UT6 – Church of Mormon in Books About Abuse

These are the snippets about the Mormons from various books from survivors and writers about child abuse and ritual abuse collated together so that people can read all the parts about Mormons in one place. The books are…

  • Cathy O’Brien Trance Formation of America [1]
  • Cathy O’Brien Access Denied [1]
  • Fritz Springmeier Bloodlines of the Illuminati [7a]
  • Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave [7b]
  • Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula [7c]
  • Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler Deprogramwiki [7]
  • Lifting the Wool An Illuminati Primer [4] Book Download pdf [4c]
  • Brice Taylor /Sue Ford Thanks for the Memories [3]
  • Joachim Hagopian Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State [5]
  • Svali Svali Speaks [6]

I could add a lot of thoughts but they maybe best in future articles. I will pick out this from Svali

The Mormons affiliated [to the illuminati] years ago, in a meeting with the Illuminati leadershop in the 1950’s Svali Speaks [6]

Add to that information to the piece from Jessie who said that the Mormons were one of the 5 child trafficking networks of the illuminati. The Five Child Trafficking Networks and Structure of the Illuminati [8]

Add that to the mountain of evidence about child abuse, ritual abuse and mind control that has been published, including the following…

Trance formation of America – Cathy O’Brien [1] article [2b]

Access Denied – Cathy O’Brien [1] article [2a]

Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier Bloodlines of the Illuminati [7a]

Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave [7b]

Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula [7c]

Others on Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler [7]

Lifting the Wool An Illuminati Primer [4] Lifting the Wool website [4b] Book Download pdf [4c]


This is a free download of Lifting the Wool’s excellent book. There is noone else that reads and watches so much and connects the dots on the Illuminati, never mind doing it so well.

Lifting the Wool An Illuminati Primer [4] Lifting the Wool website [4b] Book Download pdf [4c]


Mormons – The LDS church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) is also an infiltrated institution. This assertion has angered many LDS members, who are good people. Again, I 102 want to remind you that being listed in this section is not a condemnation of the members of this church or any other infiltrated church or organization. It is by design that the Luciferians that infiltrate an organization do so secretly, and do not let the average member know that they are there, or that they are using their facilities for nefarious purposes. Unlike the Catholic church, where we are not sure of the origins or time frame of the Luciferian infiltration, the origins of the LDS church are clearer, and the connections with the occult are found in the very beginnings of the church’s founding. Joseph Smith, the founder of the group, saw an angel named Moroni, found gold tablets, and established the LDS church based on his spiritual experiences, or so the story goes. Joseph Smith was also a Freemason, and the ‘angel’ Moroni has been described by some as a demon or fallen angel, not a good angel. Cisco calls Moroni a “ruling demon.”(FS 03) There are a number of individuals who stress how important it is to ‘test’ the spirits, as Lucifer and his demons can take on the appearance of angels of light. (GP03, ARA 031, FS04) Asking them if they are a servant of God and Jesus Christ and then watching or listening to their response is one way to test a spiritual entity’s loyalties, whether they come to you in a dream, a vision or a nightmare…if they are a negative spirit their cover will dissolve and you will see them for what they are, and if they are not they will declare their loyalty to God. I haven’t tried this myself, and I suspect that Joseph Smith didn’t either. If he had, the LDS church might not exist today in its present form. Terry Chateau asserts that the LDS church is mired in Freemasonry. In addition to Joseph Smith being a 103 Freemason, so were the first five presidents of the church. In fact, so many of the founders and early church leaders were Freemasons, it prompted an entire book by Terry Chateau titled The Mormon Church and Freemasonry. He says in that book that “Mormonism and Freemasonry are so intimately interwoven and interrelated that the two can never be dissociated.” Joseph Smith’s father, Joseph Smith Sr., and Joseph’s 3 brothers Hyrum, Samuel and William were also Freemasons. The second church president Brigham Young, 3rd church president John Taylor, and 4th and 5th church presidents Wilford Woodruff and Lorenzo Snow were all Freemasons, as well. Chateau says, “practically every member of the hierarchy was or became a Mason shortly after the Prophet (Joseph Smith) was raised to the degree of Master Mason.” (TC 01) Joseph must have been something of a Masonic prodigy, because he received his Masonic first degree on March 15, 1842, and exactly one day later blasted straight through the second degree and was awarded the third degree of Master Mason. (ZZ 17) Since the inception of the LDS church in about 1830 there has been a rough relationship between the Masonic organization and the LDS Church. Their association has been at times close, and at other times very distant. It’s suggested by some that the public split that the two institutions had early in church history just before the group that founded the church moved to Utah might have been for show. It certainly wasn’t the last of the interest of the church in being associated with the Masons, as after the move to Utah Brigham Young “contacted the chiefs of Freemasonry in England and proposed that Mormonism be granted a public charter to become its own Masonic Rite. The hierarchy told him no.” (FS 02) 104 There was a stretch of time where the church members were (officially) prevented from being members of a Masonic Lodge. This ended in 1984, when the Grand Lodge of Utah officially allowed Mormons to be Masons once again. (TC 01) Whether Mormons that become Masons do so at the lower-ranking “club membership” levels, or whether they climb in the ranks to become Lucifer-worshipping Masons is not known by this author. I can only guess that some do climb, and some do not, based on the insider information coming from the escaped Brotherhood Illuminati members who have outed some of the sinister connections between the LDS church and what they do for the Illuminati. In Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Fritz Springmeier discusses the ancestral connections between Mormons and the 13 Illuminati bloodlines. According to his research, all of the top Mormon leadership are descendants of the Merovingians, one of the most important of the Illuminati families. Interestingly, the bee symbol used ubiquitously by the Mormon church is also the family symbol of the Merovingian family (as well as being a masonic symbol). Fritz asserts that the church’s 2nd president Brigham Young might also have Collins and Wheeler bloodline ties, as well, although those, at the time of writing the book had not been firmly established. (FS 02) One descendant of Joseph Smith Jr. told Fritz that “her family is indeed a Satanic bloodline,” and a different source told Fritz that a breakout group of the Satanic Council, the Council of 13, ran instructions to the Mormon First Presidency, and that he/she was the one who was the actual person couriering the instructions. (FS 02) 105 Fritz also asserts that “Mormonism is closer to Satanism than it is to Christianity”, citing sealing rituals as one piece of evidence for this. “One of the most important things in Satanism is sealing. Everything is sealed.” Sealing is rarely talked about in any other religious context, but when reading about Mormonism, “one begins hearing about sealing again.” “Mormon men and women are sealed to each other in the Mormon Temple marriages. The early Mormons were sealed to many spouses. The Mormon sealing is very similar to what is done in witchcraft called hand fasting, and it is also similar to marriage sealing in Satanism.” Fritz also says that Joseph Smith’s family practiced witchcraft, which is how they knew about sealing, and is likely the reason it was brought into the church. The book of Mormon uses the word sealed or seal more than 20 times, and “the Mormon scholar D. Michael Quinn writes that ‘The Book of Mormon’s use of the word ‘sealed’ also suggested a magic context.” Certain rites/rituals/oaths of the Mormon church through the years have closely resembled parts of Masonic ceremonies. Rituals done in the Mormon Temple aren’t supposed to be discussed outside of the temple, but two young ex-Mormons on YouTube have, which is why I found this information available online. They speak of four priesthoods within the LDS church, two Aaronic (lineage of Aaron) priesthoods and two Melchizedek priesthoods, and within the inner temple ceremonies these have tokens, hand symbols, and oaths that go along with them. Luciferians also have Melchizedek priests, and tokens, and the Masons have the hand symbols and oaths. It’s as if both the Luciferian religion and the Masonic fraternity were mixed-and-matched to form Mormon rituals. 106 Breaking the covenant of either priesthood comes with penalties, and one penalty of the Aaronic priesthood is that “your throat be cut from ear to ear and your tongue be torn out by its roots mind you this is the penalty if you reveal any of these things.” Interestingly, the oath taken by a first-degree mason is, “Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the rough sands of the sea at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty four hours, should I ever knowingly or willingly violate this my solemn oath and obligation as an Entered Apprentice Mason.” Mighty similar oaths, if you ask me. It goes further, however. Another penalty of the Aaronic priesthood in the Mormon church is “your breasts be torn open your heart and vitals be torn out and give it to the birds and the beasts of the field.” The oath of a second-degree Mason is similar, saying “Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my left breast torn open, my heart plucked out, and given as prey to the wild beasts of the field and the fowls of the air as prey.” (JM 01, ZZ 12) Again—almost an identical sentiment to those two oaths. Mormon temples have also been built on top of programming facilities, such as the Lake Oswego Mormon Temple in Portland, Oregon and the temple in the heart of Salt Lake City, Utah. Yes, “Mormon hierarchy are allowed to create slaves,” although their programming is different than other divisions, like the Jesuits. The Illuminati still assume top-level control, over-and-above the Mormon-level programs by overlaying that Mormon programming with further mind-control programming. “Programmed Mormon children will think they have the “Spirit of Elijah” in them 107 and will robotically sing their programming, “Follow the prophet, follow the prophet.” (FS 01, FS 03) Merrill Osmond, father of Donny and Marie Osmond among other children, is part of the Illuminati, and two of his children, if not more, are both programmed slaves. Merrill has made money from “drugs, porn and white slavery.” (FS 01) Cathy O’Brien corroborates this, saying that Donny Osmond was “of the same MK Ultra genetic project” that she was also a part of, and her father encouraged her to listen to their music because it enhanced some of her programming. (CO 01) Jessie has talked about the involvement of the LDS church in Luciferian activities as concentrated in their breeding and genetics programs. Utah has “one of the largest breeding facilities,” and underground genetics programs for The System, she says. The Luciferians want children with certain spiritual gifts or groups of genes, and they’ve tried to make part of the breeding program look like a religious preference/lifestyle under the umbrella of the LDS church. Jessie suggests that the polygamy aspect of the early Mormon church and now some offshoot factions of the church are a cover for some of their “top breeder men” who are “being given” multiple women by The System. (ARA 019)

Brice Taylor Thanks for the Memories [3] Articles Brice Taylor 1 – Chapter 33 Bill Clinton and Hillary [3a] Brice Taylor 2. Disneyland [3b] Brice Taylor was Hunted by George Bush Senior [3c]

Joachim Hagopian – PedoEmpire website [5] Pedophilia& Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State [5e]

Svali Speaks Q & A: Svali Answers Readers’ Questions – Parts 1+2 [6]

Mormons affiliated [to illuminati] years ago in a meeting with the Illuminati leadership in the 1950’s

  • UT0 – Utah Mormon Satanic Ritual Abuse Links and Timeline [UT56]
  • UT1Utah Ritual Abuse [UT45]
  • UT2- Rapist Suspect linked to Mormon Ritual Abuse Scandal Still Delaying Extradition from Glasgow to US [UT42]
  • UT3 – Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Mormon Church [UT47]
  • UT4 – Two accuse Leavitt of being Ritual Abuser [UT59]
  • UT5 – Kristy Allen Mormon Ritual Abuse and MKUltra [UT62]
  • UT6 – Church of Mormon in Books About Abuse [UT95]

This post [UT95] 2022 Jul 2 cathyfoxblog UT6 – Church of Mormon in Books About Abuse https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2022/07/02/ut6-church-of-mormon-in-books-about-abuse/


[1] Cathy O’Brien Tranceformation https://trance-formation.com/

[2] Cathy O’Brien Access Denied https://trance-formation.com/

[2a] 2015 Apr 7 cathyfoxblog Access Denied. For reasons of national security. Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips. https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/04/07/access-denied-for-reasons-of-national-security-cathy-obrien-and-mark-phillips/

[2b] 2015 Apr 7 cathyfoxblog Trance Formation of America – Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/04/07/trance-formation-of-america-cathy-obrien-and-mark-phillips/

[3] Brice Taylor Thanks for the Memories

[3a] 2016 Dec 6  cathy fox blog Brice Taylor 1 – Chapter 33 Bill Clinton and Hillary https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/12/26/brice-taylor-1-chapter-33-bill-clinton-and-hillary/ http://archive.is/RFxJ3

[3b] 2016 Dec 30 cathy fox blog Brice Taylor 2. Disneyland https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/12/30/brice-taylor-2-disneyland/ archive https://archive.is/qGPfE

[3c] 2017 Apr 3 cathy fox blog Brice Taylor was Hunted by George Bush Senior https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2017/04/03/brice-taylor-was-hunted-by-george-bush-senior/ http://archive.fo/oNPVF

[4] Lifting the Wool An Illuminati Primer https://liftingthewool.wordpress.com/an-illuminati-primer-the-book/

[4a] Lifting the Wool An Illuminati Primer Direct pdf download https://liftingthewool.files.wordpress.com/2023/02/an-illuminati-primer-5th-draft-4-dec-22.pdf

[4b] Lifting the Wool https://liftingthewool.wordpress.com



[5] PedoEmpire https://pedoempire.org/ Joachim Hagopian website

[5a] Pedoempire Mormon Search https://pedoempire.org/?s=mormon

[5c] Empire Exposed archive https://web.archive.org/web/20210911015031/http://empireexposed.blogspot.com/

[5d] Empire Exposed archive https://web.archive.org/web/20210514173602/https://empireexposed.blogspot.com/

[5e] Amazon Pedophilia& Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State

[6] Svali Speaks Q & A: Svali Answers Readers’ Questions – Parts 1+2 https://svalispeaks.wordpress.com/2008/09/30/q-a-svali-answers-readers-questions-parts-12/

[7] Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler https://deprogramwiki.com/

[7a] Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier Bloodlines of the Illuminati https://deprogramwiki.com/programming/bloodlines-of-the-illuminati/

[7b] Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave https://deprogramwiki.com/programming/the-illuminati-formula-used-to-create-an-undetectable-total-mind-controlled-slave/

[7c] Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula https://deprogramwiki.com/programming/deeper-insights-into-the-illuminati-formula/

[8] 2020 Jan 18 cathy fox blog The Five Child Trafficking Networks and Structure of the Illuminati https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/01/18/the-five-child-trafficking-networks-of-the-illuminati/

[UT56] 2022 Jun 25 cathyfoxblog UT0 – Utah Mormon Satanic Ritual Abuse Links and Timeline https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2022/06/25/ut0-utah-mormon-satanic-ritual-abuse-links-and-timeline/

[UT45] 2022 Jun 19 cathyfoxblog UT1Utah Ritual Abuse https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2022/06/19/utah-ritual-abuse/

[UT42] 2022 Jun 21 cathyfoxblog UT2- Rapist Suspect linked to Mormon Ritual Abuse Scandal Still Delaying Extradition from Glasgow to US https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2022/06/21/rapist-suspect-linked-to-mormon-ritual-abuse-scandal-still-delaying-extradition-from-glasgow-to-us/

[UT47] 2022 Jun 24 cathyfoxblog UT3 – Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Mormon Church. Pace Memo https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2022/06/24/ut3-satanic-ritual-abuse-in-the-mormon-church/

[UT59] 2022 Jun 26 cathyfoxblog UT4 – Two accuse Leavitt of being Ritual Abuser https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2022/06/26/ut4-two-accuse-leavitt-of-being-ritual-abuser/

[UT62] 2022 Jun 28 UT5- Kristy Allen Mormon Ritual Abuse and MKUltra https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2022/06/28/ut5-kristy-allen-mormon-ritual-abuse-and-mkultra/

[UT95] 2022 Jul 2 cathyfoxblog UT6 – Church of Mormon in Books About Abuse https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2022/07/02/ut6-church-of-mormon-in-books-about-abuse/

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This entry was posted in #CSASurvivorsStories, #OpDeathEaters, #pedogate, Books about Child Abuse, cathyfoxblog, Child Abuse, Child sexual abuse, Child trafficking, Church abuse, Criminal Cabal of People in Power, Illuminati, International, Jessie Czebotar, Luciferian, Mind Control MKultra, Mormon Ritual Abuse, Other bloggers, utah and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to UT6 – Church of Mormon in Books About Abuse

  1. Pingback: UT0 – Utah Mormon Satanic Ritual Abuse Links and Timeline | cathy fox blog on child abuse

  2. flyingcuttlefish says:

    some more
    David Lee Hamblin / Utah SRA Case

    (sent in to me)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. ringwind says:

    Coming soon: “Polygraph Justice” 


  4. Pingback: UT6 – Church of Mormon in Books About Abuse | Wirral In It Together

  5. Pingback: UT7 – David Hamblin Utah County Mormon Ritual Abuse | cathy fox blog on child abuse

  6. treuddynboy says:

    I am struggling to survive after 7yrs of abuse reporting abuse torture of a vulnerable adult abuser receiving tributes and condolences Robbie 


    Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2022 at 8:20 PM


  7. Pingback: UT8 Satanism in Utah Valley 1998 | cathy fox blog on child abuse

  8. Pingback: UT9 A Report of Child Sexual Abuse in LDS Neighbourhoods by Marion B Smith | cathy fox blog on child abuse

  9. oswang says:

    “Leaving the Mormons” by Martha Beck is an excellant view of generational child sexual abuse and the lengths the church went to validate book written by Hugh Nibley that was according to an editor of the book, 90% made up ( sources not accurate or entirely incorrect). The book “Temple and Cosmos” is an attempt to validate ancient practices as being linked to Mormon practices today.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks very much , if the martha beck one, is the same as “leaving the saints ” then i have it, just got to read it – so much to read. I will check out the Hugh Nibley and Cosmos stuff thanks. I stalled on the mormon posts as i was getting so much info it was overwhelming, i will sort it all out soon and dive back in, thanks


  10. Pingback: UT10 Lost Daughter – under Cult Mind Control? | cathyfoxblog2

  11. Pingback: UT 9 Lost Daughter – Mind Controlled by Cults? | cathy fox blog on child abuse

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