previous rulers, replace their puppets. Truth is that we were never free from them.

Ask me, I’ll tell you all you know about Russia.

My family history: satanic (hivites) targeted my family and they surrounded me all the time. 

My great grandfather and my great grandmother survived the 1917-22 Civil war only because both changed their surnames. Great grandfather fought in WWII and was killed by satanists when my grandmother was younger than 10 years old. Great grandmother information was lost — she died when my grandmother was young too. My grandmother has to change her true heritage too to survive so I actually lack information about my true bloodline.

My mother had a second pregnancy after me — I remember holding my little brother with dark blond hair just like mine.

Yes, me and my family they targeted, high IQ runs into my bloodline – my father was Aryan blue eyes handsome blonde man. I am dark blonde but my mother is dark brown. I have his face so they decided to kill me just by looks. I have blue eyes like my father. 

I have never found his documents – they seem destroyed to me. His family I never found too — they seem to be all dead. I can feel them dead.

Actually my mother didn’t sign him [father] on my birth certificate. My mother cried every time I asked about my father so I’ve never asked about him after. She wanted to hide me from the cult, I realised now.

My father lived in a typical 1812 house with a tall ceiling (3.5 m) in a flat on the 3rd floor. One room had an orange curtain and wooden panels on the walls. It was May beginning when I remember lying there with my brother last time I remember my father and my brother alive. 

More I cannot say – my memory is confused and it hasn’t returned to me fully yet. Please keep that information – the more we know the better we are armed. Restored it memory recently by trigger integration, never talking to my mother — hurt her to lose them both.

So my father may have been a MK ULTRA victim. 

About me: I am not a MK ULTRA victim but have had PTSD in 3-4 years with dissociation, like Fiona Barnett described. Yes, I have that trance like traumatic states as a child a lot.

My memory of my early years has been confused since. 

Event which caused my problems happened when my father and brother died at one time. Satanists killed them both, I felt it the moment they died, dissociating that memory too when our love and connection was broken. I had suicide attempt when I lose my brother and father – it was in 3. I lay 3-4 days in a coma-like state, everyone expected me to die.

Have PTSD and dissociation from this event myself for years. So when MK ULTRA came out I immediately saw the truth — symptoms were just like mine. And since I was able to restore some memory like Fiona Barnett, I started to share what I knew about satanists. 

I am firstborn child, my mother was virgin when father chose her.

If my father was MK ULTRA why didn’t they take me? 

Claire J Walker aka Cali Sha, cult survivor, replied to me: Aryan Brotherhood race group in satanism. If you don’t look the same way you aren’t considered to be Aryan. She says it’s possible your life was spared at the expense of your brother’s life. Sons are significant in the cult. They carry on the family name etc. They play an important role in cult and fathers Perhaps he was trying to stop the generational curses from continuing in your life and family. So two lives paid for mine: one for my life, second form being raised outside the cult.

Yes, my father sacrificed himself and my brother too for me. I will do my best so their sacrifices won’t be wasted. So you and I share the same feelings about satanism and I put my little bricks to help their fall.

I went to 2 schools for gifted kids. First one was free, the second was private for money. All have been built from bricks like 1812 style. With me I had kids who studied for 1-3 years and moved a lot for creating MK ULTRA identities.

These kids weren’t in the school for months — in late October – November and May , there were days we had 3 people in our classes.

These kids lived closely near ritual satanic states, I have a ritual suite near my house — bad energy here.

I have been attacked myself — 6 years old I was and it was poison from a satanic dentist.

I never had satanic influence in my life. Never tried to drag me to a cult and except that dentist never attacked despite we were in the same classes together.

I was reckless child and walked free in the evening near ancient catacombs, satanist took fro themselves in Feodosia where we stayed at summer.

Ritual place\ adrenochrome factory: Moscow, Dmitrov Avenue 100. MK ultra kids lived nearby, they were in my class named alpha.

I saw a dismembered body in it’s gate when I was 4 years old and by using trigger integration I remembered it and now pointed it to everyone.

In 2020 I took all my courage and I saw a picture of a dismembered child on its window. I was right — it is really a ritual suite, adreno factory, whatever. Milk factory, Wimm –  Bill – Dann are here too.

Biggest milk factory in Russia, takes at least five buildings, all have underground levels. As a child I hated milk — vomited from it. It wasn’t milk after all – that’s what my brain feels.

Right now I broke toes and the doctor thrown me out of cabinet because I didn’t wear mask. To force wear mask is considered to be torture.

Victoria’s Links

These are further links that Victoria has provided.

1812 – Google Docs (Script)

YouTube: 1812 Architecture:

American McGee’s Alice: American McGee´s Alice (PC) – Full Game 1080p HD Walkthrough – No Commentary – YouTube

Bioshock: Bioshock – Full Game Walkthrough (No Commentary Longplay) – YouTube

Psychonauts 2 PSI King Song: Psychonauts 2 – Jack Black Sings as The PSI KING // Full Music Video – YouTube

Garden of Earthly Delights: “The Garden of Earthly Delights” Hieronymus Bosch – An Analysis (

MK Ultra Recovery – Deprogram Wiki: Welcome to DeprogramWiki! – DeprogramWiki

Recommended Reading: -Svali Speaks, -Fiona Barnett, FritzSpringmeier and Cisco Wheeler [deprogramwiki]

Tim Shelley Blog: Fighting Monarch – A Resistance Site For Survivors of CIA, NSA, Tavistock, and Illuminati Mind Control

Tweets to refer to:

CERN: CERN IS THE MAIN THREAT — FIONA BARNETT QUOTE | Page 2 | The Vigilant Citizen Forums

Satanism in ART [Trigger Warning] | The Vigilant Citizen Forums

Cathy Fox Blog – Queen Mother of Darkness’s Special Pot Roast

After the script are various other relevant links that Victoria provided. Victoria also mentions some others to which I have provided links.

MK ULTRA recovery, Deprogramming wiki
mentions Fiona Barnett [links to Fiona’s work and book] Fiona Barnett’s Long Goodbye [9]
Svali’s first blog Svali Speaks [6]
Svali’s Second Blog Svali Speaks Again [7]
cfb Svali, Illuminati Structure and Mind Control [101]
cfb Child Trafficking by the Jesuits [102]
Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler cfb Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier – Illuminati Whistleblowers [4]

Connect with Victoria

Twitter: @VictoriaMortis – Victoria Mortis (@VictoriaMortis) / Twitter
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @thruthiracy
YouTube: Victoria Mortis – Victoria Mortis – YouTube

The following is from the Satanism in art link

Thruthiracy — learn satanic symb recommended by Fiona Barnett herself

Please safe and cope and share. Easier to spot them this way.
The whole post just asked me “Who are the #Hivites?” Ansewer: All of the terrorists in the entire world, including ISIS & Antifa, and every deep state ever, are part of an ancient Babylonian cult family who have dominated&ruled every civilization on earth since biblical times 6000+years

They claim they descend directly from the garden of Eden through Cain’s line, &that Cain’s parents were actually Lilith (the female 1/2 of God in Talmudic tradition) &a demon she made (aka the serpent or the devil). #Hivites#HivitesGetLit#Phoenicia#PhoeniciaisFalling#FollowTheWhiteRabbit#Welcome2Wonderland#ItEndsNow#MAGA#SayBraveThings

They claim to follow the “true” religion of Abraham, and they describe Abraham as a “friend of God” which should be taken literally, as if Abraham was “God’s” contemporary. They also call themselves “Children of God” and “The Family” #Hivites

My family tells me that we are descended from this same line, from Abraham by way of David/Solomon and on through Mary, mother of Jesus. My family also claim Constantine & Charlemaigne (i.e. ROME) as ancestors #Hivites

I believe there is one true God and I believe Jesus taught us how to connect with God directly, which saves us from looking to the #Hivites to tell us what God is or wants. The #truth resonates. We all must look within for these answers, not without, lest we become controlled.

They use neuro-linguistic programming tactics and are often in positions of authority (addicted to seretonin, dopamine, and adrenalin) they are rude and uncaring, fake, and dishonest. LEARN HOW TO SPOT THEM, LEARN HOW TO STOP THEM.

Mary, mother of Jesus is descended from Naomi through Kind David/Solomon. Thus, Jesus, like me, was born into a #Hivite family & was likely tortured & dissociated as a child just like I was. This practice has perpetuated itself in FAMILIES since Babylon. #Phoenicia#Hivites

Cain was the first murderer, and one of the #Hivite mantras is “Murder is death, death is murder” meaning that none of them die a natural death, everyone in the cult is murdered, because they aim to overturn & corrupt everything that is “natural”

“Not dying” to them means everyone in the cult is murdered, no one dies a natural death. Living forever is in name only. The first death is when your body dies. The second death is the last time someone speaks your name. Whoever is most famous lives longest & is therefore God.

You may also know the #Hivites by other names: freemasons, illuminati, Khazarian, Ashkenazi, Antifa, Isis, Mormon, Scientology, Roman catholic, Muslim brotherhood, CIA, monarchy, deep state, shadow government, luciferian, etc. They will never identify themselves as #Hivites

They have deliberately obscured their existence and their practices throughout history to ensure their survival and they perpetuate their system in a terrifyingly successful way through torture and mind control of their own children.

Later in the line of Cain, we reach Joseph in Genesis (of the technicolor dreamvcoat fame, not the step father of Jesus). Jospeph marries a woman named Asenath who is a Hivite priestess, described in Apocryphal texts as a “pagan” who undergoes a “ritual” with bee hive elements

This is to ‘convert’ Asenath from her #Hivite pagan occultist pedo rapist human sacrificing heritage so that she can marry Joseph. She and Joseph end up ruling over the Isrealites during the exile in Ancient Egypt.

They give birth to a son, Ephraim, and later in this line comes Noah and his wife Naomi of the Ark fame. This is how the #Hivite culture married into State rule (Egypt) & found it’s way into the modern era after the great flood (through the #Hivite priestess Naomi) #Phoenicia

I believe Jesus woke up from the mind control, started teaching people to resist #Hivite control, & they crucified him (ritual sacrifice) & co-opted his message of self-reliance/empowerment & personal direct relationship with God and twisted it, just as he warned they would do.

Many know the #Hivites by other names, such as “the 13th illuminati blood line” or the “lost tribe of isreal” and they are all connected and coordinated with each other. Even now, ISIS, Antifa, Elites, The Royal Families, the Masons and every other secret society ARE #Hivites

They push false narratives (like reptilians and Satan and whatever works best at the moment) to incite fear &outrage in order to control the masses. They trick the public into thinking they need #Hivite leaders to protect them when in reality they only need protection FROM them.

They wrote the Gnostic gospels &(I believe) made up the Annunaki/Nephilum/Reptilians &other false narratives to obscure &hide their existence. They only need the sacrifice ritual to secure and consolidate political and civic power. They are pedophiles and want to normalize it.

But this is all just part of the false narratives to make them seem superhuman & externally powerful & authoritative – the rituals and practices are nothing more than self hypnosis and mind control of people who were all tortured the same way I was as children. #Dissociation

A #Hitive named #Zoroaster brought this practice into what is now Iran (ISIS anyone?) and the Zoroastrian theology is very close to the doctrine they follow today = Dualism. #Hivites

Their aim is to achieve “the great work” (ie: NWO, one world gov’t under “benevolent despotism”) – which would only serve THEM in seizing total control of humanity, normalizing p***philia &ritual human sacrifice, &depopulating Earth through mass extermination of humanity (90%)

They play humanity and culture like an alternate reality game (ARG anyone?) and it’s ALWAYS a “choose your own adventure” game, where free will reigns supreme & they let you make your own choices (even though heavily influenced by post-hypnotic suggestion) #MindControl#Hivites

I say #Phoenicia because this is the last society in which they existed openly and practiced these methods of torture, mind control, and human sacrifice for consolidation of civic power. #Hivites

Also, you can spot a #Hivite pretty easily. They usually have ancient symbols tattooed on their bodies, especially Phoenician & Egyptian symbols, or runic & viking symbols, anything ancient & esoteric is what they cling to #Hivites Know how2 spot them them, know how2 stop them

You can also spot a #Hivite by their behavior. They use mind control tactics (look this up to guard against it). They talk fast, pressure you to make decisions, they throw you off & then ask you to make split decisions #mindcontrol#PhoeniciaisFalling#ItEndsNow

They goad the masses into killing each other, and they are happy when people die. They want only enough people alive to serve them. When the population grows too large, the people rise up and oppose them, and their constructed civilization falls (Babylon, Egypt, #Phoenicia etc)

So all of these monarchies and evildoers and terrorist are all one group: #Hivites. They hide in EVERYTHING and their goal is to corrupt and destroy everything and anything natural. They model themselves after Bee/Hive themes, they have queens and drones and workers. #Phoenicia

They are the only terrorists and they are all FAMILY. They lure non-family members into the cult too, but it is families who perpetuate the practice and keep it working in the world through their bloodlines. They obsess over genetics and strictly control who is allowed to “breed”

They eat flesh and kill babies because it desecrates everything natural. They use blood for parabiosis to try and live forever, but “not dying” to them is not the same as living forever as we have come to understand it. Everything they do and say is SYMBOLIC #EsotericWidsom

In their eyes, This IS the Apocalypse as described in the biblical book of Revalations – Apocalypse = the uncovering of something hidden, a revealing of that which has been obscured. #Hivites

They intermarry all the time and have several unique genetic markers (like Ashkenazi DNA and Coloboma of the eye). They obsess over the “reptile brain” aka amygdala because it houses the pineal gland (Reptilians anyone?) #Hivites

Here’s a #Hivite doozy of a lie: G.O.D. = Guild of Doom. One head at the top of the pyramid is God (most powerful hivite aka most awful person of them all who’s done any and everything to gain that position) 12 other heads at “the table” then on down the pyramid from there.

They gravitate to sales and often are in the real estate field. Beware anyone who talk s too much and then pressures you to make a decision, especially a big one! This is suggestion and mind Control! #followthewhiterabbit#wonderland

Some additional thoughts: they use symbols like the butterfly to denote Monarch MK ultra programming. They use cats to denote Beta sex slave mk ultra programming. They call themselves Lions, Snakes, and reptiles. They worship will and intellect above all and are Godless. #Hivites

Because they’ve not yet been identified as a single group, they have been able to pit humanity against itself with false dichotomies, identity politics (race baiting anyone?), appeals to authority and other fallacies that fuel tension and aggression among the masses. #Hivites.

They are also responsible for the New Age movement, Born Again Christianity, and likely all of the cults you are familiar with. #Hivites#PhoeniciaisFalling#ItEndsNow#pizzagateisreal#SurvivorsUnite#followthewhiterabbit#Welcome2Wonderland

They have infiltrated our government at all levels including the military, and they have been actively working to euthanize 90% of humanity. They are into epigentics and eugenics and illegal human experimentation (MKUltra anyone?) #ItEndsNow#PhoeniciaisFalling#Wonderland

They do a self sacrifice and rebirth (resurrection) ritual. Once you complete it, you are “Born Again” in the awareness of the cult. From what I can tell, I believe that, to them, I’ve done this now by waking myself up from the mind control. #Hivites

We must consider every narrative to be Symbolic. These hivite assholes speak in riddles and symbols.

Red Shoes
RED SHOES by Christopher Lord – Truthiracy House of Widsom
Saturn (EL) rules time and Zodiac. CROWN of EL = Cronus, Crone, Old (time). Phoenician = “Cronus” (EL), Latin “Corona”, German = krone (scull cap), Greek = Cronus or Kronos = Saturn, Father of time.
In Pizzagate scandal many people are wondering what the Red Shoes stand for in the group picture with Tony Podesta. I have to first to teach you about the esoteric meaning of color Red and meaning of shoes.
1. LIFE. Red is the color of natural sexual arousal. So red represents Fertility of Nature (LIFE) or LOVE and Passion. Red is the color of Love and romance. Red District of Amsterdam — SEX (XXX). This is why strippers and prostitutes wear RED to signal their nasty sexuality.
Red is the color of Blood. Red represents female menstrual cycle that startes at teen (of Age). Red means you are of age to have sexual intercourse. This is the age of a teen begins to wear RED lipstick.
Our Red Bloody Heart is what we are LOVE and HATE with. The symbol of our SOUL, our LIFE. The Heart of LOVE, DEATH and Sarcrifice.
The SUN is the center of our Solar (SUN) System. SOL = SOUL = SUN. This is why the center of our human body is called the SOLAR Plexus.
The Sun God is the OFFspring of Mother nature. Isis (ICE, Winter, Death) — Cow Godess. Apis – Egyptian BULL God, green one. ORphan — OFFspring, Son. Traveling Fool (Sun, SON) left all alone to pass from one status to another. Jester, Jack sharacter.
ORE (Hebrew Light) — ORB — RA/RE/ORE/Ro, OWR/AURum (gold). Sunrise — SUN RA EYES.
The Travelling Fool! The Character of Nature! The FOOL KING of the SUN! First BORN of the DEAD!
RA (RE) was the Sun God the Travelling Fool on his annual journey. The ancient belived the Sun God walked across the sky! REd ROse.
The Sun is: RA (RE), Apollo (Apple EL) the Bull (Ball, Bol), Apollyon Devil of the Bible! Diablo is the Devil! DIA – Bull one of two BI – BULLS, TWO seasons Summer and Winter, Blue and Red. Apple (EL) — Knowledge (to KNOW) — SEX, LIFE!
OBELisk of the Egyptian RE. BEL = BAAL= BULL. SUNDIAL = SUN — Die- EL. Obelisk symbolized Sun god RE|RA. The Word “Obelisk” is Greek rather than Egyptian.
These massive stone shaft were built from red granite and polished with sand and often their tops were capped with gold.
The Wachington Monument is the OBELisck (penis) of the God of nature, the Agricultural God of Death and REsurrection!
Feet are symbol of ones LIFE. Shoes reflect who you are, your personality. By their shoes you will know them. Our feet are what we use to walk through life, they symbolize our heart and our SOUL. This is why our shoes have SOLES. Sole = Soul, bottom of a shoe (Hell).
Feet (shoes)Walk — life. Soul (Sole). Life& Death. RED SHOES — SUN Walker. Red Shoes of Jesus — Passover, End.
Agape (love) — A GAPING hole, vagina. Passover — Door, Portal, Tunnel of EL– Red door — Blood Way — Vagina or anus. Pizza Gate. P izza Gate. [P] is a Gate. Open says me. (Sarah Ashcraft). Sex Magic.
Now you will understand why SOLE is our SOUL from your HEART (life) and why our SOUL is the SOL of the SUN.

2. DEATH. Red is the color of Blood sacrifice. SacRED — Sacrifice RED. The color Red can also represent death.
SOL DIER (SUN DIE) “One who Dies for the Sun”. Soldier dies in WAR. WAR — RAW, RA is the SUN God. Soldier — SOL (SOUL) DIER One who dies as a Sacrifice to the SUN (SOL) God!
War is RA(W) backwards. WAR = RAW = RA = SUN= RED. W = V = 6 6 – W = 2\3 = 666
RA – 66 = 6X6 666 SUN square
Scull and Bones — DEcapitation. Scull eating the CROSS of TIME . Red (Bloody) shoes of EXECUTIONER.

Re/ Ra — Egyptian Solar Deity (God)
Light RAY. Red light ray = right eye sun. War is RA(W) backwards. WAR = RAW = RA = SUN= RED. W = V = 6 6 – W = 2\3 = 666.
RA – 66 = 6X6 666 SUN square. 12 (6), 12×12 = 144, 18, 216, 6×6, Magic Sun, 36, 111, 666.
ORE (Hebrew Light 216) — ORB — RA/RE/ORE/Ro, OWR/AURum (gold).

Green one: Fertility, Nature. Apis (Bull God), Osiris, Baal, Tammuz, Dionysus, Saturn, Jesus.
REsurrection Gods: DEath & REbirth
DEscend to the underWORLD (Winter)
REborn again OFFspring (Summer)

Duality: Life & Death of the Nature, Fertility Game. Hearts (cards) — Life, Spades — Death.
Summer Winter, December — DEath of the YEAR
White, Day, SUN (RA – RED)= LIGHT, LIFE Night — MOON, EVEning, BLUE
EL- light. Light No EL — No Light
Sunrise — Life Underworld = Sun down = Darkness, Death
Spring — Green nature, Rise. Flame Autumm — Fall. EMBER, ORANGE.
Good (God) — RA/ RE, Summer Winter (Evil) Bad: Satan, DEVIL, Saturn, Set En
FIRE (HOT SUN) Summer EMBER (Cold, BRRR) Winter, BLUE = Ice
LIFE (Start) DEATH (Finish)

Autumm– Death of the YEAR, Cyce. EMBER, ORANGE month.
SeptEMBER (7 & 9) September is the beginning of fall.
OctoBER (8 & 9) The colors ORAnge and black represent Haloween.
NovEMBER (9 & 11) Eleven = EL even. EVE of November (9, 11), NOV = 9 (11th month)
DecEMBER (10 & 12) DEath.

Haloween (Samhain) OctoBER 31st. Druidic celtic festival New year.
Whole = Hallow, Holy. Sam = SUN = Summer. Fiun = End. End of the Chain (Hain).

Victoria’s story and interview by Emma is also on this blog – Josh Bergland Blog Livemanaworldwide The Imagination [1]

[111] 2022 Jan 12 Russia’s False History by Victoria


[1] 2021 Jan 9 Josh Bergland Blog Livemanaworldwide The Imagination

[2] Imagination Podcast Victoria’s Story

[3] Emma’s Contacts

[4] 2020 Apr 27 cathyfoxblog Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier – Illuminati Whistleblowers

[5] 2020 Apr 25 cathyfoxblog Svali, Illuminati Structure and Mind Control

[6] SvaliSpeaks blog The Life of Svali – an Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Programmer

[7] Svali Speaks Again

[8] Svali Resources

[9] 2020 Sept 21 cathyfoxblog Fiona Barnett’s Long Goodbye

AutoTranscript (poor)

Emma Whats s up. You guys welcome to you with the imagination. I’m your host, Emma. And today I actually have a breaking story that I’m pretty thrilled to bring to you guys. I want to preface this with a trigger warning. I’m going to be introducing to you guys today, Victoria, from Russia. If you notice her screen is blacked out, this is to protect her identity. She has some really breaking information that she’s been bringing awareness to regarding the truth about the history of Russia, and then also educating people on her story and how it intertwines with a really important story that she was passed down from her father that we’re going to get into today. All really exposing the true history of Russia and from a survivor’s perspective through the MK ultra programs.

Emma 00:00:49So, Victoria, thank you so much for being here with me today.

Victoria Mortis 00:00:52Thank you so much for answering me. So please <em></em> I’m I could dysphoric for you MK ultra victims because <em></em> Russia and earlier to your success led by satanic. He writes a control medium, and that lead them to this first. I have to teach you about the Russia’s history, how we got to be con or open the rules by setting we Europe and the USA where once one country Atlantis fault planetary catastrophe in 1820 year happened this the center of us in Syberia XE, youngest 300 mattress of glee melted granite castles.

Victoria Mortis 00:01:51Yes, it was granted customs. You can see it in the photo. If you want. Saturn is, are destroying my memories of this event. Each Zimmer work of after artists who dare to share it with us war guilt and the work lost, but some was left of lists. So panic, he writes media always records to 80 20 and catastrophe and eats technologies before. And it’s prayer, catastrophe technologists. So please copy all their production real stuff and the real places or fraternals and real events.

Victoria Mortis 00:02:40Or let me give you an example in <em></em> a city from Zara flat visa first shoot ha in Russia history. Well Atlantis, you wish to call it only one. Non satanic was in historian and car. His name was <em></em> and they killed them for exposing say like Sarah was eight catastrophe and, and <em></em> catastrophe, technologist Sams up killed, and <em></em> nice satanic puff preference to use 80 30 houses. Victoria Mortis 00:03:56Take a look at cows. They look, I give you a link. First floors in glee. Each state’s been abused in a building like that. Muslims, a satanic color in medieval yellow first builders and the skills allow them to be everywhere. Whatever they wish to go after is the 80 <em></em> Atlantis. And I guess must please. I haven’t finished yet. Victoria Mortis 00:04:39St. John reconstruct some houses for us. They need such <em></em> like after 80, 20, the graphs as they grasp the victims of set catastrophe and some in the tunnels like pumps with styles and bonds in Paris, please Micah flesh was removed from as a bond cycling because fresh flesh by people, it was not accident. Victoria Mortis 00:05:29<em></em> found everywhere in 80 20 cities, satanic. He writes preference for places say sacrificed tolls and any other while on bloody event, carpenter, I guess satin like such places because of a better book. Petrograd was set to be built on graph of 80 to 80 victims. If you come to it’s unsure and center Nevsky avenue, you consult you in a short time, just like my knee and just like me and my niece, who I’ve spoken to about the city of was crafts cut such effects. Victoria Mortis 00:06:26Not because it’s against the button doing rope in Russia, the criminal <em></em> in the Moscow, the same bad vibes have districts in that center named red river. All right, press, press, not in a translation means the salted and known like those stay in places like that. Everybody wants to sing everyone speak about that senators. Victoria Mortis 00:07:07There are sometimes, well, well in Moscow smells like this. When you pass near as them and satanic funded companies are always nearby. Family mentioned in a search and bloodlines. They have Chinatowns in Moscow and Petrograd pictures book when a satanic Germana fruit. Well, they actually had never been all time dictated by in your world. All the puppets first, all you know about Russia is a light. A satanic light is a whole history, zero zero. Victoria Mortis 00:07:50Our history for us about, about Lamanda suffice. It, he exposes to say, I N Z killed them. Yes. As their religion promise live, it was also made for us in sabbatical and force Barra. And from that by our minds, since then, our real history was just destroyed. While Russia, she stood at like 82 8 in global catastrophe, 80 16 year. If he’s out somewhere in global history, after eight to 20 people slowly return to the homes, look for a photo of empty cities in 19 century. Victoria Mortis 00:08:43And my sons came to because they were builders. They work with stones, constructions, NZ services for needed the rest of the cities more also genocide because satanic coverup prior month, you never that. And Xavier <em></em> <em></em> have taken my country, fracking themselves for a bean bite around the rice, whatever you wish to call it by taking someone else’s who live there, someone document’s and all of us taking. Victoria Mortis 00:09:33Because if you want, if you want in as a closing, you can see as they say they’re sick, but they cannot wear it. They wasn’t training <em></em> Friday and store dancing. <em></em> very specific clothes. So survivors of that catastrophe had to fake documents and hides their families from the satanic Genestra amount of, because of a friend to being destroyed. And some war zone, most of were . Victoria Mortis 00:10:15People are rebelled time against them. And in, in 1861 amount of hot to free peace from the Sierra Sierra to they are forced to pretend to be current roles and continued to grab <em></em> people as slaves for MQ, for long German, a long term goal of building new role or which we have now 1970 groups forbidden to live in our cities. Victoria Mortis 00:11:00People just kill them if they can, because they might child kidnapping. It’s a bank sacrifice <em></em> well against satanic ritual sacrifices. So the biggest one was against Bailey’s case in QI, but amount of stopped it because he was a certain is himself, a man of hostel agree to stop them from living in ours. She just opened the, because he wanted to pretend he is our, he is not a mist. He was smart. Victoria Mortis 00:11:40And that is why I needed the revolution. After 8, 19, 70 openly satanic stuff taken all or all on position in so-called sought Sally’s state you assessor. It leads us. And it leads us. Is that in volution, see Sutton used covered <em></em> open the genocide to people let’s example as a whole city Petrograd capital in the amount of time, post genocide, we only one door was left alone. Victoria Mortis 00:12:25So since 1917 to 1922 civil war between <em></em> and not certain is happened, I can say with which time it was, but , and <em></em> allowed certain is he will. He beats openly take the highest position in Laurel <em></em> sacrifice, but he wasn’t tired. And he was one of them again, after zap, the real people who lived there before <em></em> have to use fake identities or to flip from satanic. Victoria Mortis 00:13:15Well in Europe, America, any time, any place you was the Sarah was fighting to be a social state. <em></em> just through some three mandates in some flights to keep people calm and not to rebel against them. And silently continued to just throw our races still under socials. So until 1991, we were just free Xevo, just faking to be independent called virus bond. Satanic group was against, well, it was called viral all satanic group, and they fucking asked to be an enemy civil war, I guess, against Sutton in 19 17, 19 22 Zelie, as they light a white army was foreign. Victoria Mortis 00:14:14It was Sarah <em></em> who were against satanic rule, just like moral dwell one. It was arranged to just throw our regular orals, our stock Resy who cares about the country and wanted it to be free. Here’s a Elaine on the replacement. Stalin continued to destroy, hire two people in all our assistant clued in audience. Just look for <em></em> case. It was, it was his seat’s collection who saved us most to free to us, the countries all in, again, all the rules, distortions architects were satanic with satanic rice. Victoria Mortis 00:15:06So he stereo for your sister is just like history of Russian empire is dictated by them by the same light as the Russians, they can scrape the us before 82, 18 stolen light. So everyone ROS a chairman and set up a us against the chairs to say, so your assessor wasn’t prepared for war war three and its lens on a suit Seuss border from, and then in Europe, <em></em> just open the pastors, their hands look <em></em> it’s in my relatives village. Victoria Mortis 00:15:57Only one child has survived. She was in concentration camps after world volt to minus survivors Hitler, or just had to be a life, had to use fake documents to prides themselves from Southern use. Again, all our ideas in 1943, another proper crucial became ruler in and in 1991, suggest finish dealing all world war two veterans and stop and say, Karen, our army was destroyed. Victoria Mortis 00:16:41Not even the Moscow armed forces in 1990 and 91, all optimists now are I’m Margaret Diversey harm your country. But we cannot answer for that because where were we who lived there before we not protecting as the cramps since 1991, your success stop to exist. Certainly a role. So openly factories, economics, economic, all destroyed. We create nothing but exists only from satanic money. So yes, all my country. Victoria Mortis 00:17:21Now each company, each business, RSS and users as coverup for traffic in the retrials London, especially scattered about big milk factories. You know, adrenochrome coverup. Is that how we got to be open slaves for new world order? Just like you contract. Yes, almost the same in the other stroke, previous or a place with their puppets throws is that we are never free from them. Ask me. I will tell you, since I know about trash from later police after I finished. Victoria Mortis 00:18:05So my family history is a mystery for me, for my family and the side. That me all time, all my life. I’m a great grandfather, grandfather, and my great grandmother survived a civil war in 1929 to 20 because they changed. It says certain I’m sent taking someone else’s documents. Great grandfather fought in world war two and was killed by Sutton just after the civil war stopped. Victoria Mortis 00:18:45When my grandmother was before 10 years old, she don’t remember pretty much good and great grandma’s information was lost. She died. My Grandmaster was too young to remember. My grandmother has to change through credit to survive. And she was, she was so much say orphan and ask people to care, focus salt. I actually like a lack of information about my true bloodline, who I was. I don’t know. Victoria Mortis 00:19:25Don’t ask me. I can. I can’t answer for it. My mother had the second drink after me. I remember holding my little brother with dark blonde hair just like months. Yes, me and my family is targeted. <em></em> into my bloodline. My father was RN blue. I can’t some blonde men. I am dark blonde, but my mother is dyed brown. I share my face traits in my blood group. A blood group with my father saw Zay seem to decided to kill me just by look. Victoria Mortis 00:20:07I have blue eyes like my father. I have never found his documentary. Seen all destroyed for me. He’s land. Never fun to say all seem to be that I can feel them dead. Not in this world. Just don’t trust me to explain. I’m highly sensitive to that. Actually, my mother didn’t sign Shimon on my birth certificate. My mother’s credits. Every time I’m asked my father saw, I never asked her about him. After that, she wanted to hide me from Tyrell lizard. Now my father, my father lived in a typical native house. Victoria Mortis 00:20:51This tall salient three meters in a flat on a tote floor. One has an orange curtain and a wooden panels on level side. Remember me to be there? This member? I was it, it was my beginning night. I remember line here with my brother. Last time I remember my father and mom restaurant, I life Mora. I cannot say my memory is confused and I hasn’t returned to me fully yet. Please keep that. Information’s the more we know, there’s a better way. Victoria Mortis 00:21:32Our . If my memory recently by triggering aggression, like on a button, it recommend never talking to my mother to lose them both. So my father can be MQ about me. I’m not <em></em> but I have, it is the in so three, four years with this such session like Phil Barnett described. Yes, I have that. Trance-like traumatic states as a chest. Victoria Mortis 00:22:12A lot. My memory of my oral early years has been <em></em> either. I don’t know Margaret come back. And then which caused my problems happened when my father and my brother died at one time. So then you skilled symbols. I feel the moment you’re so set in that memory to when I roll off and connection was broken. I had a suicide attempt when I lose my brother and my father. And it was three. Victoria Mortis 00:22:53I like three, four years in a coma like state, everyone expect me to die. I have a cop. I remember I did some exercises for my brain and visited the doctor. I have PTSD and dissociation from this event myself for years. So when <em></em> just like months, and since I was able to restore some memory, like Fiona Barnett said, I started to share what I knew about Sutton. Victoria Mortis 00:23:36I am a firstborn child. My mother was Avention violent father. If my father wasn’t this program, Claire, <em></em> her reply to me. Aryan brassica is a rice group. In a certain instance, if you aren’t looks the same way you aren’t considered to be, it is possibly a, my life of a spirit at say, expense of my brothers, sons are significant <em></em> name. Victoria Mortis 00:24:18They play an important role in Colt and fathers. Perhaps he was trying to stop the generational courses from continuing on my life and my family. So to live spite for my one forum, my second, second condition, my father spare me from being aroused by cult and being empty like so he has my father sacrificed himself and my brother phoned me. I’ll do my best. So the sacrifice is be wasted. Victoria Mortis 00:25:01So you saw me and, and killed three survivors, the same feelings about certain. And I put my little breaks to the fall. All I can give my childhood, I went to, to two schools for gift gifts. First one was three was free from city fund. The second one was private for money. All have been built from bricks like a 80 page style with me. I always had kids who studied for one to two years and moved a lot, eat for creating MK ultra identities. Victoria Mortis 00:25:49Now I got this kids weren’t into school for weeks or months was the most. I haven’t seen them for a weeks in late October, November, it’s Halloween, some places and the ones they programmed people for special place. Also the class was empty from Zim. In my days, we have we visit for three people in our classes. This kid’s always lived closely near <em></em> states. I have a little suitor near my house, but the energy here never visited it. Victoria Mortis 00:26:36I have been attacked directly myself, six years old. I was, and that was positive from satanic dentist. Actually, I never accept satanic influence in my life as they never tried to drag me and accepts that dentist never attacked me. Despite where I was direct this child and Volk free in the evening near <em></em> comes. When they doin Cerritos one way states in at summer in entrance city, Ferdowsi inquiry, ma’am retold place. Victoria Mortis 00:27:21Adrenochrome factory. I show Moscow Demeter avenue, 100. It’s near my house. I can see it from my balcony. MK always live in the houses nearby Ziv or in my class named Al from number alpha that scout in Russia. We got several classes I saw at this memory, dismembered body or their own only scape when I was four years old. And by using triggering aggression, I remembered energy. Victoria Mortis 00:28:02And now I wanted it to everyone in . I took all my quarter and I saw, and I saw a picture of dismembered child onset building window there you imagined I was right. It was really a rectal suit. Adrenochrome factory. What? There was a user milk fabric being built down here to the biggest milk factory in Russia takes at least five buildings are all half underground levels and told us, I guess it, Metro station is, has been built by recently. Victoria Mortis 00:28:52They’re all, some ancient is their most ancient house. Z destroyed as a child. I always hated vomited from my it wasn’t milk. After all zap was my brain feels and <em></em> place in my near my house. I’m not is there recently came restaurant pizza. Domino’s pizza gate scandal. Yes. It’s real stuff. So address Moscow, Dougie and sky Oak street, 71 building nearest place. Victoria Mortis 00:29:39They are two roles where all Esq I’ve been to is people saw and it was accident with what so known has psoriasis. It’s it’s I guess most smart nurse. And I remember such woman who died. She died. She died in front of me. I saw <em></em> blood. And I wanted to remember that for blood, for blood was pink in the flight to underground. That’s it? That’s the whole my story. So please ask me your questions. Victoria Mortis 00:30:21Ask me your questions. I will provide a text for everyone and please I am an English. Isn’t my native and I have to some difficulties to provide it to, to correct the I in text. I wanted some English native speaker to look for grammar, coherence. <em></em> information is important. I want you, I please, please keep it. Please keep it to share it. No knows. Russia is a new world order open liberal. Victoria Mortis 00:31:02I met such woman whose family was killed by Southern yeast. Well, I, I provide you a link for a videos of videos on the Russian, but, but I are working right now on transcription so everyone can share it. So here at this, that’s it my story. Please ask me your questions. Emma 00:31:31Well, first of all, thank you for sharing that. It’s incredible how most people see the world one way and don’t look into things as you have to see what the other side of the story is. And I really appreciate you sharing this document. And like you said, I I’m going to put it in the show notes for people. So if people go on any platform, I’m going to link it. Anybody can up on it and share it. And that is please look it over spirit. I do want to ask you what made you decide to come forth and talk about this? Victoria Mortis 00:32:16Well, I, some room on the ones I recommended me through it fell the Barnett. And since in the barn, it was MK ultra survivor. She provided the information about them and Zen, all of information. I’ve assembled to collect in my past my farm, my country history. I, well, Z all I have to share, I have lack of mile. And since then, either struggling to share it with people because all people to believe that Russia free from Navarro, it never was it never a new half door. Victoria Mortis 00:33:09If anyone chose you, it’s a safe place. I see. It will be <em></em> lead you to your desk. So yes. Emma 00:33:21Wow. Now, why do you think that they are hiding this from us? Why not? Why do you think you’re not just, Victoria Mortis 00:33:30I see Z as their role, you know, was to kill 19, 19% of humans to build their new world order a N Z goal to come in in Russia. One, the Hitler, a verbose here was to stole our technology. You know, Sarah works at <em></em> sound and was built that <em></em> acknowledges knowledges. And, and I think they just an ancient buildings. Yes. They must destroy in Ramana and use the Sarah’s tools. Victoria Mortis 00:34:12They destroyed it, reconstructed this. So it’s not unlike our original ones. Emma 00:34:19Wow. What do you think the purpose is of CERN? Do you think that it’s different than what they tell us that that company is used for? Victoria Mortis 00:34:31Well, it used technologists that, well, it used technology. Well, you probably changed a massive Annamalai Vaser yes, it was in your country because it was in mine. Ups awhile. Russia is not an country. So over heat summer, it never was. It never was until they built itself. And right now I want to take it as they are say, lock it, XE started it work a fast one. I college Shai said it wasn’t a block as, as they are starting, starting a topic in this year of December 13. Victoria Mortis 00:35:23Yes. Significant number. Yes, you go to and Russia already had a normal advisor just before, as that 20 December three, we had a normal investor, but Sabre testing it. And now it’s Friday, they started to kill 99% of humans. It’s certainly, well, I can say, and it has to do with spline it electrical fields like Tesla tail. Do you like this will tell you electricity is a fundamental force in the universe. Victoria Mortis 00:36:04Filner Barnet stated it is the most their technology quantum. It begins with Steph love physics. Hello? Emma 00:36:17Wow. Okay. If that makes sense, Victoria Mortis 00:36:19I recommend I’m asking all of your corporate ensure fuel on a button that’s books, eyes wide open. Please also recommend Fritz Springs, mayor undetectable, man, controlled slave, and throw in Illuminati lines. Also Smalley as this people who are survivors and not just virus programmers and say news there from visiting. We need that because as a vice with one season, we need to sit him. Emma 00:36:55Thank you. I’ll connect with you and link all those books below too. So people can go find them and read them. That’s I really appreciate you sharing that. Now, do you think that the demise of some of these genocides that took place could, do you think that it was purely people killing each other or was those some of those events due to electricity, killing people? Victoria Mortis 00:37:22Well, I understand killing and torture people are well eats gives you energy, electricity into the blood and the blood they drink using <em></em> the whole purpose. And also destroy in hidden <em></em> all build up for, well, mostly build up for destroying our Bloodlands or some gen six boron B con won’t exist anymore. The targeted higher Q Arens and the rest. Victoria Mortis 00:38:04That was the most like <em></em> Mikhail Alexander in is the rest. Emma 00:38:18When you say high IQ, does that mean something other than intelligence? Is there other additional Victoria Mortis 00:38:25Yes. Yes. Yes. I please ask you to read, fill in the buttons, book, eyes wide, open different intelligence, different highly person we have. Now it’s a disinformation, a funeral. I can grasp it, but Fiona Barton described what it is, what exactly intelligence as they have in the reels. They had data from us. Emma 00:38:51Okay. And so they were trying to destroy the high IQ bloods. Victoria Mortis 00:38:57Yes. Person’s blood lines is a prominent target because Hayak you while I’m sure nobody described how it was and because of genetical qualities, they such people are because they can do they have strategic thinking, Zika, visual spot learning preference since saw it’s dangerous for quote for something called newer thoughts or Emma 00:39:30Gotcha. How did you discover that your father was MK ultra? Did he mention something to you or was that on your own research that you kind of put that piece together? Victoria Mortis 00:39:43They put bits together. My memory was confused. So I asked her Ariel victim, Claire Volker, <em></em> shy. And she answered me. So yeah. Is it targeted high ACU because of the Bryant blood lines in brain structure, they have need for that programming film all described. So don’t worry. It’s I am sound weird, but please read her book printed, keep it shattered because it’s the most need we need. Victoria Mortis 00:40:25There are right now. It’s not Emma 00:40:29Incredible. Now you mentioned milk factories play a big part in adrenochrome production or cover up. Victoria Mortis 00:40:38Yes, because I think it gets well. I think because they using the same, the same. I know the same fabric, you know, adrenochrome is a blood and blood need to be kept cold just like me. So I just think, say using milk because they later using the same. I know. Well, I know where I’m borrow the most milk. Victoria Mortis 00:41:21All factors in Russia are called symbolic. You can research from that. So, Emma 00:41:30Oh my goodness. It is crazy how much symbolism there is, and really struck me because I don’t know if this was something, Victoria Mortis 00:41:38Man. I think a food half a satanic pivots are called symbolism. Please. I want everyone avoids that production because we don’t know what zap did. It can be anywhere from poison to human boarded remains the milk is a liquid water and blood is liquid water, salt lake. I sink sake. Some new milk I tested. Wasn’t feel like I can say I compare real milk on a farm, which from a goat and a meal from . Victoria Mortis 00:42:24I cannot drink. I vomited from it all the time. Emma 00:42:29Do you remember feeling anything besides nausea when you would drink that milk? Did you have any other side effects? Victoria Mortis 00:42:36Vomiting and yeah. RA when you, excuse me, when you use in your laboratory, like E N a spill from you like culture. Emma 00:42:51Oh my gosh. They’re mixing adrenochrome with the milk. Victoria Mortis 00:42:57Exactly. Because before we, we can, well, all laboratories are there so we can find out what was there. I know real milk don’t base like that. I think you find a different story if you paste the farmer just from recall. Emma 00:43:22And so I’m guessing too, they could maybe manufacture cheese. And Victoria Mortis 00:43:28Do you remember Pizzagate stand belt? You a sink just for that bit serious symbolism. Domino’s pizza, also red and blue. And you see for a Xero advertisement, I show you advertisement it’s has a historic team. Yes. And I think in the restaurant they put boys human, human remains in it. Maybe even the human blood. Emma 00:44:03Do you think they’re doing this all over the world too? Do you think that’s Victoria Mortis 00:44:07Yes. When I started to research, well, I said I was just, I was just had milk and tolerance and I found out that I’m not the only one most keeps us up. Didn’t drink real milk from farm XE, drink milk from zap, big factories and with <em></em> symbolism and the old heart, but effect on happened to them when just come out, Emma 00:44:46That’s becoming more and more and more prominent. I stopped drinking milk many years ago just because it was the same. I drank it as a kid, but as I got older and I kept drinking it, it really, really upset my stomach. And it would be the same if I had pizza, if I had anything that had some type of dairy product on it. And I was like, gosh, they must be processing this different or like processing. Victoria Mortis 00:45:10Yeah. An ingredient is completely different. I think it was human remains or some poisons. Emma 00:45:18Do you remember? I don’t actually know if you would know this. You’re pretty educated on the world. So maybe this spread, but here in America, we had many years ago a got milk campaign where they would enlist celebrities to put a milk mustache on and then advertise milk campaigns. Do you fear that? Victoria Mortis 00:45:38Oh, I saw it. I saw it. I was I’ve watched Stanley Kubrick’s movie where he explained is that milk, you know, in the Russian more law or a milk means more law and more locals. That sounds like more law. This is a said yes. Yes. I remember saying to, for sharing it with us. Yes. And Stanley Kubrick was the only person in the whole of, well, he wasn’t the only person, but they killed him for open <em></em> in his movie. Victoria Mortis 00:46:22I white shop. And before in his movie, clockwork orange, he’s tried to zap connection for a milk. You choose a Russian word model. It sounds like more standard rubric. He didn’t leave us what it was. Human sacrifice. Children are sacrificed and Zillow for us up. Oh my gosh. When I researched this man, I saw him. He first worked with Scala, but he’s but he left it for some reason. Victoria Mortis 00:47:02Well, you know what reasons they probably threatened him and he feel mud ice, white shirt in the secret. And of course I was irate that some minutes before Elise was removed, so it’s not complete, but I recommend to watch it. And I recommend to watch then the Kubrick, because he will say urgency for years before that movie. It really scared. Emma 00:47:35Yeah. I’ve, I’ve heard that too. That that was a big, it was like a whistleblower movie almost, but he put it in code, you know? So that way it wasn’t like a, it was fiction. He created a fiction story based off reality with that movie. But there isn’t that when you watch eyes wide shut, it looks like a giant, satanic ritual that you’re watching. Victoria Mortis 00:47:58Yes. I’ve watched it. It is satanic ritual and it’s not an accident. Stanley Kubrick might an art accent or as they symbolism an odd statement, <em></em> you got that big cover when they Up. She was skilled. Yes. Yes. A lot. One is that yes, this morning. Emma 00:48:25And yeah, like, look at this, you know, this is definitely not. Victoria Mortis 00:48:33Please watch also vigil and citizen resource. This man, I think this man isn’t with them and I might some topics on it in, I, I had my own topics on its forums. <em></em> later children. Emma 00:48:54Awesome. Thank you for that. And then going back real quick to the, let me see if I can move this up. I can’t get to this other tab because this thing Victoria Mortis 00:49:08Ah, yes, yes, yes. That woman is Nicole Kidman. <em></em> abuser. Emma 00:49:16Really? Victoria Mortis 00:49:17Yes. She described what date and I said, please recommend to Emma 00:49:24Now it’s Fiona Barnett a survivor also for people. Victoria Mortis 00:49:28She is survivor and more just survivors, late trend for grand Dame, Gaetan girl, a creator often created fast using in MK ultra program. A person, a person, a personality assistant test gets in gear, train, 12 personality. She chooses score from me from pool of the chosen one. He select the club. It is info book. And the Gaetan get, like she said about she worlds eaten in latter years, work with, he used to sell and his desk was well. Victoria Mortis 00:50:13They seem to kill him because XE, I think he was waking up from his mind control. I S Z all generational abuse and all have mind control. Emma 00:50:29Wow. Victoria Mortis 00:50:31Ah, yes I see is that my comics are out there, you know, comics a film about and describe it to Marvel comics. Well, yes, it’s out there. It’s how is it done? They take some Zyrtec costume and costume cup function for trigger some personality while do remember Superman movie mal he is ordinary manner in his life. But when he put his custom, he has set his special abilities. Superstring well, yes. And fill in the Barnett described scripts. Victoria Mortis 00:51:14They had Batman script. Well it’s MK ultra too. She also states that because she had said they put, Emma 00:51:30Wow. So costumes were part of MK ultra programming. Yes. Victoria Mortis 00:51:36Yes. All right. And blue domino pizza half. Alright. And blue origin. It’s cogent. Emma 00:51:45And that those are satanic colors. You said, Victoria Mortis 00:51:47Well, all right in blue are just colors, but Z Cubs, they all meanings in everything. So you can just said that the person has that something has to do with satanic because they were as blue and red, blue just scholars. We need to research say agencies that he didn’t mean him because he didn’t mean him all the same. And they told us the same because they all was split that with say symbolism, blader, offset, Illuminati, satanic pivots. They all had their months split that they now and such shelters react that specific color connections, trigger soul zits fights reported why say might as they create a Superman comics and it was made for MK ultra to it’s part of our moral, our moral in programming to hold the, in this state to prevent them from broken up a small lays while they have that too. Victoria Mortis 00:52:58Please, please, please, please. Scope print. Share Emma 00:53:04Bali. Yes, Victoria Mortis 00:53:06She is survivor and programmer too. So it’s important. And please visit also the, and V Kim announcer survival, Tim Sheldon. He has his block fighting Monarch. He survivor indie program and Vicky. You can get an information about deprogramming. Yes, please. Emma 00:53:36Okay. I will link. Victoria Mortis 00:53:39Okay. I’m have some questions for you. Do you like computer games? Have you ever tried it? Emma 00:53:48Yeah. When I was younger, I loved games. And as I’ve gotten older, I wouldn’t say I don’t like them. I just don’t make time for them. Victoria Mortis 00:53:55Well, video games are a part far culture and some video games are a strike. I will put out some of which you start first. It’s nuts. It’s a, when you read the description, it’s, it’s everything you need to know about programming <em></em> Putin in Russia was called black much to Nikolai Ramana. So you guessed it. It’s not an actual name. <em></em> this name was unknown after . They said he was dead, but I don’t know. Victoria Mortis 00:54:35No, no service. And a zap ends up guy. He travels. She uses he in the program in secret camp. She discovered his psychic ability and traveled to people’s minds. Well, sure you can. If you read some descriptions, if you, if you find on YouTube Vox through, it’s a record, a gameplay of Sacco notes, you can see it without buying a game. Is there Emma 00:55:12One look up and show people? Victoria Mortis 00:55:15Yes. Soccer, knots. There is a part, two notes. One in <em></em> has came recently. So you’ll probably have seen it. Please go to YouTube. Not Through no comments. Emma 00:55:37Okay. You too. That’s a little bit. Victoria Mortis 00:55:47I have, I have my own channel. <em></em> well, I cover up site all now cycle site. First police are searched. Psychonauts yes. That’s my channels that man. Okay. Emma 00:56:07I’ll link that to that way. People can find you Victoria Mortis 00:56:10Sure. Thank you. Yes. Second. Not Stu while crew vault through it’s recording again. So yeah, just a look for us. The terms they described, maybe the first one, please, please add up psychic, psychic sensory deprivation technique. Psyching, please. Second stool. Psychic sink. Emma 00:56:41A second. This is pausing. See, go back right here. Okay. Psychonauts two. And then what was the other key word? Victoria Mortis 00:56:49C, C B B? No, no, no. A second. That’s to remove any Cinnabons at B, B P P what? Psyching? Oh, this one? Yes, yes, yes, yes. Psychics. Yes. Yes. That one. Please watch it. Okay. It’s short and you get everything you need to know. Victoria Mortis 00:57:29It’s real sensitive probation. Sorry. Emma 00:57:36Is it okay if I click it right now and Victoria Mortis 00:57:38We can please click, click. Everyone has to see 2 00:57:45. Oh, I got to say sacking. You’re almost looking like your shelf again in the back. You guys, Hey, it’s going to make for a better rock human tree someday time for the feast. 2 00:58:31<em></em> 3 01:00:33And I know her from Lovato’s nightmare. I know it from my nightmare. Oh, your friends are here. Ooh, damn. In these Victoria Mortis 01:00:50Well she’s finished singing <em></em> assault, please. I think we could stop it. You can watch the whole game play. I think it will be, it will eat all our knowledge about MKL all just like survivors described. Also rises, just scrapped. And I think the author, Tim Trevor was victim. Emma 01:01:17Gosh. And even like you look on here and there’s the pedophile symbol, the swirl there’s the butterfly. It looks like. And then there was that giant heart. Victoria Mortis 01:01:27Yes. As this story of zap songs are this man in horror and a cat, a wa had lost all his senses because he was fear that scattered by Marie about Molly Gullah, you saw in Zahn saw he was dissociated from that census. Wow. And this man put in a help with him to restart the song was the result. Emma 01:01:57Wow. So this is, this is an actual video game that people can go play. So this is just one song. There’s probably all kinds of stuff. Victoria Mortis 01:02:06Yeah. Soul kind of stuff. When you will see the whole game play, you will, you will. You do not have to buy it. You can see a game player, recording area life on YouTube owns the rest and zap. I’m not sure game in my channel. Please. Can you get to my channel? Emma 01:02:30Let’s go to your channel. You move this. How long? What inspired you to do a YouTube channel? Victoria Mortis 01:02:37I have no, I won’t. I had some project of my own soul and I wanted yes. As I saw the one man in golden mosque. No, no, not previous one previous. No, no, not, not that one. Can you turn a buck or a zap? The law of error, please. That’s fine. But next lower. Yes. That one. Okay. Emma 01:03:09I’m going to subscribe to you too. Victoria Mortis 01:03:11So I had some <em></em> team. He’s a model and well, but please I’ll look for my, the last video of Bayer shock video game. Beer shop is I’m doing some education about it. Some of the patients you can click on it. No, no, no. On the left. No, not, yes. Emma 01:03:49Okay. You want me to click this one? Victoria Mortis 01:03:51If you want, you can see if you’re on a show. It’s it’s short one. So I see I’m just doing some action. A hero of bare shock is, is Jenny a genetically modified? Who was, who calls a code mood? Do you? Yes, it’s hard. <em></em> but Verigene before, please click on it. If you want. And this man had a code word, would you conflate, if you set him up, he will do a few will belong to a man because that phrase, Emma 01:04:37Why doesn’t this go back to the beginning. Here we go. Play Victoria Mortis 01:05:06Insight game for us that Adam zap dam is extracted only with lethal children. Yes. You can kill children first up in the game. Can you remember? It cannot be more obvious than it is now. So please, please hurry. Some tickle let’s please continue. Little sisters that children with other, they are traumatized children. Victoria Mortis 01:05:47Oh my gosh. Yes. To those that Emma 01:05:50I’m like, that’s so obvious what she’s holding till. Yes. Oh my gosh. Victoria Mortis 01:05:57As the whole place of beer shock. It’s under water city. They have that in buses. It described in survivor. Describe such underwater cities to Emma 01:06:11No way. This is yes. Victoria Mortis 01:06:14It’s real. It, it described in book survivors, especially in spring and Cisco wheelers, you can in this game, such underwater, sitters named rupture. Emma 01:06:32Wow. How amazing you’ve done all of this research to find all of this and creating all of these videos for us to watch Victoria Mortis 01:06:42Well, is there, you can probably want to watch the gameplay itself. You can do that on YouTube. Most gamers have that, you know, they are recorded in the say game process and share it with everyone to see so shock. It has that. But I remember I played that game and it was game was and it’s game designer. A man can live. Levein he described in someone that used it is that after CQL beer shock, BR shock Colombia, she had a mental breakdown had to restore saw can. Victoria Mortis 01:07:28The vine is probably it’s smart. It’s I think he’s a real MK. And please <em></em> please watch American McKee Alice madness returns. Emma 01:07:42Okay. Victoria Mortis 01:07:43It’s it has the reference to dark Alice program in smaller described. Please can be a shock. Yes. That one. Please. Can we back to Alice? Just for a second? Yes. Can you see it’s monster genetical engineered two months. Genetical change, humans. Craziness, all stop. Little sister. Emma 01:08:13Wow. So demonic to see that. What is this? All mine. Victoria Mortis 01:08:17Oh my goodness. It’s Delta zap. Crazy woman, Z rent map from other using Adam, our reference store. Adrenochrome Emma 01:08:30That’s disgusting. They’d really did make obvious. You think that they picked names that are a little bit different. Adam is a little bit close to adrenochrome if you’re comparing them. Victoria Mortis 01:08:41Yes. And also our connection with God arrived envious. Also, Adam is have you read the Bible? Adam described us first two months and in my culture Ziv was a set name it’s means human. I not sure, but in the Bible, Adam was a Hearst. My first mind and his color was also caught with God, the most red color Patmos. Emma 01:09:18And then there was the apple two, which is red. Victoria Mortis 01:09:21Oh yes. Yes. All right. And as serpent, as Saturn seduced Eve by by, is that right? Apple? Yes. So yes. I think in Babel, they discovered that satin seduced if, to adrenochrome to connect bullies, you got a Splicer. Yes. Such Zay in game <em></em> yes. We had that bond. They have a Wiki for C game. You can read about splicers they are drinking either using Adom and Xavier. Emma 01:10:05Here’s a splicer. Oh my gosh. Has, is this from the movie Victoria Mortis 01:10:13With the video game, video game Emma 01:10:16Where it has the bunny ear things on it? Victoria Mortis 01:10:19Yes, yes, yes. Right rabbit. It’s a real game. And it’s a real as they <em></em> splicer Scott, such a splicer Scott mosques and Moscow’s animals and Zack white rabbit. Emma 01:10:39And the white rabbit is a sign of adrenochrome to the molecule, especially. Victoria Mortis 01:10:44Yes, yes, yes, yes. And also white in my culture, in my iron culture. So I guess your RN, you probably have noticed in my Aral country, right. Also relate that to white rabbit and white unicorns, a unicorn it’s symbol of purity and innocence saw in context of satin Islam. Wednesday, Wednesday said they cost on unicorn. It’s St. Moelis the child. Do you know it’s about context or once they do some cruel sync with rabbits instead of four, it’s a rabbit. Victoria Mortis 01:11:26Well, the small fly fee it’s child smiled fluffy good. And right in our culture it’s symbol of purity and innocence. Emma 01:11:37Oh my goodness. This is really creepy. Yeah. Victoria Mortis 01:11:42Yes. And can live by. Yes. Right? Emma 01:11:46The video game plain as day. Victoria Mortis 01:11:49Yes. Blenders day. So heritage, if you had some question about <em></em> answer, ah, they also had a big daddy, a big daddy named project Delta project Delta it’s verus they <em></em> super soldiers in game before just a little sisters are protected by such well, this big in suit, Jenny, well, Delta is assessing and super soldiers. It’s a military. Emma 01:12:27It’s an MK ultra program, Victoria Mortis 01:12:28Right? Yes, yes, yes, yes. <em></em> that’s the project about it. It was also Delta. So she described it it Emma 01:12:38Now, when we look at the big picture of all of this, we have the history of your country. We know how it’s connected to some other countries, which are probably connected to other countries. And what is their big goal with all of this, from what you’ve learned, what is the, what’s the end goal of this new world order that they are trying to initiate Victoria Mortis 01:13:01Zeyvon to kill 99% of humans and their survivors will be Saturn, which means they will all be altered, wrapped and tortured assess it. It’s since childhood like symbols. Emma 01:13:20Do you think given what’s going on in the world right now with this, I don’t want to say words that will come up on YouTube. Whenever I post this, the shot, for example, and the virus that’s going around, Victoria Mortis 01:13:40It’s a distraction from zap, Sarah, Sarah, it’s my end goal. It’s what they hiding from us because COVID COVID was a zip planet stop, but they started it after survivors, like funeral barn saved us about seven, about late underground buses. <em></em> to distract us to, to set up against each other divide. And you know, they always, you know, the eight was in cold virus with, in my country. Everyone, since you say it’s, it’s an enemy, it’s not, it was satanic rules. Victoria Mortis 01:14:26We had our cell randomness. And your is say, was ruled by Saturn to saw, never was called VAR just to distract you or USA actually helped us in world volt to you help. Plus I remember, and you feed us in one Sutton started to hunger in river Volga. So I noticed that I lived nearby my blood line once track it in Gabon. Victoria Mortis 01:15:12So we’ll live that. Well, no, America, you say saved us from conquer. You say in 19 sin, my childhood, you say, <em></em> I eat? I ate American food. As they given us to free and meditation was there some center rows. I remember I was treated in a us USA medical. So it was in it wasn’t free clinic. Victoria Mortis 01:15:52So the USA, she doesn’t save that. They helped us for free. Emma 01:16:01Wow. And this was, they came to your country to help while the cold war was happening for, to help survivors of the Victoria Mortis 01:16:09Yes. After a cold war has ended. They, you come to and say wherever I will. Not people in Ukraine say it. Zerbo people from English talk and people, they cannot, if they cannot know where it was, but they are help with say our elderly and the way we’ll be dead without you. So thank you very much. I would be dead without you please. Now when it’s, when we, if you want, ask me about the or shock or second knots, please later here. Victoria Mortis 01:16:53I want to show you a police in Google video game. American smart, key, other smartness, 5 01:17:09A Emma 01:17:09New search engine, Google Victoria Mortis 01:17:13Medical. McKees Alice. This game. Well it’s I Medicon my diary. My key mark. M C M letter set, set. C Emma 01:17:40C M C Victoria Mortis 01:17:42M mark. Yes. Yes. Yes. My American McKee Alice madness. It has a serious of two games. It has a series of two games, all refer to MK ultra and it’s. I think it’s referred to dark. All this programming severely described it correctly. Eats extremely dark gay. It’s extremely dark part of programming. Okay. This may be scary, but I have to share it. It described demonic, necrophilia, soundtrack, please. Victoria Mortis 01:18:22Citrus subliminal messages I had when I listened to music from this game, I feel pain and then immediately stopped it. Yes, please. Research American, my gifts, all the smartness of which if, well, you can see the art from game Emma 01:18:44Trying to click on, Victoria Mortis 01:18:46Oh my God. For some that are called us programming. And is that they’re called us it’s with necrophilia extremely well. And in description, I’ve already done it before you need to ride it. Extreme abuse, valid descript. Emma 01:19:06Gosh, look Victoria Mortis 01:19:07At this. Yes. And this game as this, both games are referred to that girl, Alice awhile, again, demonic, checkerboard that girl Alice was put in mud house and she, but she has a pet. They stay from losing all her family in fire, please. American Magee, Alice Dr. Bond with dull houses in the second game with . He treated Alice because she wants to wash or he sexually abused in that mud house. Victoria Mortis 01:19:49And he wanted to forget it was him who killed his family because he raped her sister. And all this, that girl you described was a witness. And he wanted to Russia memories by abuse and drugs. Sexual abuse includes Please. But it search for art American McGee’s Alice dollhouses, doll house, a level sexual abuse of children. Emma 01:20:25Would this be on YouTube or is this, can I get to this from the internet? Do you think Victoria Mortis 01:20:30You can see it on YouTube, a gambler court involved, but just look for art. It’s how it’s built. How it’s art. Actually. It cannot be more obvious. Emma 01:20:44This one’s a little video with an ad. The magical top kitchen robot. There we go. Skip ads and watch just a quick second of this Victoria Mortis 01:21:06Doll houses. It’s official art from games. So It’s just, it’s not a game play. It’s a soundtrack. You probably don’t need that. Emma 01:21:24Gotcha. Victoria Mortis 01:21:26It just the music without the, Emma 01:21:30Okay. I guess I could just play this here, huh? Victoria Mortis 01:21:33Well, it’s just a music, a dumped show. You and, and I’d like to show you just a little bit, please. I ma in YouTube search American McKee, others they’ll house or level walk through doll house Volk. Emma 01:21:56Here we go. No commentary. So this one’s probably the one. Okay, here we go. Victoria Mortis 01:22:03It’s a long video, but you just need it from a beginning. And there’s a whole game. Most games it’s struggling to restore her memory and she has special abilities. Chicago. I remember it was named history when she went in black, all black and white for some time. And she did the whole damage. Emma 01:22:29What’s that? Victoria Mortis 01:22:31Yes. White rabbit. Emma 01:22:34Okay. Do you want me to play a little bit? Victoria Mortis 01:22:36Surely. Emma 01:22:37Okay. And they’ll look for wonder if we can Victoria Mortis 01:22:40Spirited demonic since the beginning, Emma 01:22:44I guess I’ll just play it from the beginning. We can just watch a minute or so, and then skip through some of the Victoria Mortis 01:22:57<em></em> in the beginning, we see a fire which destroyed for family. And in the beginning, Alice player characters’ is there a book Alice in Wonderland, a such a level of just like describe things as book we see in the game. So it’s her imagination. We play in her imagination and since she was abused and traumatized, it’s dark version of Alice in Wonderland. Emma 01:23:41Yes. Victoria Mortis 01:23:42Yes. Well it’s six hours. You don’t need that. Just skip with a mild demonic scaring sexual abuse references. Emma 01:23:53Wow. This is crazy. Oops. I clicked on something wrong. I think I clicked on an ad. I’ll just skip through this a little bit to some of the, Victoria Mortis 01:24:15Yes. Chris <em></em> offer. As the composer of soundtrack is belong to satanic family. Emma 01:24:24Not surprising. Victoria Mortis 01:24:26It’s not surprising sale. A Z pack. Reese H answer because they’ve owned productions, they create it’s in, it went to public is a whole, the purpose to call by Ironman program is swallowed described. It’s called the purpose to set a victim of a victim software ultra to be set up in or desal straight state to avoid the break-ins. The programming. Emma 01:24:57Incredible. They put the stuff they insert so much symbolism in games. Victoria Mortis 01:25:03Yes. Yes. Video games are literature. All four industries, craft, zap, satanic influence. I was well in my country. You know, people were just obsessed with horror estate. I cannot stand it. Emma 01:25:23I used to like it. Like whenever I was little, I didn’t mind it. But now that I’m older and I know more, it makes me physically sick to watch Victoria Mortis 01:25:33Model. Yes, it it’s my by Sutton. It’s in the symbolism of . Even since, since I children, I cannot see it. Well in Zendesk game, she skirt dark self. Alright, well you can see out there <em></em> if you just throw me, you just throw yourself now on some pile, a part of you might survive. Emma 01:26:04Oh my gosh. Victoria Mortis 01:26:06It’s Alice and for right queen, but Alto. Emma 01:26:12Oh my goodness. Just incredible. The regular movie, just the Disney movie, Alice in Wonderland. It might not be violent in the same way or as dark in a sense, but there’s so much symbolism just even in that movie that so many people have their kids watch. Victoria Mortis 01:26:30Well, I watched this movie as a kid and I didn’t find it scary, but you know, say they did not. They took a interest ever since they won’t. You see the after overbook, he was a witness of 80, 20 and catastrophe. And she died in bizarre synchronous circumstances. They poisoned him and destroyed. Some of his works, saw that book, Alice in Wonderland. It’s not what it was original. The first one was lost so destroyed. And what we have now is I think a version of what hero. Emma 01:27:22Thank you so much for sharing these with us. Are there any more that you want to go over or share? Victoria Mortis 01:27:28Well, from video games, this terrier described it’s, it’s the most obvious one. I, I played those games so I can share it. And when I came to MK ultra knowledge, I immediately immediately suspect something was buttons is games. So I’m sharing it with all of you do have some questions about this. Emma 01:27:56I mean, you answered a lot of them. I think I want to go and I encourage everybody else. I want to go look them up more and just look at pictures and study them and see. Victoria Mortis 01:28:06Yes. And when you see is the creator’s bagger for you, you can see in their family scars troubles. Emma 01:28:14Now, do they use video games in actual MK ultra programming? Victoria Mortis 01:28:20Yes. That they use any <em></em> it’s it’s a nursery picture. A Scott’s picture of a cat in a scent or sobbed. Speaking about a picture of a cat, which is storeman as a net. Now is there a sexual programming? It’s called a better kittens. So I sink this cut storm and of a net was again was my two MK ultra victims offset program in cut programming. Emma 01:29:01Yes. The beta. Let me bring that up real quick. So people know what we’re talking about. If they’re watching what’s us up, there we go. Okay. Theda. Victoria Mortis 01:29:17Keep them. Emma 01:29:21I’ll just put Hollywood because a bunch of examples will come up. Victoria Mortis 01:29:25Well, it’s all over the world, but I think each yes, zapped one, two. <em></em> in the . Please. Can you look for my channel? I’m gonna show you yes. On YouTube. Yes. Yes. Click for my channel to show an actual MP. It’s again, short video. And this one is this one. Emma 01:30:03Okay. Okay. Videos. Victoria Mortis 01:30:22What are <em></em> please, please click it’s only for a minute, please. Please, please. In up. Emma 01:30:32Whereas that one Victoria Mortis 01:30:33In middle. This man, this man with crazy smile up. NOP up. Yes. Oh Emma 01:30:43Walter. Okay. This one Victoria Mortis 01:30:45He’s from Danesh. He’s from Daniel. Well, Danielle Netherlands Smalley was from their small levels there. Please start to watch. I won’t. I won’t you from month patrol pizza gate box programming as well. His family, you stole of them. <em></em> lions cut programming, black on white and red And take a look at his face. Victoria Mortis 01:31:34Have a traumatized and higher dose. Well, what else can be? And Brighton cards. <em></em> dehumanization. Some are called science and sexual abuse. He, well Emma 01:31:55That one’s obvious. Victoria Mortis 01:31:57Yes. And look, his eyes traumatized. Most of the time he has ice of trauma, sexual abuse, sexual slavery, sexual exploitation. Cut your brand. Describe victims described. They will. Yes. Mirroring each other again. This man is strong. Face demonic stuff in black and white Pizzagate. Again. Zeiss is just one. Victoria Mortis 01:32:44Yes. One light symbolism bull. Oh my goodness. He has altars. I guess there’s the red color. Yes. And fight slavery again. Slavery Against slavery slave over them. Since childhood leap over. And that woman is here. Numb is Boyer black, white and all right. Victoria Mortis 01:33:26Oh wow. Current drugs sort of pentagram. There’s the beta. Oh yes. Better Keira Knightley. Yes. She was programming. John. Want the session to look? I might some shop. Yeah. Face all time. All time. Look at his eyes. This man’s suffering. Victoria Mortis 01:34:10Oh, just so straight the gate. Not hypnotized. You saw street slipping. Cajun. He dies. Just look out of it. Yes. The adjustable skin pain like altered a little bit. Doc is black and white and piece in black and white. So it’s dark out there. Mystiology use it in traumatizing people too. But this doc is golden and he’s closing is a warm on doll again. Victoria Mortis 01:34:56Drama Again. Better kitchen. Better kitchen, Emma 01:35:08Brittany. Victoria Mortis 01:35:10Ah. Yes. She was MK ultra. And she has a breakdown. You can, well guess Not funny, but Emma 01:35:27He’s still alive. Victoria Mortis 01:35:29Yes. He’s alive for now. I just recently researched his Instagram Emma 01:35:39And he’s not speaking out about it yet. Victoria Mortis 01:35:42I suppose he doesn’t. He is well, he don’t sleep well. He is not in himself. He lived in alters and not just leave he handlers. He did not realize what’s going on the scheme that he’s wrong because Canada did not allow him zip programming and traumatized him all the time. Emma 01:36:07Wow. How sad? Victoria Mortis 01:36:09Yes. Emma 01:36:11That’s amazing. You put that together. Good job. Putting so many photos together in one video. That’s a really, Victoria Mortis 01:36:17I please, I encourage people to do the same to research. What the model, the actors, actors models, and the research falls their lives. Emma 01:36:35What else do you think is important for people to know about this? And what is your goal with speaking out? What would you like people to do after they’ve heard this, Victoria Mortis 01:36:45Please collect and share all information from survivors, especially if you’re on a, it from Sarah Z started it animal a disaster school. Again, it was all a result of buyer sell on the reservoir happens because Sarah is working with our old electrical fields. It’s massive, you know, but in Moscow, Moscow is continued. It’s a center of continent. So we never had quakes before. And sat phones was the result of over the <em></em> because, because we never had it. Victoria Mortis 01:37:30We cannot have it. It’s Annamalai while it’s not . And Greg and Horrigan was strong, Was strong, you know, in natural hooligans and <em></em> and it was, I don’t know, some houses was just fallen. Wow. Yeah. So it’s not a joke. Emma 01:38:03Now with this new world order, you mentioned they want to kill off 99% of people. So the 1% of Satanists programmers, the dark side, basically they get to rule the planet. Do you have any, how do they plan on taking out 99% of people? Victoria Mortis 01:38:20Sarah, Sarah it’s, Sarah it’s, Fiona Barnett. All that COVID is the same. Did top to distract to set us up again, a side against each other because there never was such well duty. You know, he never was, you have to wear a mask all the time to protect themselves. So it’s a wear a mask. If patrol Devon that people do agree with the new world, they create a house and Sam new world order or the out of house, Emma 01:39:03What do we do? What can people do to prevent this from happening? Is there are, we’ve stopped long with this, but there, this is just going to happen or is Victoria Mortis 01:39:12First when you share, especially if you’re on a button, it all should set about Tesla and seven because that’s a mantra. And that thread is because starting say coverage fast one, you know, Emma 01:39:29How many stages or phases are there? Victoria Mortis 01:39:32I don’t know. As a woman who was, and Sarah, she wrote, she wrote Isaiah into open five gates, saw a gate, one has opened Emma 01:39:48And Victoria Mortis 01:39:50Then zap will cost the more, the more strong girl, whereas our disaster earthquake. And we have to all expect that, you know, it’s, we can apply this anymore. Emma 01:40:08So we should expect crazier weather, which I feel like we’re already seeing all over the world and they’re blaming it on climate change. Victoria Mortis 01:40:14Yes. Yes. Climate change is that never happened before San rose built no coincidences really Emma 01:40:23CERN you’re claiming existed back in 1812. Victoria Mortis 01:40:28Well, yes, they build it all. Emma 01:40:32But the technology existed. Victoria Mortis 01:40:35Yes. Technologists. They existed as they, well <em></em> they build it on older buildings. <em></em> just discover it. Emma 01:40:50It’s amazing because we think all this technology’s new and we’re probably, Victoria Mortis 01:40:55It was before and radio television. It was all before <em></em> they hide it from us, a light to us, just look at <em></em> buildings. And you see granted, we cannot work with granite like that anymore, but people who was a <em></em> grant castles. Well, I don’t know. It’s some grinded castles. They name it. But I said it was some technology research. Emma 01:41:34Well, interestingly, I’m going to bring this up real quick. I haven’t really shared much of this, but you probably seen I’m Victoria Mortis 01:41:42Sure. I’m Emma 01:41:46So I was looking up. I don’t remember why, but so fractal patterns, have you ever heard of those? Victoria Mortis 01:41:53No, no, no. Please show me what exactly Emma 01:41:56Have you burn wood or put electricity to it? I should say it creates art made of it. Fractal patterns. And this is only made by electricity. So when you inflict electrical electricity into wood, it creates these fractal patterns. Well, if you look at the geography of, let me see if I can find fractal patterns. If you look on our planet, we have these interesting fractal patterns. I’m trying to find one that’s actually Victoria Mortis 01:42:37Yes. All. Yes. You’re correct. Some fractal patterns are found in <em></em> cities, places. And as they clearly not natural it’s result of catastrophe. I can say it’s correct that because I lived there and people who live well what’s left of it. They said it never was it. They never had such fractal patterns. So we can say global catastrophe had something to do with Tesla, with sour, electricity programs, with our planet electricity field. Emma 01:43:27It’s like, here’s a little example. Like it’s kind of blurry, but if you are flying above the earth, maybe Victoria Mortis 01:43:36Yes, yes, yes. I understand. What does that mean? I research it. So I think that fractal patterns, well, I’m not sure what created that. I am not your physicist, but I don’t think it would be my natural. It’s a result of <em></em> catastrophe. You know? What’s it mean Emma 01:43:55That’s why there was something I was reading that was saying, that’s not a natural. Victoria Mortis 01:44:00Yes, yes, yes. I read it. And I spoke to and I spoke to <em></em> said no, no. So what’s happened there because snatcher did not create it. Emma 01:44:14Great. Was there an event, like you said a long time ago with that? Victoria Mortis 01:44:18Not long time ago, <em></em> in global catastrophe. Global it’s crushed the whole planet in Russia. We had a, we had a forum cleanup, like an Eataly, but now it’s, it’s not the good sculpt, but our ancient buildings, which certain is destroyed, show up. It was built for Barb, Cleveland, like Italy. If you seem an 80, 80 my models in Russia, what’s what’s the hazard. What certainly Sutton’s destroyed. You can see people in toggles, in tunic. Victoria Mortis 01:45:00Well closing in Rome, clean. Oh, fractal forest. Not sure did not create it. Well again, I’m not the colleges, but the say all shades at such fractures say natural, natural cannot create. Emma 01:45:21I certainly believe you’re right though, that there’s been so much, that’s been hidden from us and that advanced so much in the past and has lessened Victoria Mortis 01:45:32<em></em> daughter, R lady other livelihood. Zen modern programming R was, has a beginning Infoblox. He wasn’t, she wasn’t just Allman. She was a programmer. And she saw this technology and worked with them, not just that xylitol And Lord Byron Pfizer was revealing in his poem darkness to such a, to Peyton catastrophe. And he was skilled. Victoria Mortis 01:46:12Well, he died in mysterious circumstances, mysterious circumstances for revealing , which was that. Emma 01:46:22Oh, wow. Gosh, you are just such a wealth of knowledge. Victoria Mortis 01:46:28Can you research here on a moose boss, picture garden of earthly delights. It’s referred to such catastrophe. You can see the lights. Yes, boss. Good. But here w well, yes, such a sore. It’s three panels. They can look at such, take a look at the panel in show me a third panel in more detail. You can use it. Well, we can see a third panel. Victoria Mortis 01:47:12You can see a catastrophe, please, please. Aright. Yes. Please take a look at this picture. We solve more closer, closer this picture with an all and humans and we can see their process. Now, you know now about, well, it’s a human SIM altered on. You can see. And when the V research at the third panel on the right, we can see a third people with <em></em> instrument, torture and program in this music. Victoria Mortis 01:47:56It’s MK. Ultra <em></em> was died in mysterious circumstances. Well, take a look. Satanic ritual abuse. MK. Emma 01:48:13So this guy that created this, he died in mysterious stuff. Yeah. Victoria Mortis 01:48:18Nothing. Yes. Nothing was known about his life. It’s one of the most mysterious artist of all time. Oh my gosh. Please. Can you look at the right panel? Move with the left and zap panel refer, please take a look, take a up up. I need up in a more closer look. You can see. No, not on the top, please. On a top, more on the top, please. Emma 01:49:02Right there. Victoria Mortis 01:49:04More and more and more. Yes. You can see such building of 82 18, please, please, please. More on the top. On the top. <em></em> Emma 01:49:20Zoom in on here. All right. Victoria Mortis 01:49:22Yes. You can see 80 20 in technological catastrophe. Oh yes. Granite castles, all technologists. He saw it and wrote for us. Wow. Yes. Now pay attention to figures. People was, has fleet from Glade, Glade, flat, and I’m from catastrophe. And you can see at nearest that being a musical instrument demonstrate has led people to a torture, you know, to be sacrificed. It was certainly a research catacombs with bonds, clean bonds. Victoria Mortis 01:50:09It was removed by certain list and they often, they often, Emma 01:50:16What was it Victoria Mortis 01:50:17Called? Spouse. Emma 01:50:28Oops. I spelled that wrong. Okay. Oh my goodness. Okay. Victoria Mortis 01:50:34Oh, well, yes, yes, yes, yes. You can see, you can see cultic symbolism cross on bones, skull and bones society. Yes. Yes, yes. And <em></em> places like zap Paris. I’m taking it for you because they just like they’re in Paris, at least 6 million, Emma 01:51:006 million. Victoria Mortis 01:51:02And that six millions was at least responsible. Who knows? Yes, please. You know this and this program and center Emma 01:51:14Atlanta’s programming center. Victoria Mortis 01:51:17This new land was built as MK ultra program in central Paris, Disneyland Paris, because, and it’s not far from, it’s not far from Paris and no, no skull long. It is. So by using comps, you, I think you can get into Disneyland into Paris by coming in Thor, you can get in Disneyland. And I think some part of our closet, okay. Victoria Mortis 01:51:59Yours in it. Emma 01:52:01How long? Like how big are these catacombs? Are they Victoria Mortis 01:52:06No one knows or knows? No one. Well, you can. I think they pass about abroad Paris. Emma 01:52:22Oh my gosh. This Victoria Mortis 01:52:23Is so no one knows. And yes, it’s 80 20. Well, you see, after 80 20 in catastrophe drugs, there are people. Well, they believes they happened people too. Just like <em></em> and say guide people to Donald’s to be sacrificed. Emma 01:52:50Oh my goodness. Wow. So say Titanic. Holy smokes. And the crazy thing is it’s like, if people are allowed in here, they’re over there taking selfies with their camera and posting it, like they’re cool. And they don’t even know what they’re doing. Victoria Mortis 01:53:05I a mile. Yes. I, well, you know, I have been in Paris, myself and Avaya and I walk to cut comps. I saw a bad energy to Sarah. I’ve worked above them and I saw <em></em> energy. And I asked my guide what’s going on on grids? Well, that’s how I knew about the skulls. And I didn’t come see her because I don’t like such bad. Then I had too much in my life. I am hyper sensitive to that. I’m Emma 01:53:43Sure. Victoria Mortis 01:53:44And I was, you know, I I’m sure when my intuition said you should on goals, their reserves, but then I recommend everyone to listen because, well, who knows how to fit in better book? Is there a zero, a lot of scales be south flesh. Skulls was separate from Boda switches. If signified satanic ritual and people on such satanic ritual are then, well are most likely to ill. If they stare here for awhile, I am not the one person. Emma 01:54:29Wow. Thank you so much for sharing that. That’s something, some people may have known about it, but I think there’s a lot in this world that we hear about that we don’t, we hear about it in a way that doesn’t make us think twice about it. We’re just like, oh, catacombs, no big deal. But when you actually look at it and research, it there’s a lot more to it than what we’re shown or Victoria Mortis 01:54:50Yes. Yes. But it’s got the comps have a hidden, hidden all Nels where people never investigate. Emma 01:55:01Wow, Victoria Mortis 01:55:03No one have been there, no one except satanic. And you know, a lot of people, a lot of cases for us and people will slows their N never found. Emma 01:55:21And they’re probably in the walls with all their little friends, all these other skulls. Victoria Mortis 01:55:27Yes. They probably have found satanic ritual places and , Emma 01:55:32And that’s probably why people aren’t allowed in there. I’m sure the there’s a lot of rituals that take place in these catacombs too, Victoria Mortis 01:55:38But yes, yes, yes. Emma 01:55:40Oh my goodness. Victoria Mortis 01:55:42Yes. The comps came from Greek word kata, Emma 01:55:45Which means <em></em> oh, that’s interesting. Yes. Wow. You are just such a wealth of knowledge on this. I’m so impressed with what you’ve been able to dig up. I’m sure there’s so much more to cover to you. Is there anything else in this episode that you wanted to share with people? Victoria Mortis 01:56:12Yes. I think, I think please research please. In they covered us SU REO or SU SU or S Ari. Emma 01:56:34Oh, sorry. Oh, here it is. Okay. Victoria Mortis 01:56:40Almost identical to Periscope’s. Yes. You see, please take a look, Emma 01:56:48Take a look. Look at Victoria Mortis 01:56:51Places. Might from human bombs. Yes. Is that building Z? I saw that building and say all 80 20 catastrophe. No, no. How much Emma 01:57:09The weird thing about this photo to you? The dreams It has this little pedophile symbol that impose on it on their own. Victoria Mortis 01:57:17It’s not actual better files that spiral. It’s your electrical field. You, I can see my electrical field through my spine from beginning of mine, spine in the back and then head in. Sometimes I can, I can see my electrical feet. I can see my electrical field as that spiral Emma 01:57:43No way. So you’re very highly intuitive to energy isn’t to receiving what’s going on with the world around you in the sense of you’re very kinesthetic. You feel a lot. Victoria Mortis 01:57:56Yes. And I have that. I can sometimes see electrical field on people on places, Emma 01:58:09Really aura for that aura. Is that what that electrical field around a person has called? Victoria Mortis 01:58:18Yes. Yes. Yes. Our, yes. All well said. Magick experience our same sand electric because stones all say spirits that entrance myths a lot about Z. Say that you are about, if you read it. Wow. Electrical field. Yes. That’s. Well, some people don’t like some threes maybe because their electrical fields did not fill them. Emma 01:58:58Right. And I can only imagine how you said you were picking up on energy is when there’s this many dead bodies and their energy fields. All right. In one place. I’m sure that was very interesting. Victoria Mortis 01:59:11Some sometimes people buy alone. Some people can feel, but I not Sri. So it’s a tiny Creek. Tall people not just died said through the sample, this adrenochrome and it’s energy, their blood and their blood on remains, came to places, seat walls, and such energy comes. They are about the energy. You can, you probably have noticed it when a child you’re more sensitive to such bad places in my, my culture warned about not to leave in such places not to leave about graveyards. Emma 02:00:06I remember whenever I was younger, I used to be very sensitive to graveyards when we’d go. Victoria Mortis 02:00:11Oh yes, yes, yes. Well, yes. Gravel yards, you know that body, the composition. And of course it comes from <em></em> but the neck, eh, electric Chris’ electrical fields. So yes. Emma 02:00:31Yeah. Wow. This is all incredible. I’m going to link all links. Some of this below in the show notes too. So people, some of the names of these like, oh, sorry, I’m kind of an interesting name. So I’ll make sure to put that in the show notes. That way people can have that verbiage and they can go look it up themselves in research. This was great. Is there anything else that you want to go over before we, before we tie it up and, and tell people where to find you online? Victoria Mortis 02:01:03Well, I think I’m shredding what I have right now. If I have to restart some of my memories and I’m working on transcript, how Saturn is killed people on red river. Yes, sir. Trevor and I will share it with all of you. You have to know Emma 02:01:28Where are you out on social media? Can people find you or follow you, connect with you? Victoria Mortis 02:01:33I am on three also Victoria mortis. I am on YouTube. I had telegram channel. You have, I sent you through telegram channels, so please share it. Okay. Emma 02:01:47Absolutely. This was such an honor having you on Victoria. I’ve learned so much from you. My brain right now is like I’ve. That was a lot to take in, but it’s very important that we know this, you know, we’ve been lied to about so much and Victoria Mortis 02:02:03We ha we all have been lied about charter Emma 02:02:08A hundred percent. So this was such an honor. You are so brave for coming forth and talking about this. And again, I commend you all the research that you did to compile all of this from your family, to your background, to all the yeah. Victoria Mortis 02:02:21Yeah. Still my country, Garrow USA. Emma 02:02:26Just incredible. I really appreciate you. And I would want again, I’m sure people have questions. I’d love to get some additional topics together and maybe bring you on again for a part to you, Victoria Mortis 02:02:38Please. I’m I asked for our people, please collect all knowledge you have from you have, for me to share it with this woman on a Vizio, we can do some, she will send it to me and we will do some podcast style. Try as much as Sansar. You have to know about rush because may all have been light all our lives, Emma 02:03:09A hundred percent Victoria, just thank you. It’s your person and great job to you on your English. You speak better English than a lot of Americans do. Very, very well done. And thank you so much for putting together that presentation to share that in the show notes to you and for everybody listening, please connect with Victoria lake, Victoria Mortis 02:03:30Please connect, collect. Does this video or a search such interview on Amazon channel or listen to college shy, Fiona Barnett and other survivors. They’re real subtle is they’re real Emma 02:03:45Bali. Victoria Mortis 02:03:47Yes, please. The program and the resources and all PTSD victims have to use it please. Yes. Try this. It works. You will integrate. You will remember in sync. I tried it myself. <em></em> so much. Emma 02:04:05Thank you, Victoria. I put you right up there with them, with everything that you know, so hopefully maybe one day we’ll get a book from you too, that we can put, Victoria Mortis 02:04:13Please all copy past this video. Emma 02:04:19Yeah. Share this video. Connect with Victoria. I’m going to put all of what we talked about today. All the links I’m going to go ahead and drop below low, along with her social media sites. The best thing that we can do, always not just, this is a small platform that I’m on and it doesn’t, this material is not going to be something on YouTube or anywhere gets thrown up to the top of the analytics. So it helps me too. If you guys share this, that way, Victoria’s voice gets heard along with the survivors and other activists that we’ve had on this is really important information. And they’re trying to hide this from us. So share it, listen to it, take notes. And I encourage you guys to all go research. Everything that Victoria has presented to you guys today, because yes, Victoria Mortis 02:04:58Please. Emma 02:05:01Yes. And knowledge is our Victoria Mortis 02:05:04Only defense Emma 02:05:06A hundred percent. So Victoria, we’ll bring you back on, we’ll get some extra questions, bring you back on, but just thank you so much for coming on. Victoria Mortis 02:05:14Thank you so much for interviewing me and Sharon. I cannot wait to see it in your tube since Emma 02:05:22You’re welcome. And for everybody listening, follow us, connect with us comment, share, help us get our analytics ups also by interacting with us and in connecting and guys, thank you so much for tuning in and for listening. And we will see you guys next week.


Trigger Warning! Many MK ULTRA victims come to Russia and USSR, led by their satanic (hivites) controlled media to their deaths. I create this warning for you.

First I need to teach you about Earth and Russia history, how we got to be openly ruled by satanists. We, Europe and the USA once were one country (Atlantis fall). Planetary catastrophe in 1812 happened, center was in Syberia — youngest trees, the 100 metres of glay, melted granite castles.

Satanists are destroying memories of this event and the work of authors with people who wrote about it. Satanic (hivites) media always refers to the 1812 catastrophe and pre technologies so copy and share all their production — real stuff and real places have been shown. Let me give an example — in Disney movie Atlantis: The Lost Empire princess Kida covers a city from the Flood with a force shield. TRIGGER WARNING!

Keep silent that one non satanic in our history was murdered for revealing faking Russia’s history.

CERN was built with 1812 technologies. Same that killed the whole Syberia and almost killed the whole planet. Nice!

Satanic (hivites) have preference to use pre1812 houses. Take a look at how they look — first floors in glay. They have taken our knowledge, destroyed our past and culture and used these floors to their secret rituals.

Each MK ultra victim states being abused in buildings like that. Masons, satanic cover in medieval Europe, were builders and their skills allowed them to be everywhere. After the 1812 catastrophe they came to Russia and I guess masons reconstructed some for their needs.

After 1812 they grasped victims and killed some in tunnels of 1812 people like catacombs with skulls and bones in Paris. Bones were found everywhere in 1812 cities.

Satanic (Hivites) have preference for places with their sacrifice rituals and any other violent bloody events happened. I guess Satanists like such places because of necromancy and demons?

Petersburg (Petrograd) was said to be built on graves of 1812 victims. If you come to its ancient center (Nevski ave) you can fall ill just like me and many I’ve spoken to about the city. In Russia the criminal capital is Petrograd, satanists just love this city.

In Moscow the same bad vibes have Red River (Red Presnya means Desalted) and no one stays in places like that for a long time — everyone speaks about death energy here. Sometimes wells in Moscow smell like death when you pass near them. And satanic funded companies are always nearby.

Li family mentioned in 13 Bloodlines. They had Chinatown in Moscow and Petrograd (Petersburg) when Romanov ruled.

We have never been a free country — all time dictated by NWO puppets. First — all you know about Russia is a lie, a satanic lie is Russia’s whole history. They wrote our history for us. One non satanic historian was Michel Lomonosov whom they killed for exposing a lie.

Yes, the religion Pravoslavie was made in the Vatican for us and forced upon us by Romanov. Funded for our money since then. Our history was just destroyed.

Russia history line: 1812 global catastrophe, 1816 year without summer.

After 1812 people slowly returned to their homes (look for “empty cities in XIX century”) and masons came too because they were builders, can work with stones and their services were needed. The rest of the cities were also genocided because masons (cover up) were builders first and their skills were needed after the 1812 catastrophy so they went everywhere they wanted.

The Satanic dynasty Romanov have taken my country, faking themselves being aryan (white, whatever you wish to be called) by taking someone’s clothing and documents. Survivors of the 1812 catastrophe had to fake their documents and hide their families from the satanic dynasty Romanov.

Romanov were satanic (sadistic) so people rebelled all time against them and in 1861 Romanov had to free farmers from the servitude pretended to be caring rulers and grab Russia’s resources and people as slaves MK ULTRA for buildning NWO.

Before 1917 satanic groups were forbidden to live in our cities – people just killed them if they came. Many, many rebellions were against ritual sacrifices they made, the biggest one was Bailice in Kiev but Romanov stopped it because he was a satanist himself. Romanov has to agree to stop them from living in our cities openly because he wanted to pretend he is”our” ruler.

That is why they needed revolution – after 1917 openly satanists have taken all ruling positions in the so -called Socialist state.

It leads us to the Revolution of 1917 where the whole city Petrograd (capital in Romanov time) was genocided.

So since 1917 (22?) Civil war between satanist and no satanist I can’t say which time it was but satanist won and another satanic puppet named Lenin allowed satanist (hivites) openly take the highest positions in the rule. Lenin has no right to ignore the accusations of satanic sacrifices but he wasn’t Aryan.

Again after that real people who lived before 1812 have to use fake identities or flee from satanic cult.

USSR was faking to be a social state, satanists just threw some free medicines and flats to keep people calm not to rebel and continue to destroy our races, stealing resources. So until 1991 they were faking to be independent.

Civil war against satanists were in 1917 – 22 — they lied White army was foreign. White Army was Aryan and the rest races who were against satanic rule. Just like WWI it was arranged to destroy our real rulers who cared about the country and wanted it to be set free.

His replacement Stalin continued to destroy High IQ people (all races including Aryan), most had to flee. All rulers, historians, architects were satanic with satanic wives so history of the USSR is dictated by them and the same lie as Russian before 1812.

Stalin lied Hitler was a German (Aryan) and set us against each other. The USSR wasn’t prepared for WWII and it’s lands on a south Cuban border from Minsc to Moscow were just passed to his hands. Look where Anneberbe was — Cuban! In my relatives’ village only one child has survived.

After WWII many survivors had to use fake documents to hide themselves from satanism. In 1953 another puppet Chrushev [Nikita Khrushchev] became ruler and in 1991 they just finished killing all WWII veterans and stopped their fake caring. Our army was destroyed, not even Moscow had army forces in 1990 – 91. All the armies we have are satanic ones.

Since 1991 USSR stopped to exist– satanist rules openly, factories, economics all destroyed, we create nothing but exist only from satanic money. So yes, they funded all my country now. Each company, each business are theirs and used as cover for trafficking and rituals. Especially scary about big milk factories — Adrenochrome cover up.

That how we got to be open slaves of NWO. Just like your country, I guess. All the same — infiltrate, overthrow previous rulers, replace their puppets. Truth is that we were never free from them.

Ask me, I’ll tell you all you know about Russia.

My family history: satanic (hivites) targeted my family and they surrounded me all the time.

My great grandfather and my great grandmother survived the 1917 –22 Civil war only because both changed their surnames. Great grandfather fought in WWII and was killed by satanists when my grandmother was before 10th years old. Great grandmother information was lost — she died when my grandmother was young too. My grandmother has to change her true heritage too to survive so I actually lack information about my true bloodline.

My mother had a second pregnancy after me — I remember holding my little brother with dark blond hair just like mine.

Yes, me and my family they targeted, high IQ runs into my bloodline – my father was Aryan blue eyes handsome blonde man. I am dark blonde but my mother is dark brown. I have his face so they decided to kill me just by looks. I have blue eyes like my father.

I have never found his documents — they seem destroyed to me. His family I never found too — they seem to be all dead. I can feel them dead.

Actually my mother didn’t sign him on my birth certificate. My mother cried every time I asked about my father so I’ve never asked about him after. She wanted to hide me from the cult, I realised now.

My father lived in a typical 1812 house with a tall ceiling (3,5 m) in a flat on the 3rd floor. One room had an orange curtain and wooden panels on the walls. It was May beginning when I remember lying there with my brother last time I remember my father and my brother alive.

More I cannot say — memory is confused and it hasn’t returned to me fully yet. Please keep that information — the more we know the better we are armed. Restored it memory recently by trigger integration, never talking to my mother — hurt her to lose them both.

So my father can be a MK ULTRA victim.

About me: I am not a MK ULTRA victim but have had PTSD in 3-4 years with dissociation, like Fiona Barnett described. Yes, I have that trance like traumatic states as a child a lot.

My memory of my early years has been confused since.

Event which caused my problems happened when my father and brother died at one time. Satanists killed them both, I felt it the moment they died, dissociating that memory too when our love and connection was broken. I had suicide attempt when I lose my brother and father – it was in 3. Lied 3-4 days in a coma-like state, everyone expected me to die.

Have PTSD and dissociation from this event myself for years. So when MK ULTRA came out I immediately saw the truth — symptoms were just like mine’s. And since I was able to restore some memory like Fiona Barnett says I started to share what I knew about satanists.

I am firstborn child, my mother was virgin when father chose her.

If my father was MK ULTRA why didn’t they take me?

Claire J Walker aka Cali Sha, cult survivor, replied to me: Aryan Brotherhood race group in satanism. If you aren’t look the same way you aren’t considered to be Aryan.

It’s possible your life was spared at the expense of your brother’s life. Sons are significant in the cult. They carry on the family name etc. They play an important role in cult and fathers Perhaps he was trying to stop the generational curses from continuing in your life and family.

So two lives paid for mine: one for my life, second form being raised outside the cult.

Yes, my father sacrificed himself and my brother too for me. I will do my best so their sacrifices won’t be wasted.

So you and I share the same feelings about satanism and I put my little bricks to their fall.

I went to 2 schools for gifted kids. First one was free, the second was private for money. All have been built from bricks like 1812 style. With me I had kids who studied for 1-3 years and moved a lot for creating MK ULTRA identities.

These kids weren’t in the school for months — in late October – November and May days we had 3 people in our classes.

These kids lived closely near ritual satanic states, I have a ritual suite near my house — bad energy here.

I have been attacked myself — 6 years old I was and it was poison from a satanic dentist.

I never had satanic influence in my life. Never tried to drag me to a cult and except that dentist never attacked despite we were in the same classes together.

I was reckless child and walke free in the evening near ancient catacombs satanist took fro themselves in Feodosia were we stayed at summer.

Ritual place\ adrenochrome factory: Moscow, Dmitrov Avenue 100. MK ultra kids lived nearby, they were in my class named alpha.

I saw a dismembered body in it’s gate when I was 4 years old and by using trigger integration I remembered it and now pointed it to everyone.

In 2020 I took all my courage and I saw a picture of a dismembered child on it’s window. I was right — it is really a ritual suite, adreno factory, whatever. Milk fabrique Wimm – Bill – Dann are here too.

Biggest milk factory in Russia, takes at least five buildings, all have underground levels. As a child I hated milk — vomited from it. It wasn’t milk after all – that’s what my brain feels.

Rignt now I broke fingers on my leg and the doctor throm me out of cabinet because I didn’t wear mask. To force wear mask is considered to be torture.

cathyfoxblog social media links

UK Press Cuttings and Research Databases on Child Sexual Abuse

Bloggers and Tweeters on Child Sexual Abuse UK

US /World Child Trafficking, Child Abuse, SRA, Illuminati etc

(some may be out of date twitter accounts but may be useful for finding the archives)

Healing Resources


Fiona Barnetts Wide Open Updated Lockdown Edition

Svali Resources

Posts with Important Links for Individuals

[100] 2020 Apr 27 cathyfoxblog Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier – Illuminati Whistleblowers

[101] 2020 Apr 25 cathyfoxblog Svali, Illuminati Structure and Mind Control

[102] 2021 Oct 10 cathyfoxblog Child Trafficking by the Jesuits

[103] cathyfoxblog Links of cathyfoxblog Posts 2013 – 2021

[104] 2020 Sept 21 cathyfoxblog Fiona Barnett’s Long Goodbye

Links still incomplete

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Open Vaers [202] allows browsing and searching of the reports


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The truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” – Edmund Burke

“He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.” Charles Peguy

To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men  – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Every time we act in the face of fear, we dilute it’s power and increase our confidence

Only the small secrets need to be protected, the large ones are kept secret by public incredulity – Marshall McLuhan

Let justice be done though the heavens fall – Fiat justitia ruat cælum

Put the enemy at unease by making information they do not want known to be known…

The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.  FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover

If you have found this post useful, please post on other social media – facebook, instagram, pinterest, gab, twitter, anonup,  – whichever ones you are on. This is most helpful to spread the information. The people who do this are essential. Thankyou.

I am not connected to anyones Patreon accounts, nor do I receive any money for my writing. I believe it is important to provide this information not hidden behind paywalls, and yes I suffer financial hardship for doing so.

I will not commit suicide and if it appears I have, then people may judge for themselves why this is so, after blogging these exposes of the top level of these “orders”. I do not wish to live in the kind of world that the psychopathic orders want to bring in, which is a world wholly and absolutely controlled by them. They commit horrific crimes of child rape, child torture, child cannibalism, child mind control and much more, which is why I wish to speak out and expose them. This carries some risk but if I am killed or go silent, my wish is for more people to tell the truth, they cannot kill us all… please set up your own blogs… replace me 100 fold…

[] 2020 Sept 21 cathyfoxblog Fiona Barnett’s Long Goodbye

[189] 2020 Apr 25 cathyfoxblog Svali, Illuminati Structure and Mind Control

[] Svali Speaks Again

[] Svali Resources

[187] 2020 Apr 27 cathyfoxblog Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier – Illuminati Whistleblowers

About foxblog

the truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free...
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4 Responses to Russia’s False History and MK Ultra by Victoria

  1. Pingback: RUSSIS’S FALSE HISTORY AND MK-ULTRA BY VICTORIA – Curiouser and curiouser cried Alice mk Ultra

  2. Pingback: Hivites in Russia | cathyfoxblog2

  3. Pingback: MK Ultra with Bearbrick and Kaws – foxblog4

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