The Home Office National Group on Sexual Violence against Children and Vulnerable People – an inappropriate response to organised sexual crime.

An article by Liz Davies, a remarkable lady working  on behalf of children giving her view that the committee is an inappropriate response to organised sexual crime. Reblogged from the excellent Spotlight on Abuse. cathyfox


Tom Watson MP, on October 12th 2012, asked a Prime Minister’s Question to ensure that the police investigate claims of a powerful paedophile ring linked to a previous prime minister’s senior adviser and parliament. Watson said that an evidence file collected by the police to convict paedophile Peter Righton, in 1992, had contained clear intelligence of a widespread paedophile ring.


Following this question, and in response to many recent exposés, the government did initiate a range of reactive inquiries and police operations. It also set up the National Group on Sexual Violence against Children and Vulnerable People.  The title, though, is significantly flawed because, of course, children are people and also vulnerable.  This Home Office led group, established in April 2013 and chaired by Damian Green MP, has published a Progress Report and a report of national findings relating to a multi-agency project.  I haven’t…

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2 Responses to The Home Office National Group on Sexual Violence against Children and Vulnerable People – an inappropriate response to organised sexual crime.

  1. survivorsjustice says:

    Hi Cathy, please permit me, your blog is absolutely fantastic. You share so many incredible articles. Would absolutely love to share every single post. Loved it, filled with excellent information!!! trish


    • cathyfox says:

      Thanks Trish. share away!. I hope we are now soon reaching critical mass to achieve what we all want :). Your blog is great too which is why I linked to it. Thanks for all your work


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